Classic AquaSport
General Aquasport Forums => Aquasport Discussion => Topic started by: 200 osprey on January 31, 2005, 03:13:24 PM
Seems that I have stumbled onto a great site. I have a 200 Osprey that I just love (2000 yr model) seeems that the powers that be have dropped it from the line. Big mistake if you ask me. I looked for a year brfore I found what I thought was the perfect fishing boat. Thanks for starting this site.
Welcome 200 osprey! Looking forward to getting to know you and your boat.
My father purchased our 22'2 new in 1976. It's seen better days at this point, but after I get done working on Wilson's 1975 23' Mako, hopefully we'll get to my old 22.
Good to have you at
Hi, Just found this site. Bought a 88 170 out of a backyard that I had been watching just sit for years.. Plan was to use it for a crabbin boat but I have fell in love with her. Anyway, been searching for info since last May, thanks for starting up this site.
Welcome aboard!!
I don't know if you noticed your pic didn't seem to work.
yea, i know :lol: trust me, i will make up for it :lol:
did you see the other thread regarding picture posting? It may help.
Good job.
I saw that other site that you linked to. I had no idea anything like that was out there. Are you a crabber?
Great boat. Looks damn good for sitting in a back yard for a long time. How does she ride?
The boat just needed some tender loving care. Got issues with wiring because the 1st owner didnt understand saltwater and wires very well. He didnt do a good job fixing the things just ran new wires,etc.
I am a serious hobby crabber. Run pots in the Chesapeake. As far as the BCA ( goes it is the top site for Blue Crab information. The site is linked to by schools and both the MD DNR and the VA MRC for crab topics. Thanks for asking Wilson. Jack
Hello everyone,
Just a quick intro and say Hi to the board. I have a 1981 25' Aquasport Walkaround cuddy with twin 1990 OMC Sea Drives 2.0L (rebuilt in 1999) I have it rigged for fishing with a stainless hardtop, outriggers, Chartplotter and 2 back-up handheld GPS's (I'm a Garmin GPS man), Loran, Sitex and Lowrance sonars Dual VHF, and Atlantis underwater cam. The boat is named for My son Justin, My wife Diane and me (Navy nickname) Dewey. I am preparing to pull the boat out of the water for a few months and do a major rework including electrical, painting and redoing the cabin. My first 2 boats I built up from bare hulls so I kinda understand what I'm getting into. I presently work as a boat rigger on Sea Ray and Boston Whaler boats after spending 22+ years in the Navy as an Aviation Electronics/Calibration Tech.
I very much appreciate you starting an Aquasport website and look foward to all the great info we can exchange. Thanks again.
Hi, newbie here. Neat site! Here's my story:
After the barrage of hurricanes we got in Florida this year, several trees were down in a local neighborhood. My mothers fiance was approached by an elderly woman that said 'If 'yall cut this oak-tree up and put it by the road, I'll give you an old boat I have in the backyard'. There was a couple of older boats in her backyard, some john-boats covered in tarps, etc, so we agreed. It was only a couple hours of work and we would have done it for free anyways, just to be good neighbors. My mothers fiance said if I helped, I could have the boat.
After we finished, she showed us the boat. Turns out it's an 18' (or 19'?) Aquasport Cuddy
I am in the process of sorting it out. Removed the cuddy doors and repaired them, cleaned the engine, pulled the fuel tank out last weekend for a cleaning. Replacing the control cables, and rewiring. It's a real solid boat and I think it will be a great fishing boat.
And it was a freebie, so you can't beat the price. :wink: Please don't think we took advantage of the woman, she had bought a much bigger CC, and didn't want to fool with the Aquasport. She was happy we got it off her property. :D
I'm sure excited to have found this site!
Hey Uncle Bob. Welcome to the board. You got that boat for free? I'd say you were really lucky.
Check out the 'Photo Gallery' section on the main page. It's where you can post a bunch of pix of your boat and the progress you make over time.
Best of luck with her!
Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. What a deal!
We went back to the lady to say thanks and to tell her that we got the engine running, and she said "Well, I should hope so, I had it rebuilt last year!" :lol:
The engine seems to run really well, and the boat only needs cosmetics really. The wife even likes it, because It didn't cost us anything.
Great site. I look forward to checking in all the time.
Welcome aboard!! Glad to have you here. Keep us up to date on the work.
Free is a HELL of a good deal!!
Welcome aboard!!
Hope you find a heep of knwledge 'round here!! :D
I was excited to find this web site a few weeks ago! Guess it's about time to jump in!
I purchased my Aquasport around 10 years ago, I liked the lines and the layout of the boat, (didn't know it was a classic), and the price was right!
( (
The bad news was the boat was beat up! It had spent the winter in the water doing oil spill cleanups in the Delaware River by Philadelphia. There was crude oil all over, the sides were scraped up where oil booms were dragged in and out, the windshield was shattered, etc.... I am surprized the homemade "T" top was still attached! I could kick myself for not taking "before" pictures.
Six years ago I decided the deck was too soft, so I took the plunge and cut into it. I found rotted wood under the glass, curiosity got the better of me, the rest of the floor was removed!
I wish this web site was around when I did the floor replacement. I built a surf board when I was a kid, that was the extent of my fiberglassing experience!
Well to make a long story short, I guess my floor replacement went ok since I have been fishing the Jersey Shore on a regular basis and haven't fallen through the deck yet!
Since I like shark fishing, I rebuilt the well in the front floor so it is now insulated and large enough to hold 5- five gallon buckets of chum. There is also now a backup 28 galon fuel tank in the floor just in front of the console.
I should work on the gel coat, but for now I would rather be fishing!
Welcome aboard!
If you have some pictures, set up a gallery in the Photo Gallery section and send them along. Always instructive to see how these old girls have been rebuilt & brought back into service.
Welcome aboard glad you decided to jump in!!
Hi Defiant,
Welcome aboard! Glad to see a fellow shark fisherman and Aquasport owner. I've been fishing for sharks out of Aquasports for about 40 years. Have never owner a ccp. All of my boats have been Ospreys. Not a lot of gunnel height like the ccp. It can get kinda spooky when you get one of those toothy critters along side. My biggest shark last year was caught using a # 80 International and an 8' Harrington (Harnell) Custom built rod. I used a 35# black drum for bait. The Bull shark was 11-12 ft and I would estimate around 600#. Took about an hour to get it boatside.
Again, welcome aboard!
Nice fish!!!
A 35lb Drum is a nice snack for a big shark!
For the most part I use bluefish for bait. I hang a covered milk crate with 5 gallons of frozen bunker chum over the side. It melts slowly and creates a good slick. This allows me to nap while waiting to hear the International click!
A few years ago we were 30 miles off the Jersey coast when a huge freighter cut right through my slick. I thought that would mess things up big time. I was wrong, we caught nice sized 2 blue sharks and a small mako during the next hour. They must have been following the freighter and smelled my slick.
Many of my trips back to shore have been rough and wet heading into a 20mph+ SW wind, but so far so good! I love those trim tabs!!!
Hi Defiant,
No doubt about it. They definitely follow ships. The sound generated by the motors and props and some ships dump garbage too. We often fish the edge of the ship channel for just that reason. Trim tabs are must in rough water. Lets you get that bow down at a reasonable speed instead of getting beat to death with the bow up. If you ever get to Florida we'll have to hook up. I own a bait and tackle store.
Thanks for the offer!
The water temp up here is still below 40 degrees. No sharking for me untill June.
I just posted a picture of my boat in the photo gallery.
Do you think I need to put a bandaid on the big ding on the stripe at the bow? Actually I hit a bouy running in the dark returning from striper fishing! The glass has been repaired, but not the stripe.
Boat looks great.
Do you keep the blues or release? If you do keep them, how do you prep them for grilling? I fish off Montaulk sometimes and we mostly see blues out there.
Once I kept one, bled it, cut it into steaks, marinated it in Italian Salad Dressing, then put it on the grill!
It had the taste and texture of an old kitchen sponge :(
We always cut them loose now!
Mako steak is another story!!!!
You ever hear of Frank Mundus?
Yes I have. The big man from Long Island! 3000lb+ Great White Sharks!
I was in Milwaukee on a busness trip, while killing time in a used book store at the airport, I found a book on shark fishing written by Mr. Mundas.
It has alot of good information in it. Some can't be used today, for instance, harpooning a small pilot whale to use for bait and chum. I think that would be frowned upon! :LOL
He's retired now living in Hawaii. He's coming back to run a few charters on Cricket 2 out of Montaulk this summer.
Take a hop over to his site and say hi to him. ( He's good about emailing back. Got a new book coming out this summer, "50 Years a Hooker". He's got a way to fix blues for cooking which he says works.
As you said, those were the old days.
I think of the old past sport as Hemmingway fishing.
Large people, large times.
Read about it and try to believe.
Write Frank a note. He was one of them.
Also say hi to Arnold.
It'll mean a lot.
Thanks! I will make a point of contacting him!
He is one of my heros!
Couple of things about cooking sharks. They secrete their urine through their hide so, always clean as soon as safe after landing. Remove skin and any red meat. Cut steaks about 3/8 " thick and no matter how you intend to cook the meat- boil it for about 5-7 minutes and drain foam that raises to the top in a colendar. It will help a lot. Shark is great for fish chowder (people rave about it) and I fix it in a cheese sauce over rice that people swear is lobster. I use mostly blacktips under 100#'s. Mundus used to harpoon whales and use them for chum for the GWs. Not legal for IGFA that's why Dean still holds the record. He was pushing 70 when he got the 2664 pounder. I'm 59 and hope that I can still use 80# gear for a few more years before I have to drop to 50 and 30#.
I did bleed the Blue at the side of the boat ( a Nice addition to the chum slick!), boiling prior to final cooking sounds like a good idea, I'll try it next time.
Maybe I should put him in the bow for the ride home, that beating should tenderize him! :lol:
Just joined and wanted to say hi. I stumbled across this website after seeing it on E-Bay. It is an Aquasport owners dream come true. I own a 1974 19-6 Center Console that I have been wanting to repower, but have been unable to ascertain the maximum HP rating, until now. Great site, guys!
PS. I have been looking to upgrade to a 22' Center Console, preferably a 222 ccp. However, the 22-2 open would work, too. Please give me a yell if anyone knows of anything. I'm near Boston, MA and would be willing to travel as far as New Jersey. Thanks, guys,
Glad to know that the spec sheet was useful. With regard to your search for a 222, just so you get your terminology correct, the CCP IS an open - the letters stand for Center Console Professional (as distinguished from the Osprey, which is also open). The ones with the cabin are officially called Family Fisherman, but most people call them Cuddly Cabin, which leads to the misunderstanding about the acronym CCP.
With regard to the spcific search, unfortunately, you just missed a great deal, and in your own neck of the woods. Take a look at this ebay listing. You might contact the seller to see if he actually accepted that bid.
WOW! That boat looks to be in much better condition than my 222CCP!
Mystic Islands is just across the bay from my dock. I could have upgraded and had a boat to fish in as I repaired my CCP.
The only problem woud be I would spend too much time fishing and not enough time glassing! :lol:
Welcome Batman! Always nice to hear from a new AS nut.
Howdy All, I just got done rewireing my Osprey '86 200 Osprey. Not quite finished yet. Will try and get some pic's up soon.
On Ebay? Where was it on there?
Just wanted to say how excited I am to finally have a source of info. Been kicking around the other sites (Mako, Seacraft, etc.) for a while. Also see some familiar names. Any info is good, but knowledge specific to what you own is invaluable. Some mods are in order and I've been searching a long time other ideas or problems with this model.I own a 1971 22.2 Center. Only the second owner. Needs some minor things at the moment. Hopefully nothing major to come. For what I do it is perfect. Again thanks for establishing this site.
Welcome aboard. Glad you found us.
Hey guys,
Found this forum while I was surfing the Hull Truth and Florida Sportsman. It is great to see that Aquasport enthusiast have there own site.
I am looking to upgarade boats and am seriously considering a mid 80's 222. I love the lines and the shallow draft deadrise. My plan is to outfit whatever I purchase to be a Boca Grande fising machine (dual station tower, lenco troll in tab, jack plate, etc....). Much like Fishbonz's and some of the others in the gallery.
I currently have a 1991 Chris Craft 190 Sea Hawk center console that is in great shape. However this boat is just a bit small for my fishing and family use. The hull design is very classic and leans heavily towards a Mako look. It is pushed by a rebuilt 1991 Evinrude v4 looper that runs 42mph wot 5700 rpm. It has been a good boat for me but time for something bigger.
I really love the custom Sheaffer's and Gause built boats. And equally like the Dorado's, Avenger 24, and Privateer's. The Parker and Morgan's also get me excited as well. While I could afford the Sheaffer and Gause I don't see tying this kind of scratch up in a boat I only use 60 days a year. I hope my boat use days goes up as I grow older but too much work and a bit far from the ocean right now.
I have my eye on a Parker 25 that may fit the bill but need to get the price down. Talk about deck space. The Parker is huge, has full transom from factory, 14 degree deadrise and drafts 12". Oh and it has a 9' 6" beam. I love boat shopping.
Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I like all things old and am currently rebuilding a 1979 FJ40 Land Cruiser. I will follow the board but if anyone runs across a good project boat let me know. I will eventually be selling the Chris Craft so someone here may be interested in this relatively new but classic style boat.
Hey Kris Craft welcome aboard! I have a 1982 22.2 CCP (the deep vee model) and love it. You might think about looking for a 246 instead of the 22.2. They really are awesome and the extra space and higher gunwale make them a real winner in my opinion. There was a 246 project boat in the classified section of the site for a long time. You might want to check it out. The guy next to me at the slip has a 246 and although I love my boat, I sort of drool over the extra space in his.
On all the forums I belong to it is customary for a new person to introduce themselves. Here goes.
I grew up on Cape Cod and have been fishing since I was a wee lad. My father bought his first real boat (22'MFG Cuddy) when I was 13. We went fishing all the time. I never could understand his decision to buy a cuddy. We did nothing but fish on this boat and this configuration was lousy.
When I was 16 I fell in love with Aquasports. My uncle had a Whaler but it kicked your butt in choppy seas. Makos were for posers (no offence to anyone who owns one). Aquasports were more my style. A good solid boat that could handle the waters around here for a reasonable amount of money.
In 2003 I bought this boat for $1200 with trailer and motor just as you see it.
I have since built a console and repowered with a 2004 Merc 125 Saltwater. I added a Garmin 162 GPS and 120 Fishfinder. I had trailer hubs repaired and expect to replace it in a couple of years.
I have waited almost 30 years to get the boat I always wanted. My goal is to bring it back to it's original strength customizing for me as I go.
Great website been looking for years where Aquasport fans hang out.Bought my first Aquasport in 96, a 79 19-6 family fisherman and in 98 got a 93 230 Osprey, use the 19-6 for inshore and bay,23 for offshore,and added a Pilothouse to the 230 this year. Is there many West coasters out there?Again Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome aboard. If you have any, post some pics so we can all share in your joy. I guess the 230 is the same as a 222?
Hi Rick, The 230 is almost 26 overall,8-6 wide,141 gal fuel and I think its deeper than the 222.Im not sure when the Osprey models started,maybe someone could chime in. I posted some pics in the gallery.I modified a brand new Farallon pilothousefor my boat,Lots of glass work,paint and fabricated overhead dash and seating consoles-storageboxes with suspensions for seats.Dual binacle serves main and kicker, kicker completely remote controll.Only thing I farmed out was rear canvas job.Trim tabs were installed at same time,that was 6 years overdue. What a difference.Any body know what the old T-Top and console with a custom spray wrap around enclosure,Todd seat and cover,and console storage cover is worth?I modified the top, took off the canvas and installed a fiberglass top for radome and electronics.Thanks again for the Great club.
Man, what a modification - looks sharp. Barely recognize the original boat! That'll keep you warm in the winter. Must have added a bunch of weight though. Great job!!
It was great finding this web site! I am the proud owner of a 1988 281FF. The boat's third owner, I live in Orange County CA, between Los Angeles and San Diego. Apparently the Aquasport 281 series is a bit uncommon, made in just 1987-88, just before the Genmar acquisition.
The history of this particular 281FF... When factory fresh, this boat was offered for sale by a boat dealer in or near Ashtabula, Ohio on the south shore of Lake Erie. Prominently displayed on the dealer's lot, she was clearly visible to passing highway traffic. Yet-to-be Owner #1 drove past the dealer every day, driving to and from work. All those times when the traffic signal was red, he sat in his car just 40 feet sway, daydreaming about owning her. After a full year of unrelenting temptation, Owner #1 finally bought the 281FF new in 1989. Until 2000 or so, he ran her on Lake Erie each summer, and put her in dry storage each winter.
Around 2001, her soon-to-be second owner found her offered for sale by internet searching. A great find: a classic fresh water boat with huge cockpit, easily outfitted for "SoCal" style saltwater fishing. After purchase, Owner #2 hired a transport company to move her to coastal southern California. This 281FF had a new home, a slip in Huntington Harbor.
A year after relocation, I bought her from Owner #2. My ownership had an interesting start: My wife first learned about the boat purchase when she drove home from work one hot August afternoon. The boat, on its nearly new 38' long triple-axle aluminum trailer, was parked in front of our house. All our neighbors were standing around, admiring her. I was nervously grinning, ear to ear. Needless to say, I was "in the dog house" for a while...
Since its long distance move, the boat's primary use has been offshore fishing. Her secondary mission: provide an endless succession of planned and unplanned upgrades and repairs, involving both boat and trailer. I have a long list of projects to work my way through. When I have time, I will post pictures in the Photo Gallery.
The 281FF is rather large for a trailer boat. It's width (over 8' 6") requires an annual towing permit from the state, and restrictions apply. Because it's an inboard, the boat sits high on the trailer to attain sufficient prop clearance. To get the trailer in the water deep enough to float the boat, I have to back down some launch ramps until the rear tires are in the water. I quickly discovered surge brakes on a heavy trailer are a BAD THING when backing down launch ramps - no trailer brakes backing downhill. The 4-1/2 ton trailer load easily dragged my 3/4-ton 4WD Suburban backwards down steeper launch ramps, even with the truck in forward gear 4WD and/or brakes fully locked-up. Never fast, just fast enough to make things interesting (better get it lined up right before commencing the back down). Two years ago, I converted the trailer from surge brakes to "electric over hydraulic." I can now use trailer brakes when backing downhill, a welcome change.
More later when I have some time...
Welcome Gary!
Always nice to hear histories and lessons hard learned (surge brakes). Must've been a hairy few seconds sitting in the Suburban wondering if you'd be in the drink along with the boat & trailer. Up in this area launching ramps collect a very slippery growth which make launching/hauling interesting. Most times I have to drop into 4WD hauling my 170.
Welcome Gary, Good to start getting the Calif. Aquasport guys over here.Not to many of us up north here.Im the third owner of my 79, purchased new in Sac,Second owner of my 93,purchased new from down by you at Allisons.You ever make it up north to fish,SF bay area?If you do,Mail me,you got a ride.Salmon,whatever.Have some relatives from Whittier who come up here to fish, been thinking about towing down there someday for early albacore. Again Welcome.
Great first post! Welcome.
Great first post! Welcome.
Thanks for the replies!
"...must've been a hairy few seconds sitting in the Suburban wondering if you'd be in the drink along with the boat & trailer..." Jim, the first few times, a buddy on the boat was yelling, "Slow down!" as truck and trailer moved toward the water, in apparent high gear. He later added, "At least the boat will stop pulling when it's floating."
Fishhead... for years, I used to work several days each week in San Jose. Met a couple of good fishing buddies up there. One friend chartered a boat out of Santa Cruz for a day of albacore fishing that year a guy caught an 88 lb. albie out near Pilar Point. The usual workplace crowd, we had a boatload of people, just a few experienced fishermen. It was a challenging day: heavy swells, too many beers, and no live bait so trolling was the only game in town. Only 4 fish were landed. I was lucky to take a 50+ lb albacore, a real toad. A work buddy landed the jackpot with a 60 (his first tuna) and it nearly killed 'em! We pooled the four fish and made sure everyone went home with at least 8 lbs of loin. Jeez, those were nice fish!
"Early albacore" for you guys means anything before September, right? Down here, We're usually going after yellowtail or any kind of tuna. Some years albacore appear in Mexican waters by early June.
One August day in 2001, we launched the 281FF out of San Diego and headed for Mexican water,. We landed yellowtail, albacore, yellowfin AND bluefin tuna, a strange combination! If you're going to tow, drive all the way to San Diego, as that's probably your best bet for tuna when they're in range. There are a couple of good forum web sites to monitor if you want to keep up with fishing conditions in SoCal.
Steve, I think I have some updates for your Excel spreadsheet so it includes the 281 models. May not be many of them, but we don't want to be left out. Thanks for taking the time to compile the statistics and Aquasport history!
Hi, I'm new to the forum last year I purchased a completely rebuilt 1981 246 CCP. The boat was rebuilt from the stringers up with an enclosed transom and Armstrong bracket out back now.
I have been out about 25 miles so far with the boat in the Atlantic off Jax, Florida so far. Into the gulf about 22 miles. Boat handles great and is really stable on the hook! I have added twin 140 Suzuki four strokes out the back and am extremely happy with them to this point. This is a nice large roomy boat with the enclosed transom. Here is a link to my profile if anyone would like to check out the photos. I'm stoked to be into a nice large boat with brand new four strokes all for around 30k. Go Aqua! ... hp?uid=335 (
That is a really sharp looking boat! Was the boat painted or re-gelcoated? Who did the work?
Congratulations on the very nice ride!
Wow That's what I need. Wanna sell it :wink: Great ride and enjoy that great boat
What a 'beaut :!: :!: Looks new. Congrats on the "new" boat and welcome aboard.
I'm the (very) proud and excited owner of a 1969 Aquasport 19-1. Picked it up in Slidell, La eight days before hurricane Katrina, or, maybe I rescued it. Anyway, as a first time owner I seek the advice or comments of all the seasoned veterans on this forum. The hull, transom, and floor are solid as a rock, no soft spots found. As far as the surface goes, it looks pretty bad, paint is cracked all over. How does a person go about sanding, gel-coating, painting, etc? Also, is it super difficult to "modify" or add to certain parts of the boat, for example: close the transom, add custom baitwells, build the console higher to accomodate electronics, etc.? I really don't know much at all about constructing items from fiberglass. I am currently using three 6 gallon plastic fuel tanks which ride on the floor under the console---how, where, and how big of a new aluminum or stainless tank could I put in this boat. Also, does anyone have any experience with the "Lenco" type trolling motors that are attached to trim tabs? I will be using this boat for freshwater fishing about 60 percent of the time and prefer not to mount a traditional trolling motor on the bow. As far as the old Evinrude outboard goes, I'm considering replacing it and would like to look at a motor bracket/platform on the back of the boat, need opinions regarding that. Thanks to everyone who responds............
Welcome to the fleet, spertree, and congrats on saving the old girl from certain loss in Katrina!
Concerning your questions, the best way to get info. is to spend some time reviewing the threads in the various forums here. Gelcoat repairs, interior mods., baitwells, fuel tanks, trolling motors, and so on, are all covered.
Please post some pictures of your boat showing the current layout, transom, console, areas of concern, etc. These will be helpful going forward on your projects.
Yay, finally another 19-1 on the site.
I think that all the other 19 footers on the site are 19-6s. I have yet to start my rebuild, but I will try to borrow my brothers digital camera to get some pictures of my boat's layout so that we can compare and swap ideas for rebuilding.
Good luck with your rebuild. :)
Hello everyone, my son and I just purchased an 86’ 250 CCP. We wanted a project to work on together. I posted some pictures of the boat in the member galleries. Overall the boat is in pretty good shape. We are going to repair cracks, paint, rewire, check the gas tank, repair the soft spot in the gas tank hatch, and re-power.
The boat is set up with twins on a bracket, but I think I want a single Zuke 250 four stroke on a bracket. Would you keep the current bracket and put new twins (Zuke 140’s) on, or get single bracket and new motor? I do the majority of my fishing in the Chesapeake Bay, out of the Patuxent or Potomac rivers. Thanks and hope to see you on the water by next summer, with this boat. Selling my current boat and the motors off this one.
Welcome to the fleet, Hooked Up! Great looking boat which will pay good dividends in "fishability". Big enough so you're not tripping over each other. What are the two side-by-side thru-hulls?
When you get a chance, post some general pictures of the interior, some of the engines & bracket and a shot of the transom & motors as viewed from the inside of the boat.
Hi Duane, welcome aboard. She doesn't look like anyone abused her - nice shape. I get a kick out of the coast guard tag - 10 persons max. I think I had 10 people standing around my boat one time - OUTSIDE, on the lawn. :lol: On my boat 2 is comfortable, 3 is a crowd.
welcome aboard, i would definately keep the bracket if you can, would love to see pics of the transom, inside and out to see how much extra room closing off that transom gives you. As far as a repower, i personally love twins for the extra security it gives offshore, but just check the structural integrity of the transom and the bracket before hangin 25-30k on the back off that. And also curious if they cut that original livewell from hell off that thing when they hung the bracket, so add some more pics(size them down a bit) if you can
Just an update the boat is performing beautifully. Only drawback I've seen so far is the ride can be a bit wet if choppy bumpy seas with a quartering sea and side wind. Most boats are at this point tho. I've considered adding some of those spray rails I have seen on the boat. Has anyone else on here ever added the spray rails to the hull and if so how were the results? Thx.
On the 246 the rear drains allow some water into the rear of the boat when on the hook or docked. It appears they must be mounted below or at the waterline on the hull. I have the ping pong style scuppers but doesn't eliminate all the water seeping in. I would like to try to make it dry if possible. Has anyone on here come up with a solution for this? The drains inside are mounted into the floorboard are the round style with smaller drain holes and are 3 to 4 inch diameter.
Florida wet foot
Only way to keep the aft deck dry is to either raise the deck level or get some weight off the back of the boat... not practical solutions, I realize.
This condition is common with heavy motors on brackets; the boats weren't designed for them.
Hi I'm new here and I just got my Aquasport 170 about two weeks ago. As I was driving down the road here on Thursday and I saw another AS 222 on Loop 10 here in Athens, Ga. Was that anyone from this board. I cann't beleave how many there are here in Georgia.
I must say that I bought my boat after reading all the great reviews about the AS on this board. Also for a small boat it handles rough water and waves well. I know its not the ocean but wakes from two 35' plus Yatchs coming together sure makes for some tall nasty waves on a lake.
Welcome aboard, Jon!
Congrats on taking the plunge... Once you own one your eyes are always peeled for other Aquasports.
When you get the time, post some pictures. We're generally a nosy bunch here and like to take a peek at how others have their boats set up.
let`s see some pics
I couldn´t stay behind: PICS, PICS, PICS!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome aboard!!!
this is/was a huge discussion not only here, but also classic mako and seacraft. Very popular and proven hulls to strip down and re-create w/ contemporary features. You seem to be lucky that you seem to only have one problem, whereas most people going to all the trouble of everything else in the restoration process, and adding a bracket have at least one if not more problems.
1) Boat sitting too low for scuppers- Aquasports for the most part sit way ass heavy to begin w/. Adding the weight of 2- 4 stroke outboards only makes it worse. Putting the sorce of the thrust and weight further back on a bracket and further aft is the next cause of the problem.
I was going to list problem # 2 but you don't seem to have the performance problems i've heard from others adding a bracket so consider yourself lucky. There's a few guys at classic mako that are so fed up tinkering w/ the performane of there boat they wish they never did it. Complaints for the most part involved uncontrollable porpoising, having to redesign splashwells and scuppers, cavitation, etc.
Best case(as i can see)if you really want to solve the problem, you may be able to relocate some weight forward. Maybe batteries and other heavythings to console or coffin box. Maybe next step and more involved, moving console and coffin box slightly forward. Worst case being a different bracket w/ some flotation. Something else could be the length of the bracket and height of the mount on the transom. Another thought off the top of my head assuming performance is fine is a good fiberglass guy to close up and make scupper holes in a more realistic location. A member named warthog here and at mako(forget whether he's chimed in)
has extensive experience on the subject and may be a valuable resource. Hopefully the things i've mention are helpful. Love the job they did on your boat because they for the most part kept the original design of the boat
Just wanted to say that this is a cool website and a great learning tool for rebuilding a classic aquasport :D :) I just purchased a 1975 22-2 center console which I plan on restoring to its glory days again. I have been very impressed with the great attitude and allaround postive help from the members. Im eager to get started and can't wait to put her in the cheaspeake bay for some great fishing! The photos of the members boats show me I'm lucky to own such a classic and give me desire to make my boat a thing of beauty soon! I hope to post a picture soon but not to good on this computer thing yet . Still learning but the boat will be in the water hopefuly by july :D I live in virginia and fish the bay and rivers , fished today and killed the spadefish up to 21in. Anybody near this area I would love to get some insight on the 22-2. Thank you 8) FISH ON
Welcome aboard Sandman - glad to have you aboard. There are quite few 222 owners here and they're full of... just kidding :wink: They've got a bunch of help just waiting to spill your way.
If you look in the "Web Site Issues" forum, the first topic - about a third of the way through it, it explains how to post pictures.
Again, welcome aboard.
Thanks for the welcome Rick K ! I posted a few pictures on my photo gallery to show before and after photo and rebuild photo will follow.So far between fishing I have sanded the bottom,painted the bottom and new stripes and replaced trailer with a load rite dual axle float on bunk trailer. 8) Just purchased a 1999 150hp oceanpro evnrude motor just rebuild with 20in shaft, in process removing old mercury 150 and controls.I am very lucky to have a good floor and transom but will close in the transom next year for safety reasons.Still have a BIG LIST to complete before she takes a dip in the cheaspeake bay.Fuel tank is good just pressuried with 4lbs and passed, still have to replace sending unit,fuel lines,control cables,2 batterys with perko switch,hyd. steering,bilge pump,water seperator amd lights. Will be looking for ideas from anyone who has something that will help me make it a great boat!
Is the tower an "after"?
Welcome aboard Sandman! :salut:
You will be real happy with your 22-2. The laundry list of projects goes on & on with any boat but that's why marine stores have cash registers...
Hi Rick K the tee top came with the boat ,the previous owner built it out of muffler pipe and did a pretty decent job. I didn't like it at first but will try for a year and see how it works. Its a little heavier than alum. but when I cover with clear and white curtains it should look ok. Next year I'll close the transom, alum.tee top, and a bow rail. But till I sell my 18ft flare center console i'm working on a budget and will have her in the bay very soon and after striper season I'll get her right! But for now I'm putting the motor on and controls then some minor details and FISH ON! 8)
I was flying around Lake Champlain(VT) on my 170 today and thought I was long overdue in mentioning how great this forum has been...and,of course,how much I love this boat. The ride is great, the boat has really classic lines, and it is a whole lot easier to deal with than my 4500# 22' Sea Raider which I loved, but was more boat than I ever needed. I keep the 170 on a lift, and it is nice to be able to just take the console cover off and go. Thanks for all the helpful posts here and great members (like John Dupree)who are very generous in sharing information. The boat is powered by a 1997 Johnson 90,and I did decide to disconnect the VRO just for my own piece of mind.
170's are hard to beat. As you may have noticed here, they have a fiercely loyal following.
I disconnected the oil feed on my Merc. too. That little pump busts and you loose the motor.
Welcome aboard and welcome to the 170 family Jay.
You've been lurking for a while I see. As Jim said, the 170 is a great boat and we have quite a large 170 family on this site - probably more members with 170/175s than anything else. Just took mine out 2 days ago and it's such a nice boat to tow, launch, and handle by yourself. Quick and nimble on her feet too.
My 230 on the other hand, is an effort to deal with but she's a whole different type of boat and we use her in a totally different manner.
Again, welcome aboard.
Welcome to the family, pal.
I just joined the boards too. There is not a new boat out there that I would trade my 170 for. I have owned ti since 1999 and only had to do minor mostly cosmetic work to it. It was powered by 90 hp Johnson until about 2 months ago. Lost a cylinder and was able to find a 2000 115hp in very good shape at a good deal so I went with it. That has been the best thing I have done to the boat. 10 mph faster uses less gas and a great hole shot. This boat is used at least 2 times per week almost every week and the best boat on the water.
Congrats on the new boat :wink: She looks really good :!: Thanks for the kind words also. It is great to see there are still nice folks around :D
I feel guilty for parting with my 170 which was a 1988 - almost the same as yours. I have always wanted a CCP. I don't plan on owning anything but Aquasport :!:
Enjoy the boat :!:
Miss my 170 too.
Thank you for all the kind responses to my I like the boat even better!!
What a tremendous community of owners. Wait until I tell my wife that I'm not the only guy out there who is obscessed with boats.
Again, sincere thanks guys!
Hello everyone,
I would just like to take a moment to introduce myself to the forum.
I'm Robert Berlin aka Capt. Bob. I currently reside in Tallahassee Fla. but have spent my entire live prior to this in Perrine Fla. I discovered this Forum with a Google search looking for older pics of Aquasports. I currently pilot a 1984 222 CCP which I purchased in 1996. This was following the sale of my 1986 170 Osprey. I really liked the 17' (seems to be the boat of choice here) but wanted something a little bigger. My 222 is original (per se) but I re rigged in 96. I'm going to try and post an older pic in the members section but she still looks about the same. Just a few more character lines.
I look forward to gleaning information from everyone and hope that I may offer a tip or two in the process.
Thanks again for the site, I've got a lot of pics to review.
Capt. Bob
Welcome Capt Bob!!!
:D :D :D :D :D
Welcome aboard Bob :!: :!:
We do have a big 170 family here - don't know why. Would be nice to see some numbers of what was sold, size-wise over the years, but that'll never materialize. The number of members is increasing a few a week here and of those, some never speak up at all so who knows what they have.
Post some pics when you get a chance - here's some help ( if you need it.
Welcome to another CCP owner! There are quite a few of us here also!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey Jay,
I love my 170 also. I almost sold it this spring. It's the boat I can always use. I want a bigger boat but I know I will not be able to use a bigger boat as much.
Just jump on in Capt. Bob. The water is always warm here.
Welcome come on in :lol:
I had the boat out today, and still continue to be amazed at how sweet she is. Today there was a light chop, and she just has a great solid feel of a much bigger boat. It's also nice having something that is so easy to put away when you're done for the day. All the best!
Again, Welcome to the Family!!!
The 170 is a sweet little boat. Given the high cost of fuel they make a great way to get on the water for little cost.
New 170 owner myself, can't wait to get her re-registered and out on the water.
She's sweet! Best if luck with her!
Brian :D
Just got my new 1972 170 from a kind neighbor. I was excited to find your website and have been visiting so much as a guest the last few days that my wife refers to it as Aquaporn. The boat needs a few things. ie. windshield, helm seat and a crack at the top of the transome repaired. The wood in side the glass seems very sound but I,m betting it will go back pretty fast if not repaired. Also, she was repowered at some point with a Jonsone 85 and the bottom of the motor mount coveres the two deck scuppers. there is a small bilge pump in the basin at the back (aft) of the deck but none in the actual bilge. If there had been a pump in the bilge how did the water get out. I dont see any through hull fittings. Can't wait to get my two boys out on the Del. bay and fill this boat with fish. She looks like she was made for it. I have digital pics and will post them somewhere as soon as I figure out how. Did I mention I was new to the internet too.
Welcome aboard fishon :!: :!:
"Aquaporn".... hmmm...can't see a problem :wink:
Also, she was repowered at some point with a Jonsone 85 and the bottom of the motor mount coveres the two deck scuppers.
Once upon a time the motor mount "standard" was narrower than it is today - I had an old Merc 115(ish) on my 170 when I bought her and it fit between the scuppers. When I repowered (twice - had her 19 years now) I haven't seen the scuppers since. If I ever tear into her again, I'll spread the scuppers out.
Follow the instructions here ( and you'll be walked through posting pix .... er, "aquaporn".
Hi there. I just picked up this boat and I have already gone through and rewired everything and moved the batteries under the console. The merc it came with is ceased up so its coming off and an Evinrude 115 Ocean Pro is being mounted this week. I CANNOT WAIT :)
Nice looking boat!
Where in FL are you?
Fort Myers on the Caloosahatchee. There's still lots more I want to do with this boat. Livewell, some drop-in storage, etc. Excited.
This boat is up your way in Tampa right now getting its repower with a Bob's jack plate too.
Welcome aboard BM :!: :!: 8)
After you get the boat back can you take a pic of the boat sitting in the water void of people? I want to see how the jack plate setback affects the COG, if it does at all. Been a lot of discussion here on that topic - seems we're concerned that the rear of the boat will be sitting lower now and this will cause the freeboard in the back to become even more scary. :shock: You'll be the first find out (and then we'll be next). 8)
Nice boat.
Welcome aboard!!!!
welcome aboard...nice boat...170 Striper here
Miguel you are in Panama? I am Panamanian and also have a 170. We're in PTY you keep the boat? How does it do from Balboa to Taboga?
Cool - who is doing the motor / JP?
Thanks for the welcome guys. Apparently this boat has a high transom already, contrary to the transom I have been hearing about being low. The transom is nearly as tall as the two stern storage lockers. Therefore, I don't think the jack plate will be a problem. The merc shown in that photo is a 25" shaft and mounted directly to the transom.
My buddy George up in NPR area is a OMC/Bombardier Master Tech and he is doing the work for me.
Welcome to the group
See you on the river
Yep, see ya on the river DR
whens the motor going to be done?
I'm hoping by the end of this weekend but it will probably be a little longer than that, unfortunately. I don't want to push him. Would rather have it done right. :lol:
jsakat1, I sent you a PM.
Hello everyone my name is Chris and this is my first was actually surprisingly nice to see a site dedicated to aquasports!....i thought maybe it would be a good first post to show yall my 1988 aquasport 170 striper....i'm the second owner to this baby...she was well taken cared of by the last owner....she has a 115 suzuki which is pretty dialed for it's age....i loaded the boat with a 80lb thrust great white motorguide trolling motor which moves her great!!...especially when you're fishing boilers or breakwalls with big swell...well i hope you like her! thanks
Nice Rig!! Mine is an '87 222 Osprey, so I'm partial to this era of Aquasports.
looks great! looked identical to my 87' 170 striper before i started tearing it apart :twisted:
Cool another one, pretty soon we are going to own this site :)
Welcome man
Welcome home...... The 170 club keeps on growing.
If we do a tug of war at the gathering it should be 170 owners against the 22-2 guys. The 170's are nice but size does matter.... :lol:
Welcome on Ruffnext, very nice clean boat looks like a cream puff find.
Welcome aboard RN :!: :!:
Nice rig.
Hey Guys,
I have been checking out this sight for a while now and have seen every picture in the "Photo Gallery". Damn ya'll have some nice boats. I have also read LilRichard's "1971 Flatback" rebuild, along with a bunch of the others, and I can't wait for you to finish!!!
I have found an Aquasport 19-6, with a Mariner 150, on some property under a shed. I was wondering how rare the 19-6 is and how I can tell what year it might be? I can't find a whole lot of information anywhere, it looks just like the picture here:
It has the vent and I am guessing it is a 1974. Any reason there are not more of the 19-6 owners? Another questions is, what are the chances that the boat is solid and it does not need a new transom and new stringers which it seems everyone does? Also what are the performance specs. of the 19-6 with the 150 Mariner? Top end, gas mileage, cruise, and how dry and smooth is this boat? It is not a flatback. I currently own an aluminum 19' Custom Flats with an Evinrude 115, which I love, but looking for something with a little smoother ride. My father used to own an Aquasport, not sure what size, but we used to go offshore, probably a 20 or 22, 1970 something. Sorry for the long post. Any information on the 19-6's would be appreciated and I really enjoy the sight.
Welcome Aboard DL :!: :!:
We have a bunch of 196 members but they're the silent, shy type though.
(That ought to bring them out with some answers for you :lol:)
Thanks for the great hospitality guys!!!!! totally diggin the site!
Hello everyone,
This is my first post and love reading about the classic Aquasports. Although I purchased a 2004 in 2005 (a new leftover) 19-6 Osprey 200. I had finally decided in 2005 that the 19-6 was the boat for me. In 2005 I went to the NY boat show to buy it in January 2005, since the NY boat show has lots of dollar incentives when purchasing a new boat. Unfortunately Aquasports stop making the 19-6 in 2004. Very disappointed, I went home and spend several days on the internet and phone looking for a new leftover. I Finally found one at a great price and credit card hold on it over the phone. After three years I love this boat and appreciate the history of the Aquasports reading all these posts. If I ordered the boat I would have purchased a 150 but the 115 Yamaha has all the power I need. I fish all of Long Island sound the bays in New York, as well as Orient Point and Montauk Point with the 19-6 proving time and time again that it is a great sea going boat as well as easy to trailer.
Thanks for a great site. I will post a picture as soon as I figure out how.
Great boat...wish I can make mine look the same...Welcome aboard! Do you have a pic of the transom while in water?
Just picked up a "78" 170 in excellent condition.
She is powered with a "99" 88 SPL Evinrude.
Took her our all weekend on the Delaware river and I am very impressed with all aspects of this boat. Some ohter people on this board said the 17 rides more like a 20' CC. I think they are correct. We had a nasty NE wind into the tide on Saturday wich stacked up 2' to 3' on top of each other and this boat just cut it up. Some pounding every now and then but I can smooth the ride out even more with Lenco trim tabs.
I beleive that there are very few 17' boats that can compare to this model. I wold not trade this for any modern day small CC.
Other choice was a 17' Montauk...I'm glad I went with the Aquasport becase of the deep vee design. I don't think a Montauk would have performed anything like the 170 in a 3' chop.
What do you guys think?
---Pictures will follow.
yea man my 170 rips through chop very nicely as well!! let's see the pics of your new baby!!
Just picked up a "78" 170 in excellent condition.
She is powered with a "99" 88 SPL Evinrude.
Took her our all weekend on the Delaware river and I am very impressed with all aspects of this boat. Some ohter people on this board said the 17 rides more like a 20' CC. I think they are correct. We had a nasty NE wind into the tide on Saturday wich stacked up 2' to 3' on top of each other and this boat just cut it up. Some pounding every now and then but I can smooth the ride out even more with Lenco trim tabs.
I beleive that there are very few 17' boats that can compare to this model. I wold not trade this for any modern day small CC.
Other choice was a 17' Montauk...I'm glad I went with the Aquasport becase of the deep vee design. I don't think a Montauk would have performed anything like the 170 in a 3' chop.
What do you guys think?
---Pictures will follow.
Welcome aboard Dan :!: :!:
Another addition to our ever growing 170 family 8)
The 170 rides ok if trimmed out right for the conditions but I don't think I would go as far to say that the 170 rides like a 20' CC. At least mine doesn't. :roll:
Hey Dan –
Congratulations on the new boat! It sounds nice - looking forward to the pics!
I'm new to Aquasports and have never owned – or had the opportunity to be on – a 170 Osprey. Over the years I have owned 3 Boston Whalers – one being an ’87 17’ Montauk with a 90hp Merc. Either boat would probably be a very-good-to-excellent choice depending on its intended use, but I think you made a great choice going with the AS 170.
The Montauk is a terrific boat for what it is, and I liked it a lot. With one or two people aboard it was like being on a surfboard with a 90hp strapped on. could make it pound it a chop, but knowing the boat and running it according to conditions will help minimize a lot of that. Don't know how it compares to the Osprey in that way, but IMHO, the Osprey looks good comparing specs on both.
Osprey - 17 feet.
Montauk - 16’ 7”
Osprey - 6’ 10”
Montauk - 6’ 2”
Comment: The wider beam and extra length make a really big difference in a boat this size. With 3 on board + gear, the Montauk was crowded and you felt the narrow beam no matter how many were on board. Having more room on each side of the console than the Montauk is a good thing - and the foam injected hull may make a Montauk ‘unsinkable’ but it makes storage space a definite problem. ... 0912-1.jpg (¤t=P1000912-1.jpg) ... 000911.jpg (¤t=P1000911.jpg)
Maximum HP:
Osprey – 130hp
Montauk – 100hp
Fuel capacity:
Osprey – 27 gal.
Montauk – no internal fuel capacity.
Comment: Positives and negatives for each approach, but for a hull that is short on storage space to start, an on-deck fuel tank eats up already limited room on the Montauk. Pate Plastics made a 27-gallon fiberglass tank that fit under the Montauk RPS, 24-gal. Pates were a little more common and both were pricey. BTW, ethanol blended fuel is a killer on the Pates.
Dry weight:
Osprey – 1175 lbs.
Montauk – 950 lbs.
Maximum capacity:
Osprey – 1240 lbs
Montauk – 7 passengers
Swamped capacity:
Osprey – not listed
Montauk – 2,000 lbs.
Comment: Useable capacities are similar – theoretically a Montauk can handle another 760 pounds. Not sure whether to chuckle or cringe over the idea of 7 passengers in a Montauk.
The foam in a Montauk is a structural component that bonds the hull and liner into essentially a one-piece hull, but it makes it just about impossible to rebuild the boat to original structural condition if there ever is a serious water intrusion problem. The incredible rebuilds you see here, some hulls more than 40 years old, tells you what is possible with an Aquasport.
Not knocking the Montauk – not at all - it’s a great boat that had a long, almost unchanged, production run. For some the safety of an ‘unsinkable’ boat is the biggest factor but it may encourage others to take more chances. And when they’re swamped, Montauks will roll. Others here could probably confirm the Osprey has enough flotation to keep it on the surface if there’s a problem, anyway.
There’s never enough room in just about any boat under 40’. Seems to make more sense to take the extra space and storage of the Osprey and pay attention.
One last thing…not many boats are going to beat the drop-dead gorgeous lines on your ‘new’ Osprey.
Have fun!
