I love Aquasport and can not let its people be fooled.
Carbon Core has chose to deceive customers into thinking that they have the Nida Core product line.
This is a LIE. In fact, I know this because I have the line, machinery, customer business, and all of the equipment used by Nida core, and sold to us by 3M.
The facts are, a former dismissed employee Jack Lugus took the files of literature, pictures, customer list, and duplicated them extracting the word Nida- and replacing it with Carbon.
Jack and Carbon Core DO NOT have a single core product once owned by Nida core and 3M structural composites. ( see Composites World news ) stating that Composite Essential Materials took over the line, and bought the assets.
This is the truth.
This inferior carbon copy of a core is a Chinese Drywall of Honeycomb in my and my customers opinion.
Please...build it right, with the right product. Stay away from unethical scam artists.