Agree. Compression's fine for the age & likely number of hours on it. If you had, say, 90-90-90-50, then red flags would be out. As said above, use a top-quality TCW3 oil and stay up on the maintenance. Avoid mixing different brands/types of oil, even if all TCW3's. Some blends are not compatable with others.
Other item to check is the lower unit. Change out the L/U lube before you use the motor. Take the boat out for a jaunt for an hour or so, haul it and dump out the lube into a container and inspect it for milkiness or chunks of metal. If the lube looks clean & clear your seals should be OK.
How'd the spark plugs look when you pulled them? If they looked fouled, change them. Check the motor mfg's plug recommendation. Many times you'll find the wrong plugs in a used engine; last two used motors I bought had the wrong plugs.