Hey folks,
I posted questions about 36oz cloth last month... well. I ended up buying that bolt of heavy cloth for $50 and I've decided to give it a try and re-core my coffin cover. I'm using polyester White Water resin, plywood core and two layers of the 36oz cloth.
2 Questions:
1. The thickness of the materials when placed dry in the prepped coffin cover comes to about 1/8 - 3/16" below the "lip" of the coffin cover. I know it'll depend on how "wet" I leave the cloth & how well I weight the materials as they kick, but wondering if that 1/8 - 3/16" will be enough room once the materials are wetted out, or if I'll end up with too much material and it'll set up taller than the coffin cover "shell"...
2. I also wonder what the "order" of the materials should be and the process itself. Here's what I'm thinking:
- wet down inside of the coffin cover
- place a layer of cloth inside coffin cover and wet out the cloth
- place down-side wetted wood core (leave dry on top) on top of wetted cloth and weight down to harden on flat surface
- at "leather hard", (no paraffin in resin) place a layer of cloth over wood core (after wetting out the top of the wood) wet that out
and fill gaps with resin.
Is this the right order of materials? Or should it be coffin inside/wood core/cloth/cloth...? Is my process correct? Any and all comments welcome.