Water in fuel = ethanol :cry:
Ethanol is an alcohol, which is now in almost every gasoline you purchase is a solvent, degreaser, cleanser, antifreeze an yes, Water absorber. Ethanol fuels absorb up to 50 percent more water than non alcohol gasolines. This does not present a problem in our cars because with normal driving you would use up the gasoline before it had an opportunity to absorb enough water to cause damage. Boats will typically sit a lot longer between use, allowing condensation to build up, the ethenol then absorbs the condensation and pulls that water into your motor causing havoc with carborators, spark plugs and more. There is a wonderful product called MARINE FORMULA STA-BIL ethanol treatment.(check out the web site) http://www.goldeagle.com/brands/stabil/default.aspx It can be purchased at most marine stores, it comes in a small bottle that is clear and is the size and shape of the old STP gas treatment bottles, the product is Blue in color. This is a great product that will prevent water build up in your tank if you use it BEFORE you have a problem, If you use it after you already have water in your tank you could be asking for more trouble, it will have a tendency to CLEAN your tank, it does help dry the water but it can also loosen sludge and "varnish" that has accumulated in your tank causing even more problems.If you already have water in your tank suggest you, empty the gas into another clean container that is easier to work with and try to seperate the water from the gas. meanwhile you will need to pull your tanks and clean and dry them thoroughly, then when you re-fill add the gasoline along with the reccommended dosage of Sta-bil to prevent future water build up. Hope you find this helpful.
OK, I am certainly not arguing with you, but I saw it with my own eyes in my marine mechanics shop, he had 2 quart jars with typical ethanol gasoline, one with Stabil- and one without, the water in the one without Stabil was UNREAL and the one with Sta-bil had virtually no water at all. I am far from a mechanic but it sure seems like all that water couldnt possibly be good for any engine.
Another product to also consider is K100 (http://www.k100fueltreatment.com/). The E10 problem (racket) is quite the problem here in the northeast and this product works very well. It actually encapsulates the water molecule and acts as a lubricator. Not all treatments are the same. Another that i use is Star Brite's Star-Tron Fuel Treatment (http://mystarbrite.com/startron/) but prefer the K100 overall.Also, every state is different regarding the content/makup of the gasoline sold (http://www.mobil.com/USA-English/GFM/Fi ... ne_Map.pdf). I can tell you that if we keep our tanks unused and untreated here, even for little over a week - it can become an issue. The marina engine shops are busy here.