I need to reinforce my cabin ceiling.
Currently its fiberglass with some wooden ribs going across. It is strong enough, with the ribs, to stand on but it flexes more than I am comfortable with.
I know I need to scrape/sand/grind all the old carpet adhesive off before doing anything. But what would be the best method to add strength. With it being overhead, in a small cuddy cabin i'd rather not be messing with wet cloth, and would like to preferably laminate a composite or plywood to the ceiling, and brace off the existing wooden ribs.
In Central Florida (polk county area) is there anywhere that sells fiberglass materials and composite boards?
From what I've seen, if I can get the composite honeycomb material, I should be able to bond that to the ceiling with a epoxy resin, but I don't know where I can get it without paying crazy shipping, or which epoxy resin I should be using
This is the best image I have of the ceiling.
My plan for the walls was to glue 3/4" styrofoam insulation like we use in construction to the fiberglass, then glue speaker material over it. That wouldn't add strength to teh roof though.