In the process of repairing my fuel tank, I noticed that the lid of the tub is completelly waterlogged and soft. I need to know how to rebuild it. I know that I have to remove all the damaged core material and bottom layer of glass, leaving only the outer skin (the one that has the non-skid). After that is done, what´s next? Detailed instructions and materials will be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that this is Panama and fancy coring materials are unavailable. We´ll have to stick with plywood. For example, I need to know:
1. How do you bond the new core to the skin?
2. Do I have the plywood before donding it to the skin?
3. How many layers of glass on the bottom after the new core is in?
4. How to fill the gaps on the sides between the core and the skin?
5. What to do around the screw holes so when the new holes are drilled the core won´t become waterlogged again....?
I know most of these questions have been answered in great detail in various posts. I´d just like to have them all in the same place. I haven´t had a lot of spare time lately and probably this little project will take me weeks doing it on my little breaks.
Thanks in advance!!!