I just recently purchased a 1998 20' (19'6") Osprey from my brother in law. I had fished with him several times and felt the boat really needed some trim tabs. Boat (loaded) with 115 Yamaha seems slow to come up on plane, doesn't hold on plane at slower speeds and rides bow high. Tends to porpoise/pound going over moderate chop. Really improved ride with a coupla riders sitting up front on platform. My old boat, a 24 with tabs corrected easily. A little chop, lower the tabs a touch and it would level right out and chop became a non-issue. Thinking of going with Bennett M-80 or M120 tabs. Not sure which. The M-80's are listed as for boats 17-20' and the M-120's are listed for boats 20-23. Don't want to buy any more tab than I need and transom space size is also a consideration as I wil have to fish around them.
Any suggestions.