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Classified / Re: Transom fish wells for a 170
« Last post by sams35 on November 29, 2024, 05:06:35 PM »
246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by kaptainkoz on November 26, 2024, 03:58:08 PM »
Thank you! I appreciate it. I will definitely post every step along the way. May be slower going now that the weather is cooling off but I have to cast the transom gunwale/cap and a motor rebuild which I can pull off in a heated garage. Stay tuned
196 Rebuilds / Re: 1973 196 rebuild question
« Last post by Duffy1470 on November 26, 2024, 03:37:11 PM »
Glassed some on anchor locker. Will post when I get back from Thanksgiving.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by Duffy1470 on November 26, 2024, 03:23:25 PM »
Very nice. Please keep us posted.
246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by kaptainkoz on November 26, 2024, 12:45:19 PM »
Thank you. For the most part it’s good. Definitely need a few more thick coats of buildup. If you zoom in these are the areas that need attention and fairing…

246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by rhtrades on November 26, 2024, 12:04:52 PM »
for a first coat, that looks really good!  keep posting your progress!
246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by kaptainkoz on November 25, 2024, 11:02:35 PM »
First coat of gel coat is down. I definitely need more trial and error with the dump gun. It sputtered and shot heavy as it is designed to do. It did the trick of getting a layer down but it wasn’t elegant. I need to experiment with different tips to get it to where it will shoot a decently smooth coat. I think a smaller tip will shoot slower lighter and more even for future final layers. For now another dump layer or two for quick build will be good. This layer was just to seal the fiberglass for the winter but I’m hoping for a warm spell to go another coat or two.

This first layer is  like the 4 am last call lights coming on at the Bar and showing the truth… I have some fairing to do to make it look acceptable to me. I am impressed with how well the plywood floor sections went together as you have to almost know where the seams were to see anything.  The fairing around the tank tub, hatches and floor drains are definitely within range of correcting to near perfect. Definitely a proud moment for me.

246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by kaptainkoz on November 25, 2024, 02:15:55 PM »
I’ve seen diamond patterns used and that would be super cool but I think that may be past my ability and need. My thought is to mask off patterns with tape and leave shapes that look factory then spray them with  tan colored gel containing an anti slip additive like a mild grit sand.
246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by rhtrades on November 25, 2024, 01:16:12 PM »
Thanks very much.  This is all great info!  Please keep posting your progress and I would be very interested to know how it goes tonight after you spray the gelcoat.   Also, are you doing a diamond pattern for the deck...would be interested to know what you use to get a pattern...
246/250 CCP Rebuilds / Re: Project - Aquasport 246CCP, 1979, Captain Koz II
« Last post by kaptainkoz on November 25, 2024, 12:45:04 PM »
As for wax… you add wax to the last layer so it will cure fully. If you are doing multiple coats you want to apply the next layer to unwaxed gel. If you happen to wax and have a second thought you can lightly sand and clean wax with acetone. Gel will not fully cure without wax or PVA. It has to be encapsulated from oxygen to cure 100%.  PVA is a water soluble coating that you spray on and will film over the gel and can be washed off with water. I am cautious to introduce water in these builds so I have not used it yet.
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