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Author Topic: Multiple Batteries on a 1998 165 Striper  (Read 1176 times)

September 08, 2020, 08:24:28 PM
Read 1176 times


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Multiple Batteries on a 1998 165 Striper
« on: September 08, 2020, 08:24:28 PM »
I recently became the owner of a 1998 165 Striper.  I'm new to this whole boat owner thing and trying to get up to speed.  This boat has 2 batteries, 1 in the back and 1 in the center console.  I know the battery in the back is for starting the boat, does it do anything else?  What is the battery in the front for?  I'm currently charging it so with any luck I'll be able to find out what it does tomorrow, but I thought I would try here in case it won't hold a charge at all.

Also what is the best way to get the battery out of the center console?  It is in a black box that doesn't want to budge and it seems like it would be an impossible task to contort between the console and seat, reach through the small opening, and somehow lift the battery out of the box and then squeeze it out of that same opening with the box in the way.  There has to be an easier way...

1998 165 Striper

September 08, 2020, 10:37:29 PM
Reply #1

Capt. Bob

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Re: Multiple Batteries on a 1998 165 Striper
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2020, 10:37:29 PM »
It's not uncommon to have two batteries in a boat. The most well known use is a two "bank" utilizing one for starting and the other for "house" duty. That is running your electronics, lights, pumps etc. The standard method is to have a dedicated starting battery (high amperage delivered in short burst) and a house battery that allows for deep cycling (discharge) for the items mentioned above. These two batteries are connected through a switch which allows you to select what battery you wish to use and also if needed, to combine the two for emergency starting power.

Usually the two are placed fairly close to one another mainly for wiring convenience and ease of service. Some members relocate them to the center console (if space allows). I've also seen them mounted on each side of the stern. CCPs did this as well as some EX models.

Speaking of mounting, I would bet that the battery box is mounted to the deck in the console to keep the battery from sliding around. That's why it doesn't move. You are correct in that lifting the battery out of the box when place under the console takes some arm strength and twisting. Like one of those Chinese wood puzzles.

Take some pics and post up what you have so we can better see what's going on with both batteries.

Good luck. :thumright:
Capt. Bob
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"Reef or Madness IV"


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