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Author Topic: Need help on a Johnson 90 (tach issue)  (Read 8255 times)

June 06, 2013, 10:58:43 AM
Reply #15


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Re: Need help on a Johnson 90 (tach issue)
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2013, 10:58:43 AM »
:cheers:   Glad you were able to find it, and thanks for getting back with the results.  Just to be clear, the bad segment of wire is somewhere between the red plug and the tach?  If so, it's probably near either end by the red plug or the tach itself.  Those harness cables are pretty stout and rarely go bad in the middle unless the black insulation gets cut or they get pinched badly.

1979 246 CCC

1987 Wellcraft 18 Fisherman

June 06, 2013, 10:08:41 PM
Reply #16

gman 82 aquasport

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Re: Need help on a Johnson 90 (tach issue)
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2013, 10:08:41 PM »
We have narrowed it down to it probably being in the area where the harness goes into the motor cowl....From talking to the outboard guys around here they say that thats where the breaks usually happen...where the harness bends back and forth with motor turning..So we will tackle his this off season :thumright: Amazingly I had a wire go bad in my harness 2 weeks ago at that point..motor wouldn't start, but if you turned the wheel just right while turning the key it would fire right up :scratch: So I just went and ordered a new harness(18 ft) plug to plug, and while at it got a new motor harness also, some of my wires were starting to lose the insulation with cracking and such. both harnesses are direct replacements (wire color and plug correct) from all is well with my johnson 150 and it will make a week trip to Southport later this month with a detour to Swansboro for a day :D
1982 19-6 Osprey
1992 Johnson 150
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