The boat currently has only 1 battery and no battery switch. The 6ga wire comes out of the black box and connects to the infamous blue connector into the helm wiring harness. I do not think there was ever a switch installed since I don't see any old mounting holes.Can the black box be opened and the 6ga wire be replaced and extended? That would be the only way to install a switch at that location. I could then install a second battery for electronics in the port console to distribute the weight better. If I can, should I remove the blue connector and just use a butt connector?
Was that the OEM use or did it have other reason for it's meaningless and troubled existence?
Quote from: "Bergertime" Was that the OEM use or did it have other reason for it's meaningless and troubled existence?My guess is that Bob wired those in during rigging so that he could come back at a later date on an Aqua Forum and tell everyone to cut the bastards out. Pretty good business plan really, it's paid a nice return in post counts.