Welcome to the forum you will only like it more and more.
Welcome home!!!
The 170 owners will soon take control of this ship.... :evil:
Feel free to browse. There is a lot to learn from these guys.
Post pics soon.
Hey, welcome Dan
Show us pictures of your 170 soon, 170 Aqua rules
Welcome to the site and nice looking rig!! With some luck I may get mine in the water before too long.
Welcome to the club....I also got a 170 Striper 1987....with a 75 Merc... Great first boat ever...just installed a new fuel tank, put dock lights on it on top of the rail...Stripers are great boats...
Welcome to the board...
Big Boy
I am happy to report that I officially joined the club today. Drove all the way to Everglades City to pick up my new/old 77 22.2. Very proud of her and I'll post photos soon. First question, anyone know where to pick a factOry sized under floor fuel tank? Maybe one of you'all will forward instructions on the secret hand shake! cr
Hey, welcome, won't take long before you get an answer to your question
Wow! I happened on a 1986 170 with a 1986 70 HP quite by accident. Bought it this Spring and sent it out for repairs to the electrical panel and a few other minor things. Must say I love reading all these posts, tho' don't understand at least 1/2 of what is said! I am amazed at how rabid you all are about your Aquasports! Reminds me of Subaru Fans! I am worrying a bit about my stringers now, but previously didn't even know it had them! LOL. Will be launching this week for my maiden voyage. My excitement has been added to by reading the posts of faithful Aquasport fans, and am curious why Aquasport is no longer built. A quick bio on the company would be appreciated! Thanks.
Elaine, the Gurnet Lobster Woman
Welcome aboard Elaine :!: :!:
And welcome to the ever growing 170 family 8)
The Aquasport history and Legend is a long robust one. There is some general reading material in the photo gallery on the first page as you go in. Here ( an example.
What has you worrying about your stringers?
Post some pics of your new jewel for all of us to see.
Again, welcome aboard.
Thanks Rick for your kind reply. I had read those articles when I first started lurking, but shall re-read them - over 50 - memory ain't what it used to be! I shall take some pics today and try to post them. Hopefully, today is maiden voyage day. I am so excited! Have had a 14' open runabout for our 50 years (Dad's) of being on the ocean. Consider the AS my first "real" boat! Met with alot of opposition buying the AS. (Nothing wrong with my boat!) From what I have read here, I unknowingly made a very wise purchase. I shall keep you posted.
I am only worried about stringers because of all the talk of having to rebuild them. The pics of their boats look as good as my boat. :cry:
Hello All, I'm a new member and new owner of a 1970 222 flatback. It's in great shape but needs a few upgrades. Looking for who did the custom Bow rail on "Passing Thru" Or if anyone know how to get a hold of the owner. All the best, Joe in Narragansett
welcome aboard I am a new member myself & am finding this site very helpful check out my rebuild in progress 22-2 inboard rebuild, post some pics when you can
Welcome aboard to all! Try the search function and you can find pretty much any Aquasport detail or info. :wink:
Ask questions and you will probably find someone can answer them - even sometimes correctly! :oops:
See ya on the water!
just joined recently bought 98 explorer 215 1st aquasport love the boat will post pictures. anyone out there with same boat that did some custom work ( hard tops, bow pulpits, anchors, good places for rod racks etc.) would love to see some pictures
Welcome, waterman! :cheers:
You'll learn alot of valuable info here... I sure have, and I've only been around for a month or so.
Welcome aboard waterman :!: :!:
Now Capt Bob has someone to talk a lot to.
Well then, welcome aboard WM
This WAC movement is turning into a cult. :wink:
Is this you on vacation?
Welcome aboard! WAC are great!
Hey there WATERMAN!!!!!
Welcome aboard and to the site. I too am a new Aquasport owner. Mine is a 1998 225 Explorer with a 200 Evinrude Ocean Pro which was rebuilt in 04 and has about 400 hours on. Got mine at the end of august and have been using it like crazy! It is a great boat and I get tons of compliments whenever i am coming into the boat ramp to take out.
Today I changed my lower unit oil and am getting ready to winterize the ater system. Hopefully i will get one more month out of her. Best of Luck to you!
I like the hard top on your boat have any close up pics would like to get one myself I am also from Long Island
Although I am not new to the Aquasport family I am new to this wonderful site. What a great bunch of boating enthusiast. Everyone seems helpful and willing to share their own knowledge. I am the proud owner of a 1983 170 Osprey with a 1982 Johnson 115 seahorse thats happiest when its in saltwater searching for Redfish, Speckled trout and various other species of fish. Thanks to all of you for sharing your knowledge, photos and ideas and hopefully I can be of some help to others on this site in the future. Happy boating.
welcome aboard! :thumleft:
Yes I have more pics, just not sure how to get them on tis page. Give me your email and I will send them to you. I love my boat and the hardtop was a must when I was looking for the boat, this was a find. Where do you live? I am in Smithtown, right by the hospital and golf course. My email is
i also found a company in Maryland that does the hardtops, they ship and have a local installer. It will cost about 5-6K.
Welcome aboard Fishing Navarre :!: :!: Another happy addition to the HUGE 170 family here 8) 170s are GREAT boats. Where are you located?
Welcome you will like it here good people.
I just joined the forum, however, I have been looking for some time at all the great postings on the 170. I was apprehensive about buying an older boat that needs some work. I must tell you all that the amount of quality information and knowledge shared on this great little boat is incredible. I have owned two larger new boats, most recently a 21' Seaswirl walkaround. I just purchased my first Aquasport 170 and I am so exited about this boat. I will post pics as soon as I can. I also wanted to say that I love how hard core some of you are. I have been restoring old Volkswagons for several years and I don't shy away from hard work. From what I have seen I am in very good company. Thank you all and I look forward to talking with all of you soon. :albino:
Welcome aboard tripleplay170 :!: :!:
Hey tripleplay170, welcome. About time, we have been getting some new 170 blood lately which is good :salut:
Welcome aboard Fishing Navarre :salut: Feels good to see new 170 owners. Show us some pics of your boat :bounce:
Thanks, I hope to have some photos posted soon. Had newly upholstered seat cushions put back on swing seat and seat in front of console today, they make a Hugh improvement on appearance. Now if I can just paint the deck and replace rusted stubborn bolts on transom holding outboard on I'll be content (for a little while).
Steve will send email address over
Great looking boat!
I just purchased a '81 22-2 ccp, t-top, 96' twin 88 evinrudes in really
nice shape for an almost 30 yr old boat. Today, was its first sea trial
and it performed well. However, the steering was a little stiff and
not as smooth as I would have liked. I had greased the connect rod.
Any other suggestions? Anybody have a similar boat in Naples or
Fort Myers? Give me a shout. Kevin
Welcome aboard Cuda16 :!: :!:
I just purchased a 1987 29’ AquaSport Tournament, I am in California. Just getting to know the boat but it seems to be a nice fishing machine. Does any one else out there have one of these, and is there an owners manual available. What’s with the bait tank built in under the aft deck? Trying to lift the top off with one hand and fetch bait with the other while rocking back and forth I just don’t think that thing will work out here on the west coast, as much as we are grabbing bait every few minutes. You boys on the east coast must have a use for it and don’t need to get to it every few minutes.
Welcome aboard Dan :!: :!:
As you have found, the "Big boys boat family" is pretty small here and most are probably out enjoying their fishing machine because they don't check in here too often. Hang in there, you'll get an answer.
We use the right hooks :thumright: Just kidding guy welcome aboard.
We use the right hooks :thumright: Just kidding guy welcome aboard.
Does that mean that you guy’s sit around the under the deck bait tank, fishing in it with the right hooks? I always thought you guy’s fished in the ocean, not in the boat :scratch:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I also have one and enjoy it vey much. Since getting mine I have found 4 more in my area. Give me a line on
Good to hear from someone else that has one. I have owned it about 1 month. I am on the West coast and plan on using it to fish local waters on day trips and Catalina Island on over night trips (weather permitting). It seems like a solid fishing machine. It didn’t have the generator so we installed a deep cell gell marine battery and an inverter for 110 V on the water. It has twin 454s. Do you know while trolling if you can use just 1 engine to save fuel? I have been told that if you don’t have the right trans. that the one that is not running could be damaged, due to the prop still turning from current and not being lubricated with fluid?
I’d love to have an owner’s manual if someone has one on PDF, or just make a copy. I’d be willing to pay for it if I had to. I have an additional bait tank to install on the swim step to carry a variety of bait. When I look it up on boat trader there is quite a few on the East Coast but none listed in California.
I think I am alone out here.
I also have one and enjoy it vey much. Since getting mine I have found 4 more in my area. Give me a line on
'94 osprey 223 with an '89 200 yamaha in the morning. :thumleft: It needs a few minor touch-ups but overall in good shape. I'll post some pics in a day or two. So everyone get ready for the questions, i'm sure i'll have a bunch :lol:
welcom to the site :thumleft: there are many members here that can help you out. and dont forget to post pics! many many pics :bounce: lol
Hey welcome dude :salut: Looking forward seeing your new acquisition :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Oldbugs there is a wealth of info here you came to the right place ,lets see those pic's :lol:
Hello all
Happy 2010! I finally got my wish to own a 70`s 22-2. The previous owner has had her for the last 25 years and I`ve known the owner for almost 35 years! I`ve been working on him for the past several years and have begged to be the first in line when it was time for her to go. She has been stored inside a warehouse the entire time. In 1995 she got a brand new pair of 115 mercs, 4 blade turbo props and has only 260 documented hours on them since. The motors are near show room condition. They replaced the original well worn twin 70 Johnsons that were new with the boat. The boat is in good original condition, solid floor and transom, front hatches a little creeky but intact,stern mounted live wells and has a host of upgrades. New T-top with folding tower, hydraulic steering, Floscan for the twins, Garmin 545, Furno 767, VHF and an autopilot still in the box. It needed a bath, fuel filter upgrades to sight bowl type, some electrical and PM on the engines and trailer and she is ready to go. It is amazing being 36 years old how little cracking and structural issues it does not have. A testimate to her construction and care she has received. A little faded and scratched here and there is all the wear she shows. I had the opportunity when I was in highschool to work for a dealer and got to see many 19-6`s and 22-2`s brand new from Hialeah come in to the showroom and got to help rig them with new 73`-76` Evinrudes! I can still smell them. We sold 22-2`s with twin 65`s and 70`s and the 19-6`s got 115`s or 135`s. Also had the opportunity to drive a 22-2 with twin 65`s from near Daytona Beach to Walkers Cay in the Bahamas all on the water including a 110 mile cross from FT.Pierce with a stop in West End for fuel. Quite a trip at 17 years old with my dad, his friend and son. We had a new 76 22-2FF with a "monster" 200 Johnson, a huge motor at the time! I will post pictures when I figure out how to do it!
Thanks for a great sight and the wealth of information I have read so far.
Welcome aboard.
Isnt it great to feel like a a kid on christmas morning!!!! good luck with her.
Welcome aboard fitz73222 :!: :!:
We're waiting for pics :bounce:
Thanks RickK,
I will get on the pictures as soon as possible, I`m getting ready for the big freeze this week. I`m up in Flagler county in northeast FL. I see you are in Sarasota. I was in Apollo Beach for Christmas last week. Nice water! Too windy to fish tampa bay however. You seem to be right on top of things in this forum.
We held 2 gatherings in Apollo Beach fairly recently - nice place and TONS of manatee in the channel in the cooler months
We took a ride over to that power plant outflow and saw dozens of them... They do the same thing at the springs over here on the St. Johns river.
Hi everybody,
I'm Tom from Firenze - Italy and I'm a proudly new owner of this beautiful boat.
I was searching for it for a long time and finally I've found one in very good conditions.
Here is a picture of the old lady:
( (¤t=01851p.jpg)
another one:
( (¤t=01851t1.jpg)
I'm very happy, now the boat is in a shipyard for manteinance, in a month I'll put it in the water and I'll take some other photos.
The motor is a 175hp Evinrude/bombardier ficht ram.
Greetings from Italy and excuse me for my english :oops:
Nice :D
Welcome aboard Tommaso. :salut:
Another classic is found and........
The Italian Connection continues to grow. :thumleft:
Hello Tom,
She is beautiful, nice wood work on the console. When you are ready; we will get you fixed up with getting the original 22-2 badges for her and you remove those later model decals from her. There are some guy`s here that make the original replicas that are perfect. I just bought a pair for my 73`22-2. Good luck with her, we are here to help if you need us!!
Welcome Tom, we are glad that you're here....Beautiful boat!
We are having a reunion in May.....gas her up and cruise on over..... :lol:
Thanks you all,
you are great and very friendly, I need yor help 'cause here in Italy there isn't info about these boats.
This site was very important for me to read and learn more about the 222 and realize how great it was.
@ captain Bob: yesss, the italian connection is coming :lol: :lol:
@ Fitz73222: it's true!! the decals are so ugly, the right are the beautiful old logo, when I'll get the boat I ask you some help to find them, thanx
@ gran398: Ahhh, sure I will be at the reunion, the next week I'll leave Europe with my 222 like Columbus :D :D :D :D
Thank you again, I write again to have some help with my boat
Welcome aboard Tom :!: :!: I bet we have 4 or 5 Italian members now. You guys have enough owners to hold your own "Aquasport Gathering" now 8)
Nice looking boat :thumright:
I was searching for it for a long time and finally I've found one in very good conditions.
Does that mean you looked at a lot other Aquasports?
Greetings from the other side of the Mediterranian.
I think you feel less lonely with Your Aquasport than i do here in Spain.
Regards / Saluti
Hi rickK, Hi Sephen.
Yes here in Italy there are a lot of Aquasport but newer model like 222 ccp, 246 cuddy, 200 osprey, ecc.
this is the story:
I'm a spearfishing fanatic :fish: and I always had an inflatable boat that I put in the water every time I went to fish after pick up it with the trailer, but I was tired to do this job every time.
I decided to purchase a boat to leave it in the water 10 months a year, simply arrive at port turn on the motor and go fishing, but I needed some features: a very strong hull, running fast with low gasoline consumptions (here in Italy gasoline costs like gold :shock: ), a big space deck with a lot of storage places, a washdown to wash my wetsuit, a good weight (not too high...) to do long distance in the mediterranean sea (this sea is tremendous, waves can change caratheristics in very few time).
I saw a lot of boats, Mako and Robalo are too heavy and need a lot of hp, I found a photo of this type of Aquasport and I thought that she was my favourite.
After a lot of research and thanks to this site I found a lot of info, photo, discussion and ideas about this hull.
I spent almost one year trying to find one in good condition and finally I did :D
I'm so happy
When I'll get it in the water I post other pictures.
Spread the word of our site over there please :salut:
After having some great friends let me enjoy their boats for the last couple years I finally pulled the trigger on my first boat this year so that I'd have more freedom and be able to get my wife and son out on the water. It may not be a "classic" but I got a 2004 Aquasport Osprey 200 off the hull truth. Came with a trailer and a Yamaha 115 4 stroke with only 28 hours on it. The boat is in mint condition, not a scratch on the hull, and I can't wait to get out in the local waters for some flounder and stripers. I'm glad I found this site and hope I'll be able to pick up some tips from some of the more experienced Aquasport owners on this site!
Welcome aboard HS. :salut:
Look like this?
Glad you found this site . Some real good info and even better people .!! Where are you located ?
I'm located just north of Boston. Yup, that's the boat I got......where'd you find the ad for the Osprey 200 40th anniversary? Only difference is mine is the white hull. Can't wait to get this baby registered and out on the water!
Yup, that's the boat I got......where'd you find the ad for the Osprey 200 40th anniversary?
2004 catalog.
Welcome aboard StriperHerring :!: :!: (CB,that's SH)
Since Aquasport is not made anymore they're all classics 8)
Edit your profile and you can add your location and also a signature.
Welcome aboard StriperHerring :!: :!: (CB,that's SH)
My aixelsyd was actin' up, sorry :?
North of Boston where? Lynn, Beverly, Gloucester? Maybe we can get an Aquasport party raft going in Kettle Cove (in Magnolia) this summer!! It's great for kids to swim in as the entire cove has a nice sandy bottom. Anyone else here from Boston area?
After having some great friends let me enjoy their boats for the last couple years I finally pulled the trigger on my first boat this year so that I'd have more freedom and be able to get my wife and son out on the water. It may not be a "classic" but I got a 2004 Aquasport Osprey 200 off the hull truth. Came with a trailer and a Yamaha 115 4 stroke with only 28 hours on it. The boat is in mint condition, not a scratch on the hull, and I can't wait to get out in the local waters for some flounder and stripers. I'm glad I found this site and hope I'll be able to pick up some tips from some of the more experienced Aquasport owners on this site!
I know the boat. You got a sweet boat there
I was surprised it lasted as long as it did considering the condition it was in. good luck
She is a sweet boat, you'll love her! The 115 will do you fine, but I will say she's a lot of fun with a 150! Enjoy her! :thumleft: :thumleft:
She is a sweet boat, you'll love her! The 115 will do you fine, but I will say she's a lot of fun with a 150! Enjoy her! :thumleft: :thumleft:
seabob I have a 94 with a 150 and it does scoot.
She is a sweet boat, you'll love her! The 115 will do you fine, but I will say she's a lot of fun with a 150! Enjoy her! :thumleft: :thumleft:
seabob I have a 94 with a 150 and it does scoot.
Hell yeah it does!!
We built Scarabs, afterall...2000HP in a 38 is a lot of fun... :shock:
North of Boston where? Lynn, Beverly, Gloucester? Maybe we can get an Aquasport party raft going in Kettle Cove (in Magnolia) this summer!! It's great for kids to swim in as the entire cove has a nice sandy bottom. Anyone else here from Boston area?
I'm from Marblehead originally. What town are you from?
I'm up in Beverly and for now I'll be trailering the boat around around the area.......looking forward to doing lots of exploring this summer.
I am also in Beverly. I usually dump the boat in over by the Kernwood Bridge. They are doing the ramp over now and will be the same as Pope's Landing when finished. I also say them dredging the Danvers River this spring. I hope they go down to the Bowl-O-Mat ramp too. I want to try putting in on the Essex river this some gas going to Crane's Beach.
Late in welcoming you aboard, but glad you've joined the crew! Know that you'll enjoy the board and lively discussion.
Hey Striper-
My '86 20" Osprey is in the Merrimack River in Newburyport. I've seen others there as well.
Enjoy the boat- It's a "keeper".
Hey folks!
I'm new to the forum, what a great place! :cheers:
I'm the new owner of a '79 AS 22-2 Family Fisherman. I'm so excited to have this boat and to have stumbled across the boards here. My hat is off to those responsible for creating and maintaining! What a wealth of knowledge and insight to be found here! :salut:
Here are a couple of pics:
A shot of where the boat was kept for the last three years in Bath, NC.
This was during the first week of May, 2010, when I had the mechanic check things out
The same day, my tow rig at the top of the ramp there.
Ahh, the Twins. Good compression on all cyclinders! No water intrusion!
At rest at the dock
I'm replacing water pumps/impellers, thermostats, fuel filters, and lower unit oil this weekend and that's about all that needs doing to get back out on the water for the holiday weekend. I hope it goes well for me, this will be my first time doing this. I'm a little nervous but I think that will pass once I get into it. I've got all my supplies and new parts, a manual, a canopy to work under during the rain on Saturday, and a few beers :thumright:
I'll be boating on Falls Lake, Jordan Lake here in NC along with a few trips to the coast a year. I'm really looking forward to going fishing with my uncle in a few weeks! It's been said before... I wasn't born a fisherman but I plan on dying one.
That's about it for now, I'd like to remind everyone to have a happy and safe holiday out there this weekend. There is sure to be a lot of people on the water so take it easy and lets look out for each other as much as we can!
Happy boating to you all!
Jo9n and Rhonda, Welcome Aboard!!
Welcome aboard Jon and family. :salut:
Gotta love those twin seahorses. :thumleft:
Welcome :!: Another North Carolinian :!: Good looking boat :!:
Welcome to the AS Forum, nice boat, and those 70's are probably one of the best motors ever produced, I had one that finally gave up the ghost after 22 years without ever pulling the powerhead.
Welcome aboard Jon :!: :!:
The boat looks to be in great shape 8)
welcome aboard! Nice looking boat you have there! The twin 70's are neat!
Welcome Jon - good to have another NC member! Your FF looks like it's in nice shape as well.
Be careful on Jordan and Falls Lakes - lots of shallow water and stumps on those lakes! I did not see a depthfinder/fishfinder on the dash, and if you are going to any fishing you will want one. It will also help keep you informed when you are in "prop shark" waters, so you don't get surprised by things that go bump in the night (or day).
See ya on the water!
Very Cool Boat :pirat:
I recently came into the possesion of 275 Explorer twin Yamha 225. I am really just learning the boat, and have a friend who is hounding me to do some tubeing...... I would appreciate thoughts on rigging a bridal off of the p/s stern cleats for this purpose.
I have been reading through this forum for the past few hours, and all of you might just make this boat ownership thing pretty damn cool. I am very happy I found you all!
I guess Touchdown will have to do. Really do need to get that beer toast icon
Thanks again!
Nauti Dog
2001 Aquasport 275 Explorer
Long Island Sound
Welcome Jon - good to have another NC member! Your FF looks like it's in nice shape as well.
Be careful on Jordan and Falls Lakes - lots of shallow water and stumps on those lakes! I did not see a depthfinder/fishfinder on the dash, and if you are going to any fishing you will want one. It will also help keep you informed when you are in "prop shark" waters, so you don't get surprised by things that go bump in the night (or day).
See ya on the water!
Thanks for the tip on Falls and Jordan GF. The fish/depth finder is there just hard to see. It's up on the helm just to the right of the wheel. We've been boating several times in Falls so far and while it does have shallow water to watch out for it's so close to the house that we can't resist it. The closest ramp (I think it's Hickory Hill) is only 10-15 minutes away and from there just a quick ride to the deeper water. So far so good, I haven't hit anything.
I got my maintenance done this weekend as planned but it did take me a little longer than I had hoped. I was just finishing up on the portside motor when the Admiral got home around lunchtime yesterday. She had to work on the holiday! So with everything completed and put back together all I had to do was start them up on the muffs and make sure all was well. When I started up the starboard motor I didn't get the tell tale. "OH NO" I thought. After a second attempt I still got no tell tale so I had to drop that lower case again and recheck all my work. Everything checked out good, no problems. I reinstalled the case and fired it up again, still no tell tale. So on a whim I decided to check the tell tale hose itself and sure enough, it had gotten clogged with debris from the thermostat change! I cleard the debris and started the motor back up and right away got the tell tale. That was at 4:30 p.m. yesterday. So we didn't get out on the water with it for the true test but on the muffs everything seems good.
It was a good expierence, it just took a long time. I was being really careful not to break anything and paying attention to how stuff came apart that wasn't describeb or pictured in the manual. I am kind of looking forward to doing it again.
You mean this one?(
Just drag and drop the smiley onto your desktop, then upload it into your photobucket account. I have an album called "Smiley's", I keep it open in another window so I can use mine with a simple copy and paste, kinda like this one...(,
meaning we need to see pics of the boat! Is this the one you told me about on THT?
BTW, running a tow bridle through the stern eyes is no problem. That's how we picked them up (motors included) to load them on trailers back at the plant... :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Nauti Dog :!: :!:
Nice big potential camper you got there 8)
Got to resize them in photobucket to "large"...
You'll get it down...
Damn, that old Fighting Lady Yellow! Nice boat! Radar too!(
You're getting there...Beautiful girl you have there!(
The 275s are growing Good Luck with her.
Thank You all !
I have been reading through this forum for the past few hours, and all of you might just make this boat ownership thing pretty damn cool.
Nauti Dog
2001 Aquasport 275 Explorer
Long Island Sound
That's for sure :salut: And welcome aboard
Nice boat :thumright:
Just wanted to let everyone know that I bought Wattever's boat. I have been a long time lurker on the site, and have been looking for a bigger offshore boat for a while now.
My old boat is a 1974 19-6 that I will be posting for sale on the board shortly.
Congratulations! :D
I am glad that she has a new home and don't be a stranger on the site!
Start a new thread about her and your fishing adventures!
I am betting some of the previous posters still have unanswered questions.
Man, 300 Suzuki on her with dual station controls (FBW), whoa, that would be a sweet ride...
Congratulations on the purchase of a nice boat.....and welcome to our esteemed and prestigious venue.... :cheers:
Welcome aboard SG :!: :!:
Congrats on the purchase - sweet boat, looks new :thumleft:
Thanks for the warm welcome. I have been a longtime lurker, and actually joined the site a couple of years ago. I have posted several questions through the years during my search for a new boat. I could not log on using my old username and password, and after multiple futile attempts I just gave up and submitted a new name.
So I am not technically a newbie, but I appreciate the welcome just the same.
I looked all over Florida for a new boat, and finally bought wattever's restored CCP about ten miles from my house. I was familiar with his boat from this site and from the Florida Sportsman fishing reports section. He did a great job on the restoration; she spent about 9 months in the fiberglass shop! It is nice to have a 25 year old hull with no chipped/damaged fiberglass or multiple screw holes.
I have gotten several compliments on her since I bought her. Had her out in the St. Johns on Memorial Day. Quite a difference in the ride from my old 19-6, which I just posted for sale. I grew up fishing that boat with my Dad, and I will miss her, but I needed something bigger and faster to fish offshore from Jax.
If you ever forget your info again, just email me and I'll fix you up :thumright:
I'm new to the forum. I just purchased a 1970 - 22ft CC (I think its a flatback?) with a 1978 150 HP Mercury and a trailer (very cheap). I also have a 1989 15 ft. Chaparral bow rider with a 50 HP Yahama. I had a 1989 - 29 ft Aquasport Tournament Master but sold her 2 years ago, so I'm some what familiar with Aquasports and love them.
The hull looks pretty solid, although someone glassed over plywood and layed it down over the original deck and then layed down carpet over that. I ripped up the carpet and the rotting plywood and am now down to the original deck. The original deck has a few soft spots and the cap on the transom has some cracks but I plan on using the boat for the season and then ripping the original deck off and then start rebuilding the boat over the winter.
I had it out in the bay the other day and it runs really well for a motor that old and the boat handles pretty well.
I'll start posting pictures soon. If anyone has any suggestions about the boat, what to look for and anything else juust let me know
Welcome to the site - your 1970 is probably a 22-2 flatback and is a classic. Post some pics so we can she her, and ask any questions you've got - someone here probably has an answer!
Welcome to the site - your 1970 is probably a 22-2 flatback and is a classic. Post some pics so we can she her, and ask any questions you've got - someone here probably has an answer!
No John, somebody here DEFINITELY has the answer!
Welcome aboard, Tom! :salut:
Welcome to the site - your 1970 is probably a 22-2 flatback and is a classic. Post some pics so we can she her, and ask any questions you've got - someone here probably has an answer!
No John, somebody here DEFINITELY has the answer!
Welcome aboard, Tom! :salut:
Even if the answer is "Duh, I don't know" - that is an answer! :roll:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
See ya on the water!
Welcome aboard AT :!: :!:
My First Love - Gone but Never Forgotten
More to come.
New Love First Day before going in the water for test run (the name will be changed).
More Pictures to Come
Close Up.
New Love First Day before going in the water for test run (the name will be changed).
More Pictures to Come
Yup, you can tell by the prow she's a flatback. :thumleft:
Welcome to hood Aquaholictom,
Nice classic flatback! How did she run with that old 150? Thats actually the perfect engine for that boat. 122 cu inch, light, no oil injection, about 135 hp at the prop. Ever thought about restoring the engine with the boat? that was a bullet proof V6.
She ran quick. I put the gas tank back in today, it looks like a 60 gallon tank. Is that what they came with in 1970? I also did some repairs on the trailer - hope to go fishing in the morning.
She ran quick. I put the gas tank back in today, it looks like a 60 gallon tank. Is that what they came with in 1970? ... photo/2824 ( ... photo/2826 (
Don't know if it's the same as yours.
Welcome Aboard.
Just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I am new to this forum but use the same name throughout various forums.
I am in the process of selling my 2000 Edgewater 22.5. Although it has been a great family boat, its time to downsize and I really like the look and functional layout of the early 70s 196's.
I will probably try to find something ready to roll, as my current time is very limited by work and coaching sports.
I have been through some of the rebuild posts and they are really awesome. I want to tell you all, what I am sure you already know, this is a great group of people.
I look forward to this forum, and hopefully I can eventually add some value to it.......
Welcome aboard man :salut: You'll get the full meaning of this board when you get the chance to be the owner of an Aquasport. You have seen nothing yet :)
Welcome aboard!
Good luck in your search.
I know fishcole08 had his for sale.Really nice setup.
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5454 (
Welcome aboard BL :!: :!:
What a great site. I wish I would have thought about looking for it earlier and only happened upon this great forum as I was researching a possible fuel tank rebuild.
Anyways, I have had a 1978 170 that I bought from the original owner about four years ago that is in absolutely great condition considering it's age. After viewing about three quarters of the posts on this site over the last five days it seems I am quite fortunate. Everything is original expect for a few modifications I have made. It still has the green rubrail, a slightly modified bow rail that was cut to fit the new trolling motor, and a modified seat that wraps around the livewell. Also added a stereo and on-board charger. The boat is powered by a 90 HP Mercury that runs like a top even though it is over 20 years old itself.
The boat has treated me well and it a very capable vessel. I frequently run 30 miles offshore to the islands off of the Southern California coast.
I will start asking my fuel tank questions soon.
Pics early next week when I pull it out of the garage again to go fishing.
Thanks for reading,
Welcome aboard, you have found a great forum with a great :lol: group of aquasport owners... sounds like you have a great classic... but the water is too cold over there.. LOL
I am real interested in that seat you described. I have a 94 200 osprey and I am getting the seats redone and want to change the boring style seats I have.
Nothing fancy. I simply used the existing floor bracket to attach a simple box that I made to surround my bait tank. The top flange of the bait tank sticks out of the top of the box and secures the tank in place without having to drill more holes into the sole to attach the tank using it's factory hold down.
I will attach a pic when I get some up next week.
Welcome aboard KK :!: :!:
170's are great boats :thumleft:
After viewing about three quarters of the posts on this site over the last five days it seems I am quite fortunate.
You've been sleepless for a while then - there are a lot of topics/posts here.
Welcome aboard Dave :cheers: Where in California do you live? I'm about to move to Pasadena, should know in two weeks, crossing my fingers
You've been sleepless for a while then - there are a lot of topics/posts here.
I am a teacher on vacation so I have a little time on my hands, not to hard to spend some time browsing the net!
Welcome aboard Dave :cheers: Where in California do you live? I'm about to move to Pasadena, should know in two weeks, crossing my fingers
Marc, I am in Ontario about 30-40 minutes east of Pasadena. The college I work at part time just completed a move to Pasadena so I will be up in the area a little once the fall term begins.
Welcome aboard Dave :cheers: Where in California do you live? I'm about to move to Pasadena, should know in two weeks, crossing my fingers
That's quite a move....
Hey crew, just checking in and saying hello. My uncle handed over his boat to me, its a 1980 Aquasport ccp 200 with a 200 Mercury offshore engine. I took it out today for the first time by myself, with the wife and my son nobody was hurt and the boat was not damaged.It ran good all day until I was coming back into Patchoge river where its docked,the temp alarm sounded for about a minute and shut off. Does anyone have a manual to this boat? Since im a new boater any tips or advise would be helpful at this point and greatly appreciated. Thanks Rich
Welcome aboard Dave :cheers: Where in California do you live? I'm about to move to Pasadena, should know in two weeks, crossing my fingers
That's quite a move....
Rick, don't jinks it :roll: , two years ago we came that close to move to Miami but it didn't happen :( I hope this time ................... Now, it's just a visa thing , 13 more days :bounce:
should check the impeller and thermostats and give the motor a thorough serviceing.welcome to boat ownership,prepare your credit card for a good workout :lol:
Welcome Rich,
Post some pictures of this bad boy! Next, lay a big ol' smooch on your uncle for giving you that boat. If the hull, motor and trailer are in solid condition - give him two smooches :D .
Then what pete said. Is the Merc the same vintage as the hull? Check with your uncle - when was the water pump impeller last changed out? What other service has been done? I have an '88 200hp Merc (carbed) - one of the easier outboards I've owned as far as pulling the lower unit, rebuilding the water pump housing/gaskets and installing a new impeller. Changing out the thermostats (2) is easy, cheap and can be very important. My temp alarm never sounded - but before the service just mentioned - the temp gauge crept high enough in certain conditions that it made me a little edgy. With the fresh water pump/impeller and new t-stats - temp gauge is staying within normal range.
My motor has relatively low hours, but it is old and I've had to replace the old electronic components - power pack, stator and rectifier. Rebuilt the still original fuel pump (easy), installed a water/fuel separator bracket & filter, replaced the fuel & oil lines under the cowling, other routine items & maintenance - greased all zercs, new primer bulb, lower unit lube, check compression, etc. Currently - runnin' like a banshee. Get a manual - OEM Merc, Seloc, Clymer, whatever - and have at it.
Does anyone have a manual to this boat?
There apparently were no 'owners manuals' for most Aquasport hulls of that vintage. There are a number of 200 CCP owners here - jdupree, Kaptainkoz, bdstr, weakfish, allen456, zerorulz21, Wayne's World - that can help with specific 200 questions. Guys like Capt. Bob, Seabob, John Jones, John (Gonefission) and many others can help on a range of info.
Welcome aboard Rich :!: :!:
Rich, welcome aboard! Your CCP has the same hull as my 200XF as mentioned new impeller and T-stats are in order. Depending on what year Merc you have you need to replace the poppet valve as well. One good source for this stuff is ( Also change your lower unit oil. Depending on what year your 200 it may have oil injection and you could have had a low oil alarm. On a Merc beep beep beep is oil... BEEEEEEEP is a temp alarm.
Thanks for the welcome guys, the alarm was a constant steady beep for about a minute so im guessing it was the temp alarm. The motor is oil injected and the oil is full. Is there a online site where I can get the full manual for the motor? I dont know jack about outboard motors but im pretty sure I can handle most repairs.Can the impeller and T-stats be replaced in the water?
Don't bother with an aftermarket manual, most of the time they don't have everything you need.
Try these guys, not cheap but its the same one they use at the dealers. Just make sure you have the right model number and year. (
Also search on youtube for videos on repairs, there are quite a few on mercs.
Lets see this new toy also!
Thanks, next time im at the dock I'll grab some picks.
Can the impeller and T-stats be replaced in the water?
If you have a V6 the T-states are on the top of each head and you have to remove two bolts to change them out. Here is a good video of how to do it: The impeller is on the driveshaft on top of the lower unit. So you have to drop the lower unit to change it. Here's a video on that too: Get a good manual and you should be good to go.
Hello and a huge thank you to the founder and board members. The discussions here are very informative as I try to get and keep my 1992 Osprey 200 afloat. When I got it, I had no clue what an Aquasport was or what I was getting into. There really aren't many center console T-Tops here in WI. This board sure helps.
So far, we 'Renu'd the Fuel Tank and untangled the wiring beehive under the console. And after 20 hours of successful short test runs, we felt confident to make a remote river run on the Lower Chippewa. Of course in the middle of nowhere, thats when the Yam HPDI 150 decided to fail. So it is I guess, but I still think the boat is great and its back to the advice board.
So if I can, I do have some hugely glaring rookie questions that perhaps the seasoned can answer. Before you laugh too much, remember I'm not from big water. So here goes. 1. How big of waves can this boat handle? 2. Scuppers, are they supposed to be out of the water when at idle? Mine are a couple of inches under.
I'll keep studying the site. Thanks again.
The answer to what size of waves this boat can handle depends on a few factors: Most of it has to do with your level of experience. A seasoned captain can navigate some very rough seas in a 20' boat. I've had my 19-6 (same hull) in some real nasty water; it definitely wasn't ideal, but the boat "handled" it because I'm still around and so is the boat :eye: . The bow has a generous flare, which prevents a lot of larger waves from washing over the bow and into your boat, and the freeboard is enough to make you comfortable. At low speed and with care and common sense, the boat will surprise you when it comes to what it can handle. As for ride quality at higher speeds, the deadrise is only 12 degrees so it becomes somewhat of a rough ride at any wave chop over 2 feet. This boat is better suited for inshore/river fishing.
As for the scuppers, with a lighter weight engine, they would normally clear the waterline. With your engine, it's normal for them to be underwater while you're not underway. A quick fix for that is "ping pong" scuppers, which you can pick up relatively cheap at a Boater's World / Walmart.
Welcome aboard Eagleton :!: :!:
Welcome Big E! As Gordon Lightfoot said, "the legend lives on from the Chippawa on down..." Ditto to the comments provided above, and here's a link to some info that may help with rough water handling: ... ship_2.htm (
Scuppers should be above water, otherwise they are Scdowners, but the ping pong fix seems to work on most boats - but not on CCPs!
See ya on the water!
Hello Fellas,
Just bought a 1976 222 FF #ASPM1530M76G with Merc 175EFI for $400.00. It was advertized here in the Keys on US1 Radio on Biz Baz. I knew it was going to be a piece of junk but I turned out lucky after 3 gallons of bleach and some muscle power. The seller complained of intermittent engine operation following a complete rebuild. I tracked it down to intermittent air in the fuel supply line on the boat side. The owner had a custom aluminum fuel tank made to replace the original and installed new hydraulic steering before selling it to me and buying a new Aquasport. The cockpit port side sole was soft so I replaced about a 4 by 4 foot area. I've installed two excellent condition pedestal chairs the seller gave me! I have a history of spending stupid amounts of money fixing old things up. I promised the better half that I wouldn't do this on this "Keys" fishing boat. The bottom does need a complete redue by stripping off the old antifoul paint, repairing many chips and problems. I've already started repairing all the chips and cracks above the water line. Nothing fancy, just white marine epoxy. I pulled all the old rusted bright work off and kept the useable stuff. I'm looking for a used leaning post with back rest and rocket launchers for guests to sit and hold onto. It has a blue bimini, but am eyeing used T-tops. I left the boat in the canal at my home in Marathon two weeks ago and returned to Hilton Head, S.C. and realized how stupid it was to leave a boat in the water during hurricane season. So my wife found a used dual axle Rolls aluminum trailer in Charleston. I bought it and drove back down and pulled the boat and strapped it down well, next to the house. I'll post pics when available and during any material changes. I've enjoyed your web site and many of your articles have already really helped. Thanks Capt. Rick
P.S. Tried to save the "Aquasport" emblems but they fell apart when removing. :cry:
Sounds like a sweet buy! We need to see some pictures of her! Welcome to the club!
I'll probably post some pics when I return to Marathon in November and begin the bottom job.
UPDATE: The wife made pics during and after the purchase that I was unaware of so I'm ready to upload pics. :cheers:
Welcome aboard beech7pc :!: :!:
Sounds like you stumbled into something nice :)
You'll need to use a photo hosting site like photobucket (free) to store your pics so start there and open an acct, upload your pics, size them to 640x480, save the resized ones as the originals and then follow the instructions here ( to post them in your topics here.
Thought I would introduce myself here. Just found this site and looking forward to all the great info.
My name is Wes. I own a 1998 205 Osprey. I live in S.W. Ohio and mainly fish lake Erie with a trip once a year to S.W. Florida to fish the Gulf. Bought her in Jacksonville FL in 2008. The picture is before I renamed her "ReelTime".
Welcome aboard! When you get a chance take a picture of the wiring under the console. I bet seabob can tell if he wired your hull!
nice rig,welcome :salut:
She looks in tremendous shape! Welcome!
May have wired the console, but probably not, I was swamped with 225s and 250s at that time. My friend Eddie Washington probably wired her...
Nice looking boat! Welcome aboard!
Thanks for the compliments. I spent alot of time and elbow greese getting her back in that shape.
I do have a couple of questions.
1) What is the large compartment that runs under the console intended for? It's a huge area but with a very small hatch access. Seems like wasted space.
2) My two fish boxes in the floor are plumbed but empty into the bilge. Apears that they probably were at one time plumbed to a macerator pump that is no longer there. I would like to install a pump and was wondering where it was originally located. Also, what switch on the console operated it.
3) I need to find a supplier for the edge molding that goes around the bottom of the fish box doors and the large bow compartment door. If anyone has any info. it would be appreciated.
Thanks RickK,
This is a test to upload the grand vessel photos!
This is her behind the sellers home in Big Pine Key Fl in the canal under a tree uck!
We've just pulled her and pulled the plug no water?
Scrub a Dub-Dub with 3 gallons of bleach and acid wash
Not bad for $400.00
Clean engine
Capt Don delivers her to her new berth on the Atlantic
Timmy actually completely rebuilt this CC Aquasport including an all new sole
Welcome aboard RTW :!: :!:
Have any bigger pics?
Welcome aboard RTW :!: :!:
Have any bigger pics?
Just posted the bigger pic.
Thanks for the compliments. I spent alot of time and elbow greese getting her back in that shape.
I do have a couple of questions.
1) What is the large compartment that runs under the console intended for? It's a huge area but with a very small hatch access. Seems like wasted space.
2) My two fish boxes in the floor are plumbed but empty into the bilge. Apears that they probably were at one time plumbed to a macerator pump that is no longer there. I would like to install a pump and was wondering where it was originally located. Also, what switch on the console operated it.
3) I need to find a supplier for the edge molding that goes around the bottom of the fish box doors and the large bow compartment door. If anyone has any info. it would be appreciated.
Anyone answer any of these?
Thanks for the compliments. I spent alot of time and elbow greese getting her back in that shape.
I do have a couple of questions.
1) What is the large compartment that runs under the console intended for? It's a huge area but with a very small hatch access. Seems like wasted space.
2) My two fish boxes in the floor are plumbed but empty into the bilge. Apears that they probably were at one time plumbed to a macerator pump that is no longer there. I would like to install a pump and was wondering where it was originally located. Also, what switch on the console operated it.
3) I need to find a supplier for the edge molding that goes around the bottom of the fish box doors and the large bow compartment door. If anyone has any info. it would be appreciated.
Seabob do you have any ideas to the above?
Thanks for the compliments. I spent alot of time and elbow greese getting her back in that shape.
I do have a couple of questions.
1) What is the large compartment that runs under the console intended for? It's a huge area but with a very small hatch access. Seems like wasted space.
2) My two fish boxes in the floor are plumbed but empty into the bilge. Apears that they probably were at one time plumbed to a macerator pump that is no longer there. I would like to install a pump and was wondering where it was originally located. Also, what switch on the console operated it.
3) I need to find a supplier for the edge molding that goes around the bottom of the fish box doors and the large bow compartment door. If anyone has any info. it would be appreciated.
1 - The large compartment is the cover for the fuel tank. Open the deck plate and you should see the tank in there. There may be a bit of empty space depending on whether the boat got the standard tank or an optional bigger tank...
2 - Can't help with the switch location, but a macerator pump is a good idea, or just an overboard drain, compared to fish boxes draining in the bilge - hold your nose next time you open the bilge if fish guts and blood gets in there!
3 - Taco marine products: ... _trim.html (
Hope this helps - see ya on the water!
New to the site. and love it! Have already seen great info I can use, instead of the useless stuff. My name is Mike I just bought my first salt boat,(Aquasport 200 Osprey,2000with a Johnson115)Me and my family love to fish, now we can chase them down. Thanks for having me.
welcome :salut:
Welcome aboard Mike, this is a great place to exchange knowledge, learn, poke fun... and just have a good time. The difference between us and some of the others is we are all about Aquasports, and we share that common thread. Sounds like a nice rig you have, send some pics when you get a chance. SeaBob has a tutorial on how to post pics, he'll probably link you to it. Have a good weekend. :salut:
Marc (Pensacola)
Hi Mike, my name is David, and I too am new to the site. Like you I've found many, of the topics helpful. My boat is in Grand Isle, La., I will be there this week, and will post some pics then. 1975 22-2, 1987 150 Black Max....
Thanks Dave, and everyone. I love this site, I trailer out of woonsocket R.I. To Oakland Beach Witch is upper third of the bay. I find it hard to post on this site because most of my questions get answered from previous posts!
Thanks Dave, and everyone. I love this site, I trailer out of woonsocket R.I. To Oakland Beach Witch is upper third of the bay. I find it hard to post on this site because most of my questions get answered from previous posts!
So post anyway, we don't care! And thanks for putting up with us!! :lol: :lol:
Thanks Dave, and everyone. I love this site, I trailer out of woonsocket R.I. To Oakland Beach Witch is upper third of the bay. I find it hard to post on this site because most of my questions get answered from previous posts!
Hi Mike.Good to hear from a Bay guy. Oakland Beach is a great area,make sure you stop in at Cherrystones and enjoy the calamari and tip a couple on one of your trips.It's been a couple of years and I need to get back there myself.The owner Jimmy Whitehead is a great host, I've known him for many years from Block Island.
Welcome aboard Dave and Mike :!: :!:
I will try to post a pic of my boat.
huh well i'm not sure how well that has gone. :scratch:
welcome,nice boat
Hi All, I am a proud oringinal owner of a 1994 19'6 200 Osprey, with a 135hp Merc. I am very happy to have found this site. I have learned alot so far, and hope to help other owners with my experiences. Living in south Florida, I wanted a boat that I could take offshore on a good sea day to fish for sails, kings, etc. The problem is with our small inlets, they can turn to 4'-6' seas because of changing tides & winds. With my 135 Merc and Aquasport's heavy hull , I have been able to power thru some rough stuff. I can't imagine having a smaller motor on the back as I have seen on other 200's. I also trailer down to the Key's, chasing tarpon & bonefish in 24" water. It's a great boat for my needs, I hope to keep it until "my" engine gives up. I will need to re-power with a 4-stroke in the near future so that will another post, at another time. One question for now. I have kept my boat covered since day one. It gets a bath & shampoo after all uses. The top areas of the hull are starting to "Yellow" from old wax build up. I have always used "Teflon" based wax. Does anyone have experience with removing old wax?? Otherwise, I wish all, calm seas & safe boating. Keyscrazy
Welcome aboard Keys :!: :!:
Nice looking rig :salut:
That is a great boat. I have the same one , same year with Yamaha pwr.
