Jason, the marina put in about 100 hours and they performed a 10 when all I asked for an 8.5. They really went all out with nice details like a cambered deck that matches the gunnels and extended the drip rails. The transom was done with very high quality marine plywood. The plywood used was 2 lamination's of 3/4 inch x 13 plys - so 26 plys. The deck return was done with one ply of the 3/4 with 2 plys of fiberglass.
I have done things in the past with Coosa but the guys at the marina had not used it before so at 70 years old I'm sure it will survive me. The next one I will do myself, probably in Coosa.
I still have to refoam between the hull and deck but will take care of that this winter when I haul it to FL from WI. When the outer transom was out I used a plastic paint mixer on extensions that reached all the way to the front bulkhead to clean out the waterlogged foam-probably 200 lbs. If I have time this winter it will also get a new coat of Awlgrip inside and out.
I did all the rigging myself. All new everything including the fuel tank. I even replace the rod holders with King Starboad. Nothing old except the fiberglass and a couple of cleats.
As for pictures, I tried, I struggled but will try again.