Thanks SB
Been getting her fine-tuned. The twins were in the top hole, but the cav plates were still dragging. About an even inch too low, and killing the gas mileage.
Now that they're higher...she's throwing a clean wake, and the speed picked up just a tad per RPM over the cruise range.
Farley has been guiding/educating me on the nuances of prop pitch running twins on the 22-2. The 75's came off Miss Marco running Merc Vengeance 18P stainless props. However, they were revving too high. Merc recommends WOT on these engines at 4950 to 5250 RPM. Mercs in general love to rev, but on these they spec lower RPM's at WOT. At present, one engine is showing 5600, the other 5650 to 5700 at WOT. The present props are underpitched.
So....per Farley, Propgod's , and the techs at Powertech....going to order a set of 3 blade 5/16ths ported Powertech stainless 19P's. Should increase the speed a hair at WOT, but with max RPM's around 5200. Should lower 29 mph cruise from 4400 to around 3900-4000 RPM. Hope so anyway. Gas mileage should be better....hopefully around 2.5 mpg at cruise.