I guess my last post on this subject went to the "lost pile" last week
I took the boat out weekend before last and really ran it through the ringer so to speak. I went 16 miles offshore in seas that in retrospect were way too big to go out that far in let alone to be comfortable fishing in. I would say they were 3-4 foot rollers. The ball scuppers worked GREAT. Despite the rough conditions the decks stayed nice and dry. The only water in the splash well was that annoying 1/2" that doesn't drain out all the way. We took a few small waves over the transom and I watched the scuppers open up and let the water drain right out.
Later in the day we were drift fishing when my line got snagged. My buddy backed the boat into following seas... needless to say we took a few over the stern that put a inch or so of water on the deck... I turned on the bilge pump to be safe and nothing... the water self bailed in short order and we headed in. When I pulled the drain plug only a couple of drops of water came out. So my new deck hatches don't leak either!
I have to say I was really impressed with how the boat handled the day... we went over 43 miles that day some of it in pretty rough water and we were really pounding the heck out of the old girl.. The ride was nice and dry except for the occasional wind driven spray. The boat sounded nice and solid with no rattles.... not bad for a 29 year old boat.... They really knew how to build them back in the day!