If I looked at the right pictures, you have an 86 -25ft CCP. The 86 was the last year that Aquasport furnished the CCP with a coffin. The 87's went to a bench seat and had the hatch for storage under the deck. It looks to me like the under deck storage hatch that you have is an aftermarket addition and the console does not look like an AS console. The 86 AS console would have been straight down on the front and would have matched without alteration to the coffin. I am currently rebuildng and 81 and did not have the original console either. I did cut off the seat in front so that the coffin will slide up to the console and will have to rebuild that part of the console. It's possible that you might be able to butt the coffin up and calk around it after you cut off the seat. You probably won't know that for sure untill you try. The biggest thing will be that the coffin is probably not the same width as your console.