Nice ride.
If it is just old wax then the least effort would be to find a local auto body shop supply house. They sell wax & silicone remover by the gallon for preparation before painting. It is just a strong smelly solvent but it works well.
If the boat has never been painted I would try acetone to take off the old wax...
Hello,I just purchased a Aquasport Osprey 215 dc it has only 156 hours it is a 2003 looks brand new,I like to hear feedback on this boat, oh it has a 225 h.p. Yamaha, I like to know what you all think, thank you.
Welcome aboard Motorman :salut: sounds like a real sweet rig with the Yammi on there, look forward to some pictures :cheers:
Welcome aboard MM. :salut:
Are you a motorcycle cop or do you drive a subway train?
Anyway, here ya go.
Welcome aboard motorman007 :!: :!:
post up some pictures and welcome!
hello fellow Aquasport boaters. I am new to the site...just got my 1979 Aquasport 17 yesterday. I purchased the boat from "marcq" who is a member of the site and suggested i join the Aquasport family. So hello all!
Welcome aboard!Any freind of marcqs is a freind of ours!
pete :salut:
hello fellow Aquasport boaters. I am new to the site...just got my 1979 Aquasport 17 yesterday. I purchased the boat from "marcq" who is a member of the site and suggested i join the Aquasport family. So hello all!
You bought THAT :shock: hahaha :lol: Just jokin, Welcome aboard... :salut:
Marc (W)
Welcome aboard!Any freind of marcqs is a freind of ours!
pete :salut:
Welcome aboard!!
Welcome aboard arnaldo :!: :!:
Hopefully you won't pick up where he left off - j/k :lol:
Welcome :salut:
Welcome aboard A-Man. :salut:
Hey, didn't Marcq just flee the country (Canada that is)? :?
thanks everyone for the welcome...yes marcq is moving to california - thats why he had to sell the boat.
yes marcq is moving to california - thats why he had to sell the boat.
So that's what he told ya, eh? :roll:
Just kiddin'
Let us know how we can help. I'd bust ya for not posting a pic but we know what she looks like. :thumright:
Ask Marq to give us a holler here when he gets settled in. Good guy, hope his move is going smoothly. Thanks.
Welcome aboard arnoldo :salut: Glad you joined. Told you, they are a great bunch of guys here, with a great sence of humor ;)
Forgot to give you the windsheild and a template of the original Aquasport badge, still can get them for you if you want
Finally sold and moved out of the house, still have a bunch of things to do but getting there
Had tears in my eyes when I took a picture of the boat as you were leaving, I know I am a woos :roll: Will show pics if I can find my dam cable to download the pic from my cell
Anyway I know she will be in good hands
Welcome back friend..... hope things are going great...and welcome to America! And don't forget, you don't have to own a 'Sport to be a Sport!
Welcome aboard arnoldo :salut: Glad you joined. Told you, they are a great bunch of guys here, with a great sence of humor ;)
Forgot to give you the windsheild and a template of the original Aquasport badge, still can get them for you if you want
Finally sold and moved out of the house, still have a bunch of things to do but getting there
Had tears in my eyes when I took a picture of the boat as you were leaving, I know I am a woos :roll: Will show pics if I can find my dam cable to download the pic from my cell
Anyway I know she will be in good hands
Don't forget to change or add to your location in your preferences.
:rendeer: Howdy, and Happy Holiday season,
I joined the forum a few months ago, and have been lurking around since. Just want to introduce myself. I don't own an Aquasport (yet) but am looking for a classic to restore. I missed a couple by a day or two earlier, but will get more serious after the holidays.
Live down on Galveston Bay (Houston area) and am looking for an early 19-1 / 19-6 restoration project close to home....on the cheap of course. Watch the forums and craigslist, but if anyone has an old neglected boat gathering weeds close by, feel free to email me. I've built and restored a number of sail and powerboats over the years and am looking for a new classic to restore for bay fishing.
Anyway, thanks for the great forum, and best regards~
Welcome aboard Nate :salut:
Dandy intro and good luck with the "hunt" :thumleft:
We'll keep an eye peeled for ya. :cyclops:
thanks Capt. Bob!
I'm looking forward to contributing to the forum... :santa:
thanks Capt. Bob!
I'm looking forward to contributing to the forum... :santa:
Contribute even before you find your "project"! Would love to hear your experiences, Aquasport related or not! :thumleft:
ditto,we all benefit from each others knowledge,and welcome! :salut:
Welcome aboard catndahats :!: :!:
I'm out in your area monthly, too bad there is no way to bring your purchase (provided you find one local to me) to you when I come out there. (wonder what kinda of bag fee that would be :scratch: )
Welcome from Katy,Texas! Looking forward to seeing your project!
thanks for the welcome guys!
I'll keep you posted on the "hunt" for a project boat, and will of course watch the forum.
If you're new or an old friend we want to know!
Tell us where you are from and some interests.
Hi Lewis,
I'm John. I had a '78 222 CCP. I'm from Alabama and have been in FL for 10 years. I like fishing, hunting, and lookin' at wimmen.
I like fishing, hunting, and lookin' at wimmen.
I'm with him!
I am Andrew. I lived in Manatee County most of my life. Went to school at USF and moved to Lakeland about four years ago. I think this is the start to AA... Aquasport Anonymous!
I like fishing, hunting, and lookin' at wimmen.
I'm with him!
I am Andrew. I lived in Manatee County most of my life. Went to school at USF and moved to Lakeland about four years ago. I think this is the start to AA... Aquasport Anonymous!
My name is Marc.........ugh...ugh... and I'm an Aquaholic..... There.... I said it.... :shaking2:
My name is Bob.
I just work here.
You have to talk to the Boss. :tongue:
PS.... I owe ya a call. :!:
Well, HELLLOOO there! Bob C, Weeki Wachee (trust me, I'll get a pic of the park tomorrow...with cars in the parking lot!).
Used to build these little girls for 6 years, '94-'00. Feel free to bother me with questions... :cheers: :cheers:
Hi I'm Rick -
1) Been here in Sarasota all but 6 months of my life
2) Own 2 Aquasports, don't get to use either of them enough
3) Like to fish and boat camp - oh yeah, see #2
As you may have guessed,I'm Pete,lifelong boating addict,my first boat as a kid was a 8 foot plywood garvey with a chrysler 9.9.,then came a 1971 15' starcraft bowrider,orange gelcoat, with a 60 rude,18' angler,rumored to have been designed by a former aquasport employee,90 rude,now my trusty 225,and I'm married and have kids,so I'm told.
Nice, Marc, very nice!
I'm Mike.
I like diving.
I like Glocks (and their family members of other names)
and I like bugging seabob4 with Aquasport questions :salut:
Hi everyone I'm Scott,my Dad was a Long Liner when i was growing up and taught me to use Circle Hooks when it wasn't cool,that's how i picked my handle.
Been a Sarasota FL boy my whole life and still love it.
My parents had me on their boat at 2 months old so i guess it's in my blood.
Love anything on the water especially Grouper digging,Snook fishin and Bug diving,also love camping.
Original owner 97 225 Explorer,97 200hp Evinrude.
My name is Jon, The Admiral is Rhonda. We've been Aquaholics since May of this year, when we picked up our '79 22-2 FF. It's been a little over a month since we were last on the water so I guess it starting to settle in that we're done boating for the year. The boat is bundled up tight for the winter, now it's just wait, wait, wait for spring!
I'm a life long NC boy but a native of Baltimore, MD. Married for 12 fantastic years now to my wife, a native of Durham, NC.
My intrests include boats, water, 2-stroke o/b's, and my sunbathing Admiral!
It's been said before but definately rings true with me, I wasn't born a fisherman, but I plan on dying one!
Hello Fellow Boaters!
My name is Jason and I am from Katy,Texas. Married to a beautifuul wife, and have a 7yr old daughter and a 5yr old son. We love to Hunt and fish and are proud new to us owners of a 1996 Aquasport 215 Explorer. The boat has brought lots of smiles to the kiddos face!
Hi Lewis,
I'm Scott. I wanted an Aquasport real bad...I just didn't know I was gonna end up with two!
I like to hunt, fish, cook, and BS. And, see JJ's post #2. Especially blondes. ALL of my wives have been blondes.
I was born and reared in Wilmington, NC.
Thanks, and guess its not too early....Merry Christmas to all!
:santa: :rendeer:
Lurk, Lurk, Lurk... :batman:
Bob C made me do it :afro:
87 Proline 21 WAC, 200 Yammi, 9.9 kicker. Lansing NY, Great White North.
17F this morning at 5:30. The downriggers are in the basement, the cover is on, the tank is preserved, and the mice are asleep in under the cowls. Hopefully they won't eat much :geek:
Used to live in Naples FL, 1976-1980. I'll get back to FL one of these days...anyone need a Marine Engineer?
If time is on my side, I hope to have a stem to stern rewire project going on in the near future. Upgrading from 2 to 3 batteries, switching to LEDs, and getting rid of the rats nest behind the helm.
BTW, Proline rulez...Aquasport drools :mrgreen:
I'm the handsome one...ok...I'm the one with the baby brother is at the helm...Cayuga Lake last spring (42 miles long, 2 miles wide)
Mini-me with his tournament winning laker
WELCOME ABOARD! Between you and Scott (gran), this place will definitely be lively! :salut: :salut:
Hi, my name is Tom. I have a 97 Osprey 225 with a 250 HP FrankenYamaha, and I am a habitual lurker.
welcome fellow osprey captain!
I'm originally from Massachusetts. I got my first boat in 1958 and have had one since. I moved to Florida in '97 and dont know how I lasted so long up there...
I'm in the marine electronics business but nothing is selling the last few years.
I have an '89 250CCP with a closed transom and bracket with twin 150 mercs.
I'd tell you more but I'm lurking....
Capt Matt here
I'm a full time flats fishing guide for the last 12 years. I fish out of St James City on Pine Island FL for redfish, snook, trout and my personal favorite fish the tarpon. Currently my office is a 2000 1720 actioncraft I bought brand new She is powered with a 08 150 opti max.
Born in Leeds England, I have lived in SWFL for 30 years or since I was about 12 years old. Grew up on Sanibel and have lived on Pine Island for the last 10 plus years. Been married to my understanding wife for 12 years, not many other wives would let you rebuild a boat in your yard. My rebuild (69 flatback) has been going on about five months now along with the resin and gel coat stained clothes I can no longer bring in the house.
This website made me want to buy a flatback to rehab, I found her in the classicaquasport classifieds in June after searching for the right one to do for about 3 months She is my first rebuild and hopefully my new office/ guide boat for the next 20 years when done. I grew up watching my Dad rebuild many kinds of boats. Questions he can't answer I ask here. he is kind of old school and thinks I'm way over building and making a ice breaker!!
Thanks everyone for the info and answering my often stupid questions
Capt Matt here
I'm a full time flats fishing guide for the last 12 years. I fish out of St James City on Pine Island FL for redfish, snook, trout and my personal favorite fish the tarpon. Currently my office is a 2000 1720 actioncraft I bought brand new She is powered with a 08 150 opti max.
Born in Leeds England, I have lived in SWFL for 30 years or since I was about 12 years old. Grew up on Sanibel and have lived on Pine Island for the last 10 plus years. Been married to my understanding wife for 12 years, not many other wives would let you rebuild a boat in your yard. My rebuild (69 flatback) has been going on about five months now along with the resin and gel coat stained clothes I can no longer bring in the house.
This website made me want to buy a flatback to rehab, I found her in the classicaquasport classifieds in June after searching for the right one to do for about 3 months She is my first rebuild and hopefully my new office/ guide boat for the next 20 years when done. I grew up watching my Dad rebuild many kinds of boats. Questions he can't answer I ask here. he is kind of old school and thinks I'm way over building and making a ice breaker!!
Thanks everyone for the info and answering my often stupid questions
Naw, Matt...
You're part of the team. Your experience with different outboards is well-heeded, and appreciated. Thank you.
Hey guys (and gals?), My name is Jessie, which many of you already know.
My dad is on this forum as well, though he drops in randomly and not nearly as often as me. He goes by Boatdood, and his name is Tom. He just celebrated his 57th birthday yesterday surrounded by loved ones, those loved ones' significant others, and a slew of male grandkids. :shock:
Most of my knowledge of boats (and everything else) has been directly handed down to me by my father, with a few of my own fledgling (comparably) experiences.
My first time on the water was when I was 2 weeks old on an old DC Glastron. I grew up around boats my entire life - mostly pleasure/fishing craft under 30' and all OB powered - as my dad has been in the marine industry since 1970. When I came around in 1983, my dad was in sales and outboard repair. I have owned or had the pleasure to operate literally hundreds of boats, mostly used, that began as trade-ins at various dealerships, which my father and I "flipped" (sometimes literally) to turn a dollar, which was always a little bittersweet. :( :)
For a short time, I worked alongside my father at a plant he owned that built "Stinger Boats", a small economically niched tri-hull largely based on a 16' Scout. Then, I had a short stint on a commercial shrimp vessel, and then rejoined my father where I started out washing, then rigging, then selling boats at a local dealership where I had the pleasure of using brand new "demo boats", which were never actually demo'ed, I just fished out of them. :roll:
My father moved up into a Director position at a local boat plant (Key West Boats) after the dealership was a victim of the economy, and at that point I now had a need to own one boat as the inflow of trade-ins stopped. My father and I had a SeaCraft which we began to restore for this purpose. It quickly became obvious how much time and money this hull would consume, so my Uncle sold me the spill cleanup boat that the waterfront plant he worked at was getting rid of to hold me over in the meantime- my 1973 Aquasport 19-6.
This isn't the first Aqua I've used- we had an early 70's 170 w/ the transom baitwells that I fell in love with. My 19-6 began as something that I merely intended to use until the SeaCraft was complete, but I've learned to love and appreciate this boat more than I thought I would. I love old hulls and tight lines, and my Aqua definitely has that.
So that's me in a boating nutshell. A very large, longwinded nutshell. :lol:
uhhh im Aaron, my main obsession is ford trucks. i help run a ford truck forum. my 2nd obsession is fast boats, hence the 55mph Aqua :cheers:
have always loved the look of a 19-6/200 as a kid, grew up on various boats ranging from a 13 ft johnboat to 30 ft express... main boat we had growing up was a 1981 Cobia 240 Caribbean that i helped my dad restore from the ground up when i was 9, brand new crate 350 merc, new volvo drive, absolutely nothing original was left on that boat, everything was brand new... then he sold that for the Searay 270 Amberjack when i was 13, spent 2 years restoring it. a 2 years after we finished it i put twice the hours in 1 year than my dad did in 2 years :scratch: lol
boats i have personally owned:
10 ft zodiac with 6 hp johnson
13 ft jon boat with 20 hp rude
17 ft flats with 90 yamaha
200 osprey with 112 johnson then 200 'rude
i work in a marina... have operated everything from 13 ft whaler to a formula 400SS on a regular basis. by far my favorite boats have been 36 contender with trip 300 yamaha hpdi's or 36 yellowfin with trip F250 yamahas... sexy boats :lol:
uhhhh..... i think that about covers it... :roll:
Hi, my name is Mike,I,m a cabinet maker I live in Rhode Island. I bought my first salt boat this past season, A 200 Osprey (2000 model) I love it. My wife and son love fishing, and I also have a Couple of Harleys that I don't ride enough. Love the site, and all the Aquasports. :cheers:
Hi, I am Oliver.
I love to fish and dive. I grew up in Jacksonville Florida, fishing the creeks and diving the coast, mainly in the keys. I now live in colquitt county Ga, near moultrie. I enjoy fishing the gulf from the Econfina river over to St Joe bay. I currently have 2 aquasport project boats. A 22-2 and a 240 seahunter. I also enjoy listening to audio books on my iphone and playing with computers.
Hi all.
This is my first AS. So far so good. Bought it with most everything Not working now everything works.
I have fiqured out most of the HIN but cannot find a reference for the MODEL characters.
Welcome aboard Terry. :salut:
I'll assume you have visited this site. (
I don't think a "model code" appeared in the HIN. :scratch:
PS..... This site is linked in our Resource forum along with many other useful tidbits.
Hi all.
This is my first AS. So far so good. Bought it with most everything Not working now everything works.
I have fiqured out most of the HIN but cannot find a reference for the MODEL characters.
BJA was the 225 Explorer model code. Can't remember the 245, but then I do remember the 225 and 245/250 Osprey model codes. BHA was the 225, BMA was the 245/250s...
Of that vintage, there will be a model code for every boat from a 165 Striper up to the 270 Explorer...
Hi Guys,
My name is Mark and I've been on this forum for a while.I don't post to much but I enjoy all the info I get.Whenever I have a problem I can usually get an answer.I fish NJ with my cuurent Aquasport 245 TM.Still have some electrical issues to iron out over the winter.I also have a Proline and a 240 Sea Hunter that I was going to re-do but got hurt and now it sits on the trailer.Thanks for all the help.
Ok been lurking long enough.
1st great site!! Alot of useful information. Much better that THT!!!
We own a 03 225 Explorer TE with 225HP 4 stroke. 2007 dual axle trailer
Boating mostly in Flagler Beach along the ICW and up by Matanzas Inlet.
Use yearly in the Keys, Marathon for fishing and diving. 10 year old daughter just got certified as a junior diver. Both the admiral and I are Divemasters.
In the summer months, trailer boat to Lewis Smith Lake in Alabama (10 hours). 3rd cleanest lake in the US. Used mostly for skiing, kneeboarding and tubing. Fishing mostly for stripers, trolling. Lake is a dam lake with depths to 300 feet. Crystal clear water fresh water with no gators. Last summer lost my ladder off the swim platform, checked d/f was 175 feet, gone... Over 500 miles of shoreline. Have a family summer lake cottage that we rent out.
Just wanted to say looks like there are a great group of members on here and alot of good information. Upcoming projects on the 225:
- Port side window is leaking in the cabin, going to have to clean and re-caulk.
- Having intermittent problems with green starboard bow light on bow. Probably needs to be replaced. Took it apart and worked when moved bulb around. But went to use it one night and would not work again.
- Would like to add a stereo/CD player with speakers. (any suggestions on best place to install?) Looking inside the cabin, with remote on console.
- Want to install some scuba tank holders in the cockpit by the fishing rod holders.
- Finally if I can ever come up with the funds, thinking of a used soft/canvas/hard top. Don't want to go custom, but would like a ski pylon on top maybe next to some rod holders so my 9 year old can wakeboard. I have already been told some great air off that wake at slow speeds.
Looks like I am going to have to update my Santa list. Hope all have a wonderful and safe Holiday!!
Hi everyone My name is John I have a 1985 XF200 with a 175 johnson.This is the only site I ever post anything I always get the help I need and always enjoy all the post I read.I hope you all have a great Holiday season and keep warm.
nice to meet you John,so glad I live in warm sunny florida...39 degrees here in Palm Bay
Welcome aboard bb :!: :!:
I'm Chris and I live in northern Michigan. I'm the president of one of Michigan's 12 underwater preserves so I do a lot of diving! I'm a commercial photographer and do a lot of underwater photography and HD video too.
I learned a ton here when I rewired my 245 Explorer this past spring. It's my first "big boy" boat. I basically removed every single wire in my boat and replaced it along with a new dash panel, gauges, fuse panel, lighting, etc. etc. When I bought it, nothing worked - and now everything does. :cheers:
Hi Chris...glad to hear you managed the rewire's great to rewire and get everything straight, working and maintainable. I wired my 14' Sea is the rewire on the 21 Proline. Welcome :thumright:
Hey bball4364,
I live just up the road from you in Seminole Woods, PC. You guy`s ever hang at Matanzas Inlet? Might have seen you up there. How about the Golden lion? I`ve got an old 73`22-2. How long have you been in Flagler Beach?
Hey Fitz,
Been in Flagler Beach about 7 years. My inlaws have lived here for about 40 years. Alot of changes around here. Actually live just north of FB in Painters Hill, just off A1A. We own a lot in Flagler Beach that has a deep water lift that we usually keep the AS on in the summer.
Yes, mostly weekends at Matanzas, trying to get the admiral to agree on an overnight to St Augustine at the city marina. Can quite get her to agree there is enough sleeping room in the cabin. FYI bball is for basketball and played at Stetson University a long time ago. 6'8''.
Have you ever run the Inlet? Haven't got enough nerver to run it since there seems to be alot of shoals. Sounds like we need a Northest Florida AS get together at the Inlet. Also trailer over to Silver Glen springs on the St John's River. Great destination for boaters until they outlaw access to the springs.
Pete, that is exactly how we lost the dive ladder, taking it out of the pin, dropped the ladder. Never thought to keeping it on and raising it in the up position on the bracket. Thought it would fall down, may have to try that.
I was excited about your idea to bring new members to the board. Was hoping it would be successful, but did not anticipate the overwhelming response.
Am happy the new members are now a part of our family. Real members, as opposed to fakes/users/spammers. Thanks to all for your patience in the approval process, and joining the team.
You new're the lifeblood...and crow a bit because...
You have been screened/approved to join our board, unlike others.
Anything that you post here should also be able to be read by your ten year old, peering over your shoulder...but you knew were approved.
Welcome new members, and old (new) members.
Hello All,
As mentioned in my first ever post on the site, My name is Steve, and I'm the proud owner of an 88' 222 ccp. I live in Lenox,MA but spend as much time as I can get away with fishing in RI or "the cape". Being a surfcaster for more than 10 years, buying a boat was a big step for me. I had owned a 21' thompson w/twin johnsons @ 20 years ago and the maintenance and expense was more than a 20 year old could handle. In recent years it seems that the majority of fish have moved offshore, prompting me to purchase a fishing kayak last year (my first step to buying a power boat) had alot of fun getting "sleighrides" and accessing areas previously in-accessible before. After a close call one evening involving bad weather and a strong rip, the decision was made to "upgrade" to something other than human power. (paddeling like a mad man for 2 hrs and gaining no ground will have this effect) So the search began for a motorized form of transport. I looked at quite a few boats- Maco's,Grady's,pro-line's, but when I saw the Aquasport I was hooked! My priority being fishing, the 222 ccp, was a perfect choice for a first saltwater boat. I've been married for a little over 12 years w/ a ten year old daughter. So far she's more interested in ipod's, cell phones, and ( I hate to say it) BOYS, but I haven't given up hope that someday she'd rather spend a day fishing than go to the mall lol. Other than fishing, I enjoy bowling, making my own lead jigs/bucktails, and watching a good game of soccer. I look forward to possibly meeting up with other members from MA,RI or where-ever, sharing a few cold one's and maybe even catch a few fish. Happy Holidays to all,
Steve A.
Welcome Steve!
Sometimes threads take on a life of their own, kind of like this one. I had asked Rickk if he would make this a sticky and when he agreed I thought that the people that just visit and not join or ones that join and never post would not feel intimidated to start posting. If we can keep it about those people and their first post and introduction I think it will help the site become even better. Once they realize we are only here to help and they learn their way around the site the intimidation factor goes away! Even for members that have been on here way longer than me and know way more than I ever will about these hulls it can be difficult at times to ask seemingly easily answerable questions. These are the members this thread is about! I know this is now the first thread I check when I log on to see if anyone has posted.
So if we can try to keep it about them I think it will only help.
So come on you older members and join in and you newer guys just keep doing what you started here! Kind of like a Lays potato chip "nobody can have just one"!!
Since I am new here, and do not own an Aquasport yet, just thought I would try to upload a photo and see if it works. This is my last boat--super shallow draft at speed and great hole shot!!! Not much room for rod holders 8) . Sold it to start looking for a fishing boat dream boat is an original unmolested early 1970's model 19-1 or 19-6 to restore for fishing/cruising Galveston / Trinity Bays...(
Hope this works!
Looks like a fun boat :D
I'm new to this site but not new to aquasport, Iv'e owned a 170 since it was born in 1977 almost. My brothers father inlaw purchaced the boat in santa cruz ca new, I fished out of it on it's first run. Before he passed away he gave it to my brother and he couldn't fish out of it cause everytime he got in it he would breakdown, so I purchaced it from my brother and been using it every chance I can. It's been thru 3 motors and the 3rd trailer fished almost every mile of calif coast. I'm in the process of tearing the gas tank out and replacing it this winter, always something to do for it
Welcome! Lets see some pics of the old ride. You will find great info here and greater people.
I'm new to this site but not new to aquasport, Iv'e owned a 170 since it was born in 1977 almost. My brothers father inlaw purchaced the boat in santa cruz ca new, I fished out of it on it's first run. Before he passed away he gave it to my brother and he couldn't fish out of it cause everytime he got in it he would breakdown, so I purchaced it from my brother and been using it every chance I can. It's been thru 3 motors and the 3rd trailer fished almost every mile of calif coast. I'm in the process of tearing the gas tank out and replacing it this winter, always something to do for it
Damn, an excellent tale of an excellent boat, the CA coast is not for the weak of heart, be they boat or man!
Continue to post your story, and, most of all, Merry Christmas! :salut:
welcome tothe forum bro!merry christmas! :salut:
welcome Ghost...i'm fairly new to the forum as well - great bunch of fellows here with lots of knowledge. I also have a 17 - you should post some pics of yours. Happy holidays - Arnaldo
Welcome ghost,good seeing more norcals around.Who was the aquasport dealer back then down there?
Welcome abaord ghost#2 :!: :!:
We have a HUGE 170 family here - post some pics and show us what she looks like.
here's one
and another
1 more
Looking good :salut:
And I know about going through 3 motors on the same boat - my 170 is on her third too.
Nice fish! :salut:
Welcome to the site - right coast or left coast, Aquasport owners are the best!
That is one nice seabass! That is a nice albacore too!
My Name is John B. Moved down from Kansas City to Jacksonville, FL about 1 1/2 years ago. Shortly after bought our '97 Aquasport Explorer 225 with a Johnson 225 OceanPro. We love to take it downtown, up to Nassau Sound, bottom fish in it, and do some light trolling, but I do my of my heavy trolling in a buddy's 31' Capehorn.
Other than installing a stereo system, really haven't done much to the boat. I plan modifying the fishbox drain this winter, and maybe by the summer have a half tower installed to replace the bimini top. The engine though, I had to rebuild the carbs after getting water in the engine, and had to rebuild the lower unit after having intermittent trouble with reverse (tooth knocked off of reverse gear).
I am the one at the helm in this photo, although you really can make me out.
Welcome John - nice cruising pic there :thumright:
Welcome John,except for the motor we have twins.
Hi all, I'm new to this forum and it's my first post. My 98 Explorer 215 with 98 200 hp Johnson has been in the family for about 6 months......and we love her. What a great balance between cockpit/deck & cabin size. My wife and I have overnighted a couple of time on her, and it was very comfortable. We sold a 27' sloop to get this boat and never looked back. Easily fish 4 with my two sons & grandson, and we average 180 lbs each. My GPS said 42 mph on the St. Johns River in deep water with no wind/wake to mess with. The boat looks nice with matching colors on the graphics, bimini and motor. Replaced the deck lights with blue LED's, replaced the marine radio with a new unit w/remote control, and installed a mirror over the anchor locker access area in cabin.
What I need to do over the winter is install tabs. Hole shots have me angled for a space flight, and the benefits of trim tabs have been discussed in depth here. I like Lenco for a variety of reasons, have the switches and wiring harness already in place, but just not sure of the needed size. The factory boarding ladder may determine or narrow some of my options, but it would be great to hear from someone with knowledge of this model Aquasport.
Guess I got a little excited talking about my boat..... We live in Inverness, Fl., and do most of our boating out of Crystal River, which includes a nine mile run out the river to the Gulf of Mexico. Also on Lake Henderson in Inverness for shorter day trips. We use the boat a lot!
We just bought a truck camper, and plan on heading to Sebastian Inlet with it and the boat soon. Haul with an 06 Super Duty Crew Cab 4WD it's not even there.
Thanks for the forum work, listening to my rambling, and have a good new year. AL Norcross
Welcome aboard! Excellent first post except for the lack of PICTURES! :lol:
You wouldn't believe how hard I tried to get something into the article. It's just me, don't do enough of this, spend the time motorcycling, fishing, diving. I'll keep at it and maybe I'll stumble on a way to add photos
You wouldn't believe how hard I tried to get something into the article. It's just me, don't do enough of this, spend the time motorcycling, fishing, diving. I'll keep at it and maybe I'll stumble on a way to add photos
We're fairly similar to most type Forums. Try this.
Click on this link to the thread, then click on the link supplied in that thread.
Once you understand Photo Bucket you're half way home. Use the directions below the link if you're still are having trouble posting.
viewtopic.php?p=45657#p45657 (
Good luck.
Welcome to the forum Al! If you need any info about the Sebastian Inlet area,let me know,it is my home waters, :salut:
Welcome Al. :salut:
Good Evening,
This summer I purchased my first boat and am glad to say it is an Aquasport. I spent a long time looking for a boat that fits me and this is it. Of course, like any older boat i have my work cut out for me to keep it in good shape, but thats half the fun.
My first summer of boat ownership ended up being entirely lost to engine problems that ultimately turned out to be bad carbs, a shorted ignition stator, a leaky in-coffin gas tank (and by leaky i mean that the sending unit was ripped partially off due to the undersized tank not being secured in the coffin ((discovered this on my first trip out)), a kinked fuel line, and a damaged vapor pump.
To bad they only found one of these per visit to the mechanic, so after 4 months, a change in mechanics, and a boat load of money, i finally got out on the water in September.
That's the motor, but the hull, shes a beauty.
heres a couple of pictures.
:D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D
Anyway, I am going to start some upgrades in march and get ready for the early summer in LI sound.
Glad to be on the forum.,
in CT
Welcome aboard Bill! Looks like a sweet boat. As with any boat especially a classic boat your gonna have some gremlins to chase out of it! But I think you have something good to work with there!
welcome to the Classic Aquasort "club"! as you'll find out this forum is more like a club and less like a web forum,nice looking rig,good job with the pics,is that a bow dodger on the front? :salut:
It is. Its got the bimini, and a dodger with the front enclosures. They are relatively new by the looks of things. No fading or tearing. Made by Sunbrella.
The boat came with these, plus a large cooler seat with flip rest, dual batteries, House battery disconnect, galvanized 2005 tandem axle trailer and a bunch of other goodies. I added a sidescan donsr GPSD, a cd/mp3 radio, Racor 10 micron, new fuel lines; and custom built as new "dashboard" that mounted on the console that has a glove box, the in-dash radio, and cubby hole. I cant find a picture of that, but its good to be a woodworker.
My big project for the spring is to get a custom gas tank built and back into the coffin. I will definitely be looking for some lessons learned and suggestions as I tackle that.
Sorry for rambling, but you know how it gets when someone expresses interest in your boat.
Welcome aboard :salut: Very nice rig, looks like it has been very well kept. Is that a 1999 Fast-Strike 100? First Generation FICHT? Good luck with your upcoming projects, anything we can do to help, just ask.
thanks for the detailed reply...we love hearing about the upgrades made to our boats :salut:
Welcome aboard Bill :!: :!:
Nice looking rig :salut:
Looking good Bill. Looks like you found a nice one.
Welcome aboard!
Welcome, and Nice Boat! There is a thread on here called "... Official 19-6 Registry" if you'd like to add yours to the list.
Also- would there happen to be any kind of part number on that Dodger? I'd like one for my 19-6.
Thanks and Good Luck! :salut:
Welcome aboard Bill. :salut:
Interesting console. :thumleft:
Yes, here is a link to the registry thread.
Go ahead and ad yours in when you can!
I will look for a part number on that dodger as soon as i get it back from the shop (getting some winter work done). I will definately register it when I am done with this post.
the center console needs some work, but I all ready built a nice addition to it and can't believe I dont have a picture.
The motor is a 1999 Johnson 100 Workhorse. Apparently its a specific model from that year.
Thanks for the nice welcome.
Hi I am Chris from Pt Charlotte Fl.and lived in the area about 18 years now. I have a 1977 17Ft Aquasport with a 70hp Johnson that i own for the last couple years and about to finally restore it the boat this winter. I love to fish, hunt and just hang out friends and family. And glad to have this forum and help get idea and figure problems out.
welcome to the club Chris!as it been plz
Hi I am Chris from Pt Charlotte Fl.and lived in the area about 18 years now. I have a 1977 17Ft Aquasport with a 70hp Johnson that i own for the last couple years and about to finally restore it the boat this winter. I love to fish, hunt and just hang out friends and family. And glad to have this forum and help get idea and figure problems out.
Chris make sure your boat is ready for our next Gathering in May,gonna be in your back yard down there, Boca Grande. :salut:
Hi, I'm John and have had a place in Punta Gorda for about three years now. Like to fish Charlotte Harbor and Boca Grande and take Grandkids to Caya Costa. Wanted to make last get together but had to make maiden voyage on new boat before running that far. Usually put in Ponce DeLeon Park which is not too far to run. Will attend next one if we are down. I have a wife, Linda, 3 children, and 7 grandchildren. Looking forward to meeting some of you.
Welcome John!
See you have great boats, and a presence in Charleston too. That gives you two reunion opportunities to consider.
Again, welcome aboard!
True, but they are all in FL right now. need to bring one back to Chas. All need more work, but I have them all running which is most important.
I new tp posting but Ive been lurking for years..After 2 boatless years I grabbed a 1974 19 6 w/ 93 Merc 115.
I want to redo the whole thing but cant start for a few months, new house that needs more work than the boat.
Its been beat on but still runs, cant get to it until April but I get the feeling Ill want to get in on the spring bass run
I have some pics that I am having problem uploading, but I would love to see what some of you old salts thing and where you start.
Nice to be on board.
Congrats on the new boat. You can't go wrong with a 19'-6". Can't wait to see pics.
welcome sir :salut:
Welcome aboard Sean :!: :!:
The 196 family continues to grow 8)
Hi Sean,
How does the Merc run? Those are an interesting design. They only run on the two top cylinders at idle. Mercurys attempt at cylinder deactivation. It actually worked pretty well and they get comparable fuel economy to a four stroke at trolling speeds. They are not without some quirkeyness to get set up. So if you need some advice just holler.
Allow me to introduce myself and my "girl".
I live in Daytona Beach, Florida, and have the good fortune to live on the Intracoastal where "Playin Hooky" can be dropped into the water and I can be clearing the inlet 30 minutes later.
"She" is a 1999 245 Explorer. I purchased her as the second owner in February of 2003. I had looked at almost every brand and model before stepping onto the deck of this boat. The moment I did, I fell in love. I've never seen another boat in this length that can easily dive or fish four people simultaneously off the back deck. I've done extensive modifications to her over the years and still find little ways to tweak her for more storage or functionality. We have two pretty good surplus marine stores here in town, and almost everything I've installed has come from these establishments. My latest is installing cubbies with shelves in the gunwales on each side. Found them in a pile of blem parts for $15 apiece, and I took them apart and reconstructed them to create some space to stow gloves, masks, tackle or anything that I don't want flopping around on the deck.
In 2005 I said "bon voyage" the the original Johnson 225 and repowered her with a 250 hp Suzuki 4-stroke. I had been planning on changing for a while, and after looking at all the options on the market, started leaning towards the Suzuki. After a trip to the backwaters of Costa Rica, where almost every boat was powered by the Suzuki 4-stroke, I was sold. I've never regretted the decision! 3 mpg at 35 mph is not bad for a 6000-lb. boat!
I was excited to stumble upon this forum, and I'm looking forward to sharing war stories with the rest of the group.
Welcome aboard! You are not very far from me. Starting in April, I will have my Osprey in the water at Oak Hill, and the camper there also. Will be shooting out a lot from Ponce Inlet. Great first post by the way.........sounds like you have stayed busy tweaking your baby!
Welcome aboard and we are glad you found us too!
Our member seabob4 probably built your boat so I am sure he will join in with me and say---
Hello my name is Ethan
I am an Aquaholic.
Seriously, I've owned many lake boats and recently switched to salt.I just finished a 69 Glasspar project and realized it to small for any swell here on the left coast so I picked up a new girl.
She's a 79 222 Family Fisherman. I bought her for the fiberglass construction and self bailing hull. She's powered by a 1996 Tohatsu 140hp. That should work for now. Hoping to restore my bank account and repower soon.
She us dirty and neglected even a little cheesey if you know what I mean. I can't wait to get her ready for open season.
I know most of my questions are probably already answered here and those that are not are just a post away.
Thanks in advance. Looking forward to joining your little family here a ASClassics.
Whats the easiest method to attach pics? Using that photo bucket site?
A BIG welcome aboard! Although your AS was before my time, there are plenty here that can answer whatever you ask, and I can answer the mechanical/electrical stuff.
Enjoy her, and post pics. Use Photobucket, it's the best way...'cause sooner than later, someone is going to come along and say...
Hi everyone, my name is Guy, I purchased my 2cnd Aqua Sport back in October. My first one was an older 19 foot boat back when I was still in my teens. I loved the boat and have always wanted another one, just a little bigger. My last couple of boats have been jet boats due to having small children and also having a small tow vehicle due to the economical belt tightening that everyone had to do a few years back. I have always bought my boats as basket cases and turned them into runners, this new to me Aqua is no exception.
Back in October I had been looking around for another project and stumbled on a handful of boats with different needs and the Aqua was fortunately had the best condition hull. A little bargaining and a sight unseen (other than some pictures) offer was made and hesitantly accepted.
The boat is an 83, 246 with a 96 250 Merc on her. Nice 2003 aluminum trailer, out riggers, down rigger, chart plotter (Miami/Keys chip going to need one for my area)/gps offshore radio,trim tabs, fully rewired, new deck a couple years ago, newer batteries, leaning post, salt water wash down, and a forward in floor fish box.
The bad: Engine was a question mark, engine cranked, tilted, just no spark, fuel was varnished, t-top had no canvas,couple cracks here and there in the gel coat, floor coating was done poorly, some cracks in the floor here and there that need attention, floor hatch has a few issues needing addressed. All in all a very good deal for what was paid.
So far I have found a burnt almost in half 4 gauge battery cable under the deck and replaced it, that is what burned up the starter (which was making an awful noise and turning way to slow to be any help) replace the starter, found compression reading between 90 and 60 on the engine. So I tore her down and started the rebuild.
Took the power head down to the block and brought them up to American Cylinder in Vero, Ron is a great guy and their work is second to none in our area. Had them bore it over to .30, check the crank tank the block and hone it in for the new pistons. All while this has been going on i ordered all of my parts from Tri state Marine in Illinois from Lee, another good guy but a little slow on delivering parts, its been 5 weeks and I am still waiting on a few items that I could get almost anywhere. I also have repainted the whole engine cowl, mid, trim, everything with a base clear /black. Engine was white and faded pretty bad. I also sent the injectors to Brucato in N.C. for calibration and cleaning. The t-top I had a new canvas put on that and also added a crows nest since the t-top had an access hoop on the front. I had the canvas guy add a zipper to make an access hatch to climb up there. This will be great for spotting bait and shallows.
I am just waiting on the speedy sleeve for the crank and 2 motor mounts so I can get this thing back on the water, I ordered: new stator, pistons, all bearings,rod bolts full gasket kit, new motor mounts,new mount bolts/nuts/ trim sender, water pump kit, thermostats, tiller arm mount, basically anything that needed to be replaced is getting replaced. I dont like weak links.
I dont have a name for her yet but I am working on one. I will try to add some pic in a few minutes, have to get the hang of this forum yet. (
hope this is the prefered way, i couldnt get the upload to work on this forum.
So, ummm, is that all you've done? Damn, where is that "Just Kidding" smiley when I need it...
Welcome aboard, sounds like a lot of fun, in a warped sense of the manner. Use Photobucket for posting pics, works like a charm anywhere I go...
welcome new guys!looking forward to some pics! :salut:
Whats the easiest method to attach pics? Using that photo bucket site?
Click on this link.
Read carefully, and follow the link in the post. It explains Photo Bucket. If you are still having problems, follow the instructions listed below the link in that post.
viewtopic.php?p=45667#p45667 (
Pic link (
Like this
Only one I have now.
More to come I'm sure
Welcome guys.
OK, I've been lurking for about a year now.
My name is Michael.I bought my 2002 225 Explorer for a nickel. Well not really a nickel but ONLY $5K, for real. My friend bought it new in 2003 as a last years model. Used it for a couple years until various issues caused him to let it sit behind his house in Hernando Beach canal for 5-6 years. (hi Seabob hope to meet you someday). After dinner and a few glasses of wine I asked about the boat & to make a long story not as long, he offered it to me for $5,000. He also gave me one year to pay it off after 1/2 down. My wife protested but could not stop me. $1500 to replace the fuel pump, water pump and clean 80 gallons of syrup that used to be gas out of the tank and she was running smooth. (only had 80 hrs on the engine, for real, I know this guy 15 years he really is my best friend). NOw the only big problem was the oxidation all over. Went over all the fiberglass 16 times, starting with power washing,scraping oysters and barnacles off the bottom. Then wet sanding, power buffing, polishing and waxing and it's almost like new. The vinyl isn't even cracked as it was inside all those years.. The Evinrude 225 ficht ran great until a blocked hose to the ECU caused it to fail. That was the worst, $2200 to replace then found rebuilts costing $1K less.
Now all that's left is to replace the cracked instrument panel, I replaced alot of corroded wires back there and then I will replace the instruments. Anybody know where I can get a replacement instrument panel or know the serial # for MG Electronics who made them?
Photos to follow soon as if you guys don't know what an AS looks like.
Love this forum but that's more than enough for now.
I think I may have figured how to post pics (http://pics
- (
Motor runs good, needs carb cleaning rebuild and new trim pump. I would like to get a newer 115 eventually.
I never seen a t-top mounted that way before.
Oh my,
Green rub rail. :o
Good job on the pics. :thumleft:
I'm going to relocate this thread to the Lewis' "Intro Thread" pinned in the Discussion forum.
When you begin your re-build, you can start a new thread in this forum.
Good luck.
I've been a long time lurker but finally dcided to join. My dad owned a 1976 19-6 Family Fish with a 200 Mercury Black Max. We fished year round in Grand Isle, La when we were growing up. He sold the boat five years ago because the kids were all in college or had moved away. We are all back in town now and I've been looking at boats again. I ran across a 22-2 CCP in Baton Rouge with a 225 Yamaha. ( We went and looked at it and it was decent but not worth the 10K the guy wanted. It has been sitting for three years under an oak tree getting rained in. There was water in the subhull and a pretty good soft spot over the hatch in the front. I'm curious what y'all think the a reasonable price for this boat would be.
I've been a long time lurker but finally dcided to join. My dad owned a 1976 19-6 Family Fish with a 200 Mercury Black Max. We fished year round in Grand Isle, La when we were growing up. He sold the boat five years ago because the kids were all in college or had moved away. We are all back in town now and I've been looking at boats again. I ran across a 22-2 CCP in Baton Rouge with a 225 Yamaha. ( We went and looked at it and it was decent but not worth the 10K the guy wanted. It has been sitting for three years under an oak tree getting rained in. There was water in the subhull and a pretty good soft spot over the hatch in the front. I'm curious what y'all think the a reasonable price for this boat would be.
Welcome aboard Evan. :salut:
I have one post, but have checked out the site and found it to have good information and really interested members.
I am rather envious of those of you from the South. The water here in upstate NY is presently quite hard and the boat is in its own garage it shares with the tractor.
We have a 2001 Osprey 175 that is in really good shape. In the summer it spends time on the Finger Lakes and the Adirondacks.
We decided on this boat because of the quality and the price compared to something like a BW.
Not the ocean, but the lakes do kick up a bit and this boat handles things well.
Well I started my winter project, taking the nasty gas tank out and installing new ss one tonight I pulled the console including both batteries all the wiring, steering cables floor and tank. pics. to follow need to measure tank, get new hoses clean, clean and more clean took about 4 hrs to get the tank out it had about 4 holes in it not bad for 34 years old will add photos tomorrow must get some sleep so I can go to that four letter word tomorrow
welcome aboard new guys!while you're trying to stay warm,read plenty of boating and fishing mags and catalogs,full of great ideas and helps keep the fire burning!spring will be here soon,hang in there or move south! :salut:
After major distractions, I want to get back to the Aquasport.
I have a 1973 22.2, purchased new at Tavernier Creek Marina. I have the original sales order and such. The Sand Bar II has been in the family since new.
I hope to get the overhaul going soon. Looking to get rid of some water logged foam, new decks and, a modern transom. I'm not looking to alter the design, since it really works for me.
I've been around boats all my life. I even sold them for a little while. As my handle would indicate, I've been in the land mobile radio business for the last 16 years.
I generally don't farm anything out for repair, hence the major distractions.
Anyhow, I was around in the early days of the forum. I lost touch, but before I left this place was a great source of info. I also enjoyed contributing. Hopefully I can pick up where I left off.
Greetings from South Miami!
welcome back! look forward to your contributions and rebuild pics. :salut:
After major distractions, I want to get back to the Aquasport.
I have a 1973 22.2, purchased new at Tavernier Creek Marina. I have the original sales order and such. The Sand Bar II has been in the family since new.
I hope to get the overhaul going soon. Looking to get rid of some water logged foam, new decks and, a modern transom. I'm not looking to alter the design, since it really works for me.
I've been around boats all my life. I even sold them for a little while. As my handle would indicate, I've been in the land mobile radio business for the last 16 years.
I generally don't farm anything out for repair, hence the major distractions.
