The early models were FBs until 71-72, then "?", then "CCP" if I'm correct in 78. What were those tweeter years called? Besides the cap, what were main difference in the CCPs? Is there a weight difference?
A little fuzzy on what you're looking for.
CCPs IMHO are not an evolution of a FB, anyway......
CCPs have a deep V (19* dead rise) hull.
Weights can be found in the Photo Gallery under Documentation.
The CCP hull was used on at least three models (three different caps), the CCP, Express Fisherman (XF) and the Sandpiper (aka Dual Console). The CCPs came in three lengths (varying somewhat in "decal length" over the years) as did the XFs. The SP only came in the 222 version.
Longer lengths were heavier (duh) but the different models (think a 222 CCP, 222 XF, 222 SP) showed the same weight on paper.
Coffin boxes varied in length with model.
Additional gunnel rod storage was available on the longest model.
Console and transom splash well designs varied over the years.
Probably not what you were asking for at all. :|