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Author Topic: Wheelmate Revisited  (Read 379 times)

September 05, 2013, 10:32:59 PM
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Wheelmate Revisited
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:32:59 PM »
Some of you may remember the post for the Wheelmate laptop/blender holder:

Well, this handy item has over 1,000 positive reviews on Amazon!   :shock:   You can't read them without an LOL moment - this is funny stuff:

Perfect for an Starfleet Helmsman, April 17, 2013
By  George Takei - See all my reviews
(TOP 500 REVIEWER)    
My husband Brad always warns me not to try and update my Facebook page while I'm driving. "You'll hit another pedestrian," he says. "This isn't the Enterprise, there isn't a deflector array." Then along comes a miracle product like this! I can now happily fly at warp speed down the streets of Los Angeles, laptop or mobile device perched right in front of me, so I can keep both eyes right on it AND on the road. It's so much easier to ignore all the frightened screams and annoying honking when you've got Facebook to look at while driving. Thank you, Wheelmate!

Michael McCollough (Waterloo, IA United States) - See all my reviews
You wouldn't believe how much more interesting my commute is now that I have something to do other than just stare out the window! I'm using it right now to post this review and I never

4.0 out of 5 stars  These worked great in the cockpit for our tanscontinental flights!, November 4, 20
Linky's Dad (Alexandria, KY) - See all my reviews
My copilot and I both used these during our "daily grind" transcontinental flights from San Diego to Minneapolis. We had to modify them a bit to fit snug against the instrument panels (when we bought them we didn't realize the planes we fly don't have steering wheels!), but in the end it did the job. With our laptops firmly in place we were able to focus our attention on what really mattered, participating in raids with our WoW clan. During our last flight we were so immersed in trying to take down Eranikus that we overshot Minneapolis by a full hour and a half before some annoying flight attendant interrupted us, babbling something about "FAA and F16 fighters."

We'll definitely use this product again at our next gig, whatever and whenever that happens to be...

Highly recommended!

5.0 out of 5 stars  The greatest thing ever invented!, October 26, 200
T. Meadows "TM" (WV) - See all my reviews
Wow is this thing great! I use it as a "mini-bar" when the friends and I go out to the bars. I can quickly fix multiple shots of tequila for myself and the friends as we drive from one bar to the next. We also discovered that if you place a pillow on top of it and turn on the cruise control you can catch quick naps on the interstate. If you swerve to the left or right the rumble strips on the road wake you up in plenty of time before you get into trouble. I can now take longer trips without being tired!

Also, i am now dating a midget and she fits nicely on the steering wheel desk which allows us to experiment sexually while driving. This thing is like WD-40 or duct tape, it is a million and one uses!

3.0 out of 5 stars  Not so good as baby changing table, November 22, 2009
Bob Dobbs (Washington, DC USA) - See all my reviews
I read some 4 and 5 star reviews by those who used this device successfully to change a baby while driving. On that basis, I bought one. I put my baby on it and drove for over an hour. It did not change. Same baby. I am glad it worked for some people but I will be returning mine. (The steering wheel desk.)

5.0 out of 5 stars  I Love to email the Highway Patrol, November 3, 2009
Min Byong Chang "MBC" (Uijongbu South Korea) - See all my reviews

Adding this desk to my car's steering wheel has been baby Jesus awesome. I love emailing the Highway patrol while I drive to let them know the tag numbers of cell phone using drivers. Lordy!

5.0 out of 5 stars  Like the maze game!, July 30, 2010
Balancer - See all my reviews
This is so COOL!!!
 I balance a ball on mine and try to keep it from rolling off the edge while driving by tilting the wheel back and forth and using the gas and brake. I must do this well as everyone around me honks with encouragement.

5.0 out of 5 stars  Amazing! Holds my sheet music perfectly while driving., May 7, 2009
Brent A. Nelson (San Antonio, TX) - See all my reviews
This has been a total lifesaver. It allows me to prop my sheet music against the wheel, allowing me to play the guitar with both hands while driving.

