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Author Topic: '79 222 FF Semi-Rebuild Questions  (Read 795 times)

May 19, 2008, 04:48:36 PM
Read 795 times


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'79 222 FF Semi-Rebuild Questions
« on: May 19, 2008, 04:48:36 PM »
Hullo again,

OK, completely replacing the engine, and while I had it out, decided to bite the bullet and tear out the transom, as I was afraid there was rotten wood in there.  Glad I did, all of it was wet, warm, and destroyed.

I've sanded down the single piece of fiberglass that came out, and sanded out all the bad wood, with the exception of the rotted stuff along the edges.  (Pics at bottom).  My plan is to cut and replace the plywood, using resin to glue it back in place, then resin on the fiberglass cover.  Then to use resin mixed with a chop filler to fill in the 1/4" cut.  Then drill holes and use Rot Doctor (penetrating epoxy?) to repair the sides.  Finaly to sand down the edges, and add fiberglass strips all along the edges of the cut-out.

My questions about this are, what types of resin and hardener should i get for this project, and what are the steps to use them?  How much resin should i get?  And how quickly can I expect to work it ( how much should I make at one time)?  Is my plan sound, or is there something I should be doing differently?

On another topic, decided to pull out the foam, which was soaked.  Discovered that the fuel lines were rotten, and leaking.  Have as much foam out as I think I can get.  Down to the bottom fore and aft, and on the sides have used a long dril to break up the foam where I can't get my hands to.  How on earth do I get the tank loose?  Any tricks I should know?

Any help is much appreciated.



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