I have a 222 ccp 1988 model with no coffin. Cut my deck out, first cut was all the way through at 7" out around the perimeter. second cut was 3" out just through the top of deck to give me a lip to set new deck on. I saved all the recessed deck openings hopeing to re use them. The liner for the fuel tank and front storage has been elimanated completely. I left a 3" lip hanging down were the liners once were for strength. So I plan to re deck the entire thing and then cut the openings to reinstall the recesses. What is the best way to re use the old recessed openings? I figure to leave a 3" tab on the top to glass to but what about the bottom? There really is no way that I can see to get under there with that lip and being so close to the stringers to glass it? I know many have done this so please give me some ideas. Thanks