So if Brazil orders are low, why the F build a plant there?
Anytime production gets sent out of the country, the quality of it takes a nose dive. I just worked on a set of Caterpillar engines that were assembled in malasia. I had to repair an oil pan gasket that had actually blown out on a brand new boat. The WHOLE pan was loose and then I found another three bolts and washers laying in the pan. This is off the production line folks!!! The bolts were supposed to be holding the windage plate and oil sump tubes in place. Good thing they didn't run it much further. If the engines had been built in Illinois like they should've been, I would've never had to go to the boat. Crap man........complete crap! I hate fixing other people's screw ups. Especially in a 5 million dollar boat because it makes everyone associated with the company look bad. Not to go off on a tangent, but you can bet that the first year of boats out of that plant are gonna need to be avoided. Don't mean to be a scrooge but I'm all for keeping it in house even if it does cost more.