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Author Topic: Livewell drain thru hull placement?  (Read 1026 times)

September 28, 2006, 09:41:19 PM
Read 1026 times


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Livewell drain thru hull placement?
« on: September 28, 2006, 09:41:19 PM »
I have never had a livewell that drained through a thru hull located below the water line before and a bit uneasy with doing so after the 1 1/2" thru hull arrived today.  That is one BIG hole!

I have been looking at how warthog did his and had planned bascially the same thing- thru hull out the transom below the water line with a sea cock mounted on the inside.  I can see the advantages as far as the water outlet, mine were always pretty noisy with the water constantly splashing from the outlet above the water line.  Not a big deal offshore but always wondered about it inshore in shallow water.  Guess I am asking for opinions/ experiences you all have had so I can decided where this thing is going to go, above or below the water line.  Thanks
Currie Custom Cast Nets and Seines

September 29, 2006, 12:14:49 AM
Reply #1


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« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 12:14:49 AM »
big issue on my 87'222. Almost sunk a couple of times because of electrolysis on poorly maintained boats next to me. Don't rush, having the oppurtunity to relocate is a good thing, and should be done right the 1st time. Wart is perfect to help as he changed just about everything on his boat. Another thought i had would MAYBE take a look at some new boats that are serious fishing machines(regulator, contender, etc.) that may be high and dry in local boatyards, or worst case walk into a showroom as a potential buyer(hate suggesting that as i used to be in sales)and poke around at more modern setups, saltwaterpickups, drains, pumps AND their mounted locations, plumbing, hardware, etc. Just a thought beyond our local guru's


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