Many thanks in advance! I've gleaned so much this site... but couldn't pin anything down on this specific issue.
We've owned a 1999 225 Explorer w/225 Optimax & original Quicksilver 3000 Commander top-mount control for 3 years now, been good so far (never been stranded
). It's a FL boat I bought in Mobile that now resides on MS Gulf Coast...
The trim switch had been sticking for awhile now, but it bit me this weekend while underway when I went to trim and found the switch in the down position - toasted the trim motor :(
I would have replaced the switch but it's glued into the handle and basically not replaceable w/o a giant hassle...
Cables have always seemed stiff to me... so I'm thinking replace the cables and control to kill a few birds and hopefully prevent some...
Greatly appreciate any advice with this, esp. on a replacement control that works with the old Opti and cables. Hoping to avoid "universal" cabling selection if possible, and also minimize fabrication, etc.
I'm a DIY, allergic to shops. Again thank you all so much, hoping to save the season for the family - Rob