Anyhow, I was around in the early days of the forum. I lost touch, but before I left this place was a great source of info. I also enjoyed contributing. Hopefully I can pick up where I left off.
Greetings from South Miami!
This is the best place on the net! First and last site I visit each day. You're input is invaluable, just keep it up! :salut:
hello eyeryone im the new guy. just traded a 14ft. jon boat with a 35 evinrude, for my brand new 1974 aqua sport 170 with a 135 johnson. i think its funny that the boat is older than i am and by all right runs better than i do. :lol:
So thar ya go....welcome another dedicated member.
Enjoy your new Aquasport!
You getting in on any of the Yellowfin action out on the lumps?? Neighbor went out to the rigs this past weekend and we had some great Yellowfin on the grill.
Well, I finally got around to joining this wonderful site. last year I bought my first boat. its a 2005 Aquasport Osprey 205 Bay boat with a 150hp Yamaha 4 stroke. I keep the boat in Red Bank, NJ. The boat was hardly used by the original owner. It ran great all summer on the rivers and bay. Easy to fish. Only problem is that the forward fish box and storage locker are not water tight. I lined both with hatch tape but rain water is still getting in. When the boat goes back in the water in the spring I will post some pictures and ask for alternative fixes to this problem.
welcome to the forum scott,I had the same problem on my osprey,found some marine grade weather strip at Lowes,working pretty good :salut: (
the one withe the rigdes
Hey there,
Im Vince located in pompano beach,
I have a 1978 19-6 that im currently refitting..
i like fishing, diving, and pretty much any thing to do with the ocean!!
Well then Vince,
Welcome aboard :salut:
Nice intro but......(
We love our Aqua porn. 8)
Hey everybody! Another Rick has joined this website. I'm from WPB Florida as the username suggests and I have a 1978 200 CCP I have owned for 10 yrs or so. The HIN # is ASP0115M78D. The only reason I believe mine is a CCP is because I have seen many pictures on this board and the CCP's resemble mine the most especially Captin.Kid's 1979 200 CCP. If anyone has a different opinion please let me know. I changed the original 150 Evinrude, which was costing me a lot of $$ to keep up with, for a 1998 saltwater Yamaha VMAX 150 with a twin counter rotating prop back in 2003. The engine runs great and produces more thrust than the Evinrude I removed, also more fuel efficient. Shortly after the engine change I replaced the fuel tank with a platic one because the old aluminum factory tank had corrosion and kept clogging the carbs. I use the boat mostly for fishing, I haven't used it in over a year because of the bad economy. When I bought it I noticed a few soft spots on the deck and didn't give it much thought, I just wanted to go fishing all the time, but now I want to replace the deck and replace the Bimini top with a T-top. Let me finish off for now by inserting this photobucket link of the boat. I already removed the leaning post and am in the process of stripping down the center console and labeling all the pre-existing wiring, which will be replaced with new wiring. I have seen many pictures of some members previous and current projects and I've gotten a lot of good ideas. Bare with me, I haven't washed it in over a year. ... My%20Boat/ (
Welcome aboard Rick.
Welcome to the site! You have a classic 200 CCP, pre-'81 version, which originally had a coffin in front of the console. Your comments/issues with the boat are pretty typical for the type and age, so feel free to ask any specifics and someone here can help you out. Quite a few 200 CCP owners here!
Hi Everybody
I'm Dan, live in Fort Lauderdale, FL. love fishing, I own a 1989 Wellcraft 18 Sport CC, wich I love and recently repowered with a Johnson 4 Stroke 115HP
but since I love going out anytime of the year, I'm planning on get me a 210 Explorer or similar.
Great website, lots of usefull information and great people.!! :cheers:
here's a pic of the Wellcraft...
Finally joined the Aquasport Board. Thanks to Pete for pusing me over the edge :thumright:
Anyhow, I just purchased a new boat cover from Taylor Made and wanted to post a few pics on how it came out. Its a generic cover made to fit medium to large center console boats. After fumbling around for an hour, finally got the knack on how to install it. Below are some pics after final installation. I can still tweak it but got tired and had other "chores" to do. Note the outline of my wife's cleaning buckt on the puplit, had to do it to avoid riping the cover with the anchor.
Welcome on board Robert. Your ride looks very nice and the Taylor Made cover looks great. I have one for my 222CCP in gray and its worked out well. I had hell getting the cover up under the Tee top over the console.
When your wife finds that bucket, your a$$ will be grass!!!!
Welcome aboard Robert :salut:
It's all about the U, yes :idea:
Welcome to the board sir!Glad to have you join us.I like the cover,considered those when I bought mine.I really like the bucket over the anchor idea,I put mine inside the boat so it wouldnt rip the cover.Tomorrow it gets a wiki wiki anchor bucket [patent pending]!Have I seen you on the FS forum as well? :salut:
Probably, been a member there for a few years and post on occasion.
I also stored the anchor inside, actually in the rope locker and couldn't figure out how to protect the cover over the pulpit. Walked into my garage and stood in the middle and scanned the area and that bucket was screaming at me. Tried it on and it fit like a glove. Told my wife we'l just have to go buy her a new one...... :lol:
Thanks for the welcome.
Welcome Wiki-Wiki!
I believe you have one of my boats under that cover...CONGRATS!!!
BTW, being from Oviedo, you may have seen these round town...
Welcome, :salut:
Nice cover. I also have Taylor Made semi-custom for my 19-6. Fits great. Mine has the Hot Shot fabric and 5 year warranty and I'll tell you what, they stand behind there product. My cover started to become brittle in certain areas after 1 year use. (its in full Florida sun all day) So, I contacted cust service, told them my frustrations, took some photos and emailed them for review. A day later they offered to send me new cover free of charge. :cheers: So save your receipt and take photos if any problems start to occur.
Also new to CA but love it....
I recently purchased a 200517 Osprey and have been replacing the usual parts/components.
Thinking about adding a poling platform but was wondering about what it would do to the balance of the boat. Also wondering why the fuse box is so tough to get to. Has anyone redone a critical component of the 17 that they would want to share?
Any help would be appreciated.
New to the board and I have a 2002, 205 Osprey.
Like all things boating, I'd liek to get to know more and obviously spend more, but need advice and share stories.
Welcome aboard shipmate, nice rig, I have the 245 Osprey, you will enjoy her. Look around the forum, there is a lot of good info, and great people on here. :cheers:
Welcome aboard Dan and Psmjax! :thumleft:
Yeah, here my weapon for the weekends....
Welcome aboard Mark!
I was hoping you would see this thread!
Okay, I have to ask. Why the name dirtball?
Yeah, here my weapon for the weekends....
The boat or the beer? :wink:
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Also new to CA but love it....
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Welcome aboard DB :!: :!: Nice looking rig :salut:
P.S. Sure glad I removed all those blocked Australian IP addresses :wink:
G'Day, Mate! Welcome aboard! So, what do want to know, and what do you want to spend? :shock: :shock:
G'Day, very nice Rig there, Welcome Aboard. BTW, We Love your Prime Minister over here, She's got Bigger balls then our guy by far.
Smitty :salut:
I'm Jim from Lakaland, FL. I just finished my 19-6 this week that I purchased over the phone while living in Japan 3 years ago. I'd never been in an Aquasport before mine, but I knew there was something special about them. Mainly the fish-ability of them, but also the booze cruise potential. The boat rides great; better than I expected.
I'm anxious to get it out to one of the Aquasport gatherings one of these days.
I really enjoy tarpon fishing and have fished in the PTTS since getting of the Navy in late 07. Last year we fished for Canyon Bay Boatworks, finishing 5th overall for the season and 3rd in the Tarpon Cup. I'm the one with the bright orange hat in some of the intros.
I also enjoy long kayak trips. I've kayaked the Myakka from Myakka City to Boca Grande, Everglades City to Flamingo, and various other rivers here in FL. My next long trip will be from Flamingo to Islamorada.
Welcome sir! Sounds like your screen name is right up my alley! BTW, have you kayaked the Homosassa or Crystal river?
Welcome sir! Sounds like your screen name is right up my alley! BTW, have you kayaked the Homosassa or Crystal river?
I've spent some time around Homosassa for the raft races and other things, and been diving around crystal river. On my everglades trip I saw a few boats near everglades city on day 1 and saw 1 boat in between there and day 7 down near Flamingo. I like to take trips on the kayak where I won't encounter too much boat traffic.
hello to all my aquasport fanatics! i love these boats! i grew up on a 1972 22-2 that my father owned. he had 2 of them and used them as test boats for his outboard engine company..( remember Bear Cat?) well fast forward to today name is Bill and i own the Tow Boat US sites for the entire state of Maine..and yes, u got it..i only use aqua sports! My inventory includes (2) 1987 25ft ccp's both powered with new 250 mercs. (1) 1980 22 ccp with a 225 yamaha and a old 1968 22-2 with a 115 on it.. i have done massive restorations on a lot of other aquasports so if u need any help...feel free to ask!
hello to all my aquasport fanatics! i love these boats! i grew up on a 1972 22-2 that my father owned. he had 2 of them and used them as test boats for his outboard engine company..( remember Bear Cat?) well fast forward to today name is Bill and i own the Tow Boat US sites for the entire state of Maine..and yes, u got it..i only use aqua sports! My inventory includes (2) 1987 25ft ccp's both powered with new 250 mercs. (1) 1980 22 ccp with a 225 yamaha and a old 1968 22-2 with a 115 on it.. i have done massive restorations on a lot of other aquasports so if u need any help...feel free to ask!
That is cool!!! Welcome, and it is great the AS is represented in the Pine Tree State! I built the latters, '94-'00, so I'm a little past your girl's era, but none the less, still Aquasports.
I take it the new 250 Mercs on the 25s are Optis...
Welcome to the club,with your knowledge you will be a great addition and resource to our community here. :salut:
Welcome aboard, Bill! :thumright:
How did you get into the Tow Boat US business? How many ports do you operate from?
Welcome aboard Bill :!: :!:
You must have installed the revolutionary "Ice Breaker" factory option on at least one of those hulls :D Coast Guard borrowed the design
yeah..not much boating going on right here!! i operate 4 locations in maine from portland to bar harbor.. lots of coast line.. have had many tow boats ..makos..big whalers ect but the 25 ccp is the best over all boat for the sea keeping ability and the amount of power it needs to move.. my goal is to have my whole fleet 25 ccp's...but there hard to find. on another note the power i choose was the 250 opti for the only reason of weight.. the verado ..although very quiet and incredible power..they are still really new and have had some reliablity issues not to mention techical problems.. i need to change engines every 3-4 years anyway so the coat difference also helped my choice. ill post pics of the fleet real soon
Hello all, my name is dan (dxs217). New boat owner. Bought a used '99 215 DC w/Evinrude 200 ficht. Runs good with low hours. Pumps, gauges, and accessories are another story.... not so great.
Hull is clean and in great shape, so is trailer.
Really wish my gas gauge worked. It did when I tested the boat before buying it. Story of my life...
I'm a fighter pilot stationed at Tyndall AFB. Originally from Pittsburgh PA where I grew up on small skiing boats.
I'll have a lot of questions. Many of them stupid. Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone my name is Nick originally from Bradenton FL currently live in Valdez AK for another 5 or so months hopefully ill be back in FL real soon. I got my first aquasport a 1976 17', i havent even seen it yet.. my father in law picked it up for me so its waiting for me in Baton Rouge LA found it on craigs list for $1500. Heres some pics ... ?start=all (
Kudos to your dad-in-law. She's a beauty, all original....a classic.
Welcome aboard....get back home in time for the first Gulf Coast reunion!
Dan, welcome too. COOL job...and THANKS for serving your country. If you try and financially justify owning a'll never own one :wink:
Any question... no problem....someone here will know. Welcome guys!
Hello all, my name is dan (dxs217). New boat owner. Bought a used '99 215 DC w/Evinrude 200 ficht. Runs good with low hours. Pumps, gauges, and accessories are another story.... not so great.
Hull is clean and in great shape, so is trailer.
Really wish my gas gauge worked. It did when I tested the boat before buying it. Story of my life...
I'm a fighter pilot stationed at Tyndall AFB. Originally from Pittsburgh PA where I grew up on small skiing boats.
I'll have a lot of questions. Many of them stupid. Thanks in advance.
The only stupid question is the one you don't ask... :thumright:
Hello all, my name is dan (dxs217). New boat owner. Bought a used '99 215 DC w/Evinrude 200 ficht. Runs good with low hours. Pumps, gauges, and accessories are another story.... not so great.
Welcome aboard Dan. :salut:
I'm a fighter pilot stationed at Tyndall AFB.
Raptor jockey?
I'll have a lot of questions. Many of them stupid. Thanks in advance.
You'll fit right in. All the smart guys are on other Forums. :roll:
We're more of the good lookin' types here. 8)
F-15E Strike Eagle, no aircraft stationed here. Squadrons fly in and we take them out for live missile evaluations over the gulf. Good times...
Hi, my name is Mike and lived in metro-detroit all my life. Enjoy wonderful access to the Great Lakes mostly Erie, Huron and that unknown great lake: lake st. Clair. Been fishing and hunting for 36 years now and don't want to stop. Fell in love with Aquasport when I ran into a 222 CCP cruising the channels around Harsen Island about 6 years ago. Since then I have been looking for one and finally picked one up a "86" 222 2 weeks ago in pretty good shape. As soon as the weather breaks I will start bring her back to her former glory and post progress here.
Hello My name is Tony born and raised in Delaware ( except for a 3 yr stay on a Battleship for the Navy ) grew up fishing the Delaware bay Chesepeake bay and chasing Flounder in Va. and Tuna of shore ( up hear that means really off shore 43 Mi. min to get to em 80 to the canyons ) Dads got a 20' Outrage with a 130 Honda on it I have a 16" Starcraft John with side console and a 25 rude ( Duck hunt and chase flounder in the skinny water ) and a 1970 19-1 with a 115 Johnson on it slowly working on her while I fish her. Have a son in the Coast Guard was stationed in Key west and Had to go down and visit him a couple of times. it will make a man want pull up stakes and move down there in the worst way you guys that live in Fa got some really great fishing
really love this site and I just cruise around hear picking up info as I go thanks to all of you
Welcome Mike and Tony!
This thread was started for this purpose, so keep on posting! We would love some more of your input!
Come on guys - where are the pics? :scratch: We want boat porn! :twisted:
Here are some pics most of you have seen them before have not taken any new ones lately ... CF2281.jpg ( ... CF2282.jpg ( ... CF2286.jpg ( ... CF2289.jpg ( ... CF2288.jpg (
Hi Gang, New here. I live in Parrish, FL (Manatee County). I love boating and fishing. Did I mention i love boating and fishing?
Welcome aboard Eric. :salut:
Good luck with the hunt. :thumleft:
Hi, I'm Wendell. Started looking for a project boat about a month ago, an recently got contacted about a 24' Aquasport WAC through craigslist and then started searching about the boat and found this site, looked at the photo gallery, and started to imagine how much fun i could have with this kind of boat. I was honestly looking for a much smaller boat(bass or fish/ski type of boat) for Lake eufaula and such, but i really started to like the idea of being able to take it to the gulf and learn more about the salt water side. I'm waiting on pictures at the moment, but expecting a fairly old model in pretty rough shape but we'll see.
P.s. I am having a hard time finding anything just searching Aquasport WAC(Walkabout cabin?), If anyone wants to post up a bit of info on this boat, that would be very appreciated
(edit) I should probably just start a thread concerning info.
Welcome aboard Wendell! What year is it? That will help with more answers.
Welcome aboard Wendell! What year is it? That will help with more answers.
Well that is kind of the problem, he didn't give me much info on the first e-mail and im waiting on a response back.
EDIT- Its a 1987
welcome new guys! lots of help and great info here :salut:
Good evening ya'll, I'm CaptGuy out of St. Augustine, FL. I own a 246CCC (or at least it started out life as a CCC). She is now customized to my liking and as soon as I can figure out how to post pics I'll include some. If you are interested the pics can be seen on my web site: She is the MisStress now and a charter boat. I've had her since '92 and she is an '80 hull. I understand this model was/is quite rare. She had been stolen and stripped so I really didn't molest her too bad.
Welcome Capt,nice to have you aboard.
- ... C00423.JPG (
Welcome Capt Guy,
We're just down the road from you in Palm Coast... I'll keep an eye out for you when I'm on the ICW, St. Augustine or Matanzas Inlets.
Welcome aboard Capt. Guy. :salut:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6648&p=47631&hilit=center+console+cuddy#p47631 (
:salut: Hello All. As the subject implies Im new to the site and in need of advice and useful recommendations. I recently pickup a 1978 200 CCP which I will eventually plan to use for fishing and family day trips out on the water. Overall it is in good shape but there is issues that need to be addressed (some electrical, replace soft deck, etc). I want to do the work myself but have little to no experience renovationing an Aquasport. Where or how can I gain the knowledge to do the renovation work myself (outside of this website). I have all summer and the patience for trial and error. Thank you.
Welcome Tom!
You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. For rebuilding solutions, go to the rebuild forum. Electrical, engines and electronics.
You can literally spend hours searching the threads. 98% of what you read will be accurate. There is extensive experience here on pretty much any subject/problem you will face.
On the electrical rigging, pay particular attention to Seabob's posts. He is a professional rigger, well-known for superior work. And nice enough to take the time to share his knowledge.
Again, welcome!
Just wanted to drop a line and say howdy! We just purchased a 1980 200 CCP with a 1998 225 Mercury and have enjoyed the information and photos on this site. What a great resource for AS owners! We are in the process of getting her seaworthy again and hope to have her on the water as soon as this weekend. I'm sure we'll be posting a few questions of our own really soon!
Just wanted to drop a line and say howdy! We just purchased a 1980 200 CCP with a 1998 225 Mercury and have enjoyed the information and photos on this site. What a great resource for AS owners! We are in the process of getting her seaworthy again and hope to have her on the water as soon as this weekend. I'm sure we'll be posting a few questions of our own really soon!
Welcome aboard Blumrin :salut: you will find just about everything you could ever want to know about your boat on here. Fire at will...
Hello All,
Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm TRIPLE DUECE and am new to happy family of Aquasport owners.
My 1987 Sandpiper 222 was delivered today. She's a pretty shapely 24 yr. old Gal. Have been trying to find some particulars on her. Not much around so any help would be appreciated. Not going to do much to her this season except enjoy her after a good cleaning. I was told the engine, an evinrude 150 V6 of the same vintage, is also OK. We'll have to wait a bit to see. Still to cold here in Boston, at least for me, for a sea trial.
That's all for now.
Welcome to the site Triple Deuce, or should I say 3D or 3-2? :scratch: Anyway, check out the photo gallery and look at the 86-87 all models catalog - it includes the Sandpiper. Here's a link to get you started: ... photo/2862 (
Good luck and feel free to post any questions - somebody here can probably either answer them or make up something that sounds right... :cheers:
Welcome aboard TD :!: :!:
Welcome to our merry band!
Welcome sir!Tell Shaq I sad hi! :salut:
Welcome aboard 3D :salut:
Enjoy. :mrgreen:
Im Harold, I own a 77 Aquasport 19-6 with a Johnson 88. What a combo. Both are in great condition. I fish it from the Chesapeake Bay to Oregon Inlet NorthCarolina and into South Carolina. What a fishing machine. Im glad to find this site.
welcome aboard flyfishr :salut:
Thank you. Glad to be here :D
Welcome FF - Oregon Inlet can be tough at times - welcome to the site and see ya on the water!
Hello all, Frank here. I just finished refurbishing a 1988 222 and an 02 Johnson 150. I call her "The Queen". I moved from SW FL to Lake Martin,AL. ,Folks here have never heard of an Aquasport, only one on the lake.
Can anyone tell me what size prop their running on this combination and what RPM?
Welcome aboard Frank. :salut:
Until someone chimes in, here's some light reading to entertain.
viewtopic.php?p=41790#p41790 (
Hi everyone,Al here.Wasn't sure about joining here only because I know how important pictures are to this type of community and I'm a bit shall we say technologically challenged.So be a bit patient with me with the pic thing and I'll try to get one of my kids to help me.
I have a 1988 Aquasport 290xf.I bought her new in Oct '87 and decided to repower the tired Volvo engines in 2007.Well,as often happens my repower became an entire under the deck refit.New Crusader 5.7L Mpi engines with Hirth trannys,new fuel tanks(both started leaking when things got moved around) all new wiring and hoses,some extensive glass repairs and a repaired stringer,new Nibral props,FW Murphy digital Power View gauges and Crusaders' Sync n Cruise system.
Before the repower I had given some thought to selling and possibly going with a different boat but couldn't bring myself to do it.Over the 20 years I had just been through too much with too many great memories with the Aquasport.Besides I knew exactly what to expect from her,what size and type of seas she was able to handle and what problems if any to expect.Now 4 years after the fact I'm really happy I chose to keep her and repower.
Nice to be here and please give me a few days with the pics.
Welcome aboard Al. :salut:
You really need to talk to this guy. :idea:
viewtopic.php?p=50065#p50065 (
I have a 1988 Aquasport 290xf. I bought her new in Oct '87 ....
Over the 20 years I had just been through too much with too many great memories with the Aquasport.Besides I knew exactly what to expect from her,what size and type of seas she was able to handle and what problems if any to expect. Now 4 years after the fact I'm really happy I chose to keep her and repower.
Welcome aboard Al - can't get a much nicer testimonial. 8) You have the ultimate camper of the Aquasport lines.
I don't remember if we have another 290 original owner - maybe, but it's getting hard to remember all 2482 members. Sorry if I forgot someone.
HEY AL, Capt Duke Here, Atlanta Ga.. Welcome aboard !!! Glad to see another :rambo: 290 Owner here Maybe I can pull your ear on some Stuff , Wheres Your Pictures at ? Let Me see the Ole Gal .
Trying to get pics on.
Success! Thanks for the help Capt. Bob.
she's a beauty! welcome :salut:
Welcome aboard PD :salut:
Hello All, we are new members to the site. We have a 1969 Aquasport 22-2 flat back. Have had the boat now for a couple of years, and is still a work in progress. Currently we are trying to install a bow mount trolling motor. We have purchased a motor guide w75 24 volt saltwater. It has a 60" shaft longest they make im told. Have had the trolling motor on and off the boat a couple times now. It just doesnt look like its gona work. motor guide recomends 18"-22" of the motor to be in the water to work properly. We have 10" in the water, 12" if we fill the front glass bottom livewell full of water and four guys on the front casting deck. If anybody has any info or has mounted one on there boat I would greatly app. sugestions. Great website glad if found it. Will try to post pics soon.
Thanks, Gary and Brandon
Welcome, guys! A classic boat you have there!
Sounds like your trolling motor dilemma could be solved with a custom mount, to bring it closer to the waterline. Have you looked into such thing?
Welcome aboard gentlemen. :salut:
welcome guys!pics please :cheers:
Welcome aboard G&B :!: :!:
The top of the FBs flare up a bit in the front compounding the length problem. We have plenty of FB owner/members here that'll pipe up soon.
Welcome aboard G&B :!: :!:
The top of the FBs flare up a bit in the front compounding the length problem. We have plenty of FB owner/members here that'll pipe up soon.
That is true, be patient, it's not like we are THT... :shock:
Hi , I have a 1968 19' 6" Coburn , I bought it in 1985 . When we got the floor was soft , stripped down and replaced stringers fiberglassed the new stringers . Replaced the floor, gel coat . Im currently running a 225 Ocean Pro with a 4 blade 19 pitch Turbo prop. Full load and gas she'll do 45 mph per gps at 5600 rpms. I also have a 1968 22-2 flat back. Question is : I don't have very much info on the coburn . How many did Fred Coburn produce? Is this a rare hull? I've never heard of anyone else that has one. The back is not quite like the 22-2 flat back, but it is not the mod. vee back of the latter models. Any info would be great .Not sure how to post a pic?
new here . i have a 1968 19' 6" coburn this is the way the title reads. Ive had her since 1985. will post pics as soon as i can figure it out. Anyone ever heard of one titled as a coburn. I was told it was the proto type for the first 19'6" Aquasport. How ever ther are some minnor different aspects from my 1968 22-2 Aquasport. any info would be helpful. Is this coburn rare? How many did Fred Coburn make before he called it a 19'6" aquasport?
Hi , I have a 1968 19' 6" Coburn , I bought it in 1985 . When we got the floor was soft , stripped down and replaced stringers fiberglassed the new stringers . Replaced the floor, gel coat . Im currently running a 225 Ocean Pro with a 4 blade 19 pitch Turbo prop. Full load and gas she'll do 45 mph per gps at 5600 rpms. I also have a 1968 22-2 flat back. Question is : I don't have very much info on the coburn . How many did Fred Coburn produce? Is this a rare hull? I've never heard of anyone else that has one. The back is not quite like the 22-2 flat back, but it is not the mod. vee back of the latter models. Any info would be great .Not sure how to post a pic?
First off....welcome aboard! You have a very rare boat. The 19-6 was first introduced in 1968 by Coburn and Sargent. Your's is a '68. Most likely, one of a few survivors. And certainly the oldest 19-6 of record on this board. For your reference:
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=265&start=30 (
In terms of specific hulls and numbers produced back then, we haven't a clue. All records were lost long ago. Your flatback is a honey-pie as well. We welcome your membership here.
My name is Wayke K . I own a 1995 Aquaspory 175 Osprey. I grew up fishing lake Erie around Buffalo N.Y. I started fishing with my dad and grandfather when I was 4 years old. When I was 6 years old we bought our first boat. It was a 14 ft. Cayuga wooden runabout. When I was 16 I bought this boat from my dad when he bought a 28 ft. Chris Craft Constellation. In 1969 I bought a 1967 Silverline 17 ft. runabout with a 120 hp. Mercruiser I/O. I owned that boat for 10 years. After that I bought a 17 ft. canoe to do shallow water fishing. In 1984 when we moved to Florida. The conoe wasn't too cool for fishing around alligators so we bought a 1986 14ft. Starcraft with a 25hp. Mercury outboard.When we moved further from Lake Occochobee I needed a saltwater boat. I always liked a 170 Osprey so I put my Starcraft up for sale and started searching. In 1996 I found a 1995 Aquasport Osprey with a 88 special with approx 100 hrs. on it. I bought this boat and have loved it ever since.We trailer it a lot and have been out almost every boat ramp from Daytona Beach all the way around the coast to Ft. Meyers. In August of 2010 we re-powered it with a 115 hp. Mercury optimax. At this time we also installed Baystar hydraulic steering. Besides normal maint.and the re-power the only other almost major repair we had to do was cut a hole in the floor to install a sea cock and replace the plastic thru hull for the live well drain. We run this boat 25 miles offshore on a good day and it always performs well. We are always aware of the weather and are never out of radio range of shore. Sorry if I was long winded! Nice to be aboard!
Hey, welcome aboard Wayne :!: :!:
The 170/175 model is such a great all around boat when used with caution when looking offshore. I love my 170 and will never part with it.
Hi people i'm tugboatrcb im in the finishing stages of putting together my 19.6 1972 aquasport together my biggest concern is the 90hp tohatsu I transferred from my Mako that just melted away think she will get up and will she do at least 20-25 I fish in the great south bay and stay inside would love to hear comments RB
Welcome aboard Tug :salut:
You've got a nice boat and a Tohatsu 90hp is good reliable power. I used to run a 90 on my rig and I topped out a little over 30mph ~ if you're happy with that speed then you'll have an adequate, efficient setup. A member on this board named Skoot has the same power on the same boat - I'm sure he'll chime in :thumright:
Greetings All;
This is my first post, have enjoyed scanning the forum for lots of valuable insights on my new-to-me 215 Explorer. I am way out here on the wrong coast, and what this boat is doing so far from God's Country (FL, AL, & GE) I have not a clue.
I am all about huntin' & fishin', and keeping the Admiral smilin'! Can't wait for her to retire so we can move back to the land of WARM WATER and fish that fight!!
I have seen that you 'uns all like AquaPorn, so when I return from my vacation I will try to post some nice photos of this really beautiful boat.
Best wishes to all, T
welcome aboard new guys!we look forward to your input! :cheers:
T Race,
Lewis is going to be pissed when he sees you abbreviated Georgia GE! Actually, he's a transplanted Florida boy, he probably won't mind...
Love to see a little boat taken offshore! And very smart about the weather and VHF. When I was at Wellcraft, I worked with a buddy that had an 18 Fish, 130 Yam, we'd go 35 miles out in the Gulf in the summer...
T Race,
Lewis is going to be pissed when he sees you abbreviated Georgia GE! Actually, he's a transplanted Florida boy, he probably won't mind...
Uhhh, roger that, Houston....stand by for retro-fire on the GA correction in 5 mike, over
I don't care! Heck I still call it the Florida- Georgia game!
Hello everyone!
My name is Rob and I am 25 years old born and raised here in St. Petersburg, Florida.
My occupation is construction, but with the down economy I returned to school and completed my Building Construction Technology Certificate at St. Petersburg College. I am now enrolled part time at St. Petersburg College so that I can complete my Associates Degree and I do side jobs to earn money while attending school.
If anyone needs any commercial or residential construction done, please feel free to contact me.
For fun I enjoy; boating, fishing, riding atvs, kayak fishing, wood working, photography, traveling.
Nice intro Rob so...
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Do you own an Aquasport?
Hello All:
Purchased a 1980 22-2 Family Fisherman in December-(1st boat)-I have 2 little ones and thought it would be fun--Has the Merc 470 in it--Very clean for a 30 year old boat--So far I have done the camshaft seals (reason why previous owner was selling), external alternator, trim sender / limit switches and am waiting for fuel pump and fuel gauge to arrive to finish up so I can bottom paint and start using!! Thanks to everyone for the tips, advice and info I've gotten looking thru the site--Has made it fairly easy!!
Welcome aboard Mikbor1 :salut:
And to any of our new Members I overlooked posting here :salut:
Hello forum. Im new to the site. We have a 1999 215 Explorer on the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis MD. Im looking forward to gaining more information on things like wiring schematics, and any other tips I can read about.
Thanks Rick, Im logged in now.
//Chris :bball: :bball:
Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
Welcome Chris....
We have two things in common 1) I joined about two weeks ago and 2) it appears we are shipmates of sorts, in that we have identical boats, year AND model. So how great is that. The members here are very excellent and have helped me already with a number of issues as I have explored the boat more and have been left with perplexing questions.
I have posted a couple of 'glamour' shots of our boat on this site - hope to see some photos of your boat real soon. Welcome to the forum (from another FNG), T :salut:
Greetings all,
My name's Cliff...from Houston.
I've been around boats all my life (I'm 51). First boat was my dad's 18' mahogany Helton. The inner plywood hull was from Cold Molded Products and Mr. Helton added solid "Lap/Strake" to the outside, put in the keelsons and transom and added the fore decks and gunnels. My dad built out the rest - the hull was white but the interior looked like a piece of fine furniture. It caught a lot of fish. Ran on a Johnson 100 hp 'Super Quiet" with no electronic ignition and very tempramental carbs. I think that was about the biggest outboard you could get in 1964 or so.
Mom and dad also had various sailboats from 22' to 30'. (I know...the sailors called the powerboats "stinkpots"...the powerboaters thought the stick-boats were just "in the way".)
Admittedly, I also had a 40' sailboat until Hurricane Ike in '08.
Currently have:
'76 Aquasport 170 in very good condition. Has the Florida bait boxes on the transom - very useful!
'55 Elgin Aluminum skiff (15') with a 15 hp Yamaha
'81 Sunfish in the middle of complete refurb.
15' Windmill Class racing sailboat (I built this in '85 via WEST system). Also looks like a piece of fine furniture. Extremely light (198 lbs) and VERY fast.
Oh yeah, and a 'stripper' canoe.
More later.
Excellent intro Cliff :thumleft:
Welcome aboard :salut:
There's a gaggle of 170s on this Forum and photos are a must!
Good luck.
Whats up everyone, new member here my name is Ben I am from North Delaware. I am not a current Aquasport owner but one popped up for sale near my house recently and I joined to learn some about the boat and get some opinions. Looks like a great site full of passionate owners.
Welcome aboard Ben :!: :!:
My name is Chad and this is my story.
I bought my first boat in May 2010. It was a 2003 Aquasport 200. I absolutely loved this boat. But, like most people, I immediately began thinking of upgrading to a bigger boat. So, in October 2010, while looking for a 222 Aquasport, I stumbled across a 1971 Aqausport 240 cc that is in great shape. Even though the boat is in great shape, I plan on replacing the floor, gas tank and putting a full transom on it within the next 2 years or so. I plan on keeping this boat a very long time!
Welcome aboard to you both :salut:
A lot of good reading here and try posting up some pics. :thumleft:
Greetings all,
My name's Cliff...from Houston.
I've been around boats all my life (I'm 51). First boat was my dad's 18' mahogany Helton. The inner plywood hull was from Cold Molded Products and Mr. Helton added solid "Lap/Strake" to the outside, put in the keelsons and transom and added the fore decks and gunnels. My dad built out the rest - the hull was white but the interior looked like a piece of fine furniture. It caught a lot of fish. Ran on a Johnson 100 hp 'Super Quiet" with no electronic ignition and very tempramental carbs. I think that was about the biggest outboard you could get in 1964 or so.
Mom and dad also had various sailboats from 22' to 30'. (I know...the sailors called the powerboats "stinkpots"...the powerboaters thought the stick-boats were just "in the way".)
Admittedly, I also had a 40' sailboat until Hurricane Ike in '08.
Currently have:
'76 Aquasport 170 in very good condition. Has the Florida bait boxes on the transom - very useful!
'55 Elgin Aluminum skiff (15') with a 15 hp Yamaha
'81 Sunfish in the middle of complete refurb.
15' Windmill Class racing sailboat (I built this in '85 via WEST system). Also looks like a piece of fine furniture. Extremely light (198 lbs) and VERY fast.
Oh yeah, and a 'stripper' canoe.
More later.
Welcome Aboard,
I'm also from Houston, Conroe actually. Names Bruce or Smitty
Hi guys. Hemophiliac Fred here from Fort Lauderdale. I have been the proud owner of a 17 ft 1975 osprey, a 19.6 osprey, and now the proud owner of a 1987 222 sandpiper. The hull is in excellent shape with no soft spots on the floor. Everything works including all gauges, fresh and salt washdown, bilge pump, etc. I am presently having the 200 HP Yamaha rebuilt and I am looking forward with great anticipation to getting her back on the water. Gonna post pics soon and I love the old Aquasports. looking forward to hearing from all of you. Safe Boating!
Welcome Fred, glad you're with us!
If the new members will adjust their user profiles so we all know where you live, that would be great! This way, members close to you can offer good local advice. Thanks :cheers:
Hey guys. New to the site and just wanted to say what's up and show some pics. I'm 24 and live in Long Island, NY w/ my parents on a canal. I have a 1981 200xf w/ Tahitian Tan hull and floor. Boat has a 1992 175 Johnson Silver Star series o/b. Been having a little issue w/ the motor stalling at idle but ill create a separate thread for that. Here's some pics and thanks for having me! :afro: :afro:
Welcome aboard
Hey guys. New to the site and just wanted to say what's up and show some pics. I'm 24 and live in Long Island, NY w/ my parents on a canal. I have a 1981 200xf w/ Tahitian Tan hull and floor. Boat has a 1992 175 Johnson Silver Star series o/b. Been having a little issue w/ the motor stalling at idle but ill create a separate thread for that. Here's some pics and thanks for having me! :afro: :afro:
Welcome aboard :salut:
My wife is from Seaford, on Ocean Ave, her sister just got back from a trip up there, visited their old childhood home, which is now about 3 times as big, they were on a canal also, her father was a commercial fisherman and marine mechanic.
Welcome Aboard Motown :salut:
Great intro with pics plus it's a WAC :cheers:
Hi everyone. I am Fred from ft lauderdale and I own a 1987 222 sandpiper dual console. Motor is presently being rebuilt. Just want to know if anyone has a model like or similar to mine which has a cut out transom. Any safety issues? I previously owned a 19.6 with cut out transom and never encountered any problems. Any feedback would be appreciated. Sincerely hemophiliac fred.
Howdy from the Florida left coast. New and wanted to introduce myself. I am a proud owner of a '75 19-6 which I picked up in 1998 and spent close to three years rebuilding. Trying to upload photos.
welcome aboard,use a photobucket account to upload pics :cheers:
Thanks Pete! Not to keen on opening a photobucket account. Is that the only way to upload photos? I resized them to 640x480.
Welcome Blue,Photo Bucket is the only way to load pics here for now.
Sweet boat :thumright:
Thanks Circle! Hopefully Mother Nature cooperates tomorrow. Got a couple guys that are chopping at the bit, myself included, who want to wet some line tomorrow.
very nice rig! :salut:
Hi everyone. A newby boater and Aquasport owner here. So far I think the boat is great and am learning the ropes (pardon me, lines!) Anyone know where do buy replacement cup holders for the 215 Dual Console? They are sandwiched shaped and are recessed into the sides of the boats. I know I can by flush mounted generic ones, but I would rather use these. They are nicely out of the way, and the boat does not have a lot of available space to mount cup holders due to the cushions all around.
On a similar note, has anyone been able to solve the dry storage (or lack of) on this boat. I don't seem to know where to put anything that I want to keep dry. I am using a cooler at the moment which works well, but does take up floor space.
And finally, how about side mounted accessory holders (like in a shower) to put fishing things (like wire cutters, hook removers, etc.) that I have to get to quickly. I just don't know where to put things like this.
Any leads would be appreciated.
Thanks, Dave
Welcome aboard!
These are the type cup holders installed in my 215DC: ... older.html (
Don't know if this is what you're looking for, but Academy Sports has organizers that can be easily mounted with suction cups anywhere you like: ... ogId=10051 (
Thank you for both replies.
Welcome aboard Who,if you haven't already introduce yourself in the first thread,and tell us about yourself and your boat :thumright:
56 year old dentist from the Bronx, living in Commack, Long Island. Bought a 2000 Osprey 215 DC this year. Marina is in Bay Shore Long Island. First time boat owner. Boat seems quite sturdy, steady and capable. Still quite nervous/scared out in the Great South Bay, but feeling stronger every day.
Name is Mike and I am a 4th generation resident of Polk County, Fl. Born into a family of fishermen and women who
can be found either cast netting mullet or digging grouper and all points in between. Our family boat for 20 years was a 76' Mako 23 which at some point lost the inboard (I believe pop made the switch) and had a Evinrude 225 on a bracket. That boat went through the family and got sold not long ago (hard to fill a 150 gallon tank of fuel on a blue collar wage). During that time, pop also owned a 170 with a 88 Evinrude. Pop now has a 2006 19' Aqua and I am looking to purchase another 170, pick it up in a couple days, hopefully.
We'll fish pretty much anywhere. Freshwater, saltwater, doesn't really matter.
Great site. Glad to have found it. Look forward to meeting and talking with you all.
Name is Mike and I am a 4th generation resident of Polk County, Fl. Born into a family of fishermen and women who
can be found either cast netting mullet or digging grouper and all points in between. Our family boat for 20 years was a 76' Mako 23 which at some point lost the inboard (I believe pop made the switch) and had a Evinrude 225 on a bracket. That boat went through the family and got sold not long ago (hard to fill a 150 gallon tank of fuel on a blue collar wage). During that time, pop also owned a 170 with a 88 Evinrude. Pop now has a 2006 19' Aqua and I am looking to purchase another 170, pick it up in a couple days, hopefully.
We'll fish pretty much anywhere. Freshwater, saltwater, doesn't really matter.
Great site. Glad to have found it. Look forward to meeting and talking with you all.
Welcome aboard Mike :salut: Polk County heh... I'm from Ft. Pierce, but the Navy career finally landed me in Pensacola as my final duty station :lol: But Polk brings back some memories of hunting pigs in Green Swamp, my friend in the Navy years ago (Scott Hoy) was from there, don't remember exactly which county they were in though. Fun times. :cheers:
Welcome aboard! Posting at 4 am, you must be a fisherman.
Hello every one. I'm Bob and I'm in Atlantic City, NJ. I have been lurking for a while and admiring your boats.
This is the second Aquasport I have owned...
She is a 1970 17' Custom with a 1975 Johnson 70Hp "Looper"
I found her on Craig's List last month and hope to become proficient at glasswork/gelcoat/painting and making her as beautiful as some of the boats you all have.
Welcome aboard to both Bob and Mike :salut:
Thanks Capt. Bob.
Hello every one. I'm Bob and I'm in Atlantic City, NJ. I have been lurking for a while and admiring your boats.
This is the second Aquasport I have owned...
She is a 1970 17' Custom with a 1975 Johnson 70Hp "Looper"
I found her on Craig's List last month and hope to become proficient at glasswork/gelcoat/painting and making her as beautiful as some of the boats you all have.
Welcome BobACNJ! Awesome photo!
Thank you, Blue.
Hi all! I own a 1995 225 Explorer. What a great boat, I've had it since 99. I thought I would run it for a couple of years and sell it to move up. The more I ran it, the more it grew on me. I'm in north Florida and mainly boat in the St. Johns River.
ARG! Why cant I post pics! I follow instructions well... :(
YAY! :cheers:
Nice. Welcome aboard. There have been a bunch of members with Explorers joining recently.
Hi all! I own a 1995 225 Explorer. What a great boat, I've had it since 99. I thought I would run it for a couple of years and sell it to move up. The more I ran it, the more it grew on me. I'm in north Florida and mainly boat in the St. Johns River.
Welcome aboard,you are right they do grow on you :salut:
Von is that a 200 or 225 Johnrude on your boat.
200 Ocean Runner.
I like the rear bimini on your Explorer. Do you have any pics with it opened out? I would like to do that with mine...
Can you believe i have a million pics of my boat but none with that top up :scratch:
And i have a 200 rude on mine.
Some pics from our last gathering scrowl down viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6904&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=90 (
our fearless leader Rick has his up.
Circle Hooked,
Thank you for the great photographs of a Classic Aquasport gathering in southwestern Florida.
Your attendee Doctor Reed is a gifted photographer. Hopefully he will continue to capture special Aquasport moments wherever they occur.
Welcome aboard Von!
welcome Von.... I am a new Explorer cousin myself ... this is a GREAT forum, welcome again :cheers: T
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I'll be taking my boat scalloping soon and hope to have some good pic's to post up... :salut:
Lots of great information here, I will be modifying my fishbox drain for sure.
Nice. Welcome aboard. There have been a bunch of members with Explorers joining recently.
Might be time for a Explorer Registry :D
Hello All,
My name is Bill and I have a "97" 215 explorer docked on Barnegat Bay in Waretown NJ. I bought her new and repowered 3 years ago with a 175 E-TEC.
What IS up with the all the Explorers lately - We'll be outnumbering those CCP guy shortly :cheers:
Welcome aboard :!:
nice rig,welcome! :cheers:
Hi All,
I've been out of boating nearly 20 years now. My last boat was a mako 19 cc. My new ride is a 1999 Aquasport 245 exployer. I just purchased today, pickup next weekend. Can't wait.
Welcome to the forum!looking forward to your input,I like the hardtop and full enclosure,it will keep you nice and dry,looks like that boat is ready to fish!enjoy :cheers:
Great Lakes does not have the cup holders anymore. Any other places you can suggest?
Hey guys and girls. New member here from St pete Florida. Been lurking for a while. Now look at buying a 1969 222 flat back that's been redone. Needed some advice so I turn to the best place I know. I'll post in the appropriate forum.
Welcome KC and John :salut:
KC and John
Welcome aboard gentlemen. :salut:
Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tom and I have a 1999 225 Explorer. I live in the Orlando area and go spearfishing off of Sebastian FL.
Welcome aboard Tom :cheers:
Make sure you find "The Official Explorer Registry" and post to add your status to our data plus post some pics of your boat.
Hello name is John
Was born in Rhode Island and growing-up my brothers and I spent a lot of time on my Dads boat fishing in Narragansett Bay. Great times. Moved to Georgia when I Graduated College and was very far from the coast so I didn't buy a boat. I now live in Maryland and purchased a 1985 Aquasport 222 Express Fisherman and Can't wait to take my 3 kids fishing. From what I see this looks like it will be a great fishing boat.
Glad I found this site as I want to make sure everthing on the boat is in tip-top shape before putting it in the water.
I will post Photos soon.
Welcome aboard John :salut: good to have you among us. Maryland... Mmmm, I still can taste the real crab cakes/balls. Been several times to Pax River and Solomond's Island on business travel. Great flounder fishing up there also. Enjoy your AS.
Welcome aboard,
I was raised in baltimore and spent a lot of great years on the chesapeak bay fishing, crabing and oystering. I still miss rock fishing at the bay bridge.
Welcome aboard John :salut: good to have you among us. Maryland... Mmmm, I still can taste the real crab cakes/balls. Been several times to Pax River and Solomond's Island on business travel. Great flounder fishing up there also. Enjoy your AS.
Solomons Island.....It's 10 miles up the road. I plan on doing a lot of fishing in Solomons near the gas docks.
It's a hot spot for Rock Fish from what I hear.
My name is Robert. I have been a resident of south Florida for 27 years and am originally from Tennessee. My boat is a 1975 19-6 that I bought new in November 1974 from Harby marina in Panama City, Florida. It is currently powered by a 1987 140 Johnson having originally been powered by a 1974 135 Johnson. I was recently looking at the 135 receipt and noted that I paid $1395 and $7.00 to have it shipped by bus to me in Mississippi. Wow have times changed.
My hobbies include fishing ,sailing my trimaran and working on my Taurus SHOs of which I have three. I am also an active RVer having both a 36 ft. fifth wheel and an Arctic Fox p/u camper. The 19-6 is perfect for trailering behind the camper and is large enough to handle the water off southeast Florida.
