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Author Topic: 1981 Rebuild Update - The transom and Starboard corner are replaced.  (Read 512 times)

October 04, 2019, 08:55:13 AM
Read 512 times


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I have been behind on updating on this. But I bought this boat last year and have been planning and saving up to redo her in the proper way.

This boat came from Rhode Island, the original owner anchored the boat as the tide was going out and if you can guess where this is going the boat got cozy with a rock and ripped off the starboard stern corner.

I knew the boat was a project, but what boat isn't. In the past month I have re built the corner and the transom and will be hanging a 250hp Yamaha HPDI off the back of it this weekend. It still isn't ready for the water but come spring it'll be cruising out on the CT river.

View pics here:


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