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Author Topic: Proline 24 flatback performance numbers  (Read 238 times)

June 17, 2023, 07:40:14 AM
Read 238 times


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Proline 24 flatback performance numbers
« on: June 17, 2023, 07:40:14 AM »
So I wanted to make sure that the DF175 was going to be enough power for my 24 flatback before I spent the money to rebuild it and I’m VERY pleased to say that it absolutely is I installed the engine on the transom and hooked it up to my 94sv garmin and the performance numbers are everything I hoped for.
3950 rpm 5.2 gallons per hour at 27 mph for a 5.2 mpg fuel burn
4100 RPM 5.8 gallons per hour @ 28.2 mph for a 4.8mpg fuel burn
Top end was 42.3 mph and 6000 rpm
Prop is  16 x 18.5 Suzuki three blade propeller
I’m going to try a 15 x 20.5 watergrip if I can find one to borrow since I’ve heard the DF175 likes a smaller diameter prop
Engine is transom hung but will be getting a porta bracket and enclosing the transom starting this fall.


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