I found this forum quite by accident and hope that I can be of help to my fellow Aquasport owners.
Robert aka pbgsho
Welcome aboard, Robert! Love those SHOs, that Yam motor is a screamer! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Robert :salut: Ft. PIerce is my hometown. Where in S. FL are you? I get down there ocassionaly, my parents and brother still live there. Retired Navy, final liberty port was Pensacola.
had to pull her out last night....DAMN IRENEEEEEEEEEEEEE :thumbdown: :twisted:
Welcome Aboard :salut: to all our new Members :mrgreen:
Hi All. Andy here, 34, Long Island, NY...1970 Custom 170. I just bough her last week and she seems fairly original. She was restored and re-powered around 1996 and I plan on keeping her just as she is. I plan on moving the bench back to the helm, and adding all black canvas accessories. More pics to come!
Welcome Andy! Hows Irene treating you up there in Long Island?
Welcome aboard, Andy! My buddy BlackfinMike lives in Dix Hills, somewhere around youse guys... :lol:
so far Irene is just blowing us a kiss, tomorrow she will give us a hug! not so bad so far, but were ready for her. yah Im not too far away from Dix Hills, i think, lol. thank you all.
HI. We are the original owners of a 1986 222 XF with a 225 EvenJohnson (my Evenrude motor with a Johnson cowling cover...long story :oops: ). We have splashed this boat in all of the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. We have enjoyed this boat as a family with our three daughters and now are taking the 5 grandchildren on boating adventures :). We look forward to many more years now that retirement is here.
I WANT to add pictures BUT when I go to the browse and find the image I have, I get a message telling me it is INVALID :cry:
maybe someone could offer some advice
Welcome aboard A.R. :salut:
You won't be the first to struggle. I'll try and find the link that should help.
Here's the second half of the link. If you have a Photo Bucket account (you need one[or something similar] to post here) and understand how to get your photos there, then carefully read the link and you'll be posting pronto.
viewtopic.php?p=48885#p48885 (
Good luck.
Welcome, our good Eastern European named friend! I'm guessing See-lew-its, but I could be totally wrong! Forgive me! And I grew up with many a Pole and Check in Chicago...
Ever get over Chicago way on one of your sojourns on the Great Lakes?
Thanks for the warm welcome. Yes, I am Polish - you did good with the name. I will keep trying with the photos but I am computer illiterate so will take awhile. Going away from the computer for a week to do more boating and maybe with a clear mind I can succeed (with a little help from my friends),
50 years old
Huntington Beach, CA
AS Osprey 24.5 Holo Nui
I kept my mug in the shade so as not to scare anyone. :shock:
I think I may have figured the picture thing out! I introduced myself earlier, but here are some pics of the boat.
That first pic...Palma Sola?
nicely restored rig! looks much newer than a 71,welcome :salut:
Great looking boat,you ever get down to Sarasota with it.
Seabob - That first pic is near the mouth of the Manatee River, on the South side. This is a little calm area that butts up to the Desoto Memorial Park. If you've been there, it has a big cross near the shore line.
Pete - From what I was told by the previous owner, the only restore was new gelcoat in 2003 and they fiberglassed that splash wall in. Apparently the stringers, floors and transom are all original. They are in great shape, especially for a '71. I will hopefully be doing a restore in a year or so. I would really like a full transom and since I am working on it I will address the stringers, floor and gas tank. When I say "I am working on it" I mean when someone else is working on it. I really have no idea what I'm doing. I plan on learning though when they do work on it.
Circle Hooked - I very rarely head down to Sarasota. I would like to start fishing down there more though.
Wow! Sweet ride!!!! Welcome aboard!!!
Good Morining to all. I recently purchased a 1971 Custom 170 as a project and came across this site. As an absolute novice in all things boating, you guys have been invaluable with the information I've obtained. I purchased the hull (and abandoned project) 6 weeks ago and have been "lurking" for about a month.
In that time, I've cut open and re-inforced stringers, rebuilt the transom, and cut out the center stringer for a 27 gallon belly tank. I'm in the process of placing rigging tubes (fuel, elect, etc.) and reinforcing bulkheads between the stringers. As soon as the CFO (wife) permits, I'll start the decking. (Yes, pictures will follow. This is my first log-on).
As I mentioned, I am a complete novice at this, but fortunately, I'm surrounded by many family members and friends in the trade. I've been able to get some great help with her and hope to make her as close to original as possible. I'm handy and have been inspired by many of the projects I've seen here, thanks to all. I hope to reach out for questions, if I can't find them in the previous posts. I've noticed many topics are well covered, with the exception of How to get rid of Fiberglass itch.
Thanks again guys :salut:
Welcome aboard!!!
For the itch problem, take a 1 foot piece of duct tape, roll it inside out into a ball with the glue on the outside. roll this around the area of the itch and the glue will pull some or most of the fibers out of your skin. This method doesn't get all of them but it does help!
What the "grinders" do in the business is wear Tyvek suits, and tape the arms and legs tight to the wrists and ankles. But not too tight... :shock:
"How to get rid of Fiberglass itch."
Or buy 2 cases of beer. Drink one every hour until gone. Dont stop becuse you are feeling better. You have to finish the prescription. By the time they are all gone, you will be cured and tired.
Lol! Thanks again for the great advice. PS, I tried the beer thing but I think I messed it up. Too hot, and surpassed the ratio!
Hi to all,
I'm Freddy from Italy.
Only now I found this amazing forum re our Aquasports.
Mine is 1991 222 Express Fisherman, 200 hp Mariner two stroke and auxiliary 15hp Mariner.
I have it since 2005, before a whaler 17' mountak
Here a pic of her:
Welcome aboard Freddy :!: :!:
She looks to be in great shape.
You make the third or fourth member we have from Italy :cheers: Most have this same model Aquasport too.
Hopefully the others from there will join in and welcome you too.
Welcome Freddy! Where are you in Italy? There are a couple CCPs around Rome that we've seen, but I did not see any Aquasports during a recent trip to the Venice area.
Your boat looks nice! What engine does she have?
Ci vediamo in acqua!
Welcome aboard
That would be so cool to be wandering the docks in some Italian port and see an Aquasport!! Welcome, Freddy! :salut:
Welcome aboard Freddy :salut: very nice setup, that pretty slick water of the Med brings back many memories of my Navy days, dozens of Med cruises, and Italy was always many liberty ports. Good to have you among us.
Big welcome to the site. Can't wait to see more photos of your nice boat, as well as some photos of the beautiful Italian coastline. Are you a fisherman? If so, we would sure like to see some photos of some of your fish catches.
Once again welcome to the site, you will bring us some interesting perspective.
Piccacati-delatore !!! I have no idea what that means, my wife always says that when the food is good. :oops:
Cheers, T :drunken:
Piccacati-delatore !!! I have no idea what that means, my wife always says that when the food is good. :oops:
Cheers, T :drunken:
I burp...
I'm Freddy from Italy.
Mine is 1991 222 Express Fisherman, 200 hp Mariner two stroke and auxiliary 15hp Mariner.
Here a pic of her:
Welcome aboard Freddie. :salut:
That's a very unique Aquasport in that the model doesn't fit the year titled. It would be great to see a photo of the HIN and Coast Guard plate that shows the builder location.
Thanks to all for the nice welcome,
@ Rick: Yes, she's in good condition but was refitted in 2005 when I bought her.
There are, or were, many 222ccp, but I think mine is the only XF in Italy.
@Gone Fission: I'm in Rome, but the boat is moored at Porto Ercole, at the begin of Tuscany, 150km north from Rome.
The motors are two Mariner, 200 and 15 hp. two strokes, built in 1991. A great drunkard guy !!!
@Bill: Thank you :salut:
@Seabob: it is not so rare to see an aquasport in Italy, it was a very popular boat in the mid 80's.
@Mark: Hello to you too, Med can be insidious, when it wants.
@TRace: Thank you, friend
@Capt. Bob: I checked the documents, I found the building year would be the 1989, next time I will take a picture of the plate.
Thank you again to all.
Thursday, 9/29, I became an Aquasport owner, my first AS.
1998 215 Explorer, 1998 Evinrude 200 Ocean Pro, tandem axle aluminum trailer.
Pictures when I get the chance.
Many thanks to all of you who have posted on this site, your information and obvious respect for the Aquasport brand made my purchase decision much easier.
So, first round's on me - order up gents. I'll have many questions and also 40+ years of boating experience to contribute to this forum.
Welcome Bobber,congrats on the new boat,can't wait to see her :salut:
Welcome aboard Bobber :salut:
Hate to say it, but my boats have been named...Bobber...
Welcome aboard! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Bobber... :salut: sounds like a very nice rig, can't wait for the pics...
Welcome aboard Bob :salut:
Welcome aboard :salut:
Hey everybody i'm finally a member my name is Josh and i'm Circle Hooked's (Scott's) son. :cheers:
Welcome aboard jr! Classic Aquasport.....the next generation! :salut:
Welcome aboard jr! Classic Aquasport.....the next generation! :salut:[/quote]
I like the sound of that.
Hey everybody i'm finally a member my name is Josh and i'm Circle Hooked's (Scott's) son. :cheers:
Welcome aboard Josh!
I like you already :thumright:
Hi Josh, glad you could finally see over the keyboard :D
Look forward to your fishin' reports and to see you at the next gathering :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Jr. :salut:
Tell the truth.
You caught all the lobster didn't ya. :mrgreen:
Thanks for the welcome everyone, Pete I like the (Next Generation) Idea and Gran thanks for the welcome I should talk my dad into going up their and see you sometime, and Rick i've been on the computer, i've just been preoccupied with facebook for a while, and Capt. Bob I helped with the lobster, i caught a few but my dad mostly gotthem all, I enjoyed carrying the gear and helping him catch them :D
Thanks for the welcome everyone, Pete I like the (Next Generation) Idea and Gran thanks for the welcome I should talk my dad into going up their and see you sometime, and Rick i've been on the computer, i've just been preoccupied with facebook for a while, and Capt. Bob I helped with the lobster, i caught a few but my dad mostly gotthem all, I enjoyed carrying the gear and helping him catch them :D
Son, welcome, you and your family have a warm invitation here always :thumright:
Son, welcome, you and your family have a warm invitation here always
Thanks I appreciate it. :bounce:
hi my is joe m i live on long island n.y. i just pick up a 29 foot aquasport tornament plan on doing some deep sea fishing with it hope for some tuna &mako stakes!!!! :fish: :chef: :salut:
Joe, would love to see pics of your 29. Someday, I'm going to get a 29, yank out the motors, convert the engine room to a hold, and hang a pair of 350 Verados on the back...someday!
It's great to see you here, you got a hell of a Dad!! BTW, you like football?
how do u post pics on this site?
Joe, would love to see pics of your 29. Someday, I'm going to get a 29, yank out the motors, convert the engine room to a hold, and hang a pair of 350 Verados on the back...someday!
It's great to see you here, you got a hell of a Dad!! BTW, you like football?
how do u post pics on this site?
Search is ur friend. 1st 1's free.
viewtopic.php?p=60638#p60638 (
noobie here, recently purchased an aquasport 19'6.
Welcome ali, post pic's of the new boat when you can :salut:
Ali, welcome! Damn, as many AS owners as there are in SE FL, they'll have to have their own gettogether...and no one will have to travel further than an hour! :cheers:
Josh,It's great to see you here, you got a hell of a Dad!! BTW, you like football?
Thanks Bob its good to be here, and yeah hes one good dad he does alot for me, and I occassionally make it to a football game at Sarasota High and speaking of which tonight they played Riverview High and beat them 36-0. :cheers: :bounce: :D :mrgreen:
tonight they played Riverview High and beat them 36-0
Ouch - I graduated from Riverview - so did both of my daughters.
Hi All,
I've been lurking for a couple months and finally joined up.
My first boat: 1998 Aquasport 175 with Evinrude 115 SPL.
Really enjoying it so far and appreciate this website as a great resource.
I trailer the boat out of Concord, MA. Have been launching out of Weymouth but recently checked out Medford ramp and it's probably my new favorite.
I hope to connect with other local aquasport owners but maybe it will have to wait until spring now since I just fogged my motor and forecast is for snow tonight!
tonight they played Riverview High and beat them 36-0
Ouch - I graduated from Riverview - so did both of my daughters.
Maggie graduated from Riverview! When she moved over to the States from England, she grew up off of Bee Ridge just east of Phillippi Creek, went to Phillippi Shores Elementary.
Hey Josh, Sarasota High has always been known for baseball, not football. The powerhouse football teams in your area have always been Southeast and Manatee...
Welcome aboard kchaudha :!: :!:
@ CH Jr. and SB4
My daughters went to Philippi, Lakeview, Ashton, Sarasota Middle and then Riverview.
I went to Incarnation, Brentwood, Macintosh, Brookside and Riverview.
Hey Josh, Sarasota High has always been known for baseball, not football. The powerhouse football teams in your area have always been Southeast and Manatee...
Sarasota's team has turned around pretty good and they are beating people they haven't beat in a while, and speaking of which Manatee beat Southeast last night.
Ouch - I graduated from Riverview - so did both of my daughters.
Yeah Riverview had a good run but this year they only have one win and thats against North port who everybody beats, but
Sarasota has four wins this year including North port and Riverview.
Sometimes it seems that Manatee and Southeast swap years...and then throw in an occasional Palmetto and Bayshore...
Hey, I moved to Orlando in 1981, I tend to focus on Apopka, Evans, Winter Park, Lake Howell, Boone, and the like. And then, over on this side, you have Armwood and Plant... :shock: :shock:
hello everyone ,im new to the site and its awesome!!!
Welcome aboard and i agree it is an awesome site :salut:
Tell us alitte about yourself in the intro thread :thumright:
Hey guys, thanks to the encouragement of Scott (gran) I have decided to make the transition from shady lurker to contributor. My name is Greg, I'm located in Fayetteville, NC. Offshore fishing has long been my primary sport, but over the past few years I've gotten into a good bit of tarpon and big drum fishing here in NC and occasionally down in the Keys.
I have nearly bought a couple of semi-restored 222s but finally decided I'd like to oversee the process for myself from start to finish. Glad to have come across such a wealth of information and knowledge.
Good to be on the board, I'll certainly be a bit more visible here. Hope to get into the rebuild process in the near future and post updates here. If anyone comes across a good 70s 222 hull let me know! Thanks guys.
Joe Mondi and ali yO, we welcome you here! Keep posting :thumright:
CH Junior...Best to your team there..hope you guys keep winning!
gwhitley...welcome aboard! Tough going from lurker to poster...we were all there once. Best to you in your endeavors to find a nice rebuildable 70's 22-2.
Guys, Poon and gwhitley are close friends, went to school together up here. Poon has just purchased a 22-2 to rebuild....gwhitley is in the process of searching for one.
If the members would assist him in this, would be much appreciated. Thanks
Welcome new members :thumright:
Waddaya mean, tough going from lurker to poster? Dive right in, deep end!!! After all, we are family here, unlike the THT know-it-alls!
Welcome aboard, Mr. Whitley, we await your contributions! BTW, we call each other (most of us) by our real names. I'm Bob. As if you couldn't tell... :lol:
Welcome Mr. Whitley, glad Scott talked you into joining the club :salut:
Greg have received a warm welcome :lol:
Joe, Ali yO, and all new members preceding...we welcome you! One request, since the ice has been broken...keep posting!
No question is a dumb question. Everyone here was/is a greenhorn at boat ownership. Take advantage of the world of knowledge which exists here at the club house. Thanks!
Greg have received a warm welcome :lol:
Joe, Ali yO, and all new members preceding...we welcome you. One request, since the ice has been broken...keep posting!
No question is a dumb question. Everyone here was/is a greenhorn at boat ownership. Take advantage of the world of knowledge which exists here at the club house. Thanks!
I have a credo I live by...the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
Then there's Maggie' catch more flies with honey than with vinegar...
And then there's Babygirl's...Where's the food, Dad?
Miss Babygirl...she's a honeypie :lol:
Miss Babygirl...she's a honeypie :lol:
She is my buddy, Scott! Turns 12 the 6th, but not a thing wrong with her...'cept she likes Maggie's food a bit too much... :shock: :shock:
What kind of dog is she ?
What kind of dog is she ?
Shiba Inu. The middle of the 3 Japanese breeds, a bit smaller than an Akita...
Hey guys, just a note of correction: I'm interested in 22-2s as opposed to the CCPs. Sorry for the confusion, hope I'm not starting a turf war on here!
Hey guys, just a note of correction: I'm interested in 22-2s as opposed to the CCPs. Sorry for the confusion, hope I'm not starting a turf war on here!
No turf wars here, Greg! Myself, I love the models that were being built when I was at WC/AS in the 90s, particularly the 245/250 Osprey and the 215 DC, but I also love the 290 SF, will have one someday... :salut:
Haven't introduced myself here
Name is Ali
Live in Fort Lauderdale, FL
New owner of a 19'1
looking forward to my stay (*:.gif)
Haven't introduced myself here
Name is Ali
Live in Fort Lauderdale, FL
New owner of a 19'1
looking forward to my stay (*:.gif)
Yes you have!! Welcome, and we hope you enjoy your stay...for a long time! Now get to work on that 19-1!! :thumright: :thumright:
LOL, i just went back a few pages and saw my post - my bad :(
Welcome Aboard :salut:
Hello guys,
My name is Alberto and I'm from Puerto Rico. Recently buy a 1983 222 Aqua XF. Great site with a lot of information. This is my first boat looking foward to learn a lot from you guys.
Hello Everyone,
I just purchased a 1976 Aqusport 170 CC. I was 21 in '76 and always liked how they looked. The hull, transom and floor are hard as a rock. It was stored inside for over 20 years and someone in my town bought it and used it 3 years until the engine gave up. It was left in his yard for another 3 years. I pulled it home all dirty and I'm now in the process of stripping it tho be painted.
I live in Gulf Breeze, FL and have been in a wheelchair the last 23 years. I have owned and operated all types of boats before and after the injury. My last boat was a 42' Ocean Yachts Supersport that got damaged in hurrican Ivan while it was in Alabama being painted. That boat has been sold and in 2009 I purchased a custom center console built by Ocean Master boats. The boat can be seen at www.oceanmasterboats (http://www.oceanmasterboats) under the 31' section.
I will be asking allot of questions here so look out..!!
Welcome kraw, we are glad that you have joined!
Sounds like your 17 is a honey, particularly since it was stored inside all of these years.
The 31 Ocean Master is a world-renowned offshore workhorse. Nice ride!
Again...welcome aboard...and ask away :lol:
Welcome aboard! :salut:
welcome aboard bro! :salut:
For all the new members I've missed....
Welcome aboard :salut:
You were 21 in '76...I was 21 in '77. We have many friends here who are the same age.
I'm on your many ways.
Whatever you need help Seabob says...the only dumb question is the one which wasn't asked.
Welcome friend :lol:
Wikommen! Hey, I'm half Danish, I can say that!!
Welcome aboard Kraw, you'll like it here... :thumleft: :thumleft:
Hey everybody!
Came here to introduce myself. My name is Ben & I recently purchased a 1974 Aquasport 22-2 from DerekAquasport after seeing his ad on THT. I drove up to Washington DC to buy it, then trailered it back to Knoxville,TN. It will spend the majority of its time on Old Hickory Lake northeast of Nashville,TN. However, about three times a year I will make the trek down to Bonita Springs,FL with it in tow to do some fishing & exploring. Here is a picture of it on its new Owens & Sons trailer I had custom made for it last week & pulled back to Tennessee from St. Pete:
Forgot to add that I am in the process of switching my engine & all accessories, controls, etc over from my 1992 sailfish 190 sport with a rotted out transom. It will have a 2001 150 Yamaha HPDI on it when I am finished. So, I may be asking a few questions about the switch in the coming weeks.
Nice looking rig Ben, welcome aboard.
Congrats Ben :thumleft:
Nice intro and.....
Welcome aboard :salut:
Nice setup! What made you come all the way down to St Pete for a trailer?
Welcome BTF112989 :salut:
Hi y'all,
My name is Sam, I just purchased a 1986 Aquasport 29 Tournament Master from a good friend of mine. He was ready to move on to some thing else and I was the lucky one he wanted to sell the boat to.
I found this forum pretty easily on a google search and hope to be able to find and share good information.
One of my other boats is a 1970 27ft Chris Craft Commander. I bought it as a project and had many good days on the water with it. The Commander (as great of a boat as it is) is not the right boat for what I am wanting to do but the AquaSport will be great.
I live in north central Texas and the Aquasport is on stands in Port Isabel ready to drop in the water when ever I can make it down south.
I have fished the "Makaira Mojo" several times and was very impressed each time.
The Chris Craft
Sam, welcome to the club. The 290 was at intro a new design "Pocket Sportfisherman".
Aquasport's answer to a quality, yet comparatively affordable Sportfish...back then competing with production hulls by Luhrs, Shamrock, Albemarle, Tiara, etc.
Like your Chris too :thumright:
Keep it right here.
Welcome aboard Sam :salut:
Nice intro. :thumright:
Post some more photos when the time's right and let us know how that large (to many of us) Aqua suites your needs.
Good luck.
Great first post, welcome aboard!! Not only do I love the 29, but the Chris!! My buddy and I used to run a 27 over in Orlando, I/Bs gutted, twin 75 OMCs...she was the "Mother Ship" for his Ski Nautique. Damn we had some fun with that boat!! :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Greetings all, I just joined yesterday and go by the nickname 'dragel'. I have a 1978 xscape cuddy cabin with deep vee hull, 19' long, purchased in 1982. I've never seen or heard of a similar boat from Aquasport. I found this forum while searching for info on 'xscapes' and judging by what I've read so far, I'm hoping to get lots help here. It needs a transom rebuild and I'm not sure it's something I want to attempt. I'm considering selling it along with the '03 Honda 130 and MagicTilt galv trailer. Other than the rotted transom it's in great shape, just not sure what I want to do. I will try to take some pictures this week-end, as it currently covered, up here in NH. Great website, dragel
Welcome D1! The Xscape was a later model for Aquasport - made to compete with the more modern-looking "go fast" crowd (Wellcraft, Baja, Chris Scorpion, etc.) compared to the traditional Aquasport fishing design. There was even a tri-hull Xscape for a while.
I'm sure someone will chime in on the relative value of this posting when it excludes images - right guys?
looking forward to seeing some pictures of this model, not sure if I have ever seen one
Capt Matt
welcome aboard sir! is it one of these?
Welcome aboard Dragel! :salut: Looks like a neat boat. I can't wait to see some pics!
That interesting boat accompanies an interesting nickname.... care to tell us about what it is all about?
I am all curiosity... :scratch: :)
Welcome, and will be looking for photos of your uncommonly interesting Xscape.... :salut:
Thanks for all the welcoming responses. And yes Pete, that is my boat 'exactly', I recognize every detail in the brochure. How do you that?
the magic of google my freind! :salut:
Welcome aboard Dragel :salut:
Rare model not often seen.
Well at least rarer than a Sandpiper. :scratch:
I took some pictures of my Xscape today, but can't seem to upload them with my 'reply'. Any suggestions?
I took some pictures of my Xscape today, but can't seem to upload them with my 'reply'. Any suggestions?
Do you know how to use photobucket?
Hello everyone!!
My name is Ruben, love the sea, boating and fishing are the things I enjoy the most.
Before, always trying to catch a ride then I had the opportunity and decided to go on my own, about a year ago I bought my first boat, a 2K Explorer 225.
With almost twelve years on it I had to put some TLC, but it has paid off.
I want to thank everyone for the help and support in this forum..
Happy New Year 2012!! :cheers:
Welcome aboard Ruben. :salut:
Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while.
Hello everyone My name is Troy this summer I was lucky enough to find a 1970 or 71 Aquasport 19-1 Osprey up here in the North (I'm from PA) for a great price but needs a floor so it was 6 degrees today so tear down begins.
Hello everyone My name is Troy this summer I was lucky enough to find a 1970 or 71 Aquasport 19-1 Osprey up here in the North (I'm from PA) for a great price but needs a floor so it was 6 degrees today so tear down begins.
Welcome aboard! 6 degrees? I'm freezing down here at 35!!! :shock: :shock:
A wealth of info, as well as great friendship available here... :thumleft: :thumleft:
Hello everyone My name is Troy this summer I was lucky enough to find a 1970 or 71 Aquasport 19-1 Osprey up here in the North (I'm from PA) for a great price but needs a floor so it was 6 degrees today so tear down begins.
Can't even imagine.... :shock: the only thing I'd be tearing up would be the wood pile to make a bigger fire... Brrrrrrr Seriously, good luck with the deck overhaul, you'll have a sweet ride come the spring.
Welcome aboard Troy :salut:
Hello everyone!!
My name is Ruben, love the sea, boating and fishing are the things I enjoy the most.
Before, always trying to catch a ride then I had the opportunity and decided to go on my own, about a year ago I bought my first boat, a 2K Explorer 225.
With almost twelve years on it I had to put some TLC, but it has paid off.
I want to thank everyone for the help and support in this forum..
Happy New Year 2012!! :cheers:
Welcome, and Happy New Year. I like your boat, it is sweet. I have always admired the dark hulled boats for some reason, I don't know if there are any disadvantages that come with the dark hull, but they look handsome.
Welcome, you will enjoy visiting this site. OK, enjoy that fancy boat of yours !!
Cheers, T.
hello, my name is emilio and i wanted to thank you for allowing me to join your group. I just got back in to boating after selling my last boat a year ago. i came across a 1989 200 osprey with a 175 mariner and trailer for 3k. The boat had been sitting covered for three years and i hope to get her back on the water as soon as i can. I will enclose some pics as soon as i learn how to do that lol.
Thanks again.
Welcome! Use photobucket to post photos.
Welcome Emilio! That 175 will push your 200 nicely! Since she's been sitting, get your service done on the motor, water pump replacement, check your compression, run her on some fresh gas from a portable tank, new primer bulb, the usual stuff. If there is any fuel in the tank, and you can't verify it was treated with Sta-Bil or Startron, I would have the tank drained. Pull a sample, if it has an orangy look, that's ethanol, and it needs to go.
If you are familiar with Photobucket, it's very easy to post pics here. Just downsize them to 640 X 480...
Hello everyone!!
My name is Ruben, love the sea, boating and fishing are the things I enjoy the most.
Before, always trying to catch a ride then I had the opportunity and decided to go on my own, about a year ago I bought my first boat, a 2K Explorer 225.
With almost twelve years on it I had to put some TLC, but it has paid off.
I want to thank everyone for the help and support in this forum..
Happy New Year 2012!! :cheers:
Welcome, and Happy New Year. I like your boat, it is sweet. I have always admired the dark hulled boats for some reason, I don't know if there are any disadvantages that come with the dark hull, but they look handsome.
Welcome, you will enjoy visiting this site. OK, enjoy that fancy boat of yours !!
Cheers, T.
As do I Trace, but they are very labor intensive to keep them looking good...
here goes
<div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" />[/url]<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" style="border:none;" />[/url]</div>
Welcome aboard Ruben :salut:
Just a little outside...on the photo posting that is but you'll get it. :mrgreen:
Hialeah High. Home of the T-Breds.
Good luck. :thumleft:
try 0ne more time
You got it, welcome aboard rigor :salut:
Hi guys, my name is Ryan. I live in Louisiana and I've just recently aquired a 1987 Aquasport 170 that I have just fallen in love with. She's sporting a 1996 Evinrude 88 spl on the back end and needs a little tlc. I love hunting, fishing, spending lots of time with my 2 sons and wife, and pretty much anything else to do with the outdoors. I look forward to bringing this beauty back up to top knotch condition and have found a load of good info from you guys on this site already. I'll post up some pictures of her when I get back home in a couple months. Working in Michigan for the time being :( . See ya around!
Welcome aboard Ryan. :salut:
Nice intro, that's the way you do it. :thumleft:
Don't forget the pics. :mrgreen:
I tried to attach a couple pics I have downloaded to my laptop from my phone but it says the files are invalid?
I tried to attach a couple pics I have downloaded to my laptop from my phone but it says the files are invalid?
Do you do photobucket? Have you down-sized your pics to 640 X 480? And BTW, an excellent introduction! Welcome aboard, you have found the best boat owners (and guys who used to build them!!) site in the universe!! :salut: :salut:
Yeah I forgot all about photobucket, thanks.
It won't let me post the other photo from the front. Says the image may only be 800 pixels wide but the pic is sized down to 599 x 447 already. :scratch:
It won't let me post the other photo from the front. Says the image may only be 800 pixels wide but the pic is sized down to 599 x 447 already. :scratch:
It's not you, it's this site.
Happens to me too. You just need to keep trying. Delete, retry, swear :x
Eventually it will post.
Good luck.
hey im new to the site,just want to see if anyone has any info on my new 176FF,also if anyone has a hull like these my transom drops in the rear thinking either transom sag or the hull was designed this way not rides fine just looks odd
Hi Robert and welcome aboard :!:
We'll need to see some pics of this rare model.
Here are some instructions on how to post in case you don't already know
- ... t176FF.jpg (
here you go bro!
copy and paste the [IMG] line to your post :cheers:
hey thanx a bunch pete! so there it is only pic i have at the moment
Yeah I forgot all about photobucket, thanks.
Good lookin'...welcome aboard!
Hi, my name is Rich. I recently joined this site and posted a thread unnder the discussion forum titled "new to this site". I am looking at a 1987 17' Osprey with a 70 HP Evinrude VRO. I like what I have read and heard about the boat model and Aquasport in general. Although new to the brand, I have been on or around boats all my life. My most recent boat was a 1979 20' Shamrock walk-thru cuddy. I live on the Jersey Shore, and spend a good amount of time in Maine, mid coast.
Nice intro Bob :thumleft:
Welcome aboard :salut:
I had an 86 Osprey for ten years. First (and only) new boat I ever owned. Rode like a sheet of plywood in a 3 foot chop but that aside, it was (still is) a very good all rounder when fished like you want. Gets in skinny water and depending on power, will flat deliver the mail.
Good luck.
Hi everyone. New member here and I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi.
We don't yet have an Aquasport but are currently looking for a 70's model 170 for a father / son project with my 14 year old son Noah here in Raleigh. Once we get done, we'll primarily be doing our fishing down in the Pamlico Sound, so if your in that area, be sure to say hello.
I've been lurking around the rebuild forum and I must say that many of those projects are inspiring. In fact, Noah and I were planning on building a boat but I've fallen in love with the classic lines of the 170 and this forum is what made us decide to rescue a 170 instead.
Once we find a boat, I'll be sure to share our project as well as ask a zillion questions I'm sure. I'm really looking forward to becoming a part of the classic AS community!
-- Jason
P.S. Sorry for the extraneous post. I just now realized y'all had an introduce yourself post already, but I cant figure out how to delete this one.
Welcome Jason (and your son Josh)! We're pretty clean around here, so feel free to let him read along and comment if he wants...
You have plenty of company up in your neck of the woods, just wait for some to get home... :salut:
Welcome guys! Another Tarheel, wonderful news! I'm in Wilmington, JD is in Greenville, John near CLT, others too...we have a big reunion on the coast each fall, around Oct 15, and you're invited :lol:
Regarding the 170 in sure some of the guys there will be glad to go and check her out for you. Also...there is a 19-6 here in town that I have seen...think 1K would take it, boat and trailer. It would make a great restore, little more room and slightly more freeboard.
Welcome aboard :cheers:
Welcome! 8)
Regarding the 170 in sure some of the guys there will be glad to go and check her out for you. Also...there is a 19-6 here in town that I have seen...think 1K would take it, boat and trailer. It would make a great restore, little more room and slightly more freeboard.
Welcome aboard :cheers:
I wouldn't mind checking it out at all. I like looking at boats :lol: There also might be a 19-6 here with skin disease that you could get for a steal :pl:
Nah, you're not saying what I think you're saying...
Nah, you're not saying what I think you're saying...
Jess would never let a thought like that cross his mind.
Nah, you're not saying what I think you're saying...
Jess would never let a thought like that cross his mind.
Look at the boat in his sig pic on KW forum...hmmmm...
Thanks for the warm welcome so far! I love the idea of a 19-6, but need to tow it with our MDX so I'm concerned about weight. I've got 4500# capacity, but I know these older boats tend to be heavy. Any idea what the 19-6's weigh rigged out?
Thanks again!!!!
Thanks for the warm welcome so far! I love the idea of a 19-6, but need to tow it with our MDX so I'm concerned about weight. I've got 4500# capacity, but I know these older boats tend to be heavy. Any idea what the 19-6's weigh rigged out?
Thanks again!!!!
We're like this all the time, so get used to it!!! :wink: :wink:
No THT here, although many of us are members. As far as the tow vehicle, yeah, I'd stick with a 170...JMO...
Thanks Bob. The other plus to the 170 is that it will fit in my garage :)
Thanks Bob. The other plus to the 170 is that it will fit in my garage :)
A BIG long as the Admiral is cool with it... :lol: :lol:
Lol. You know it will be my car out in the driveway, not hers. :)
Thanks for the warm welcome so far! I love the idea of a 19-6, but need to tow it with our MDX so I'm concerned about weight. I've got 4500# capacity, but I know these older boats tend to be heavy. Any idea what the 19-6's weigh rigged out?
Thanks again!!!!
I actually had my 19-6 weighed. Boat, 420lb 4-stroke motor, and trailer (single axle) was 3200lbs.
Contrary to conventional thinking, the older 70's Aquasports that aren't waterlogged are actually on the lighter side as far as boats go. My buddy's 20' Duracraft Jon Boat weighs more than a dry 19-6.
Thanks for the warm welcome so far! I love the idea of a 19-6, but need to tow it with our MDX so I'm concerned about weight. I've got 4500# capacity, but I know these older boats tend to be heavy. Any idea what the 19-6's weigh rigged out?
Thanks again!!!!
I think the 19-6 would be a better choice as well. We've got much open water around here and, with the south facing beaches, the wind ALWAYS seems to kick up when fiberglass hits the water. I just sold my 18' Hancock skiff in favor of a v-hull. The flat bottom is great when the conditions are perfect, but seldom are. I also think the 17 AS is a great boat, but a little small for me to be comfortable on Pamlico Sound. In the summer, T-storms can blow up quickly, violently, and without warning, just like central and south FLA. Much open water to deal with on that part of the Neuse River as well.
As far as your tow vehicle is concerned, I sold Hondas for almost 12 years. When the Pilot was launched, I went to the corporate ride and drive. The Pilot, of course, is the less flashy sister to the MDX. When discussing towing ability, the engineers made no bones about it, the Pilot (and MDX, since they share identical chassis and drivetrains) have the ability to SAFELY tow well beyond their rating. The GVWR and towing capacities have more to do with licensing and insurance ratings, the type of tires required, etc, of the vehicle when sold new, than it's capabilities. I believe many legalities change when tow capacities are rated higher than 5,000 lbs. Having said all that, as previously stated, the 19-6 dressed out weighs in less than 4,500 lbs.
Thanks sealion! That's good to know. Being a big fella, I would prefer the 19-6 for sure, your post makes me feel better about towing. I can possibly even get it in my garage with a folding tongue on the trailer and still get to my beer fridge (priorities right!). I think I will expand my search. The garage is really only a factor during the rebuild as I'll likely keep the boat at my moms house on Hatteras Island once it's done.
Thanks again for the help. Tight lines to all!
I think too much of my beer to make them sleep outside!!
You'll have more freeboard with the 19-6 too. And they run really well in a chop. Surprisingly well.
Kind of like this! ... EO0021.mp4 (¤t=VIDEO0021.mp4)
Hi everyone, I am Chris.
Born and raised in Marathon Florida (the middle key) and now live in Fort Myers, Florida.
Hopelessly addicted to anything and everything "boat", "fishing" or "diving".
Currently own (by my wife's account) way too many boats.
Some things you just can never make a wife understand :wink:
My current boat roster includes three AquaSports. A '98 Osprey 200 w/115hp Ocean Pro
An '85 200CCP w/225 Ocean Pro
An '85 250 CCP w/ 225 Ocean Pro that is being converted to twins
For bigger water, I have an '81 Tiara 3100 open w/twin Mercruiser 260 FWC inboards.
Also still have my old Scotty Craft 27 ft flybridge
....That is an old picture! It is currently in project state. I started converting it from inboard volvo's to twin outboards and kind of got side tracked a few years ago with different projects.
...And don't want my little dingy to feel left out so here she is too :)
The three AquaSports are currently undergoing upgrades, modifications and repairs up the ying-yang and are at rest in my shop. Here is a pic of the whole "family" together.
I love to fish, dive and crab... Won't bore you with fishing pics since they are everywhere here but how about some good stoney pix to get you hungry.
...Start of the season with my son
Caught this guy two weekends ago.
The days bounty.... Think it was 58 claws. Right at my 2 gallon recreational limit!
Anyway... Hi everybody! I hope to document my AS repairs on here as I go but they are all currently on hold for a few more weeks as I am forced to tend to more pressing "real life" issues.
Looking forward to meeting fellow AS'ers for fishing, diving and or just plain drinkin' trips :pirat:
Very cool Seacue! It's lunch time and I wish I had some of those claws.
Welcome aboard SeaCue :salut:
Excellent intro. :thumright: That's the way to get the ball rollin'
Been many years since I was that deep in the Keys. Safe to say the 7 Mile Grill is still in operation. :?:
I wasn't too envious until I saw the claws!! We used to get a few stones up here years ago; haven't had any in a long time. Would go great with the cold Miller Lite in my hand right now. I guess I'll have to settle for Newport River oysters!!
Thanks Bob... Seven mile grill was still there last time I went back a few years ago. Still making killer fried oyster sandwiches and conch fritters.
Hi Sealion.... Yeah I do love me some stone crabs too. Gonna be pulling again next weekend and will post pix.
This time of the year we give LOTS away.... been eating crab daily since October. Would LOVE to trade for some of them oysters... Yumm.
island new to site have an 85 222-ccp i have been working on love the boat recently repowered w/250 yamaha
Mrs. Cheezgritz here... yes they let me join. Now don't get too excited as if I am on here all the time I will not be able to tell Lewis
to get off that damn Auquanet site. I will get some pics of my boat up soon. :queen:
Mrs. Cheezgritz here... yes they let me join. Now don't get too excited as if I am on here all the time I will not be able to tell Lewis
to get off that damn Auquanet site. I will get some pics of my boat up soon. :queen:
Hi Mrs. Cheezgritz!
And Welcome Aboard Classic Aquasport :thumright:
It is WONDERFUL to have a lady member! And don't worry about posting boat pics. We have a friend who loves to post boat pics :wink:
Tell you what shipmates...our newest member is a heckuva chef...and she takes care of us too!
Welcome aboard Bridget :cheers:
Mrs. Cheezgritz here... yes they let me join. Now don't get too excited as if I am on here all the time I will not be able to tell Lewis
to get off that damn Auquanet site. I will get some pics of my boat up soon. :queen:
HOLY YOU KNOW WHAT!! And post #1!!
Welcome aboard, Bridget! :salut: :salut:
welcome,welcome, welcome!pleasure to have you as one of us!we look forward to your contributions! :salut:
Welcome aboard to our two new members. :salut:
I trust Bridget will add to the area of class we seem at times, deficient in........... :mrgreen:
Several areas come to which of those several were you referring :?:
High. :thumright:
High. :thumright:
:lol: :lol:
Hello there. My name's Aaron down here in Port St. Lucie Fl. I'm a marine diesel mechanic for CAT in West Palm, so for anybody with mechanical questions, feel free to shoot them at me. I love helping a fellow boater out if I can. I've been on the water in Fl my whole life and wouldn't want to go anywhere else. I look forward to meeting some of you guys and maybe meeting up for a day out on the water.
Welcome aboard Aaron!
Hello everyone! Just joined here and wanted to share some pictures and info in my recently acquired Aquasport. It's a 1971 19-1 with a 90 Evinrude. Got it for free from our neighbor, it had sat under some trees for probably over 8 years. A tree limb had fallen onto of the trottle and broke the handle and trim switch and the cables had rusted and exploded through the rubber tubing. The hull was completely green from algae and mildew and the deck had lots of pine needles and leaves all over. Got it cleaned up and back to white.
Replaced throttle, throttle cables, steering cable, steering wheel, switch panel, wires to the navigation light, navigation light and dome light. The shift rod to the lower end had frozen up so dropped that and replaced the impeller, unfroze shift rod and serviced the lower end with new gear lube and got it all cleaned up. After sitting for so long I was astonished the engine fired after 1 good long choke and ran smoothly.
The boat all in all seems super solid there is one tiny soft spot on deck right in front of the bench cooler near the helm. The soft spot is probably the size of a baseball. I have taken it out probably 10 or 15 times and have hit some pretty large wakes and have a few hard pop outs and she's been solid as a rock every single time.
Next on the to-do list, source a right side door to the front hatch compartment and at some point in the next few months going to start with a re-paint. Here are some picks!
Welcome to the club,you have a nice classic there, and you can't beat the price, where abouts is Ponte Vedra ?
Welcome to the club,you have a nice classic there, and you can't beat the price, where abouts is Ponte Vedra ?
Thanks! Off Roscoe blvd. runs parallel to the intercoastal. We're about .5 miles away from the palm valley bridge and boat ramp.
Welcome aboard! Nice classic Aquasport!
Welcome to the club,you have a nice classic there, and you can't beat the price, where abouts is Ponte Vedra ?
Just south of Jacksonville, Pointe Vedra, home of Tim Tebow!
pv, is that a Standard-Horizon chartplotter on the dash? The chart looks familiar...AND GREAT PRICE!!! :cheers: :cheers:
Welcome aboard!
And good work.
I like your Kubota. And my wife and I admire your driveway :wink:
home of Tim Tebow!
:idea: I knew i heard that name before, just couldn't place it.
Welcome aboard!!
Can you post a pic of the rear of the boat, from behind the boat? Also more of the interior, like the casting deck and front of console.
Welcome aboard pvmac..... :salut: she is a beauty.
Tim Tebow? Who's that? Never heard of him.
Welcome Aboard :salut:
Welcome aboard!
And good work.
I like your Kubota. And my wife and I admire your driveway :wink:
Thank you!
Welcome to the club,you have a nice classic there, and you can't beat the price, where abouts is Ponte Vedra ?
Just south of Jacksonville, Pointe Vedra, home of Tim Tebow!
pv, is that a Standard-Horizon chartplotter on the dash? The chart looks familiar...AND GREAT PRICE!!! :cheers: :cheers:
Thank you! Yeah price was fantastic.. As far as the chartplotter, it's actually a 7" samsung galaxy tab and I was able to download a marine nav chart app for free which is what is in the picture as well as another marine navigation app for $9.99. Works great since the tablet has built in GPS and 3G.
Welcome aboard!!
Can you post a pic of the rear of the boat, from behind the boat? Also more of the interior, like the casting deck and front of console.
I'll take some more pictures this afternoon and post them up for you to see no problem. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard shipmate :salut: Very nice rig, and a nice area. The waterway through there is beautiful for fishing and cruising, spent half my Navy career in Jax, so I recognized the area immediately by the trees and landscape. I still get over there once in a while, I have a good friend Tim Sisler who owns T and J Trim, does a lot of custom home wood working, and has a 34 Vector Hydrasport, so I try to get over there a few times a year and we do some great Wahoo and Mahi fishing. Good to have you aboard. :thumright:
Welcome aboard!!
Can you post a pic of the rear of the boat, from behind the boat? Also more of the interior, like the casting deck and front of console.
Here are some pics as you requested! ... 15230a.jpg ( ... 272cfe.jpg ( ... d6d46d.jpg ( ... 69c8cc.jpg ( ... 1f2da7.jpg ( ... f574cd.jpg ( ... c2da18.jpg ( ... 0030e5.jpg ( ... 2296cb.jpg ( ... fa7f83.jpg (
Anyone know where I could source a right side hatch for on the front? Also anyone have any tips for making a wood riser for the throttle? I don't think its able to go WOT since it hits the angle rise of the console.
Hey everyone! Im Rob, i have a 1978 aquasort 17, i live in spring hill florida. i love to be on the water and fishing wehn im not at work haha. im looking for a lil help getting my boat in better condition and im sure all you guys can help!
Welcome Rob, if you have questions we have answers :salut:
Just bought a used 1990 Osprey 175 with a 115 Merc which I intend to work on before springtime to be used in the Sound primarily for fishing. I figured I'd introduce myself since I'm no doubt gonna have a lot of questions..Seen a lot of nice rebuilds on here that influenced me to get the 175 actually.
Welcome aboard!
We are glad that you are here, and happy that you have chosen an Aquasport!
Whatever questions you may have...don't feel weird or awkward...everyone here has had similar questions :thumright:
Welcome to the forum, look forward to your future posts.
Everybody here loves to view photos - me, especially your fishing photos :wink: :wink:
Hope you find your time here informative and enjoyable. Welcome !!
Welcome aboard!! Card Sound?
So there I was… It was the end of June, my wife and I were cruising around a lake in Maine in our ’82 Sport 15 Whaler when out of the blue the Big Boss turns to me and says, “You need to get a BIGGER BOAT”, and the hunt for a 222 began. That was when I started to lurk around here…
I have been lusting after 222 since about age 11. Some of you will remember the straight 6 Merc “Tower of Power” 115? How cool would a pair of those hanging on a 222 been in ’73? No matter what I said I could not convince my Dad that it was a the best next step from a ’65 16 Eastport Whaler and the next step ended up being ‘71 Outrage..
I found an 88 222 Osprey with an SX150 Yamaha and we are both waiting impatiently for the water to soften up a bit (ice is still 20 inches thick) so she can be put to good use.