5.0 out of 5 stars  Blind Man Approved, November 18, 2009
Bill Burditzman (Helen Keller Flight Academy and Performance Driving School) - See all my reviews
Do you have any idea how hard it is to read Braille books while driving? Every time I'd hit something my book would slide off my lap onto the floor and I'd lose my place. Problem solved...Thanks Laptop Steering Wheel Desk.

5.0 out of 5 stars  This thing is a life saver!, November 11, 2009
Chris Coffman (St. Louis, MO) - See all my reviews
Believe it or not, I'm typing this review on my laptop steering wheel desk! As a school bus driver I was never be able to check my email and update facebook while at work. Now I am networking more than ever! I am recommending this product to the school board later this month.

Not as convenient as I expected, November 19, 2009
John Meinken - See all my reviews
I just picked uuyp my laptop hoder from the post offfice and I'm ddriving home now. It's OK Iguess, but the bumpy road majkes it hard to type. And theree's a lot of pedeestrians and traffi c that keep distracti9ng me fromm my computer.

It's prolly OK ffor web browsing or email, but I don'gt think it will be so useful for mmore complex tasks. Oh, and yyou can't make any sharrp turns. So when you turn right, somnetimess you have to use the oppsing lane of traffic.

3.0 out of 5 stars  Good but problems, October 28, 2009
Jamie O'Shaughnessy (UK) - See all my reviews
This awesome bit of kit changed my life. The extra hours of work I could get in whilst driving on the freeway has made me so much more productive. In fact I directly attribute this to my improved bonuses and recent promotion! If you want to get ahead, get one of these.

There is one problem though. In several accidents that I have had whilst using this, the airbag causes the laptop screen to slam shut. I've suffered several broken fingers because of this. I have started to look around for airbag finger protection but have not yet found any...

5.0 out of 5 stars  Great product, but BE CAREFUL!!!, November 20, 2009
Jeffrey Heidman (Rochester, New York USA) - See all my reviews
Wow, this really is an incredible time saver!

All the things I can get done while driving - a perfect way to use otherwise wasted time!
However - there is one concern I have, and it relates to safety. And not just anyone safety, but our childrens safety.

I was changing my infant son Mickey the other day, and it occurred to me that if there was an accident, the airbag from the steering wheel could potentially injure the child.

Is there any way to turn the drivers airbag off while using the desk as a child changing table? I just don't think it would be safe otherwise.

1.0 out of 5 stars  Poorly designed, October 30, 2010
BClissold - See all my reviews
This is the worst ironing board ever. Why would it not come with the cloth cover? There are scorch marks all over it, melted plastic everywhere and my clothes are tearing between the iron and the board. While I appreciated the time savings of ironing in the car, I don't appreciate having to buy the cover separately. Come on guys, don't try and nickle and dime us.

5.0 out of 5 stars  Absolutely brilliant!, October 29, 2010
Tchom - See all my reviews
As a cocaine addict on the go, I have lost countless ounces of blow as I have inefficiently tried to to snort lines from either from my dashboard or straight from the bag while navigating the modern motor way. But thanks to the AutoExec Steering Wheel Desk Tray, my life has changed forever! It's the perfect size for me to cut lines and still have room to rest my razors and rolled up bills. It also stops blood dripping on my lap when I get nose-bleeds! Now I can drive my children to soccer practice without having to choose between their safety and my coke habit.
Thanks AutoExec

5.0 out of 5 stars  Hot french fries are worth the risk., December 1, 2009
Freddy Baby (Vegas, Baby, Vegas) - See all my reviews
I use my laptop steering wheel desk as a place to put my Presto Fry-Daddy deep fat fryer.

Finally I can make crispy french fries while driving.

If you make turns sharp enough, the centrifugal force keeps the boiling oil in the pot as the steering wheel turns.

