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Author Topic: 84 evinrude 235 won't stay running  (Read 187 times)

June 16, 2020, 08:17:11 PM
Read 187 times


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84 evinrude 235 won't stay running
« on: June 16, 2020, 08:17:11 PM »
took this slob out for the first time two weekends ago.  typical cold start problem so I warmed it up in my driveway before I got to the launch ramp.  put it in the water crawled out of the no wake zone and went to throttle up and it bogged down pretty bad as to where I could only go about 4 mph and 1200 rpms.  tried to throttle up again and it bogged down again, but this time I pressed the key in for the choke and it kind of recovered.  That being said I thought I had a fuel line sucking in some air or the carbs were all gummed up.

brought it home.  This past weekend I took the carbs apart, removed the jets and cleaned them.  replaced floats in all three carbs and the needles and seats.  none of the floats had fuel in them, but I had them apart, why not replace them anyway.  when I took all the carbs off, all three rubber fuel lines crumbled apart as I was taking them off of the carbs.  replaced them.  tried to take the fuel filter apart that is at the engine, to try to clean it, that broke.  replaced it and the fuel line that goes to the hose barb inside the engine cowl.  replaced the primer bulb and hose that goes from the water separator to the hose barb on the outside of the engine.  put it all back together but didn't try to start the engine because I was waiting for the rtv to dry after putting the air silencer cover back on.

tried to start it today and it would crank and crank and crank then fire for a half a second and die.  did this a lot of times.  tried starting it so much I killed my battery. I even squirted a drop of wd40 into each carb thinking it would act like starting fluid, which I have done before and it worked, and that still didn't even help.

All 6 plugs are new, all 6 coil packs are new.  both batteries are new.  starter is new.  I am at a loss.

any and all help would be greatly appreciated


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