I have been really impressed by the quality and quantity of the information that the members offer. Even when there are differences of opinion, the learning opportunity is not lost because of all the heinous things that occur on other sites… My hats off to everyone!!
Regards from Down East!
Welcome aboard Dave. :salut:
Nice intro but ya need to post up some pics. :wink:
Sorry for the delay, took a minute to figure out the routine :lol:
I pulled into the drive and saw this:
4 months later here she sits at camp waiting for the snow to fly. Got 14 inches two days after the picture was taken.
The short list of commissioning items:
Fix intermittent tach and MFD and resurrect the dead fuel gage, hopefully just nasty connections. The teak will get treated with a brew that I got from an article in WoodenBoat written by Rebecca Whitman that has worked great for me in the past the the result is a finish that is ten feet deep..
Welcome aboard - looks like a boat in super shape :thumright:
Hey everyone! Im Rob, i have a 1978 aquasort 17, i live in spring hill florida. i love to be on the water and fishing wehn im not at work haha. im looking for a lil help getting my boat in better condition and im sure all you guys can help!
Spring Hill? should join us out at Egmont on the 3rd! :cheers:
So there I was… It was the end of June, my wife and I were cruising around a lake in Maine in our ’82 Sport 15 Whaler when out of the blue the Big Boss turns to me and says, “You need to get a BIGGER BOAT”, and the hunt for a 222 began. That was when I started to lurk around here…
I have been lusting after 222 since about age 11. Some of you will remember the straight 6 Merc “Tower of Power” 115? How cool would a pair of those hanging on a 222 been in ’73? No matter what I said I could not convince my Dad that it was a the best next step from a ’65 16 Eastport Whaler and the next step ended up being ‘71 Outrage..
I found an 88 222 Osprey with an SX150 Yamaha and we are both waiting impatiently for the water to soften up a bit (ice is still 20 inches thick) so she can be put to good use.
I have been really impressed by the quality and quantity of the information that the members offer. Even when there are differences of opinion, the learning opportunity is not lost because of all the heinous things that occur on other sites… My hats off to everyone!!
Regards from Down East!
Actually a pair a pair of '71 115's or 135's (black red and silver) Kiekhaefer Mercs would be smokin hot on a '73 V bottom but we've never seen one so this is the best we can come up with viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6990&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a (
Hey everyone! Im Rob, i have a 1978 aquasort 17, i live in spring hill florida. i love to be on the water and fishing wehn im not at work haha. im looking for a lil help getting my boat in better condition and im sure all you guys can help!
Didn't see your introduction. I'm 2 miles N of the Sears Plaza on 50. I'm in Spring Hill everyday. And like Aaron says, you need to join us on the third! Need any help, drop me a line...
So there I was… It was the end of June, my wife and I were cruising around a lake in Maine in our ’82 Sport 15 Whaler when out of the blue the Big Boss turns to me and says, “You need to get a BIGGER BOAT”, and the hunt for a 222 began. That was when I started to lurk around here…
I have been lusting after 222 since about age 11. Some of you will remember the straight 6 Merc “Tower of Power” 115? How cool would a pair of those hanging on a 222 been in ’73? No matter what I said I could not convince my Dad that it was a the best next step from a ’65 16 Eastport Whaler and the next step ended up being ‘71 Outrage..
I found an 88 222 Osprey with an SX150 Yamaha and we are both waiting impatiently for the water to soften up a bit (ice is still 20 inches thick) so she can be put to good use.
I have been really impressed by the quality and quantity of the information that the members offer. Even when there are differences of opinion, the learning opportunity is not lost because of all the heinous things that occur on other sites… My hats off to everyone!!
Regards from Down East!
Actually a pair a pair of '71 115's or 135's (black red and silver) Kiekhaefer Mercs would be smokin hot on a '73 V bottom but we've never seen one so this is the best we can come up with viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6990&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a (
Welcome aboard new members!
Fitz resurrected an old post that is pertinent now, regarding the twins. From an older post that was just as applicable then. a great example of "Classic" Aquasport.
Long time lurker, first time poster. My name is Matthew, and I have been lurking around here for the better part (or more) of a year now, and have been looking for a semi-project Aquasport to buy. Originally from Texas, I have lived in Florida for almost 4 years now, and currently reside in Bradenton, FL. I have mainly been looking for an inshore fishing boat, but with capabilities to put a few friends (ladies, hopefully) oboard and run to the beach/islands, and/or run out in a little deeper water if the weather is right (and with a companion boat or two), so a 19-6 was my target. After over a year of searching, I finally pulled the trigger on a 1974 19-6 that I hope is as sound as I believe it to be. Being a '74 in mosly original condition, it's obviously in need of some clean up (and probably a bit more), but I'm exited totake on such a project. I've been around boats that my family has owned since I was old enough to walk, but this is my first self-owned boat, so I'n excited to get it out on the water and figure out all of my plans for it. The deck is rock solid, and the transom doesn't flex even with a 330+ lb guy (not me) putting weight on the motor, though it does have some suspect areas and I am under no misconceptions that there might be some underlying issues down the road. Original features include the deck, console, cooler seat, rod holders & other teak items, inboard gas tank, and apparenty the entire hull. It's got newly redone seats (July of 2011), a gas tank that has been removed and cleaned and reinstalled (but which is not working due to what is likely an issue with the fuel pick-up), a newer aluminum Pro-Line trailer that could use new tires but trailers well, a TH Marine Hi-Jacker manual jack plate, 1980's Evinrude Sport 140 with newly rebuilt carbs and good compression. I haven't gotten the boat out on the water and run it myself just yet (with the Daytona 500 coming this weekend, it will probably be another week or so before I can), but can't wait to do so. There are a few questionable things that I've already noticed that I'm sure I'll be asking fo help with, but I know this is the best site out there for help (this site is 90% of the reason why I bought an Aquasport). All in all, I have a small amount of money invested in it thus far, and think I got a pretty decent deal, but am looking forward to cleaning it up with a bit of money and a lot of hard work and making it my own. I want to say thanks in advance for all of the help that I'm sure I'll receive, as I know you guys are some of the best ones out there. I'll have a dedicated post with more pictures, and will keep you posted with my (undoubtedly) slow progress. See you all on the water.
Welcome aboard Aquaaggie! :salut:
Your title tipped your hand as far as being from Texas. :thumright:
Congrats on the 19-6.
We're gonna need pictures....
Welcome Aboard AA :salut:
Excellent intro post. :thumleft:
Good luck.
Welcome AA! And now that A&M is in the SEC, you'll feel right at home here, except when the Gators kick their butt! :wink: :wink:
A good cleaning will do wonders for her, even though it's all cosmetic. Use her for a season, enjoy her, then decide what really needs fixing and what you can live with. When you say the fuel tank "doesn't work", do mean the gauge is not reading, or do you mean the motor can't pick up fuel? Seeing as the tank was cleaned, I would guess the pickup was removed and the screen cleaned as well, so you might want to check the dreaded "anti-siphon" barb, the spring inside there gets week over time and the suction from the fuel pump on the motor isn't enough to over come the ball inside their. Swap it out for a standard barb. If it's the gauge, then probably time for a new sender.
Plenty of guys here in Bradenton/Sarasota and Tampa Bay, so you'll definitely have company out there!!
Funny you mention the Gators...I'm actually in grad school at Florida now, so they're the one team that I wouldn't be too terribly pissed about losing to (though I'm Aggie first and foremost, Gator after that).
Cosmetic work is the plan for now, but also going to tackle cleaning up the wiring, replacing all the deck cleats and other hardware (already had a deck cleat simply break apart when I pulled on it), install a stereo and some speakers, potentially a two-battery set-up, and some other less-than-necessary stuff. Eventually I'd like to replace the bimini and console grab-rail with a T-top, but that will be dependent on how much money I have to spend elsewhere. If I can get her clean, and get a couple of badges and a stainless vent cover, it might not look too shabby for the first season...but it needs paint eventually. I like the deck fine as it is, but would maybe want to resurface at some point (though I won't do this until I am sure I won't be cutting into the deck anytime soon).
Regardin the fuel tank issue- I did a lot of research on the various issues with these older boats, and it seems to me that the fuel pick-up is likely the issue. I haven't really gotten into it to figure it out, but the previous owner describe the engine starting and running, then randomly dying because of fuel starvation. It's got an external tank that it's hooked to now which solved the starvation issue, so I'm sure it's the anti-siphon barb like you noted.
Thanks for the info already; I'm sure I'll need more soon!
Welcome aa, and all new members :cheers:
Good-lookin' 19-6....and '74 is a very good vintage.
Welcome AA, join us for our get together on Egmont key if you can, March 3rd viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8484 (
Hello all- my name is Matthew and I finally found a 19-6 that I've been searching after for over a year. Here are a few pictures to start the thread for my '74 19-6. A good portion of this boat is original, but it's got a rock solid deck and transom (from what I can tell so far). Has an '80 something Evinrude "Sport One Forty" (pretty slick, huh?) sitting on a TH Marine manual jackplate, but not a whole lot of thrills or add-ons besides that. The cushions are new as of last year, carbs rebuilt, gas tank pulled and cleaned at some point (though I believe the fuel pick-up anti-siphon feature is hung up), a new bimini top that's in real good condition, a new grab rail on the center console (that had to be cut and extended to fit, but was done well), and a newer Pro-Line aluminum trailer that's in pretty good condition. The center console is original, as is the deck, almost all of the teak wood (missing one rod holder), rub rails (any ideas on how best to bring these back to life?), and cooler seat. A GPS was taken off the boat before I bought it, but there it did come with an Eagle Cuda 300 depth finder, Cobra VHF radio and Shakespeare Phase III antenna, but no stereo or speakers. Anyhow, I'm just getting started cleaning it out and prepped for the season- haven't it gotten it out on the water myself just yet. Took most of the teak off today and will start to restore the pieces that I can salvage, finish cleaning the boat out, and possibly rerigging the wiring before I really get started on any big projects. Anyhow, I'll post any updates to the boat as they come along. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome!
And BTW, I have no idea why it is named Super Fish (only on one side), but it looks as if it was hand painted on there at some point, as the name and fish don't quite match the bottom paint (which I'm assuming is original).
Thanks CH...we'll see where I get with the boat in the next week. Egmont is real close to where I am, so that would work out perfect for me. My lady friend also had set her sights on going to the Strawberry Festival that day, too, so I'll have to give her some gentle persuasion...
Thanks CH...we'll see where I get with the boat in the next week. Egmont is real close to where I am, so that would work out perfect for me. My lady friend also had set her sights on going to the Strawberry Festival that day, too, so I'll have to give her some gentle persuasion...
Hell, you can buy berries, shortcake, and whipped cream in Publix any day of the week... :wink: :wink:
Man, your boat brings back memories... it looks almost exactly like my 19-6 did when I brought her home. Same green bottom paint and almost the exact same little cosmetic defects. She looks good for her age, and if she's still solid that's a bonus.
I see your boat has a HIN... Mine never did :scratch:
You're gonna love her ;)
I want to say that I read that HINs were required starting in '74, but I could be wrong.
Long time lurker, first time poster. My name is Matthew, and I have been lurking around here for the better part (or more) of a year now, and have been looking for a semi-project Aquasport to buy.... ... but I know this is the best site out there for help (this site is 90% of the reason why I bought an Aquasport).
Welcome to the site !! Great intro - I had to highlight you passage above, because I recognized myself in your statement.
Don't you agree that it sure provides a comfortable feeling purchasing a big ticket item, used boat, that has the kind of resources available here from all of these great folks that make up CA ? I think so.
Well, big congrats on your new boat, and welcome to the site :salut: :salut:
Hey everyone! Im Rob, i have a 1978 aquasort 17, i live in spring hill florida. i love to be on the water and fishing wehn im not at work haha. im looking for a lil help getting my boat in better condition and im sure all you guys can help!
Welcome to the site !! Congrats on your fancy new boat and here's a little tip:
(Try to go to the Reunion on the 3rd. I'd give one of my left one's to be so close !! )
Send us some fishing photos as soon as you're able :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Welcome aboard, Rob :salut:
I found an 88 222 Osprey with an SX150 Yamaha and we are both waiting impatiently for the water to soften up a bit (ice is still 20 inches thick) so she can be put to good use.
I have been really impressed by the quality and quantity of the information that the members offer. Even when there are differences of opinion, the learning opportunity is not lost because of all the heinous things that occur on other sites… My hats off to everyone!!
Regards from Down East!
Welcome aboard, congrats on your new boat, I bet you are anxious to git rollin'. This is a good site and you are very welcome here. We'll be lookin' forward to some upcoming photos :salut: :salut:
That will be a sweet ride. My 170 was about the same shape when I got it. I wish I would have got a 196. Where are you at in Bradenton? I was raised up in west Bradenton.
Do a search on rub rail. Some have buffed and sanded theirs to bring them back to a newer appearance. It should perform well with that engine. How does it run?
I kind of like the super-fish. It give is character. You got a heck of a boat. Enjoy it.
Hello everyone!
Just bought a 1984 200 CCP with a Johnson 175 of about the same vintage. It's a little rough but usable. I'll probably try it out a few times before deciding to do anything to it so I can get the priorities straight. Mostly I sail but wanted the powerboat so I can go diving/exploring and help with race committee work. Sadly I'm not much of a fisherman.
The owner told me the boat was given to her dad, Herb Hild, when he left Aquasport years ago. From what I understand he was some sort of partner (silent or otherwise) . His main business was Hild Sails on City Island NY, as well as Island Nautical - a dodger and canvas company. This has been their family boat since then.
Really looking forward to the knowledge and resources on this site.
PS unfortunately I use Flikr photo sharing not photobucket so I can't post a picture. Here's the url to the flikr photo of the boat: (
Very nice :D and what a great boat to cruise the Sound in! Welcome aboard!
Hi guys. I've had a few boats in the past, all were junk. I acquired a 2000 Osprey 205 w/ a 200hp Ocean Pro yesterday. The boat is clean, and besides for needing just a couple very minor things, it seems to be in wonderful condition. I really hope it's as reliable as it seems.
Carl glad you found us, sounds like you found a nice boat, post up some pics when you can.
Hey All. New to the forum here. I've just inherited a 2000 Aquasport 215 Explorer from my Dad. He passed last month in Southern California, (RIP Pops), I've brought the boat home with me here to Kemah Texas, not far from Galveston. I've got a Mercury 200 Saltwater OB motor and stocked with some nice gadgets, (fishfinder, radar and GPS).
Just wanted to introduce myself. If gotta lot to learn here about this boat, I'm looking forward to spendin some time around here. ( ( ( (
Welcome aboard! Sorry to hear about you loosing your Pops. Looks like you have a nice boat!
Sorry for your loss bro,your dad left you a great legacy,a love of boats and boating! :salut:
Nice rig,I really like that aqua blue color,don't see many of those!
Welcome aboard,we look forward to your input,we all learn from each other! :salut:
Replied in your other post, bud, she is sweet!! Your Dad sure took care of her!
Pete, owner's manual? :salut:
Oh, BTW, we're pretty informal around here...a family, if you will. I'm Bob, wingtime is Bruce, Pete is, well, Pete, Blue Agave is Fernando, gran398 is Scott, circlehooked is Scott, Skoot is Scott (we need more Scotts!!), RickK is, well, once again, Rick, Capt. Bob is...guess on that one!
You're at home here... :cheers:
We know what you've been through. Best to you and yours.
And it's true....we have a family here. And not just a cyber-family...we hang out together :lol:
And there are a bunch more too...Fitz, CJ, JD, JJ, Lew, Jesse, Bill, Bill, Matt, Dirt, Trace, all of the new members :cheers: , the Tampa Crew, the Carolina Crew, the Northeast Crew, the Northwest Crew, and the California Kids :thumright:
Gonna be a national reunion...we could use a grant though :lol:
Nice ride...well kept, like the arch too. Welcome to the club!
Pete, owner's manual? :salut:
No prob,I am the "keeper of the owners manual" PM me your email adress and I can send you a PDF copy of one,some pages of it are here....viewtopic.php?f=8&t=7552 (
Welcome aboard, May God Bless your Dad and look after your family.
Like others have said we are a family here and as Bob said we are all on a first name basis, we are like no other forum out there and we pride ourselves on that, thanks for joining us and that is a sweet boat, your Dads love for her shows. :salut:
Big, BIG welcome to the forum and our condolences to you and your family.
I am always particularly excited to see new 215 members, and it would be my pleasure to help you figure out some of the things on your boat although I have had my 215 for only about a year. Plus, there are folks here that just know a lot more about boats in general, and Aquasports in particular, than I.
So welcome, and hope to see some great fishing photos from you real soon. :salut:
Best wishes, Trace
Oh, BTW, we're pretty informal around here...a family, if you will. I'm Bob, wingtime is Bruce, Pete is, well, Pete, Blue Agave is Fernando, gran398 is Scott, circlehooked is Scott, Skoot is Scott (we need more Scotts!!), RickK is, well, once again, Rick, Capt. Bob is...guess on that one!
You're at home here... :cheers:
and as of march 3rd bob also goes by Yoda :lol:
welcome aboard!
Right proper intro post so...
Welcome aboard :salut:
Capt. Bob is a rare acquired taste that in itself is rarely acquired.
Be sure to post to this thread with particulars.
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7394&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=explorer+registery (
Hey everybody.
First round is on me :D
Just picked up a 87 250 ccp with twin 140s. Both motors run, although one of of them has the driveshaft rusted to the powerhead. Rebuilt several classic makos and older duskys and a few sea crafts before so needless to say I'm not new to this. It came with a Bimini top which is already off the boat. Plans are for a nice new t-top, some tlc, and maybe a set of 200 small block etecs if finances allow. Pics will come soon in a new post
Welcome aboard Aqua :salut:
Well I am an new member "Bluemoon536" who owns a 29' tournament. I am doing and extensive refit of new motors, fuel tank, gel coat repair, new electronics etc. One thing I will never figure out is why they made a good looking boat ugly by not addressing the connection from the tower controls to the main better. Any one have any idea how to make it look better?
welcome aboard bro! those 29s are beasts! would love some pics! I think the prob with those controls is the technology of the day was all cables not as fly by wire as we are of luck on the refit! :cheers:
Hey guys thought i would introduce my self.. I just picked up a 86 19'6.. so a lil story.. im a florida boy through and through..but just got stationed in Corpus for the next 4 or so years..I always had boats in miami but they were project boats and i would fix and sell.. Picked up this boat and plan on keeping it for a while.. i love the lines of it and from what i can tell the draft is perfect for gulf coast fishing..
everything looks good on it but im not satisfied... so over the next several months im going to be gathering supplies i will need to do a full blown restore.. transom feels solid, drilled a couple of inspection holes and the shavings were dry, but i only went down about 8" from the top. there are some stress cracks in the corners of the transom and thats normally a sign of wear.. so i will fish the heck outta her this summer and then get to work... but i might do my build alot different than many other people do it... im still weighing out the cost right now.. now for some boat porn
also have done a few things on the boat.. gas tank had a leak so ive replaced it with a temporary poly tank. center console was a wiring mess, and motor didnt run.. so i cleaned up the wires on the engine, rebuilt the carbs and she runs good now (on muffs).. still working on wiring under the console.. also the binicale was a side mount that someone thought was a good idea to make a top mount out of.. i have since replaced that with a real top mount..
holy moly! you go resto that boat!nice work!ditch that front seat on the painted steel pedistal,its for a fresh water bass boat,won't hold up in salt water!welcome aboard and thanks for your service! :salut:
Ah, Pete, all in a day or 2...or 3s work! And who's the little guy peeking around the console? :salut:
Ah, Pete, all in a day or 2...or 3s work! And who's the little guy peeking around the console? :salut:
Welcome aboard, ceejkay!
And trusted Yoda Bob...good the little man :lol:
Welcome aboard ceejkay, I miss my little guy when he was that age, it was so fun, still is though, and thanks for your service :salut:
Welcome, Mr. Kay.
Great pics, can't wait to see the fishing photos to come.
Good luck on your upcoming restoration, and yes, thank you for keeping us safe.
I'll bet that little mister is chompin' at the bit to catch some fish!!
Again, big welcome.
Welcome Kay! (Remind anyone but me of Men In Black?)
Anyway, your boat is a Osprey 200, not a 19-6, and it looks like you are making good progress. Poly tank versus new aluminum is always a tough decision. Post any questions you have and I'm sure someone here can answer it!
Good luck!
Welcome Kay! (Remind anyone but me of Men In Black?)
Never took you for a Rip Torn fan CJ. 8)
That stated...
Welcome aboard K. :salut:
thanks for the welcome guys.. ive tried to regrister here for last month and finally had to contact rick.. glad to be aboard.. Thats my little boy aka fishin buddy.. i got another one but she isnt pictured.. hes 3 and she will be 2 in may..
Anyways on to the name.. ceejkay is my initials spelled out CJK.. So feel free to call me what ever you like but i frequently respond to Cj on most forums.. You want fishing photos huh? ive got this crazy freind i go out with, we hit up the 5 mile rigs in a 11ft inflatable.. heres a pic from last weekend.. not pictured are the 5 cobia and big OLE jack we caught and then released.. 2 pomps, 2 snapper, and 3 sheepies
Nice catch :thumright: it's comforting to know Texas has most the same fish as Florida so when it gets to crazy here and I move there I won't be to much out of my element :D
thats actually kinda funny.. i came from florida (hobe sound).. fishing here is almost identical except, instead of reefs you have oil rigs, instead of mangroves you have grass flats.. but im sure its mostly the same for you being on the gulf side.. they catch kings and smaks at the peir constantly, oh and sharks :lol: first week i was here a guy caught a 14ft hammerhead on the peir..
The only exception I can think would be Snook but I've heard of them being caught there on occasion.
very true, ive only herd stories of guys catching snook here.. it doesnt really bother me though ive caught more snook than most will ever catch.. all i care is im out on the water, even if all i catch are junk fish, its still a good day :D
all i care is im out on the water, even if all i catch are junk fish, its still a good day :D
Well said :thumright:
very true, ive only herd stories of guys catching snook here.. it doesnt really bother me though ive caught more snook than most will ever catch.. all i care is im out on the water, even if all i catch are junk fish, its still a good day :D
Pinfish! Ladyfish! Do I hear Jack Crevelle?? Hey, they're fun when crashing a bait pod against a seawall...
I don't know how many times while Snook fishing I hook into a monster and when i get it to the boat surprise it's a Jack, Still fun though.
try doing it on a 11ft inflatable 5 miles offshore :roll: did i mention my friends are all crazy, reason for buying this boat btw
That is a little crazy, I've done similar in my 14 panga but it would be hard to pop a hole in that.
Just picked up a older 17 foot on ebay
I live up north in Canada and can't wait to hit the water
Thanks for letting me in
Welcome aboard. There is a huge family of 170 owners here.
Any pics of your new family member?
Welcome to the club
Capt Matt
Welcome, you've found a great group of folks here, make yourself at home :salut:
Hi everyone, my name is Albert and I just picked up a 1984 222 xf. Am new to the aquasport family and so far loving it. I will hopefully post up some pictures soon.
Welcome aboard Al. :salut:
I once owned your model hull, just wore a different hat.
Post those pics :thumleft:
Welcome guys!! Canada and you guys wish you could switch places sometimes... :mrgreen:
The name is Bismark new to the site and the aquasport world i hade 2 aquasports and sold one the one sold was a 1987 170 osprey with a 1987 90hp jhonson and the one im going to keep is a 1988 170 striper with a 1995 115hp evinrude can some one let me know how good is the model i own and where can i get a gas tank for it im from Miami fl dade/broward thanks.
The name is Bismark new to the site and the aquasport world i hade 2 aquasports and sold one the one sold was a 1987 170 osprey with a 1987 90hp jhonson and the one im going to keep is a 1988 170 striper with a 1995 115hp evinrude can some one let me know how good is the model i own and where can i get a gas tank for it im from Miami fl dade/broward thanks.
Welcome! We kinda figured, given the screen name... :wink: :wink:
You might try Moeller as I imagine you have a roto-molded tank. If aluminum, there are many to choose from...
My name is Kevin and I live in Clearwater, FL. I found this site when I was looking for a new boat and started reading about project boats. I was looking for a 24ft Carolina Skiff DLX model, but after looking at these Aquasports 22-2, I gotta have one. I have never done anything with a boat as far as remodeling, so this is going to be a big step for me. Right now I am looking for a hull to buy cheap and start from square one. I do a lot of inshore fishing around the Cockroach Bay area and some grouper fishing in the bay. With all that being said, all advice is welcomed and I'm already going to ask a question. Can I get a hull that has a cuddy cabin on it and then rip everything out and start new? Or does it have to be the open hull already?
Wise decision Kevin! Welcome aboard! Yes you could rip the cabin off but you should be able to find a hull before you go that far. Try to find one from up north, they only get used half of the year.
Hello Everyone ... Im new to the Forum .. I was able to acquire this 72 170 back in February and have been working on it ever since...I had my first sea trial last Sunday and everything went pretty well ... I am a first time Aquasport owner... however I am far from a stranger to the brand... My father currently has a 70 170 that he bought from my grandfather who then bought another Aquasport ... So needless to say I grew up on these boats... Stumbled upon this site while poking around on the net one day and have been doing alot of great reading so figured I would make if official and join up .. Thanks for having me - Frank
Welcome aboard Frank. :salut:
New member here. I'm looking to purchase an older center console in the near future. I have my eye on a 1987 17' center console with an 1988 88hp Evinrude on it. The boat comes with a trailer, but I don't know what condition it's in. What do you think a fair offer would be on a boat like this?
New member here.
OK, Welcome aboard. :salut:
The boat comes with a trailer, but I don't know what condition it's in. What do you think a fair offer would be on a boat like this?
Trick question? :scratch:
Look, a 25 year old boat is only worth what someone is willing to pay. Hell, the thing might have a hole in the hull from your description but.....
Try here ( for a starting point based on...well a fair conditioned boat motor and trailer. That means, can you move the boat with the trailer, does the engine run, probably needs a new fuel get the idea.
Then, check out the usual suspects ie Craigslist, Boat Trader, local ads in paper and the Classified forum on this site.
That will get you a fair idea whats out there and then, you can start to think what you are willing to pay.
Good Luck. :thumleft:
Thanks Bob.
I have a figure in mind. I guess the trick really is to offer it to the seller without insulting them. The amount I would offer is well above book value...
The amount I would offer is well above book value...
He'll like that :!:
Welcome aboard northern members!
On the purchase....start LOW. And find a nice 22-2. Be patient. Your area is a quiet haven for these boats. Many dealers back then.
Jersey, love the pics of your ride. She has the strut, a classic.
The boys up your way are having a reunion on LI Sound this summer.
Right guys? Double Trouble, how's it lookin' up there bro?
My name is Rich from Long island New York. I own a 1992 210 Explorer Walkaround powered by a 200 Yamaha.I ve had it since 2008 and I love it. I have a lot of scratches and dings though from fishing at the bridges. I would like to fix them and replace the pin stripping and Aquasport logo.
Welcome aboard Rich. :salut:
Large group of WACs in this Forum from the 80s thru 2005. "Fearless Leader" sports a 92 230 and I have a 91 210. We're always looking for photos and with Gallery now hummin', posting is much easier than in the past. Not to worry about the condition cause we like um new, used and abused.
Hello everybody.. I'm new to the site, from Miami. I Purchase my classic from an old friend of mine that move out of state. I own the boat for 3 years and i love it...
Welcome aboard - nice looking rig. :salut:
After chatting, seeking advise and receiving excellent suggestions, I guess I should introduce myself.
My name is Lou and the wife, for the last year or so, we have owned a 21.5 Aqua Explorer. We love the ocean and when we are not with the grandkids, we are in the boat. Love to fish, hunt, surf, etc., (anything in the water), but only venture out 15+/- miles or so offshore. Too far out for real sportfishing w/o the benefit of good instrumentation and 13 year old Evinrude Ocean Pro 200. I am the Port Orange, FL area and my back yard is my dock. (Not a lot of mowing to do)
Love the Aquasport and wish there were still in the market. My father owned a center console, 22 aqua back in the 60's and 70's and we used to fish offshore, travel to the VI and other islands from P.R. Good or rough seas, this center console took it all.
Have had small boats and jetskis until a little over a year ago when we decided to take the boat plunge. Love every minute.
Welcome Lou :salut:
Welcome aboard to Lou and 129. :salut:
Hi, just started on here today. First say a little about me I own a 1985 CCP 200 with a 2001 Mercury 200. I live in Longneck Delaware. Iam a avid fisher. Well my ? was iam looking to replace the chrome aquasport stickers on my boat and was wondering the best place to get them?
Welcome aboard KC. :salut:
I've seen that style decal offered on e-Bay but I'm not sure it is "chrome" rather than a silver. Also, measure your existing decal for comparison because you will find ones out there that are smaller.
Here is one but I believe it is smaller than OEM ... ts_id=1303 (
Good luck.
thank you. that seems right i will have to measure tho. now i just have to make up my mind wheather i should just go ahead and paint it first
Well come aboard Kcampbell :salut: . Now I’ve been all over Indian river and haven’t seen that boat. You new to the long neck area as well? or is just the boat? :scratch:
Have had the boat since last year. I 've been in longneck for 4 years now. Fish virgina alot and lewes alot IR everyonce and awhile fished it a couple times this year for flounder and havent done anything. And every time in VA limit on flatties. But i run out of white house beach.
Welcome aboard also! Try a local sign shop. They can usually take a pic and then cut it out in vinyl. The darker outline might be a problem but it would be worth a try!
thanks ill give it a shot
Ok got yea. I thought it was some what new in the area. I think I know where just about 98% of all the Aquasports in a 50 mile radius are :thumright: . Hope to see you out there. :)
These folks can do them in chrome or any other color: ... e4&vxp=mtr (
Thankyou for all the help. And i should be out this weekend thinking of trolling a little up the beach see if any rock still around. i figured that would be better than playing bumper boats in the bay.
Hi - owner of a 1975 AS Osprey, 22' - up on the NH seacoast. Got a few photos of it (from when I bought it about 8 years ago) in my album here, if I uploaded properly. It has a new (leftover) 08' 150 2-stroke Yamaha on it now: ... hp?cat=611 (
I found this site searching for some fuel tank help (I think I found it, although I'm not sure I like the answer!) I think I might have a faulty vent tube, gotta see what kind of access I have through the small deck plate underneath the console.
I'm not sure if the forward deck configuration (see the pics) is at all close to the original configuration, I know it was refurbed a couple of owners ago.
Other than the fact that I love the boat, I know very little about it's original family lines. If anyone has any input I'd love to hear it.
I actually spent time as a young kid on the same (model) boat on Martha's Vineyard back in the late 70's early 80's, but I was too young to appreciate it. Kinda fun to be back on one, though.
looking forward to browsing the site,
My name's Ryan and I'm Suffolk, VA. I just bought a 290 TM, which I saw at least one post on here from the previous owner a few years back. Its in decent shape overall and has one new motor and one blown motor.
I currently also have a Correct Craft Fish Nautique, single inboard center console, which the wife says will be leaving, or the new boat will be leaving.
290 is going to be a slow, thirsty boat isn't she?
Welcome aboard Paul and Ryan. :salut:
Lot's of stuff to digest and plenty to glean.
Never drove a 290 but we have a member who has been working on his and posts quite often. The "Duke" will be a great source for you as you progress and is quite a skilled character. He's the "go to" guy for that marine head in your vessel. :mrgreen:
Good luck and post that Aqua porn. :cheers:
Hi there everyone!
I'm Rod. This seems to be a great friendly site. I love all the pics and ideas.
Just purchased my 1985 29' Tournament from a great guy in NJ. Her name, "It's Showtime"
Had a tri-axle trailer made up in FL and dragged her to my home Westlock, Alberta Canada.
Border crossing was a snap with the boat. Purchasing a trailer in the US and importing into Canada is not the answer.
Never again.
A bit of cleanup and shes now sitting on the West side of Vancouver Island.
Pulling a boat that size with a one ton Ford through the mountains would have made a great commercial. 14,400 lbs at the scale. Full of fuel and gear was how I purchased her.
My 4 kids are driving me nuts with the "When we going fishin".
Too bad work has to get in the way of fun.
Hope to chat soon with a bunch of you here.
I'll upload a few pics shortly.
Bye for now!
Welcome Rod
You will like it here
Where at on the Island you keep her
Did you tow her or dump her in on the mainland?
Towed my AS over that island many times
It's a adventure pulling a 22, can't imagine pulling a 29,trouble is it's worse driving back out.
My first post Boat: 71 / 72 19.1 Osprey power 96 Johnson 88 home port Newport Harbor should be in water this week just finishing up installing new distribution panel new radio and some lights boat is in great condition for its age...
Question? my bilge pump is located in transom well....a Mako I saw recently had pump below deck...I do have an access port back there but would have to pipe drain either through side or into set up I have now...after being in the water for 2 months it only has a couple gallons....any input would be appreciated
Have not posted in a few years but here is a deal on a diver in Maine. Came across this on CL today. She is the same one for sale here a few years ago that needed a complete rebuild. All the hard work is done..........
Welcome back! Don't be such a stranger.
If I didn't already have two I would probably be headed for Maine! Those are really cool with the side door.
Thanks! It has been a while been watching builds here and there, mostly from work but I can not log in due to security. Life has been busy as hell but finally found some time to start my next build. That diver is 40 min up the road but I already have a 20' Eastporter down to the bare hull. I would love to go and get it and mothball it in the yard until I have time.
The trailer is worth the asking price.
Dang, I wish someone would post a deal like that within a reasonable distance.
Have not posted in a few years but here is a deal on a diver in Maine. Came across this on CL today. She is the same one for sale here a few years ago that needed a complete rebuild. All the hard work is done..........
Hi and welcome back!
Thanks for posting this! I may have some strong interest here. PM sent. Thanks :thumright:
Classic and rare boat. That thing would bring serious bucks around the Tampa area when restored...
I am from Panama City, Fl. I own a 1996 Aquasport 225 Explorer with a 1996 Evinrude 200 Ocean Pro.
Welcome aboard San and AS24 :cheers: Make sure you join the user group in your area :idea:
Hello everyone,
Im new to here, this being my 1st post. I have recently bought a new to me 246 ccp. This is my 1st aquasport. The boat is a 1978 and most of the restoration is least the hard parts. The transom is enclosed and it has a 2002 ox66 250 on a stainless bracket. I am looking forward to any advice yall have on this model and any advice I can give on others. So far I love the ride quality, but it does love the trim tabs. Going to try a 4blade prop soon.
Thanks Yall.... Ill try to post pics from my cell, but they may be to large??
SW Florida
Hi Eric - nice big boat :salut:
The site will right-size the pics if you upload them into the photo gallery (you already have an acct there) and then post them in the topic as desired. There is a topic in every forum on how to post pics.
I just posted some in the photo gallery. Still working on how to get them into the original post.
Welcome aboard to you both. :salut:
Make that all three. :salut:
Dang, it sold and is already on the way to Maryland. It still had the dive step but did not have the glass ports in the bottom. Scott told me about those ports, but I have never seen them. Does anyone have a picture of the glass port setup?
Dang, that sucks.
Hopefully one of our members landed it.
Thanks for the effort Deck Daddy.
Dang, it sold and is already on the way to Maryland. It still had the dive step but did not have the glass ports in the bottom. Scott told me about those ports, but I have never seen them. Does anyone have a picture of the glass port setup?
Check out the Photo Gallery - there are several shots there, along with some old magazine articles that describe them as well.
It still had the dive step but did not have the glass ports in the bottom. Scott told me about those ports, but I have never seen them. Does anyone have a picture of the glass port setup?
Here are the windows from a '68 Diver - click on the pic to see more pics.
( (
Maybe next time.........
Hey there Bill,
Thanks for the welcome.
She's in Port Alberni for now, having some of the fiberglass repairs done there and also some paint.
I have a place to keep her in the water in Thasis but as soon as I put her in the water at port alberni offers came in all over. Everyone wanted a looksee. Felt like a rock star for a while.
Only a couple of tuna boats out there and only mine with the tower so she stands out.
Too bad I live so far from the ocean. Would love to cast a few lines today.
The diver from Maine has been purchased by a potential new member :thumright:
We look forward to your presence here sir, and congratulations on finding a rare classic :salut:
Hi guys,
My name is Dean I live in Acworth, Ga but am from New Orleans and have served honorably in the Navy and the Army I first found out about aquasports when living in San Clemente, Ca. Well the stars aligned and u now own a admittedly rough but ready 1986 AquaSport 200 Osprey, power is the 140 Johnny the hull and tansom are solid. My plan was to put it in the water to see how she felt but I live on a lake and with 3 teenagers between fishing mornings for strippers and hybrids and pulling kids on tubes and ski's my plans have changed. Every question I've googled has listed a link back to a discussion on this site and looking at some of the members Aquasports I am encouraged and can see that I made a good choice.
Welcome aboard Dean :salut:
Post a couple of pics of your craft. The Photo Gallery makes it fairly easy.
Hi Dean - you've found the most relaxing place to "hang" and get the answers you've always wanted about your Aquasport. No pressure, no abuse, no hassle and mostly no offensive language (for those that are rightfully offended easily). We've built the right environment for relaxing and "learning". "Ask away" with no worry about being bashed!
We can certainly point you to a few places where you can get that kind of negative attention if you so desire :lol:
Follow the instructions in the "how to post pictures" link at the top of every forum and start your own post to show us what you got.
Welcome aboard!!
My wife and I just bought a 200 Express Fisherman (1980) with a 1980 Evinrude 150 V6, sitting on an EZ loader.
we saw it on Thursday and bought on sight after hearing the motor run and visually inspecting.
This boat has been meticulously cared for, looks only a few years old, not 30+, and runs very well.
We put her on Lake Erie on Saturday and ran her for 5 hours. Amazing how smooth this boat rides, and when on plane hit 38-39 mph (gps)
We are going to do some minor work, refinish the teeak etc, but all-in-all this boat doesnt need much.
I love it already!!!
Welcome to the site Soul! You've got a great boat there and feel free to post any questions you have as you are making her your own. "An adventure in every ride." :thumleft:
Hi all. My name is Jason. I live in Hobe Sound, FL. About 30 minutes north of West Palm Beach for those that dont know.
I just picked up a 1989 19'6" hull and trailer last night. Its a small bit of a project but a great starting point. I picked it up for $2500 as seen in the pics ( in my photo gallery) along with the original gauge panel, lower console trim, steering/control facia, anchor with chain and rope, and some other stuff im forgetting. Ill use the original panels as a template to make something nicer and throw a set of decent looking gauges in. The trailer is decent enough for now. Boat has newer rolled on paint so it looks good from 5+ feet away. Transom seems real solid. Floor is a little spongy here and there but usable for now. Ill use it for a couple years and see how long it lasts. I can decide to sell it or redo the floor at that point. But only if I can find someone who can keep the original nonslip design. I really like it. Modernizes the boat. Honestly, I'll probably be ready for an upgrade by then.
Dirty in the pics. Plan on cleaning it up in the next couple days and getting fresh pics. Going to look at a 1990 Merc black max 150 tonight with harness and key switch. Then I'll need batteries, controls and wire it up and she should be ready to run. Plus whatever accessories I decide to run and gauges, steering etc. Im sure I'll be asking alot of questions and maybe a little help if someone feels generous enough if I pay for the beer and food.
This weekend I'll be buying a couple tubes of 5200 and Marine Tex. I'll go around and make sure everything is sealed up. Tip the TTop and console up to seal that as I dont thing the previous owner did after checking the fuel tank. Next weekend I'll mount the motor and go from there.
Welcome R93 and good luck with your project. Post some pics!
i put the pics in my gallery. i could get them to work here. but i think i got it now.
and another.
Nice! Looks like a really good starting point. For $2500, if the boat is solid, I think you got a good deal!
well, this pretty much sucks but i think i might be selling it. life happened...again. it seems everytime i get ready to do something nice for myself i end up having to get rid of it cause something happens. glad i didnt buy that motor last night.
i have $2650 in it. i would like to get that back and i trully think its worth it. what do you guys think? its really a decent little boat. not a show winner but has great potential. i just cant afford to do what i wanted to now. i have the original dash plates for it to use as a template for new ones. and the teak and shelf that go inside the console as well. clean title. trailer isnt horrible. its aluminum. needs tires, lights and a winch to be good. but it got me home 60 miles the other night with no problem.
this sucks.
Sorry brother.....
quick question though...if i was able to keep it...would a merc 3.0 be too heavy for this low transome boat? im not sure what the weight difference between a 2.5 and 3.0 merc is. talking mid to late 90s motors.
so after talking to the wife we have decided to go ahead and build from this hull. we are going for a world record attempt at how cheaply we can get on the water while looking decent and safe. we will run this boat for the summer and maybe next year then decide if we want to do a floor and keep it with a possible repower to a better motor or sell it. so far i have $2600 into it. i want to be on the water for $5k or under all said and done. picking up a 1990 black max 150 for $1k saturday. complete new electric installed by dealer with receipts 2 weeks ago. comes with harness and key switch. he ended up with a killer deal on a 2005 optimax so he is just trying to unload this motor. its isnt the prettiest thing but runs real well. sanding it and painting it by sunday or monday. ill be headed up to a local liquidation warehouse after i get the motor for steering and controls. I'll start a build thread as i get going this weekend.
Hi, new to the world of the Classic Aquasport. My son and I just purchased a 1974 Aquasport 222 and have had in the water now for 2 weeks and love the boat. Picked the boat up from a guy that was the second owner and had it for over 30 years. He looked after it like it was one of his kids. The boat is set up for fishing which is perfect for the fishing we do in Lake Huron. The boat still has the original 165 OMC stern drive and runs like a "Champ", I guess after 30 years all the bugs have been worked out. We hope to enjoy many hours with this boat as my son has 5 boys that all enjoy fishing.
I am sure I will be asking a lot of questions about this Classic Boat and looking forward to comments from other members.
Welcome aboard!
Sounds like you have quite a classic!Would love some pics! :salut:
I hope he doesn't look after his kids for 30 years ... ;)
Your avatar pic looks good. Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard Gon'. :salut:
As stated, we need pics!
Here are few photos of the old girl.
Arriving Home :scratch:
Someone is happy! Two of the Grandkids and my son:cheers:
Launch day :roll:
Sea Trials :P
Being used for what she was made for. :D
I remember this boat! :scratch: Nice pics and good to see some fish on her. Thanks for the pics and keep on posting.
There is a lot of stuff going on there. :thumleft:
I remember this boat! :scratch: Nice pics and good to see some fish on her. Thanks for the pics and keep on posting.
Interesting that you may remember this boat. Brought up to Canada from Florida around 1980 and then purchased by the guy that I bought it from, who I believe may have trailered it and fished off NC a few times. Spent most of her years in Lake Ontario. I'm an East Coast guy and brought up on the Bay of Fundy, liked the lines of the AS222 and I am pleased with how stable and how well she handles in big water (only been out in Lake Huron in 4 or 5 foot waves ).
Welcome! Cool rig, nice fish too :cheers:
Is that a Lowrance X 16 paper machine?
Welcome! Cool rig, nice fish too :cheers:
Is that a Lowrance X 16 paper machine?
Yes it is.
Here is a list of what was included with the boat:
4 Big Jon electric downriggers
2 Lee outriggers
2 Big Jon sideriggers
VHF radio
CB radio
AM-FM, tape player
Lowrance X-16 graph recorder
Lowrance Global Map 2000 GPS/fish-finder
Lowrance C-Map reader & C-Map of western Lake Ontario
On-board marine battery charger/maintainer
Battery isolator switch
Dual heavy-duty batteries
Two 3000 gph bilge pumps with auto float switches
Bennett trim tabs
Airguide 6 inch binnacle-mount compass
Spare propeller
All heavy-duty mooring lines
Danforth anchor, anchor chain, & 200 feet of 5/8” anchor line
Two 160 quart built-in coolers
Storage racks for 10 rods & reels
Fish Hawk surface water temperature probe
Bow dodger, Bimini top, console cover, and seat covers, new in summer 2010
Lower unit completely re-sealed, new spline drive, and new fuel pump in summer 2010
New marine carburetor, plugs, points, condensor, rotor, and distributor cap, June, 2011
Eight life preservers
5 Fenwick Rigger sticks
5 Ambassadeur 7000 reels
1-10-foot Okuma wire-line rod
1 Okuma line-counter reel with wire
Two 30” landing nets
Pompanette gaff
All salmon/trout lures and tackle box
Trailer includes:
14 inch wheels and as-new tires
Two brand-new spare tire/wheels
Spare hub with new bearings installed
4 stainless steel, marine grade Bearing Buddies
Two-speed, 6000 pound capacity manual winch
Second winch mast in place for an electric winch on a 2” receiver.
New hydraulic brake actuator, June 2011.
Hydraulic brakes on all four wheels.
Hello all- I am Anthony and this is my "new" old 86 Aquasport 290 TM that I am trying to get USCG documented. I am trying to use it as a 6 pack charter boat on the Chesapeake Bay. I really appreciate all the help I have recieved so far.
Welcome Anthony! Good looking ride too :salut:
Welcome! Cool rig, nice fish too :cheers:
Is that a Lowrance X 16 paper machine?
Yes it is.