It takes a lot of electricty to heat a gallon of vegtable oil to a boil, so at night it dims my car's headlights.

But what would you rather have? Headlights or fries?

Think about it. 'Nuff said.

1.0 out of 5 stars  Caution!, November 17, 2009
Koolmoedee - See all my reviews
I can't believe people are so oblivious to the hazards of using one of these! I was playing Need for Speed: Shift on my laptop when I hit a pothole with my Toyota Yaris. This made me hit the wrong key and I totalled my Aston Martin DB9. Don't drive while playing games, people! It'll really screw up your game.

Needless to say, I was so pissed I ran the Yaris into a tree. The airbag slammed the desk right into my chest and now I've got the laptop battery stuck between my ribs. I am so mad, I had to fire off this review before I let the paramedics pry me out of the car.

4.0 out of 5 stars  Great for displaying your gee-gaws!, October 29, 2009
TofuDood "TD" (California) - See all my reviews
This is a terrific product.
I collect bobble-heads, got 'em all over my dashboard and behind the back seat -- but I had run out of space to add my latest bobble-head additions to my amazingly decorated car! Where could I put my "Barack O-Bobble"? How would I display my "Jonas Bobbles"? Well, thanks to the Laptop Steering Wheel Desk, my collection can keep on growing! A little bit of sticky-tacky, and my bobbles and I are ready to hit the road! I am so proud to drive down the freeway with my newest acquisitions nodding along where everyone can see them! Sometimes I turn up the radio real loud and jiggle the steering wheel to the music while I drive so I can watch them all headbang like little rock stars. I know the the people driving near me are envious of my awesome collection -- they always honk whenever I put on my "What is Love" CD and rapidly change lanes to make my bobbles do the Roxbury head-nod.
This Christmas I think I'll add a little nativity scene to my steering wheel, just to get into the Holiday spirit. That way when I'm driving to the mall to buy bobble-heads for my friends, I can remember the true meaning of Christmas by re-enacting the virgin birth en route!
I only wish they made the desk a little bit wider -- I figure they could add on another 10 to 15 inches on the right side before it hits the ceiling during a left-hand turn! Vote Yes if you agree!

4.0 out of 5 stars  An appreciable step up for the over the road trucker, November 21, 2009
Matthew D. Taylor "Daddy's Mistake" (Left lane and fast.) - See all my reviews
As an over the road trucker, I was often in need of a good, flat space to update my bill of ladings, travel logs, Phineas and Ferb fan fiction and suicide notes. Thanks to this little beauty I was able to knock out four new story lines of P&F with the Warner Bros characters (awesome kind of cross promotion those dipwads at Disney won't allow), plus I have a 47 page death mantra that details everyone that's ever done me wrong. All of this while cruising from St. Louis to Boulder! Now that I'm in the mountains, I've mailed off my manifesto to the Salt Lake City Reporter with the title "Destination: Rolling Death" and I'm heading your way, Mormons. Everyone on I-80 watch out. I'm in a big red truck with "Daddy's Mistake" painted on the side and have jammed enough crystal meth and oven cleaner into my system that I'm numb on the left side and have to drive with my head out the window to feel anything.

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Cap'n John
1980 22-2 CCP
Mercury 200 Optimax 
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ClassicAquasport Member #209

September 06, 2013, 06:18:23 PM
Reply #1


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Re: Wheelmate Revisited
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 06:18:23 PM »
That stuff is too funny,love the "how to avoid big ships" and the banana slicer,crazy! :cheers:
2003  Osprey 225
Palm Bay FL

September 06, 2013, 10:15:41 PM
Reply #2


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Re: Wheelmate Revisited
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2013, 10:15:41 PM »
:shock: Only in America....

But it won't fit on a Freightliner steering wheel..

Guess that can't get used on the Ice Road then... Lucky Moose...

88 222 Osprey
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