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Author Topic: Engine died twice and then was fine... what would you do??  (Read 338 times)

June 20, 2016, 10:21:10 AM
Read 338 times


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Engine died twice and then was fine... what would you do??
« on: June 20, 2016, 10:21:10 AM »
2000 90 HP Johnson.... I launched for the first this season on Saturday. Prior to the launch I filled the tank with fresh gas and added Star Brite Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Additive as I always do,and for more background info, the boat was professionally winterized last Oct and had a new water separator installed.

We stayed in the harbor since it was windy with a little chop, so we never got much above no-wake speed. After about 15 minutes engine rpms dropped quickly and the engine stalled. I tried restarting it several time but with no luck, so I made the call to BoatUS for a tow. While waiting for the tow I tried starting it again, it started right up, so I canceled the tow and headed back to the dock. Then it happened again, exactly the same thing, so I called BoatUS again and they were there in a few minutes and off to the dock we went.

Got the boat home, started it with no problem. I removed the water separator and checked the gas, pure gas, no water. And since I had installed a chartplotter before the launch and ran some new wires, I checked the electrical connections to the battery, making sure everything was tight and secure. I also dumped a can of Seafoam in the tank.

Sunday I took it for a test run to the local lake and it ran for an hour with no issues. Again, back in the harbor I wasn't able to get it above no wake speed, but in the lake I was able to open it up. I did do several long runs at no wake speed, several high speed runs, and several runs alternating speeds, ran like a champ. The only difference between Saturday and Sunday was I didn't have the chartplotter with me on Sunday, and I put a can of Seafoam in the tank.

So, what do you think, a random fuel problem, air in the gas line, anything? And what might I take a closer look at? Or should I not be concerned anymore?


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