Here is a list of what was included with the boat:
4 Big Jon electric downriggers
2 Lee outriggers
2 Big Jon sideriggers
VHF radio
CB radio
AM-FM, tape player
Lowrance X-16 graph recorder
Lowrance Global Map 2000 GPS/fish-finder
Lowrance C-Map reader & C-Map of western Lake Ontario
On-board marine battery charger/maintainer
Battery isolator switch
Dual heavy-duty batteries
Two 3000 gph bilge pumps with auto float switches
Bennett trim tabs
Airguide 6 inch binnacle-mount compass
Spare propeller
All heavy-duty mooring lines
Danforth anchor, anchor chain, & 200 feet of 5/8” anchor line
Two 160 quart built-in coolers
Storage racks for 10 rods & reels
Fish Hawk surface water temperature probe
Bow dodger, Bimini top, console cover, and seat covers, new in summer 2010
Lower unit completely re-sealed, new spline drive, and new fuel pump in summer 2010
New marine carburetor, plugs, points, condensor, rotor, and distributor cap, June, 2011
Eight life preservers
5 Fenwick Rigger sticks
5 Ambassadeur 7000 reels
1-10-foot Okuma wire-line rod
1 Okuma line-counter reel with wire
Two 30” landing nets
Pompanette gaff
All salmon/trout lures and tackle box
Trailer includes:
14 inch wheels and as-new tires
Two brand-new spare tire/wheels
Spare hub with new bearings installed
4 stainless steel, marine grade Bearing Buddies
Two-speed, 6000 pound capacity manual winch
Second winch mast in place for an electric winch on a 2” receiver.
New hydraulic brake actuator, June 2011.
Hydraulic brakes on all four wheels.
Wow! Don't know what you paid, but my Lord, the ol' girl came with the finest rigging and accessories. Scotty, Lowrance, Fenwick, Ambassadeur...the Great Lakes version of "Palm Beach Style."
you could be on the water for less than $5K if you rig the boat with the bare essentials. i have around $7500 into my boat which includes the initial cost of the boat with 112hp johnson, repower with larger motor(200hp evinrude), jack plate, trolling motor, 5 batteries, trailer, re painted with awlgrip, a full custom cover, and have bob play with the wiring... i got a great deal on my boat which helped keep the initial costs low. i was on the water for less than $3K
the key is to shop around online for the best deals, and stay the heck away from worst(west) marine. they rape you on the prices!
You have a good-looking, fine riding hull. They don't grow on trees.
Hang onto it.
This economy slowly but surely is turning around...selling it now for a song.... if you like it, you'll regret it.
Just joined! looks like a great site. Just purchased a 1999 Aguasport 215 with Dule Console with a 200 HP Mercury Optimax. The boat is in Florida( surprise surprise), I am having it delivered to Tucson mid July. It looks like a great boat, sure hope so.
I am thinking about a boat cover, any assistance on where I should look?
Wine Down
Hello everyone, I'm Geoff and I'm located in Stratford, CT on LI Sound.
Just picked up a 72 19-6 about 10 days ago. Mostly original and in solid condition from my limited AQ experience! No bottom paint and I'd like to keep her as close to classic as possible.
She sure rides nice besides a little pounding in the chop in LI Sound. Everyone says these boats are wet but we've been out twice and not even a drop has come up over the bow! Maybe I'm just lucky... Is it possible the earlier 19-6's are more immune to spray then the 196's and 200's? Not sure, but I sure am happy so far with the ride. Feel free to "educate" me on this year and model. I could use all the help I can get.
Check out the new lady... ... 2_19-6.jpg (
Nice boat! Welcome aboard Geoff. :salut:
Welcome Jonah! Nice lookin' rig - looks pretty much original and in good shape. Does it have an HIN? If not, you might be able to guess the year from the serial number on a plate in the boat.
She's a classic - sweet boat! :salut:
It was previously registered as a 72 and it's says serial number E327... does this serial give any more detail as to month and year, etc?
Welcome aboard to our new members :salut:
Thanks for posting up in this forum and don't forget the pics! :mrgreen:
Sold for $2,851.00 - nice deal for some lucky guy!!!
:salut: :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut:
nice looking boat. from the pics i cant tell which area you are around, im assuming near gomez, or osprey?
That lucky guy would be me! :cheers: Long time lurker, and son of Woodinator (who for some reason stopped visiting the site). I've been eying the 246 CCC since the brown hull version which popped up a couple times a few months back. It just looks like such a perfect boat for my area of South Florida. When I saw this listing in the classified forum on Classic Aquasport I my jaw dropped... the overall condition of the gelcoat and teak, the original tower, the twin engines, etc. all just screamed my name. I've already rebuilt several of these exact engines, and have enough matching parts to built an entire 3rd one from scratch so the age of the two engines doesn't worry me at all.
I'm currently arranging transport of the boat from NY to CT (any recommendations or advice would be appreciated) for some storage and then eventual transport down to Florida. Will be starting a thread to document the condition of the boat upon delivery and detail the overall transport process.
Probably getting a bit ahead of myself, but I just can't get the floating visions of mahi, sailfish, and summer bahamas trips out of my head. :drunken:
Alrighty then! Welcome Ryan!
Congratulations! You are now a card carrying member of our club, the highly esteemed and respected Aquasport Sportsman's Society (A.S.S.)
When you are ready to bring it home: Send me a PM, I have a hauler (here in Wilmington, halfway there) who is bonded and reliable, and works CHEAP. He's been everywhere hauling Aquasports.
Welcome Aboard :cheers: :cheers:
Welcome aboard ryan, sweet deal... :cheers: and looks like Scott already has you hooked up for transport... it's like clock work around here :thumright: Nice job Scott..
Welcome aboard Ryan. :salut:
You made CJ's day by buying this beauty :cheers:
By all means, start a new thread in the Rebuild forum and don't forget those pics!
Ryan - glad to hear you got that CCC! Looks like a sweet boat. :cheers: I've got a hauler as well you might want to contact - heckuva nice guy and won't stick you for an arm and leg:
Mike Holcomb - Phone 704-663-5116 Cell 704-507-0823
You might be able to catch him on a return trip from Flawda to Up Nawth - he would rather haul a boat than air coming south!
U-Ship is a pretty neat website that allows you to post your needs and have haulers bid on your trip: ... ysShowCCTA (|pcrid|11213401579&gclid=CNe0tfPJl7ECFcHb4AodymEGdw&alwaysShowCCTA)
Good luck and welcome to the site!
Ryan, welcome aboard!
Looking forward to your membership :thumright: can't wait to see your ride.
Please start a thread on "Rebuilds" when you are ready.
Welcome Aboard TOMBO!
NEGATE THE ALL CAPS. We aren't cool with CAPS.
So forget the caps from here out...and welcome.
Your cracked windshield...get a new windshield.
Check the Vendor forum, MCL. Give them a call with your specs. They have a chitload of windshields that will fit. Cheap.
Hey Tombo, this is where I bought my windshield. Very cut and dry. It took a little while to arrive due to their workload but I definitely received what I bought. Enjoy.
James H (
Hi there everyone!
I'm Carl, from Michigan and I just bought a '66 22-2 with the dive door (no windows, or they have been removed)! I'm pretty pumped :D :D :D :D about it and was looking for one for a "reasonable" price for a few years now. She needs a lot of loving to get her back to her glory, but that will happen starting this winter. I'll post pics later when I get the chance, I just wanted to say hello and get myself introduced.
Thanks everyone,
Welcome aboard Cally. :salut:
Great intro. :thumleft:
Diver model. A true Aqua Classic but then they all are. 8)
Check the Photo Gallery for Diver pics and above all,
Post up your pics. :idea:
Good luck.
Hi Guy's
I have been lurking on this site for over 2 years since i bought my 1986 Aquasport 250XF! Its been amazingly handy to have so much information about these truly great boats. I bought my Aquasport off ebay in the UK 2 years ago, it was everything I always wanted in a boat and got it for a project price. Having renovated 3 boats prior to this thought it wouldn't be an issue, however I have only 1 month ago finally fixed my 2 outboard engines and have actually been able see what all the fuss is about by taking her to sea... at Speed!
Thanks to Rickk & Scott who helped me get on this site, due to myself from the uk being wrongly seen as a spammer and not passing security.
Glad to be on here finally and look forward hearing from other 250XF owners & any Aquasport owners!
Wow jswd, what a beautiful boat and what a great pic. I for one would love to see any other pics you have of her.
James H
Welcome aboard Jon :salut:
Proper intro and for that we thank you.
Post some more pics when you can and hopefully we can get some answers on your transom question. Thanks also for posting it in another forum. :thumleft:
Good luck.
Welcome Jon :cheers:
Hi Guys,
Again great to be on here with such a warm welcome.
As for a few pics, this is where i moor my boat and it is truly a tranquil spot and very sheltered from all weather yet only a mile to open sea.
Hi my name is Erik. I live in Port Monmouth NJ. I am the third owner of the Falcon, a 1986 290TM. When I purchased her back in 1999 I knew that a 290TM was what I wanted. The previous owner had her for about 3 or 4 years and the boat was kept down at Bogans Boat Basin. The original owner was from Staten Island. I kept her in Long Branch at Mariner's Emporium. At the time there was 5, 290 Aquasports berthed there.
I did most of my fishing drifting for Stripers and Fluke in Sandy Hook Bay, and anchoring up for Blackfish and Sea Bass on various wrecks out in the Atlantic Ocean.
Two years ago I moved her down to Little Egg Harbor, I could not pass up the berth fee (FREE). I am in the process of keeping her clean and everything working. I do have a few small projects that I would like to complete. The boat has less than 500 hours on the running gear, so I am ok there for now. I dug up some old pics that I will scan and upload soon as I can. My plan is to include you guys in on as many things as possible.
Welcome aboard Eric. :salut:
Thanks for the ID. :thumleft:
Good luck and keep posting the Aquaporn. :mrgreen:
Hi everybody, just recently bought a 20' Aquasport. I've already posted a message asking for help identifying it since the HIN doesn't match up with other information that I've gathered.
At any rate, it's a center console with a Evinrude 150 2 stroke. It's actually the first boat that I've bought and I'm really looking forward to taking it out.
It's in fair condition so I'm planning on getting some use out of it for a while until I can figure out what I'd like to do for a possible rebuild.
I'm definitely envious of the end results in the rebuilds thread. They look fantastic.
Here's a picture of her:
( (
I've had a boat mechanic take a look at the engine (water pump and a few seals had to be replaced) and I'm planning on getting her out in salt water this weekend. Most of the electrics were disconnected so it took me a few hours to remove old unnecessary wiring and reconnect everything. About the only thing that doesn't work currently is the stern light which is probably due to a loose connection on the socket. I don't plan on taking her out close to night time any time soon but it's on my to-fix list.
It's a 200 CCP
Enjoy :lol:
Excellent! Thanks a bunch. From what I've see of the variations available around that time, that's what I was leaning toward it being.
Hello....Im Vince. :salut: Im a functional workaholic. Ive mostly worked with cars all my life and lost count several years ago at around 150. Im only 35. I get bored once the work is done and there is nothing left to do. In the last two years I have gotten into older boats. My first was a 1980 Cruisers Inc Beachcomber 206. I have recently picked up a late 60s 22-2 flatback that I am about to start on. I have already gained a large wealth of knowledge in one afternoon on here about my new toy. I hope to be able to post pix along the way and hope that it doesnt take 5yrs to finish it! :lol:
Welcome aboard Vince. :salut:
Nice intro and we look forward to those pics. :thumleft:
Good luck.
new guy from Fernandina Beach Fl, just bought a 230 Tournament Cat with twin 115 yammie 4 strokes. Glad to be here!
Welcome aboard Eric. :salut:
230 Cat eh? I gotta look that up.
Please post a few pics of the beast. We certainly haven't seen a whole lot of those around here. :thumleft:
Good luck.
Hi Everybody,
My name is Chris, and I am into my 4rth season of owning a '96 Osprey 175 - with an '07 Nissan TLDI 90. I grew up on Cape Cod in Orleans, and spent many a summer boating with family and friends, mostly on boats of similar size & nature. We keep the boat at my parents house (the house I grew up in) and launch out of Orleans pretty much weekly during summer months. I know the waters of Pleasant Bay and through-out the Chatham intercoastal area really well, since I've been boating in these waters for most of my life. I've been slowly updating the 175; 'took it all apart last winter and re-did fuel tank and all electrics. It has a T-Top and my project this summer has been to give the trailer new springs, tires etc, and re-wire. I dream of getting the gel coat back to pristine, but it's not in the budget right now.
I do need to find a source for OEM cushions and would love to find a source for those stern compartment plastic inserts if anyone knows of any.
Heading out this weekend since the Striper action is picking up (and commercial boats are long gone)...
Welcome aboard CP. :salut:
Don't know that you'll find the exact OEM cushions. Seems that subject has been broached before. Most seem to have them remade by a local vendor but hopefully someone will respond on that. Same on the rear covers.
I suggest you start a new thread in the Aqua Discussion forum for a better chance at a response.
Keep posting of pics though. We love the Aqua porn. :thumleft:
New to forum and I just purchased a 1999 215 DC. Not new to boats but new to this one. I'm sure to have a few questions for you.
I looked for a few months for this model. It suits my needs the best.
Welcome aboard Roy :thumright:
Questions, ask away.
Besides the 245/250 Osprey, the original 215 DC is my favorite AS! Well done sir!
Wired a few of them in my day so I may be of some assistance. Bet you'll be asking about fishbox drainage soon... :shock: :shock:
And I'm just up the road from you!
Welcome aboard Roy. :salut:
Start a thread in whatever forum best fits and post up a pic or two of the 215 and ask away.
Good luck.
Besides the 245/250 Osprey, the original 215 DC is my favorite AS! Well done sir!
Wired a few of them in my day so I may be of some assistance. Bet you'll be asking about fishbox drainage soon... :shock: :shock:
And I'm just up the road from you!
I actually bought the boat in Hernando Beach just up the street from you. I also go to the Bayport Inn several times a year to eat.
Did a lot of fishing off Weeki Wachee about 30 years ago. A friend of mine his parents had a house on the Weeki Wachee river and owned a 21 Mako. Another friend of mine had a 19.6 Aquasport we would launch at Rogers Park boat ramp.
Hi, I am new to site. I have a 1978 Aquassport 170 needs some work but a good start. I have looked around your site and seen some nice work . Hope to post some pics soon. I live in Madisonville ,La.
Welcome aboard :salut: We've got a huge 170/175 family here 8)
Indeed, welcome aboard. :salut:
You're a member of an enormous cult following here. By all means, post that Aquaporn.
I've been lurking for a while, and posting for the last week or so, so it's about time I said hello. My name is Craig, and after growing up in NJ, I came to Florida in 1983 for college and never left. I've lived in Crystal River for about 17 years now. I'm on my second Aquasport now, a 2002 205 Osprey. Prior to that I had a 1996 200 Osprey.
I like boating (obviously), fishing, diving, and the somewhat local Tampa Bay sports teams (Bucs, Rays, Lightning, and of course my alma mater, the Bulls).
Although I've only been on this site a short while, I must say it is a whole lot friendlier than another well known boating forum that I visit. I've yet to see any degrading comments, name calling, slander, etc. This is the way it should be!
Thanks for allowing me to be part of the family!
Craig, are you suggesting THT is not all that friendly? :shock: :shock:
Gee Bob, what makes you think I was talking about THT?
Now don't get me wrong, there are alot of nice, helpful, knowledgeable people on that site, and I do still visit it regularly. But there are quite a few people that are somewhat...abrasive?
By the way, did you get the PM I sent last night?
Gee Bob, what makes you think I was talking about THT?
Now don't get me wrong, there are alot of nice, helpful, knowledgeable people on that site, and I do still visit it regularly. But there are quite a few people that are somewhat...abrasive?
By the way, did you get the PM I sent last night?
Yes I did Craig. PL used to do the white insert, it looks excellent, just another way of doing things, some like the contrast/breakup that a colored insert provides, some like the clean, all white look...
Hello Out there,
I hope this post finds you well. I recently purchased an Osprey 225 with Ocean Pro 250 and wanted to join this forum to learn things about my newest toy. Initially I wanted a 23 Dorado and this was a more affordable alternative. I live in Crawfordville, Florida (small resort like town south of Tally) and look forward to learning from you guys. I will have an Evan Williams and Pepsi.
I like your attitude! Welcome aboard!! What year Osprey?
Welcome aboard!!
Welcome brother 225 owner! :salut:
Welcome aboard! :salut:
Welcome Aboard JM. :salut:
A Wakulla County seat resident.
It is a 96 Osprey. I hope to see you out there.
Hello ive been a lurker for a while and finally decided to get on here. I just picked up a old proline flatback 20 and am about to start the resto on her.
Hi backdraft, I am pretty new here myself. Glad you decided to join also. Good luck with the Pro line project.
Welcome backdraft! Oddly, not only am I an ex-Aquasport employee, I'm also an ex-Proline employee...although LONG after your boat was built, so I can't help you there!
But welcome!!
THanks for the welcoming, i tried to post a pic of my boat but it said it was too large?
THanks for the welcoming, i tried to post a pic of my boat but it said it was too large?
I use Photobucket. You familiar with how to use it?
hi im new aswell, im actually new to boats altogether . i will be driving you guys crazy with my questions but im on the west coast and i dont have anybody over here to get info from. so i'll thank you in advance for your help. with that being said i bought a 200ccp im not sure off the year yet and ill figure out how to post pic soon.
Sonny, we have great members over your way :thumright:
Super folks too...and all are here to help.
Welcome aboard!
Welcome aboard to you both. :salut:
I've merged these posts into the proper thread. Please begin new threads for questions, comments and pics. "Rebuilds" is the best forum for construction and cosmetic restoration, while questions should be posted in the forums most closely related. Self explanatory.
Good luck.
I just bought this '73 222 and I am goingt to start a very slow rebuild. I have started the demo and am starting the design process on paper first. I basically bought the trailer for $500 and got the boat for free, so I am somewhat ahead of the game, however the original owner began turning the hull into a commercial boat and added some headache for me. One, he used a lot of questionable materials which I have removed and grinded to the outer skin, but my bigger problem is that he removed the factory cap and made his own. I removed it yesterday and now I have to decide If/how I am going to build one from scratch, or possibly find a cap or mold.... any input would be great! I have seen some other guys online make their own caps but it looked like the frame and templates cost more to make than the hole project haha. Anyways, any input?
By the way this is my first post. My names Joe, I live in Tarpon Springs and work for my family's fuel company. Hello to everyone on the forum! Looks like a great place to start!
Welcome Joe, and good luck on your project! I think you will find a lot of help on this forum. Everyone is friendly and most of their advice is going to be on the money.
As for a cap, there are a number of professional shops in the Tampa Bay area that cOuld fab one for you; it would depend on your budget, of course. I wouldn't know where to start if you want to do it yourself, but I bet someone here will steer you in the right direction.
Best of luck, and keep us informed :)
I know of two molds in the Tampa Bay area. Check your PM for my contact info.
Hey Joe, welcome! I worked at Stamas for 5 1/2 years, did you guys fuel up the bigger diesel boats where you'd bring the truck out?
Welcome aboard Joe :salut:
I moved this over to our Intro thread. Go ahead and start a new thread specific to your project in the Rebuild forum and don't forget as you dig into your project to post that Aqua porn.
Again, welcome aboard and good luck.
Ok Capt Bob no problem! I thought it was pretty build specific but I'll start another... Yes we did fuel the Stamas yard for many years. Our office is right around the corner in the sponge docks! I look forward to getting input from everyone. Thanks!
. Yes we did fuel the Stamas yard for many years. Our office is right around the corner in the sponge docks!
Betcha it was hell to get Jim Williams to pay the bill on time... :shock: :shock:
They've been a good customer with us. Hell it's hard to find people to pay you at all now a days.
I thought it was pretty build specific but I'll start another.
Yes it was but it was also a real good intro and we like to welcome new members. You tell us a little something about yourself, grab a few salutes and then get down to business. Your project should be very interesting. Cap repairs are often seen but scratch built is not all that common here. Hopefully you'll find a mold to get you where you want to be.
Good luck.
Hey guys I'm 13 and I just joined a couple of days ago, I love fishing and glassing and most of all my 1978 200 ccp. She has been in my family for 27 years and now she's mine.
Welcome aboard "13" :salut:
Please post some pics of your craft.
Hey guys I'm 13 and I just joined a couple of days ago, I love fishing and glassing and most of all my 1978 200 ccp. She has been in my family for 27 years and now she's mine.
Do your parents know where you are?
Hey guys I'm 13 and I just joined a couple of days ago, I love fishing and glassing and most of all my 1978 200 ccp. She has been in my family for 27 years and now she's mine.
Do your parents know where you are?
Ya haha Me and My Dad are working on it together i meant that i will be using her most of the time.
Hey guys I'm 13 and I just joined a couple of days ago, I love fishing and glassing and most of all my 1978 200 ccp. She has been in my family for 27 years and now she's mine.
So you really were 13 when you applied .... :lol:
Hey guys I'm 13 and I just joined a couple of days ago, I love fishing and glassing and most of all my 1978 200 ccp. She has been in my family for 27 years and now she's mine.
So you really were 13 when you applied .... :lol:
Appears that way, Rick...
His Dad put him up to it!
Hey guys I'm 13 and I just joined a couple of days ago, I love fishing and glassing and most of all my 1978 200 ccp. She has been in my family for 27 years and now she's mine.
So you really were 13 when you applied .... :lol:
Yes sir i am very independent at age 11 I built my first computer and i have built 3 more since. then i got into working on guns and shooting them, "real steel" not paint ball or fake. Now i am at my present and hopefully last stop at boat fabricating and repairing/painting. It is a pleasure to be on the website with you guys.
hi my name is scott i am new to the fourm i just purchased a 1984 aquasport 222 ccp on friday and looking for advice on transom repair and floor this is my first project i am a cabinet maker by trade for last 20 years. i am in the central florida area.
any help or advice would be great or info on original layout.
i bought from a guy who started some of the work but relized it was to hot and dirty so i got a great deal.
thanks i look forward to hearing from all of you out there.
Hi all I just joined the forum - I have a 1989 osprey 175, my first boat. I'm an electrical engineer, just moved to the states (CT) from the UK last year and lovin it.
Interests - anything with an engine that need fixin. Beer. Etc.
Motorcycles have always been my thing but getting older and cant get a family of four on a bike - must be time for a boat.
Welcome aboard AND to the U.S., Chris! :cheers: You're in an excellent location and now own an excellent boat for some phenomenal fishing in the famed Norwalk Isles. If you don't have one already, try to get yourself a trolling motor for that 175 so you can slow troll sandworms for stripers!
Motorcycles have always been my thing but getting older and cant get a family of four on a bike - must be time for a boat.
Here's a tip from the Colonials.
That stated, Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
Post up some pics of your craft. :thumleft:
Thanks guys, Bob - Im sure they could squeeze a breastfeeding momma onto that bike still, or a couple of pigs..
Struggling getting pictures up - I've put a few in the member gallery. Will get if figured out in time no doubt.
Welcome aboard AND to the U.S., Chris! :cheers: You're in an excellent location and now own an excellent boat for some phenomenal fishing in the famed Norwalk Isles. If you don't have one already, try to get yourself a trolling motor for that 175 so you can slow troll sandworms for stripers!
Thanks and yep - Norwalk Isles are amazing. Glad my US wife is from here and not some landlocked and barren part of the US.
Caught my first striper last weekend. whoohoo! Spent the last 20 years fishing for large Carp in the UK. Saltwater is a new thing for me.
Have a few other issues to take care of before the trolling motor comes...e.g. the inevitable rats nest of wiring and general sketchiness of an older boat. Kind of can't wait for winter to get the thing ripped apart and made excellent!
Welcome aboard chris! Nice looking rig, almost the same console setup as my 222.
First ones free!!! :cheers:
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Thanks, wow magic pictures :cheers:
Hi everyone, I am captain Michael, I recently purchased a 1970 flatback that I am in the process of rebuilding. I have lived in the Tampa Bay area for the past 30 years. I enjoy most any kind of fishing, diving, and snorkeling and boating. In addition to the new rebuild I also own a 270 World Cat and a 14 Landau. I have also volunteered as a certified observer at various International Game Fish Association (IGFA) tournaments and also volunteered as judge at various Billfish Extreeme Release League (BXRL) Tournaments. I also serve as a registered state alligator control agent for the nuisance alligator program.
The Bottom Line: If you cant catch it on a bent hook catch it on a straight one!
Tight Lines Fair Winds and Following Seas
Welcome aboard and good luck with the rebuild. Look forward to photos.
Now if we could only get a similar program for the nuisance manatees things would be much better for us Floridians.
Welcome aboard CM. :salut:
Excellent intro. :thumleft:
Start up a thread in the Rebuild forum detailing your project and post those pics.
New guy with newly acquired Aquasport 175 Osprey '98
Hey all,
Just recently purchased a '98 Osprey 175 and I am glad I found this forum. The boat is in decent shape but needed a few things fixed to make it "sea worthy" I have been around boats my whole life but this is my first one I have owned. I am fully capable of rebuilding anything mechanical/electrical as I used to build my own drag race cars.
Some things I have already fixed -
New VHF/DSC radio and 8ft antenna installed in dash...
Freed up steering but might need to replace cable.
Bow pedestal fishing seat installed...
All boat pump systems repaired...
Nav / anchor lights working...
All locker doors/hardware working...
trolling motor working...
console cover re-installed/sealed...
Trailer re-wired with new lights/harness...
I still have to do some some Gauge/switch/breaker work.
THE BOAT IS READY FOR SEA - But I gotta work the next 3 days so no boating for me :-(
Maybe next week I'll get her underway on outbrd power...
I will post some pics when I can. I look forward to posting/reading here on the forum.
Welcome aboard Larry. :salut:
Good intro and we look forward to your photos. :thumleft:
Hi all Aquasport fans,
I have a 1987 17 Osprey which was purchased at 6 months old in NC. Since then it has fished, skied, traveled and explored the waters from NC, for its first few years on the Albemarle Sound to 10 years in Mobile Alabama. For the last 9 years it has been here in New Iberia, Louisiana fishing and running inshore and offshore. It often made trips from Dauphin Island, AL to Pensacola, FL. Today my son has almost taken it over and keeps it in its original condition. Let me know your thoughts or anyone with similar life from a great boat?
David Mauney
I will try again to upload pictures!
Welcome aboard David :salut:
Excellent intro and good luck on the pics. :thumleft:
Hi All,had a problem registering,but Richard figured it out. I grew up in destin ,Fla., but now reside in ottawa,canada. (don't ask,lol!),My name is Chris,I've owned several Asports and makos,and fished for a living for many years,commercial sword/tuna as well as charter boats. Now,I just pleasure fish on Lake Ontario and a couple big rivers,like the St. Lawrence. I have an '81 200 CC Pro.
Welcome aboard and good luck with the rebuild. Look forward to photos.
Now if we could only get a similar program for the nuisance manatees things would be much better for us Floridians.
We have a winner! :cheers: :cheers:
Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
Oldie Goldie CCP :thumright:
Thanks Bob.,Ya, i've had an osprey , but i like the old ccp, w/out the casting deck, and big storage/ fish box, hi gunwales and big deadrise. Great cruisin' and fishin' machines. I got this one in jersey, with a grenaded 225 yamaha, and put one of my 2.4 200's under an xr4 cowl and a 25" mid,from a 99 175 freshwater motor.other than a couple small normal soft spots on top of the fuel tank she's tight, the 85 gal tank is super clean so there will only be some rigging mods and cosmetic work. Got my feelers out for a T Top over the winter. Just need the cooler seat reupholstered,and a little teak work. and she's missing the console grabrails.Prolly due to the guy took the t top off for his next boat, and lost them.
new owner here......just purchased (yesterday) a 1985 CCP 200 w/1998 Mariner OptiMax 150. Boat was purchased from original owner. It came with a load rite roller trailer with brand new tires and bearings.
the boat is in great shape....he removed the front storage box and put a swivel chair up front......i think i'll eventually look into having a new box built as it would make great storage and seating for the wife and 2 small kids. but for now, it's ready to fish. i bought the boat for 60% family use, and 40% fishing. I live on the eastern shore of MD and mostly fish the maryland rivers (choptank, miles, wye, little choptank, honga) and eastern bay.
the boat wasn't exactly what I was looking for (was looking for something in the 16-18' range), but being a one owner boat (with all documentation/receipts), I couldn't pass it up. I love all the open space....great's a big 20 in my opinion.
I tried to upload pics to the photo gallery, but kept getting an error. i'll try again later.
Welcome aboard CCP. :salut:
Try this for your pics.
This assumes you're using a Windows based PC.
Get the photo somewhere on the PC..anywhere, drive type doesn't matter; flash, CD, DVD, hard, floppy..... just so long as you know where it is......
Now open the Forum and click on the Photo Gallery.
Click "Upload Photos" in the upper right side of screen.
Photo Gallery will now recognize you.
Look on the right side of the screen for the word "Browse". There will be several. Choose the top one and click on it.
A drop down box appears and assumes you know where the photo is and you click on the proper location.
Location loads in empty box to the left of "browse". If correct then scroll down and click "Upload/Submit".
Computer does its thing and a new screen appears.
Your photo in thumbnail size appears on left, make sure it's the one you want and that the little box to the right is checked.
Scroll down and click on the "Process" button at the bottom.
Computer does its thing.
You are now in your personal Gallery. Click on the photo and it opens in a new screen.
Now you can either right click on the pic and then click on "save image location" in the drop down box or use the options on the right. Your choice.
If you right clicked and clicked the save image location (old school) you do this...
Now, go back to your post and click on the "IMG" box at the top. That places [img][img] in your post.
It even places the cursor between the two [img]s so you just hit control/v and you're good to go.
If you clicked on either box to the right of your photo, clicking on the IMG is not needed (common error), just hit control/v where you want the photo in your post.
In either instance, Photo Gallery sizes your photo to fit.
Good luck.
that's what i'm trying......keeps giving me an error message........http internal error
i'm working on the pics, but in the meantime, here's my boat.....purchased off craigslist: (
Mod Edit:
Here ya go.
i'm working on the pics, but in the meantime, here's my boat.....purchased off craigslist: (
Mod Edit:
Here ya go.
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Welcome 200CCPMerc200 and CCPorter. Nice looking CCP'S you guys have :!: Two more CCP'S to add to the fleet :thumright:
I just got a 1971 19 Aquasport...I love it..I had no choice but to rip out the old floor ..My gas tank was under the console(30 gal plastic)I want to put it in the deck under the floor..Is this ok?
and...Hi..hows everyone doing..Im Justin
Welcome aboard! :salut:
You must certainly can place the tank under the floor. There are many threads here dealing with fuel tank replacement.
welcome guys,yep,ccporter,you will like the huge space in that pair of boxes,mine have cushions for seating also.(
alright.......let's try again with some pics:
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there ya go ccporter,nice boat,can you access the livewell with that plywood screwed on top back there ?
can you access the livewell with that plywood screwed on top back there ?
Honestly, i'm not sure. If you undo both of those latches, the whole thing falls forward and you can get to it. not sure if i can get to it with it up or not.......I think I can. He mounted that to use as a cutting board....he never used the livewell. I was thinking about cutting/planing a piece of oak that I have and replacing the plywood. It's a good spot for a cutting board.....there are 4 rod holders off the back of the stern and I do a fair amount of bottom fishing.
Hello I found this site 6mths ago. Thought u guys might be interested in my 1971 246 ccp.I have owned it for 27 years.When i bought it i fished it one summer and loved how it ran in all sea conditions.But like alot of center consoles,it had no room in the cockpit and the coffin forward.Well that winter around christmas i put her in my garage and gutted it.I moved the center console 4ft forward,put a hardtop on it with curtans,and have been fishing this beast ever since....Have made a few tweeks over the years like enclosing the cock pit area with starboard and inventing a way to put in a cooler that is removable to tilt up engine
Well welcome aboard, BL, and let's see some pics!!! Excellent that she has been your's all this time!! :salut: :salut: :salut:
Well welcome aboard, BL, and let's see some pics!!! Excellent that she has been your's all this time!! :salut: :salut: :salut:
X2! Photos please and welcome aboard.
Thanks..........Almost all photos are with fish and not of the boat.Some show the changes i made. But right now she is put to bed in her fisher overcoat. It is 15 degrees now and she is resting. I also do not know how to post photos .............
Welcome aboard BL. :salut:
Posting photos is relatively easy. You'll find an instruction thread pinned in most forum topics near the top.
Good luck.
Welcome aboard. This is a great site.
Well ikinda figuered how to post pictures....Im exausted this aint my forte....Heres a few picks.......they are in da gallery
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Ah, SB.
Clean up on compartment 3 :mrgreen:
Wow, she sho iz purty.
Thanks....I have fished her hard for 27 yrs,and the hull is by far one tough sob.Movin the console forward was the key to havin a big practical cockpit.
Nice Classic CCP! :thumright:
Did you say that was a '71? :scratch:
I didn't realize they made the 246 in '71.
Beautiful boat right there! Where the Raytheon head unit? And don't you just love those old Raytheon radar cables... :x :x
And I'm betting it's an RL-72 Radar...
Thanks.....! Sorry i didnt get back to u guys sooner been away fishin.The raytheon unit is gone.Those photos are older and u are correct those cables are a pain in the .....In one photo u can see my old loran antenna from the good old sitex ez97 which got me home many times.....She was upgraded few yrs ago w plotter/radar ect..One piece of equipment still oringinal is a uniden color ff from 1986!!!and she works great........Im tough on things and i cant kill it......
I've been a lurker for a while, but I just bought a Aquasport and figured I'd join.
A little about me 1st, I'm 35, I grew up in Pensacola Fl and moved to Pascagoula ms in 2000, I've had boats my whole life, some good, some bad. Below is what I've owned and what I currently have.
1st boat. 1950 14' Boston whaler (sold it) great little boat, TOUGH AS NAILS !
2nd. 1988 18' hydra sport cc (sold it)Hull de-laminated on me 20 miles offshore, about sank. Never step foot in another!
3rd. 1993 21' well craft cc (sunk it) got caught in rough seas, lost power and it swamped , boat completely sank in 90' of water.
4th 1995 21' Cape Horn cc (sold it) great boat ! loved it, installed over $5000 worth of cobia tower w/controls and leaning post and lost it in divorce 3 months later....
5th 2002 mako 191 cc (sold it) biggest piece of junk i ever owned, boat literally had stree cracks EVERYWHERE, console almost to the point of breaking loose from deck, wet, rough riding and was the funniest hanling boat Ive ever run. felt bad selling it to someone else !
I currently have a 1980 McKee craft 14' with a 2002 40 merc. I completely rebuilt boat, split liner from hull and dug out old waterlogged foam, replaced liner and filled with new foam, made a tiller boat out of it.
I just bought a 1995 aquasport 225 explorer with a 1998 200 Yamaha.
I've done a lot of research on boats and fished a lot of different boats before I purchased the aquasport, I believe I finally have a boat that I'll keep for a while.
I'll be posting some pics tommorow, looking forward to learning as much as I can about my new boat and maybe pass some things I know also. Glad to be be here!
Welcome aboard Double D!
Looking forward to your pics :salut:
Welcome aboard DD. :salut:
Nice intro. :thumleft:
Yet another EX owner. :cheers:
Post them pics!
Welcome DD! As CB said, another Explorer owner! James (jahoward) just bought his 225, many others with either a 225 or a 245, so you have a lot of company! :cheers: :cheers:
Not the best pics in the world but the best I have for now.
Boat is pretty well equipped, it has a Furuno Color depth sounder, Lowrance Color chartplotter/Gps, Furuno GPS, LED spreader lights, LED deck and cabin lighting, LED underwater lighting, remote spotlight on Radar arch, Full curtain enclosure. She is sitting in the water now, I plan on putting her on the trailer and bringing her home next week and start going over everything.
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Nice! And the 4 rung dive ladder! :cheers:
Not only is she a beautiful boat, she looks exactly like a boat that was being sold locally. I live I south jersey and if that's the boat, I looked at her a lot and might have been my next visit. Either way, this is my second boat, kinda like my dream boat so I'm sure we'll both enjoy. Incidentally, is it me or does this boat photograph exceptionally well? Welcome, I love this site and The Aquasport Boat Club, which I've been told is actually the site for us with these newer Aquasports. C ya
ooks exactly like a boat that was being sold locally. is it me or does this boat photograph exceptionally well?
Thanks James, this is a Gulf coast boat. The boat is in GREAT shape, after 1st owners death, boat was "mothballed" and in dry strage for almost 5 years. 2nd owner didnt put it to alot of use so it was in great shape when I got it.
The Aquasport Boat Club, which I've been told is actually the site for us with these newer Aquasports.
Actually, we tend to ostracize owners of 2006 and newer Aquas.
Funny thing though, they keep trying to disguise these new models as rebuilt oldies. :mrgreen:
So yes, you've been told correctly. :wink:
Oh man...I'm gonna report you to the moderator!
Oh ARE the moderator :mrgreen:
Funny stuff CB :lol:
she looks exactly like a boat that was being sold locally.
Here's the one near me.
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The arch on your boat looked familiar; also, this boat is actually a 245. I forgot about the name on the side.
Hey everyone, I just have a wee little AS :wink: don't throw your wake over my gunnels as you power by. :pale: I have seen some great repairs, rebuilds and threads here and I want everyone to know your the best, as far as Aqua Sport goes. :cheers: Do you guys have a food section? :D
Do you guys have a food section? :D
Does a cat have an ass?
Me sees you found it already. :mrgreen:
Do you guys have a food section? :D
Does a cat have an a$$?
Me sees you found it already. :mrgreen:
Yea, usually sniff that stuff out pretty quick. Normally you will find me bellied up to some counter eating something great, washing it down with a guinness and watchin for nice boats wigglin by. 8)
Your sig pics are small (duh) and very hard to see for a senior citizen.
Did you change the console and re-stripe that 170? :scratch:
Your sig pics are small (duh) and very hard to see for a senior citizen.
Did you change the console and re-stripe that 170? :scratch:
Bought it that way, thought the console looked original. :scratch: and I suspected a paint job and some work could have been done sometime, mainly because it has very solid floors, very solid transom and looks good cleaned up. Teak seems to be all there, just weathered. I really want to try to keep it as original looking as I can. Here is a pic from when I first looked at it, before I traded my 10ft Caribe for it. Same pic but bigger :shock: It had sat under a trash oak for about 6 months, indoors prior to that. Let me know if it needs to be bigger. :mrgreen:
Here is a bigger pic of my other ride too, love them both, and as I understand, the WellCrafts and AquaSports have some history together......
and yes, that's a Ranger pulling this beast.... :shock:
Hey everybody!
New to the forum.
My name is Mike, 20 years old, college student, live in Maryland near the Chesapeake, been fishing/boating for my whole life.
Recently bought my first boat! 1972 Aquasport 19'6
It's been in storage for 35 years...everything is original! Got the boat, trailer, and 1995 Mercury 75hp for $1500 :D
I know... a steal right? I recently cleaned it up and painted it navy blue, outfitted it with a leaning post and added some new goodies here and there. Boat is almost done! I have had so much fun with this restore, and I've been attached to this boat ever since I bought it.
Well, that's my story in a nut shell :thumright: Looking forward to seeing some cool builds, and boat porn as I continue to check this forum!
Welcome aboard Mike :salut: You can't leave us hanging without any pics though :(
Welcome aboard Mike :salut: You can't leave us hanging without any pics though :(
X2 - on the photos! Welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard Mike
Good Morning guys/girls. My name is john i live in Tampa,fl. and im in the process of buying a 2005 Aquasport 270 Explorer. My search at the beginning was a Wellcraft Coastal model but none of them had Yamahas 4 strokes so in the look i ended up loving the 270 Explorer, has a wide beam and after researching i've decided for the Aquasport. The one im buying belongs to a Proffesional and open check book owner,i met the mechanic and captain of this boat and he assured me this owner didnt spared money to it, she has many upgrades from ice maker, generator, electric folding hard top, even a mist unit to keep you fresh during the trip. I cant disclose where this boat is located but is in a well located and beautiful place. Please write me some words im planning a trip to Bimini this coming June for the 1st time and looking to meet mariners and boaters, thanks for the time moderator.
Welcome aboard Nautic :salut:
Interesting model, please posts some pics. :idea:
Your sig pics are small (duh) and very hard to see for a senior citizen.
Did you change the console and re-stripe that 170? :scratch:
Bought it that way, thought the console looked original. :scratch: and I suspected a paint job and some work could have been done sometime, mainly because it has very solid floors, very solid transom and looks good cleaned up. Teak seems to be all there, just weathered. I really want to try to keep it as original looking as I can. Here is a pic from when I first looked at it, before I traded my 10ft Caribe for it. Same pic but bigger :shock: It had sat under a trash oak for about 6 months, indoors prior to that. Let me know if it needs to be bigger. :mrgreen:
OK small world... I almost bought that 170 last year! A guy in St Pete had it and had to get rid of it since he was moving. It was a 70's model that someone had painted to look like a 80's model. Probably when it was repowered. Whoever did it di a good job since it looked like a 80's boat until you got REAL close to it. I remember the boat was solid and the trailer was nice.... but it was just more work than I was looking for at the time. I saw it again on Craigslist a while back. Small world.
So small, the guy from tampa said he bought it at a auction, so the guy from St Pete must have dumped it on some sort of dealer when he had to leave. Compression was good so I rebuilt the carbs and water pump this weekend....purrrrrrrs like a Lion now :D All said and done at this point I have about 700 in this boat, between my trade and the Parts from Sutherland Marine....I am happy so far, just trying to find parts that will fit it, need CC grab rail and windshield, bow door that's missing and a few other small items. The floor does have 1 small area that seems a little soft, looks like a previous repair going bad, but nothing to worry about. When I get it completely clean and water ready I will do better pics.
G'day AAer's.
My name is Sean. I'm from Sydney Australia and I have been lucky enough to ship a 19-6 from MA to Australia on a Roll on-Roll off car carrier. I just love the Aquasport's lines. Classic and classy. It got here last week.
I haven't had the Aquasport out on the water yet but she's getting plenty of compliments in the driveway. I need to get her registered as well as the trailer. The trailer is proving to be a bit of a challenge with non existent VIN's etc.
The boat is in great shape. The previous owner re-decked it and appears to have done a solid job. I want to tinker some with put the forward compartments back in etc.
Anyway I look forward to swapping yarn's along the way.
All the best.
I am a new owner of a 81' 22-2 CCP with a 90' Yammy 150.. has anyone owned a similar boat?
I have only had a chance to take it out once in Tampa and it feels really good on the chop.. no loose fillings.. I would like to get as much info on my new toy as I can.
Welcome aboard Sean and Matt!!!!
We look forward to your input on the board!
Sean, what year is your 19-6?
Matt, yes there are quite a few 22-2 CCP owners here! I am sure they will chime in when they can.
Each of you should start your own thread in discussion WITH PICS so we can see what you have and help where we can when necessary!
Try using the photo gallery on the site, it makes posting pics very, very easy. Here is a link to gran398's description on how to do this.
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10343 (
Welcome aboard to you both. :salut: :salut:
How timely that Matt should join sporting a 222 CCP with a 150hp motor. I believe there was a discussion just recently on powering that model hull.
viewtopic.php?p=98666#p98666 (
As Lew stated, both start new threads and posts some pics.
Good luck. :thumleft:
Hello everyone, wanted to introduce myself...I live in Ocala, have purchased a very nice 2002 Aquasport 250 Osprey for a great price that has twin Yamaha ox66's on the back...this is my 4th boat over the years and by far the most comfortable for my needs....over the years things change....first the speed and a Baja Outlaw, then a deck boat, then a walkaround and now a nice center console for diving and fishing....I am glad to have it and glad to be part of the forums.
Welcome aboard! Excellent boat you've got there, with excellent engines! Many a 225/245/250 Osprey owner here (as well as the Explorer bunch, same boat from the helm back), so you're in good company! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Welcome aboard WV. :salut:
Post some pics :mrgreen:
Hello everyone, wanted to introduce myself...I live in Ocala, have purchased a very nice 2002 Aquasport 250 Osprey for a great price that has twin Yamaha ox66's on the back...this is my 4th boat over the years and by far the most comfortable for my needs....over the years things change....first the speed and a Baja Outlaw, then a deck boat, then a walkaround and now a nice center console for diving and fishing....I am glad to have it and glad to be part of the forums.
From one new explorer owner to another--welcome :salut: However, times two on posting pictures.
New here and new to the whole Auqusport ownership. I just draged her home and couldn't be any happier.
The boat had all the electronics stolen out of her so I have some wirring issues to take care of :roll: but nothing I can't handle.
The boat is a 1993 200 osprey with 2008 Yamaha 150 2 stroke.
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Welcome aboard RT. :salut:
Nice canvas to start your "work of art"
Good luck.
Just picked up a 1971 aquasport 19-6 with a 1993 johnson 140 and a T-top tuesday. She is in good shape with cosmetic TLC needed(solid hull). My previous 2 boats were fish/ski bass boat style hulls with big power.
Done Yesterday
Clean out junk
Clean vinyl leaning post/front seat(thanks barkeepers friend). Looks great now.
Trailer lights
List so far
replace the trim motor.. I got halfway there today by removing it. It will be completed in the morning.
Replace some hinges
Clean the inside(barkeepers friend on everything and a good powerwash)
Paint the inside(deck and sides) rustolem topside on the sides and not sure on the deck yet.
Here are a picture(more after I pay her a respectful cleaning)
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Just picked up a 1971 aquasport 19-6 with a 1993 johnson 140 and a T-top tuesday. She is in good shape with cosmetic TLC needed(solid hull). My previous 2 boats were fish/ski bass boat style hulls with big power.
Done Yesterday
Clean out junk
Clean vinyl leaning post/front seat(thanks barkeepers friend). Looks great now.
Trailer lights
List so far
replace the trim motor.. I got halfway there today by removing it. It will be completed in the morning.
Replace some hinges
Clean the inside(barkeepers friend on everything and a good powerwash)
Paint the inside(deck and sides) rustolem topside on the sides and not sure on the deck yet.
Here are a picture(more after I pay her a respectful cleaning)
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Welcome aboard, Mr. Wesson! You are not alone here in the 19-6 world! :thumleft: :thumleft:
Welcome aboard MrWesson! :salut:
Nice 19-1 Aquasport. :thumright:
Welcome aboard Mr. W :salut:
Great first post. :thumleft:
Where do you hang your hat?
Welcome aboard Mr. W :salut:
Great first post. :thumleft:
Where do you hang your hat?
Fort Lauderdale,FL
But I was previously in tallahasse(about 3 years ago).
I miss the Fishing in ST marks and camping on the apalachicola river.
Welcome MW :salut:
You might want to put your location in your profile so people don't have to ask :wink:
Welcome aboard Mr. W :salut:
Great first post. :thumleft:
Where do you hang your hat?
Fort Lauderdale,FL
But I was previously in tallahasse(about 3 years ago).
I miss the Fishing in ST marks and camping on the apalachicola river.
Small world.
My wife and I moved up here from west Ft. Lauderdale (14 years ago).
Welcome aboard Mr. W :salut:
Great first post. :thumleft:
Where do you hang your hat?
Fort Lauderdale,FL
But I was previously in tallahasse(about 3 years ago).
I miss the Fishing in ST marks and camping on the apalachicola river.
Small world.
My wife and I moved up here from west Ft. Lauderdale (14 years ago).
Technically I am in west fort lauderdale.
Davie, FL
Technically I am in west fort lauderdale.Davie, FL
Ride a horse?
I lived west of you in Green Meadows between Griffin and Stirling.
Hi Guys/Girls;
After finalizing deals, paperwork, sea trials,surveys, and other little stuffs the purchase of my Aquasport 275 Explorer boat is very near, i am broke for the month but its gonna be for good. Here are some pics that finally i had the time to post, i really hope you like them please be advised this boat wasnt detailed or cleaned at the time pics were taken, your opinions may count. ... 5417967313 (
Gettin' close John. :thumright:
That's one big EX.
Forgive my lack of real boat understanding but what is the purpose of the Lenco electrical motors I see on both sides of the hardtop and underneath :scratch:
Still headed for Bimini this summer?
Yep its almost final deal. Good eye Capt. Bob, those lenco are to bring the hardtop down and folds back also. i have to have it check and inspected to make sure it works and also to explain to me how to use them. im gonna find someone on ft lauderdale or tampa area to haved them inspected.
Ah ha. :idea:
So the connections and "turnbuckles" on each side forward are the release points.
I don't recall ever seeing that setup before but then I don't get out much. :mrgreen:
Hello all. Just bought a 1976 -170 just wanted to say hello and start searching for tips. Boat needs talc but I'm thrilled to be the owner of one of these classics.
Welcome aboard Steve. :salut:
Pics son. We need pics. :mrgreen:
Hello Aquasport enthusiast!
Joined the forum so I can talked to the experts! :cheers:
Welcome aboard Will :salut:
Get yourself a glass of water cause you'll be doing a lot of talking with all the experts around here. :mrgreen:
hello my name is roger hunter, i live in corpus christi tx.
just picked up a solid 87 27ft aguasport osprey that i'm going to restore.
Welcome aboard Stx. :salut:
You need to post a pic of that mac daddy. 8)
Look like this? ... ys&cat=500 (
still trying to figure that out, think i might have to resize them to get them to post.
its identical to that one.
- ... rt&cat=500 (
First one's free!!!!! Wow that is a big Aqua! Oh yeah I forgot...... Texas!!!!! :shock: :mrgreen:
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That's the same exact console that Mark's (josegaspar) 250 CCP has! Not fun to get around in there. Here's a link to the re-wiring job I did on her... ... CCP?page=1 (
I'm Paul, I live in the Helderberg Mountains of upstate NY. I drill wells to pay the bills and like to hunt, fish and ride snowmobiles and dirtbikes. I just picked up a '74 196 that will hopefully be buzzing around Lake George with a pair of Bearcat 55's on the back (with the scuppers PLUGGED!).
I'm Paul, ... '74 196 ... (with the scuppers PLUGGED!).
Hi, Paul. Welcome, sure you will like those classic lines, I do.....plugged mine immediately too :)
Welcome aboard Paul! We all would love to see the 55s on your hull! Pics man!!!
Welcome aboard Paul. :salut:
I've wanted to set up a CC with twin Bearcats since my father used to take me out on the demo's from the dealership he worked at back in the 60's. They weren't fast but I always thought they looked and sounded cool. The motors I have seem to be healthy with good compression - the big question is how the 196 will handle the weight, the Bearcats are about 230# each. I figure about as much weight as a 150 4 stroke or a 115 2 stroke with a fat guy standing aft. I will likely fill the low spot in the center of the transom and maybe even bring the whole thing up an inch or two. With the scuppers plugged and underwater, I guess I'll have to set up a bilge pump in some kind of a sump back there. Any input or ideas from you guys with Aquasport experience would be welcome. Thanks! I'll post pics as soon as the snow melts off the boat and I get this project rolling.
I've wanted to set up a CC with twin Bearcats since my father used to take me out on the demo's from the dealership he worked at back in the 60's. They weren't fast but I always thought they looked and sounded cool. The motors I have seem to be healthy with good compression - the big question is how the 196 will handle the weight, the Bearcats are about 230# each. I figure about as much weight as a 150 4 stroke or a 115 2 stroke with a fat guy standing aft. I will likely fill the low spot in the center of the transom and maybe even bring the whole thing up an inch or two. With the scuppers plugged and underwater, I guess I'll have to set up a bilge pump in some kind of a sump back there. Any input or ideas from you guys with Aquasport experience would be welcome. Thanks! I'll post pics as soon as the snow melts off the boat and I get this project rolling.
Here is what the previous owner did to my 75' 170, cut a hole in the scupper channel to run deck water into bilge, then piped it out over the transom. It has a 115 Evinrude that weighs in around 320, my scuppers were under when in the boat, half under when out, now they are plugged. I also will be out a lot by myself, and I noticed my nose was very light and bouncy :bounce: . I dropped 4 bags of water softener salt in the center bow hole :shock: ....rides like a dream now and the scuppers are above water with me at the helm now :cheers: :cheers:
Thanks for the picture. That was sort of what I had in mind, and I like being able to keep an eye on the bilge which can't be done with no access ports in the deck. I'm going to replace the fuel tank and may try to install the new tank a few inches forward to move weight ahead.
well worked out a deal with kevin shaw owner of stiffy push poles and fibertex boat works. he's going to do the paint on the boat, new canvas on the t top , powder coat it and what ever else the boat needs. in return i'm going to tile the showers in the house he just bought.
Hey new to the forum my name is Mike O'Connor i have a 2001 250 explorer and I live in mt.pleasant,SC like to fish, fish and did i say fish.
Welcome aboard Mike. :salut:
Post a pic or two of your ride. :thumleft:
Lurker here.
I have a Aquasport 250 XF that has been in the family since it was new. 1986 I believe.
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Welcome aboard Keys :salut:
That was the Queen of the XFs in her day.
MM please.
Welcome aboard Keys :salut:
That was the Queen of the XFs in her day.
MM please.
Welcome aboard Keys :salut:
That was the Queen of the XFs in her day.
MM please.
Mile Marker.
I assumed you resided down there.
I never lived there but spent a good deal of my life in the Keys. I kept my CCP in Plantation Key (MM 91), ate a few meals at Marker 88 (MM 88 duh), nose broke at Woody's (before it went topless, MM 82) Had a business card at the Tike Bar in Holiday Isle before it was famous (MM 84) and bought a T shirt for a number of different "friends" at "7 Mile Grill" (MM 47/48). Too many other places to bore the Forum with in the middle Keys. I miss it tremendously. MM
Mile Marker.
I assumed you resided down there.
I never lived there but spent a good deal of my life in the Keys. I kept my CCP in Plantation Key (MM 91), ate a few meals at Marker 88 (MM 88 duh), nose broke at Woody's (before it went topless, MM 82) Had a business card at the Tike Bar in Holiday Isle before it was famous (MM 84) and bought a T shirt for a number of different "friends" at "7 Mile Grill" (MM 47/48). Too many other places to bore the Forum with in the middle Keys. I miss it tremendously. MM
Ohhh. Yes, not that far away from there. Roughly 103, just in key largo. All that sounds like before my time... :jocolor: but the place has changed a lot even so. Only constants there are the Caribbean club and the african queen...
I have all the original pricing and rigging receipts for the boat, eventually ill get around to scanning them. She runs great, but is about to get a new deck. The walk around deck is soft and cracked letting water into the cabin.
I have all the original pricing and rigging receipts for the boat, eventually ill get around to scanning them. She runs great, but is about to get a new deck. The walk around deck is soft and cracked letting water into the cabin.
Great. We are always looking for collateral on any model Aqua for our files. Start a fresh thread in the Rebuild forum when you begin your project. :thumright:
Name is Gary. I live in NJ and I am a new to the Aquasport family. I always liked the style. I have had many many boats in my life from classic makos to privateers to duskys. We bought our new ride to replace a nightmare (actually beautiful hull 1982 Clearwater) that we redid from an empty hull only to get hit by sandy and lose the title before we could transfer it...Anyway we now have a ready to run(NOT) 1976 22 inboard. I am going to patch the deck up at the stern floor hatch and use the crap out of it for the spring/summer/fall before we tear her apart for my new winter project. I do not believe that I will rebuild to the level of some that I have seen here I just wont have that kind of time or patience. I did a search for 22 inboard and did not come up with much. Do most of you folks run OB? I was turned onto IB because I am just sooooo tired of dealing with outboards. Whats the opinion of the IB..pros cons...Looks like I found the right site to lurk..Thank you all for the in depth how to with lots of pictures.
Welcome aboard Gary. :salut:
Proper intro and good luck with your "new to you" Aqua.
Yep, as far as I can tell, most here run outboards. Over the years outboards have evolved into an easy to use, somewhat fuel efficient powerplant for small and even medium boats. Easy to install, maintain and change, they offer a much broader range of power options to choose from and can be easily trimmed for use in the shallow waters along the coast.
Here's a little reading from an old member with your model (I believe)
viewtopic.php?p=73743#p73743 (
Good luck.
My name is Justin I live in Daphne, Al and just purchased a 1973 222 with twin 2004 70hp Nissan engines.
I am here because I am completely lost and have found a wealth of info on this page so a huge thanks in advance.
Welcome aboard Justin! I was in Foley last week. Pics man pics!!!!
Another '73 with twins :cheers:
Please post the hull # with the pics...thanks!
My name is Justin I live in Daphne, Al and just purchased a 1973 222 with twin 2004 70hp Nissan engines.
I am here because I am completely lost and have found a wealth of info on this page so a huge thanks in advance.
Mmmm, more twins! Me and Scotty thought we were the last of the Mahicans...We need pictures or will start gettin the shakes!
Welcome aboard Justin. :salut:
Twins eh.
Must be something in the water. :mrgreen:
Hey ya'll!
I'm hoping to become a boat-owning part of this crew soon. I'm about to post a few pictures of a boat I'm going to see next weekend.
I'm a long-time forum guy, never been a huge contributor but I do have a HUGE appreciation for the information that is so generously shared on forums of all kinds. Thanks to all of you for the knowledge I've already gained by browsing here for the past few days.
My name's George, and I'm currently addicted to reading about aquasport rebuilds. Nice to meet you.
Welcome aboard AQ. :salut:
Yet another great intro. :thumleft:
Good luck in your hunt.
Hello, my name is Mike, my wife, Dena and I have a 1998 Aquasport 165 Striper with a 50hp Johnson SPL. We really enjoy her. It is an awesome boat for us to fish and cruise on. Great, dry ride. She was a mess when we got her but, with some time and effort, we're pretty proud of her now! We frequent the inter coastal and the St.Johns River here in Central Florida. Thanks for adding me! I added pictures of our Aquasport to the members gallery, now to figure out how to get them on my posts!
Welcome Mike, one of the members on the sites, Andy has your same boat so you have company.
Thanks! It's a great boat. We have used it to fish the flats and gone through Ponce Inlet to Disappearing Island. Very versatile boat. I am officially hooked on Aquasports!
First one's free. :mrgreen:
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I added pictures of our Aquasport to the members gallery, now to figure out how to get them on my posts!
Welcome aboard Mike. :salut:
This MAY help. :mrgreen:
viewtopic.php?p=103822#p103822 (
For those Photo Gallery challenged, like me:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10343 (
Call me Blind Boy!!! NE Ohio and a Lake Erie enthusiast. I am new to the group. Purchased a 1976 Aquasport 22-2 CC. I am interested to hear from any other owners of this model regarding performance or any other pertinent facts or opinion. I have not had her in the water as of yet but am excited to try her out. She has twin 70 OB's on her and is set up to fish. Thanks for letting me a part of the group!! BB :D
Call me Blind Boy!!! NE Ohio and a Lake Erie enthusiast. I am new to the group. Purchased a 1976 Aquasport 22-2 CC. I am interested to hear from any other owners of this model regarding performance or any other pertinent facts or opinion. I have not had her in the water as of yet but am excited to try her out. She has twin 70 OB's on her and is set up to fish. Thanks for letting me a part of the group!! BB :D
Another 22-2 with twins :cheers:
You'll be very happy with your new ride :thumright:
Welcome aboard BB :salut:
More twins. :o
It's got to be the water. :mrgreen:
We need pics.
Thanks to both of ya! I will post pics as soon as I can. Can either of ya tell me how this model handles in rough waters? Thanks BB
They run really well. It is not a deep V, so just lope her along. Let the sea condition dictate how she'll run...."A boat for every sea and a sea for every boat."
Hi all,
My name is Travis, I'm from Vancouver island BC Canada. I'm a welder/ fabricator specializing in Aluminium boats. I'm in the process of buying a 230 Explorer hard top. I've had smaller boats all my life it's time to step up a bit.
Just a preemptive thank you for all the questions to follow.
Welcome aboard Trav. :salut:
Please post pics of your new find.
Good luck.
Welcome Travis :)
I've towed my Aquasport over that Island many times.
Great choice on the 230 Explorer. :thumleft: That's the hull I would like to get some day.
Hello everyone, wanted to introduce myself...I live in Ocala, have purchased a very nice 2002 Aquasport 250 Osprey for a great price that has twin Yamaha ox66's on the back...this is my 4th boat over the years and by far the most comfortable for my needs....over the years things change....first the speed and a Baja Outlaw, then a deck boat, then a walkaround and now a nice center console for diving and fishing....I am glad to have it and glad to be part of the forums.
From one new explorer owner to another--welcome :salut: However, times two on posting pictures.
I have posted some pics to the boat I got....let me know what you folks sure is a nice vessel and handles GREAT...been fixing the little things that always seem to get neglected over the past month and making sure its ready for the summer, now that the warm temps and the rain is gone, looking forward to spending time on it diving and fishing, no doubt about that. ... -o&cat=500 ( ... -o&cat=500 ( ... -o&cat=500 ( ... -o&cat=500 ( ... -o&cat=500 (
my name is paul. i live in miami, fl. cutler bay to be exact. i'm an avid college football fan (go canes) and season ticket holder
for my miami hurricanes. i LOVE to spear fishing. wreck fishing, all kinds of fishing so does my wife.
i have a 1986 aquasport osprey 19'6" powered by a 1985 johnson 140.
i do hydraulics for a living right by miami int'l airport. excited to be a member on this board.
right now i'm doing a fuel tank replacement. any and all advice will be greatly apprieciated(sp)
Welcome aboard Paul. :salut:
I'm originally from Miami myself. Grew up in Perrine, just to the west of you. Went to school in Cutler Ridge and did my boating out of Mathason Hammock, Black Point and Convoy Point (Homestead) so I know your area very well. I didn't attend Miami (FIU is my Alma mater) but growing up we were Canes fans since elementary school.
I'll start a thread for your tank rebuild in the Rebuild forum. You'll get a lot of response and searching that forum will get you more that you'll ever want to know about installing fuel tanks.
Good luck.
Welcome aboard Paul.
I'm originally from Miami myself. Grew up in Perrine, just to the west of you. Went to school in Cutler Ridge and did my boating out of Mathason Hammock, Black Point and Convoy Point (Homestead) so I know your area very well. I didn't attend Miami (FIU is my Alma mater) but growing up we were Canes fans since elementary school.
I'll start a thread for your tank rebuild in the Rebuild forum. You'll get a lot of response and searching that forum will get you more that you'll ever want to know about installing fuel tanks.
Good luck.]
thanks capt. bob,
i'm so close to black point, i go out from there all the time.
thank you for starting a thread about my tank rebuild. looking foward to the advice from board members.
i'm so close to black point, i go out from there all the time.
Use ol Mt. Trashmore as a range marker coming back across the bay.
The point looks a LOT different now than in my day. It was a little lagoon with a bar at the end. Huge pile of cans outside before recycling was popular. It's a high dollar operation these days.
Im Ryan here in NC. Found your site and found gran398 because someone on facebook lead me in his direction. Him and I were not super far apart. As for my boat. Well divorce helped me get rid of my 2009 Pioneer Cape Island - It's alright that boat was always 3 to 4 foot short. I've decided to restore a Aquasport 22-2 / Nope Ive not found one yet, so how much restoring I have to do is yet to be seen. I've been a boat man my whole life. Some like horses, some motorcycles - Me I can see promise in just about any boat (just about). And I did mention I like fishing didn't I? And I didn't say catching, thats a Bonus. You won't see a trophy fish on my wall. To me fishing is about 5 to 10% about catching a fish. That might actually be 1% if fly fishing :-)
Anyway, like I said Im in North Carolina outside of Raleigh. When I'm not fishing - I'm thinking about boats and fishing :-). Actually I spend a fair amount of time kayaking, running, watching NCAA football as I'm a Buckeye at Heart!! Actaully spending time with my 14 and 16 year old boys who are trying to send me to the grave early is my favorite pasttime. I love them more than life - but my gosh am I paying for putting my parents through H E double hockey sticks!! Anyway, thanks for having me - I'm lurking until I find a intellegent question to ask. But for me, it's admiring and learning about some thigs before I start. Also maybe it will help me make a decision. Although I can tell gran398 knows his stuff very well. He will probably lead me in the right direction. I dio know sometimes a pretty boat is not a good boat. Learned that with a 22 foot Hancock Jet-Drive I bought and sold in 6 months. Sure I could cruise in 4 inches of water but would scare every fish withing a 1 mile radius with a Big Chevy 350 pushing a Kodiak 3 stage Jet.
I fish Oak Island, NC, Southport, NC, Fort Fisher, NC, Harkers Island, NC, Cape Lookout, NC, OBX, NC, and all places in between. My dream to land a tarpon, and then land a tarpon on the fly.I learned this about reddrum. First learn how to catch them, then try to fly fish for them :-) Hope to be chatting soon :-) God Bless you all and fish On!!!
Im Ryan here in NC. Found your site and found gran398 because someone on facebook lead me in his direction. Him and I were not super far apart. As for my boat. Well divorce helped me get rid of my 2009 Pioneer Cape Island - It's alright that boat was always 3 to 4 foot short. I've decided to restore a Aquasport 22-2 / Nope Ive not found one yet, so how much restoring I have to do is yet to be seen. I've been a boat man my whole life. Some like horses, some motorcycles - Me I can see promise in just about any boat (just about). And I did mention I like fishing didn't I? And I didn't say catching, thats a Bonus. You won't see a trophy fish on my wall. To me fishing is about 5 to 10% about catching a fish. That might actually be 1% if fly fishing :-)
Anyway, like I said Im in North Carolina outside of Raleigh. When I'm not fishing - I'm thinking about boats and fishing :-). Actually I spend a fair amount of time kayaking, running, watching NCAA football as I'm a Buckeye at Heart!! Actaully spending time with my 14 and 16 year old boys who are trying to send me to the grave early is my favorite pasttime. I love them more than life - but my gosh am I paying for putting my parents through H E double hockey sticks!! Anyway, thanks for having me - I'm lurking until I find a intellegent question to ask. But for me, it's admiring and learning about some thigs before I start. Also maybe it will help me make a decision. Although I can tell gran398 knows his stuff very well. He will probably lead me in the right direction. I dio know sometimes a pretty boat is not a good boat. Learned that with a 22 foot Hancock Jet-Drive I bought and sold in 6 months. Sure I could cruise in 4 inches of water but would scare every fish withing a 1 mile radius with a Big Chevy 350 pushing a Kodiak 3 stage Jet.
I fish Oak Island, NC, Southport, NC, Fort Fisher, NC, Harkers Island, NC, Cape Lookout, NC, OBX, NC, and all places in between. My dream to land a tarpon, and then land a tarpon on the fly.I learned this about reddrum. First learn how to catch them, then try to fly fish for them :-) Hope to be chatting soon :-) God Bless you all and fish On!!!
Ryan, thanks!
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Classic Aquasport :thumright:
Looking forward to finding you a 22-2. Guys, please keep your eyes open for a nice FB or early 70's 22-2 for Ryan.
Welcome aboard Ryan :cheers:
Welcome aboard Ryan. :salut:
Proper intro. :thumright:
Good luck and remember the hunt is the best part of a rebuild/restore.
Thank you Gentlemen - I'm glad to be here!! If I can't dream of being on a boat this weekend or next -- as mine is gone and the search is on, at least I can read and chat with guys who are as insane as me about boats :D
God Bless!!
Hi all,
Bought my 1970 19-6 at the end of April and got it launched this weekend. Pictures to come.
Love the screen name! Welcome!
Welcome aboard and Go Bucks!!! :thumright: Good luck in your quest. I have a 1975 22-2 with twin 70's on her. I agree completely with ya about fishing. I fish Lake Erie for Walleye, Perch, Trout, and Small Mouth. Yes Small Mouth! Alot of people are unaware of the great small mouth fishing early in the season on Lake Erie. Most like to harvest trophy Walleye and yes there are some beuts in there that are great fish. But the Yellow Perch eating candy. :) Well Ryan, good luck and look forward to seeing you around the forum. :cheers: BB
Yellow that what we used to call boned and buttered lake perch in the resturants in Chicago? Awesome meal there!!!
Hi all,
Welcome aboard TWR. :salut:
Hi , my name is Shamir, I own a 1987 aquasport 222 orprey, and I'm from the island of Aruba.
Welcome aboard Shamir. :salut:
We need pics. :idea:
Hi , my name is Shamir, I own a 1987 aquasport 222 orprey, and I'm from the island of Aruba.
Welcome aboard Shamir!
Please keep us posted as to questions, have a sweet ride :salut:
Welcome aboard Shamir :salut:
I sent you a link to the user groups and there is one for Aruba. We have another member (Bluesbrother) from there but he hasn't been around much lately. Has a 19-6 Osprey. Do a search on the username and look through his posts and you might recognize the boat.
I am new here!
I have a 1976 ( I think could be 1974) 246cc . Love the boat its a beast but takes the waves better than any other boat the same size of been on! Its lives on Cape Cod. Have already had the transom redone and new tank and I have done all the teak over myself last 2 years. next project is the hand rails as they are falling apart, then the soft spot in the bow, then the windshield then who knows? I could keep going on!
I'm sorry I can't get my boat pictures to load here. I put 2 pics in the gallery. need to figure out how to post right into message.
Welcome Freedom! I use photobucket exclusively, just works great across the board...
Welcome aboard FDII :salut:
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That's a beautiful boat :thumright:
As always, first one's (or two) is free.
PS... I'm sure someone will come along and give you directions on how this was done. He seems destined to do this in life. :mrgreen:
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Good one there Bob!
Welcome aboard Freedom!
Hopefully our Photogallery expert can assist you in posting pictures :thumright:
He'll be is his "Manifest Destiny" to help others :mrgreen:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10343 (
I think I did it. :idea:
Samsung. The next big thing. :mrgreen:
Edit: Yep, I was able to link back to a thread with my smart phone.
I think I did it. :idea:
Samsung. The next big thing. :mrgreen:
Heck, 1/3 of my recent posts are done talking into my galaxy pad. Like the first part of this one. No more typing, well not as much. Talk into it then edit where it didn't quite understand you and post. Pretty freakin cool! Period.
Lewis, the Geek Squad God. :salut:
I'm not that far advanced but I was workin' it last night on my Galaxy III.
FDII, you have the hard (not really) part down in using the Gallery. Read the linked post above from Gran. About halfway down he explains how I moved your gallery pics to the post. Photo Bucket is more robust in editing and sharing your photos on the web but the Gallery has one great advantage in that you load your photo (as you did) full size and the Gallery automatically sizes to fit the post. I still use PB and I posted a pic from there in a recent post. You can't go wrong either way.
That stated, how about some more pics on the inside of your 246? :idea:
Hello all. Been lurking as an unregistered visitor and think this site will be very helpful to me. I had a 5-7 year plan for owning a small 16' skiff or runabout and a larger boat. I had been planning to build a 25-27' cabin cruiser/sportfisher from glen-l. These are excellent plans and nice boats if you have any skills at all and a lot of perseverance. But then I came across a 1970 240 CC with outboard hull. It needs a lot of work, but I love the lines and what I think is the versatility of the hull. I'm getting it for 175 bucks. I just have to figure out how to get it to my house and get it cradled up. This is still going to be a multi-year project, but I think I have found a hull that will be a great foundation. 1st let me start with what I think i know of the 240
1. 12 degree deadrise hull.
2. Massive foam filled glass trap shaped stringers
3. About a 1500 pound shelled hull (Minus motor, deck, console, fuel tank, and motor well)
4. can handle up to 250 HP
5. can accept up to 1100 pounds of inboard
is that all correct.
Now for what I want. I want a 27 foot cabin cruiser/sportfisher with a fly bridge. Yes its ambitious, but the cabin and deck stuff I can handle. What I am wondering first. Is this boat one that can be taken off shore on mild days? Would I be able to take off around the gulf coast and go from Padre or Galveston to the Keys. This will be a trailered stored boat for the first several years of use. I will use it on lakes here in texas and take it to the gulf for fishing and day tripping. The seas that it is capable of handling will decide my cabin layout and sizes.
The basic hull restoration though is something that will need to be done before I even start to think about power and boat building. I want to extend the hull 3'-0" like I saw in a couple of places on this site. (Well one was actually a mako link.) After extending the hull, I want to replace all stringers and put in a stern drive or an I/O. I would like to do the floor like the one I saw where the young man went with a strung and bulkheaded floor of his own design. I really liked that. But i am wondering if I could actually lower the motor stringers and raise the floor amidships and put in a small twin inboards. May go with the european transom like the mako and use 2 outboards. I just feel more comfortable going out off the coast with 2 engines. Am i being overly pessimistic. Is that too much like belt, suspenders and safety pins. Anyway, sorry for the long first post. I am just stoked on this boat and wanting to get started. I am trying to get it, design it, build it and use it all at once. I will be slowing down my noodle, but for now I have a ton of questions. By the way I am not a noob to boats, but this is my first go-round with restoring/building one and my first salt boat. Be patient with me and I appreciate any help in advance.
Congrats and welcome aboard!
1 thru 4 are spot-on...not sure re #5, inboard weight.
The 240 you have is a honey. Basically a larger 22-2, with cap change/interior configuration options.
Not to rain on the extension thinking, that is, turning her into a cabin sportfish...but these boats are narrow in beam.....certainly nowhere near legal trailerable beam today. If you were to lengthen her....would leave her as an open CC.
The 240 has the same low freeboard as her sisters. A heavy, high rise cabin etc. could be dicey in a seaway.
If i just kept it to a cuddy type cabin would that make it a little more sea worthy. I'm not wanting an ocean going ship, LOL. I just want to be able to go out and have a shot at some fishing that's borderline blue water fishing. this is intended to be my RV on the water. What kind of money doea a fully restored 240 go for. i can get it restored on the cheap side between my free labor and a lot of bartering and trading I can do.
It would be ideal like that. Check out some old pics online of a Cabo Cuddycon, or Biddison 22. They both are similar....walkaround cuddy, but without the side "wings" . Always thought that made a really neat boat.
I second that CA!
Hey guys, I'm Allen of Florida Inshore Angler. I have a boat rebuilding thread going on here on CA, so if anyone is interested check out the thread Posting is welcome! We have a lot views in a short time, and would like to hear comments from all of you. Enjoy the boards.
Welcome aboard to both Fin and Tx. :salut:
heres some interior shots
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Hello everyone,
I am new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sam, and I have a 1977 Aquasport 22-2 Family Fisherman. This is the first boat I have every owned so please excuse any questions that seem simple, as I probably don't understand all the context of boating.
I have done some work to the boat and will post pictures of the boat as I take them.
I restore old trucks as a hobby and if you want to see pictures I can post them too.
I am looking for some help fixing up the boat, and would appritiate any input.
Welcome aboard Sam. :salut:
Proper intro. :thumright:
By all means, post pics. You can start a thread in the Chum forum to showcase your truck restos. There is also a dedicated thread for FF owners where you can post your craft's particulars.
viewtopic.php?p=46047#p46047 (
Good luck.
Hello guys, my name is Bill and I recently purchased a 1970 22-2 flatback. I live in Dunedin and I'm working on getting the boat sea worthy. New fuel tank, and rewire the electric. I've noticed the wealth of information on this site and look forward to the process and meeting some fellow aquasport owners.
Welcome aboard Reel. :salut:
Seems to be a real cult following with the FBs.
Good luck with the project and please start a thread in the Rebuild forum to document your endeavor. :idea:
Good luck and post those rebuild pics.
I wanted to stop in and say hello.
My name is is Joe, I am the proud new owner of a 1987 Aquasport 170 Striper with a Johnson 120.
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Welcome aboard Joe :salut:
And welcome to the family with the most members on the site - the 170/175 family. :cheers:
Make sure you check out the first page of the photo gallery and locate the 170 model gallery to find some specs on your boat. You'll also find catalogs for the years we can locate.
Have fun and enjoy.
Thanks Rick, I have already been checking them out. Although my 170 looks very nice for it's age there was a bird nest of wiring in the console. I can not believe that someone would actually put together 4 or 5 short pieces of wire to make one long one, and do it on more than one wire to boot. So I have been sorting that out. And I just rewired my trailer.
The motor starts and runs great and on a trial did not run hot, but it did sit for a year I am told, which prolly means it sat for two or three. So my next project after wiring is to pull the lower unit and replace the impeller.
If anyone has any hints, tips, tricks, tactics, or any information that will help me along in any aspect at all, please let me know, I am all ears.
As for me. I was born and raised in Florida. I moved away at the age of 18 to join the military and have traveled the world. The last 12 years I have lived in Atlanta, Denver and Toledo, receptively. I am finally back home. I live near Cedar Key, purchased the boat in Orlando.
I am a life long sailor (as in I have for the most part only ever owned sailboats up to 30'. I owed a bass boat for 4 years or so a few years back. My passions are fishing and diving.
I think you'll find the 170 a very easy boat to handle by yourself - launch, maneuver, retrieve and enjoy. She's perfect for 2 people, 3 max.
Hi guys
Glad to be aboard.
Just bought a 17.5 AS with a 02 Suzuki 90 oh her. Both are a little bit of a project but I think I'm in the right place for advice.
Welcome aboard Jmac :salut:
Post up some photos of your new ride.
Hey all new here just bought a 1987 222 osprey "Outcast" boat is all stock and has been in inside storage since new. Gonna use it this summer then have plans to close in the transom install a bracket/jackplate and a tower this winter.
Welcome aboard!! Post a few pics in the gallery so we can all see your new girl! :thumright:
Howdy everyone. I can now proudly say I'm part of the aquasport family. My wife and I just picked up a 72 22-2. We are both true florida crackers. We roam around the southwest fl region but call Sarasota county home. I mainly fish boca grande/ charlotte harbor. We also enjoy anything else outdoors along with our 2 year old son. Hope to see y'all on the water.
Welcome aboard BC!!!
I totally expected you to be from the northeast based on your screen name. :lol: Glad to have you.
Post your original size pics in the photo gallery and show the gang your boat. The 222 is the fleet classic so you should be proud. Is it original, rebuilt, or something in between?
Hello everyone,
Thanks for having me in the forum. My name is Scott and I have had a 92 230-Explorer for several years. I have referenced some of your work here and love seeing the extensive projects. I love the classic Aquasports. I have previously owned an Osprey 175. Looking for a future project of my own now.
Welcome aboard! Our fearless leader Rickk has the same hull!
Hey guys new member here. I have been snooping around the last year on this site never joined because I never had a aquasport. I am now a proud owner of a 1974 19-6 I got about 3 months ago. The boat is practically new. A local boat builder and the previous owner rebuilt the entire boat, gutted it and started with the shell. They did an amazing job only thing I would have changed and they agree was rais the floor up a little more but I can't complain to much the boat runs great. This site has been awesome for info. Thanks to all that have posted glad to be a member
Welcome to the site!
Post up some photos when you can, yeah?
Ya I ment to get around to putting a pics up of the boat but I have just been really busy at work. I will get them up soon. Thanks for the welcome.
good luck with your new boat......the folks here are great, without them I don't know where I'd be with any of my boat issues :thumright:
Welcome aboard. Noob here myself. You'll find these guys to be very willing to help and very knowledgeable.
Welcome aboard fellow 19'6" member. I see you are down in my old neck of the woods, Punta Gorda.
Yes Im in good old Punta Gorda.. I have lived here my entire life. I am just now really exploring everything thats around here from the water. I have owned flats boats here but allways hated going up the west wall or trying to cross the harbor most days bc id get beat to crap. Now that i have the 19-6 id go anywhere shallow, deep i love it.
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Welcome aboard!!
They did a beautiful job...SWEET ride :flower:
Boat looks great! :salut:
Oh yeah! Charlotte Harbor will beat the crap out of you.
Hello All!
I purchased my second Aquasport boat about a month ago - a 1992 230 Osprey with two 2004 Suzuki DF140's on a bracket.
I previously owned a 17' but sold it about 10 years back thinking I would buy another CC boat in the next few months.
It has taken longer than expected but I'm finally back in business.
I didn't expect to end up with another Aquasport - but it's not like I had problems with my 17' besides it being a little small for dive trips 20 miles out :)
I of course have tons of question but will post them in a more appropriate area.
Welcome aboard! Sounds like you have a nice ride there. Pics man!!!!! The photo gallery is the way to go!
Been out awhile so.....
Welcome aboard to our new members. :salut:
Hello Everyone!
My name is Andy Munao. Our family owns Shipyard Island Marina, Washington Island, WI (hence the SIM user name lol!...gotta keep it simple!). I am active on a few other forums and am willing to help with Yamaha outboard questions that the members here may have. Whether its rigging, Command link, engine troubleshooting ect. Feel free to ask away, I will do the best that I can to help.
Glad to be here!
Welcome aboard Andy! We all look forward to your input!
Welcome aboard Andy :salut:
Hope you can remember the 91 model year. A couple of us are running those old gals.
Hello Everyone!
My name is Andy Munao. Our family owns Shipyard Island Marina, Washington Island, WI (hence the SIM user name lol!...gotta keep it simple!). I am active on a few other forums and am willing to help with Yamaha outboard questions that the members here may have. Whether its rigging, Command link, engine troubleshooting ect. Feel free to ask away, I will do the best that I can to help.
Glad to be here!
Alright :!: :!:
Welcome aboard Andy.
Thankfully my '91 is running fine, I don't need any help AND I'm knocking on wood :mrgreen:
I am warren tamargo and I am new to this site. I own a 1987 aqua sport 200 which I bought new in S. Florida have kept it in a garage all the time and when I moved up to Tn . I brought it with me. Now I am using it as a bass boat on the lakes up here. It does just fine.
Welcome aboard Warren. :salut:
I read where you watched it being built. Cool. 8)
Share that time with the Forum if you choose. I like the insight to the Aquasport Marque from those early years.
Howdy everyone I just wanted to say hello and that I will be posting on here now as I am a newly owner of a 222 1971 flat back she is my pride and joy. This is my first full rebuild I'm 22 and have done some work but never a full rebuild so I will be asking for everyones thoughts and opinions. I have been reading along for the last few weeks getting Idea's for my transom and realized almost everyone is from the Tampa Bay area so I had to join, I'm from Palmetto, Fl right in the middle of Tampa and Sarasota I will be posting some pics once I figure out how to send them from my phone! :mrgreen:
Welcome and good luck with your project. I frequently launch down there on the river when I am going to the beaches or offshore.
Welcome to the board!
Although I am from the Tampa/St. Pete area, not all of us are down there. I am a little further north in the Cedar Key area.
An Aquasport and a Chevy! Doesn't get better than that, welcome aboard! :salut:
Welcome from a fellow new CAS owner. Sorry about the Chevy.
Welcome aboard A&C. :salut:
When you begin your rebuild, Start a new thread in the Forum's "Rebuild" section and document your progress with pics. :idea:
Good luck.
All...thanks for inviting me in :)
I remember the good old days...grew up on a '74 170 with a 70 Evinrude....later repowered with a 90....plenty of good times in Central and South Florida on that boat.
Look forward to contributing....
Welcome aboard P. :salut:
Welcome aboard Parthery. Hows the GW?
My name is Thad, and I have an 87 Aquasport 170. I live in Selma, Alabama.
Welcome aboard Thad :salut: There is a HUGE 170 family here.
Hello every one,just wanted to introduce my self,my name is Jay,I just picked up an 85 25' xpress fisherman (WA)
that was supposed to be in great condition, but I made the classic no no when buying a used boat,I didn't have it surveyed.
I believed the seller because I always wanted one and it came with an 04' 200 hp Yamaha HPDI.
Well so far I have sunk 4500 big ones into the boat,needed a new tank and the engine although it only had 193 hours on it
was a mess, so I had the Yamaha dealer where I live go over the boat,it is in great shape now, but I'm taking the guy
to small claims court,in his ad he stated that he had all this work done and the bill of sales has no as is on it.
Anyways now that I got that out of the way,I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys have done to your boats.
I will post pics as soon as I get the chance.
Thank you Richard for letting me Join such a prestigious Club.
Welcome aboard Thad :salut: There is a HUGE 170 family here.
More like a cult. 8)
Welcome aboard Thad :salut: and Jay :salut:
We need pics. :idea:
Hello.My names Jack.I love fishing and boating.I live west of Boston Ma.I'm selling my 22'Grady to buy an 80's vintage 246 or 250CCP.Want something I can use right away not a project boat.
Howdy! From the TX coast and I've been on a '73 196 for 31 years.
great outdoors, landscaping, and mechanics is my bag.
Welcome aboard Jack and Tx :salut:
Parthery, damn, there's a name that goes back a few years... :salut:
Good to see you bud...
Parthery, damn, there's a name that goes back a few years... :salut:
Good to see you bud...
I'm around....still hanging out on THT and CM. Good to find this site... I miss my 170...was a great boat.
My name is John Garrison I live in Temecula California. I just purchased a 2004 23ft Aquaport Explorer 225 Walkaround with Yamaha 225 4 stroke. I purchased it from the original owner, who kept it inside it's whole life. The boat looks more like it is a year old not nearly 10. I took it out fishing with my Son yesterday and could not be happier with it. Everything worked flawlessly.
Looking forward to enjoying my new baby and enjoying this site.
welcome John !!!
Welcome to another from the left coast - you've got a great boat there! :thumleft: Post some pictures - we love Aquasport boat porn! :cheers:
Welcome aboard John. :salut:
I've visited at least one winery there and seem to remember a neat little downtown area. :thumleft:
Post up a few pics of your craft.
Hi, My name is Josh and I'm the second owner of a revived 1984 Osprey 170. I live in Sussex County, DE and enjoy boating and fishing in the Delaware & Chesapeake Bays. I'm always looking for information to see if any improvements can be made without compromising the original look of this great little center console. Of the articles that I've already viewed, this site looks like a wealth of great information and I look forward to sharing some successes and failures for others to laugh or learn from.
Hello everyone , first time poster ,,
I've just acquired a 1976 22' aquasport cc w/inboard
That's all I know about it...
This is going to need a lot work ,,, and I'm going to need a lot of help ...
Soooo, if anyone wants to direct me in. A good direction for some needed info I can get about this boat I would love the help
Here's some reading to get you started. ... hp?cat=558 ( ... hp?cat=557 ( ... hp?cat=544 (
Here is a long time member with your type Aqua. Over 2100 posts, not all about the 22-2 but again, a place to sift through and glean insight.
search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&author_id=44 (
Post a pic or three so we can see what you're working with. :idea:
Good luck. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Josh. :salut:
Nice intro.
Large cult following here for the 170.
Post a pic. :idea:
We need to see photo's!
Thanks guys,,,, I will try to post pics tomorrow..
Hey all-
My name is Denny and I'm an aquaholic.
I've owned the Pot O' Gold, a 1978 246 FF, for over 17 years, having bought her from a circle of friends who had owned her for four years prior.
I'll post up some pictures shortly.
I've put over 6000 hours on two different motors. The boat is rigged for spearfishing, shade and day cruising. She is cosmetically scarred from her heavy use.
100 gallon tank and a 25 gallon deck tank give me some serious range. Current power is a 1996 225 Ocean Runner. Fully loaded, (4 divers, 14 tanks, gear, guns and more), she will cruise at 27 MPH at 4200. Lightly loaded, she turns 4200 at 30 MPH.
I just replaced the original gas tank. 35 years and most of it looked brand new.
I live in St. Pete with my wife. We cruise to Egmont, blind pass, shell island and more.
More to follow. Looking forward to meeting fellow aquaholics.
Denny O'Hern
Fishing Rights Alliance (
Hi Everyone,
My name is Rich and I am a new Aquasport owner. I recently picked up a 2004 215 Osprey Sport and absolutely love it.
We boat out of Sarasota Fl and hope to see fellow Aqua owners out there!
Welcome aboard to both Denny and Rich. :salut:
Fine intros gentelemen :thumleft:
Post up a few pics when you can.
Welcome to the 222 inboard club..I think there is only like 3 of them I have seen here so far. I am not that knowledgeable in the Aquasport way but I do know about hamburgers and I know enough people that know about the rest. Keep us updated on your project.
Hello All,
Just bought an Aquasport 245 Explorer. It's been sitting for the last 3 years and I have it at a marina currently being de-fueled. The boat did not have a manual, does anyone know where I can find it online?
I look forward to tapping the forum's knowledge and techniques as I bring her back to life!
Pretty generic but it may help.
viewtopic.php?p=56638#p56638 (
Hi All,
I am undergoing somewhat of a life style change. I just downsized my land lubber house to one on the water with a private dock. Naturally, I need to get into boating now.
I've done some boating, but never owned one. Now I do. Even before I move in to the new place (next week) I bought a boat for it. I guess I'm still a kid at heart. :)
Anyway, you guessed it - my first boat is an Aquasport. I did some research and simply liked it for a number of reasons.
It is a '96 245 Explorer hard top with a 2000 Merc 225 Optimax. I haven't even got her wet yet (the boat, you perverts!). Hope to finish the dock maintenance next weekend and put her in the water.
I've been lurking the forums and I've learned a lot - from Seabob4 especially. As I learn about the boat, I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions. I like to learn everything I can about my toys, and I enjoy working on them.
Here's my new toy . . . . .
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Welcome aboard Dan. :salut:
A lot of room in that model EX.
We have a number of EX, XF and even a Walkaround member (s) on the Forum. Personally, I like them a lot but I'm probably just bias.
Good luck.
I'm Robob and I live on a canal in St Pete and have a 1995 175 Osprey which I love.
Don't use it as much as I should (who does?) getting old and lazy:-(
Was a member and went off line for a while but glad to be back. 8)
Welcome back Robob!
Indeed, welcome back. :thumleft:
Did you ever get a trolling motor mounted to your 175?
No. I got away from boating for awhile. Am now looking for a bow mount quick release Minn Kota Riptide.
Think I need a 12 volt 55 lbs. thrust 52 inch shaft. A new one is about $600 so I want to try to find a decent used one. Maybe somebody is moving up in voltage or thrust and will part with one Cheap:-) Cash, of course:-)
I live in northeast St. Pete. but don't mind some driving for a good deal.
Hi My name is Rick.
I own a sixties 1966(maybe) 222 Osprey as far as I can identify it. I bought it from a salvage yard a few years ago and I'm turning it into a camping and swimming platform for myself, my college age daughters and their friends. Ive done all the work myself, glass, steel, canvas, design, etc... Would enjoy meeting others who might like to do the same.
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Welcome aboard Rick. :salut:
Hi, Im Bill in Annapolis Md. Like to striper fish and crab. Have a 1974 19-6 with a 1989 merc xr4 150. have gotten 50mph 1 time tops about 43 with a top on it. Also run a 8hp tohatsu kicker durring trolling season. Have had it for about 12 years and love it. Just about time to do another refurb. Look forward to getting to know you guys.
Hi all, Just found this site. I have a 1974 19-6 with a 150 XR4 merc. What a great combo! Trying to decide how far I want to go with a rebuild. She is in pretty good shape and could use a new paint job and a little bit of fiberglass work. She is a tough old thing. Almost got rid of her about 9 years ago but repowerd instead. Looking at some of the rebuilds in here I am ready to tear into her!LOL Link to a few pics.
Welcome aboard Bill. :salut:
Post a few pics of your gal.
Id like to say hello
saltwater addict here i have a 2007 key west 176 bay reef
that was recently stolen and recovered minus the engine and poling platform
thank god i have her back
but when it got stolen i came across the aquasports people where restoring
while shopping for a new boat and even since i have my key west back i still have the
aquasport hook in my mouth and am in the market for a 222 to rebuild
my 11 year old son also took the bait and is hook as well as i am
Welcome aboard Steve. :salut:
Proper intro and good hunting. 8)
That's really the best part. :thumright:
Hi everyone, my name is Robert.
I purchased this 1975 19'6" family fisherman Aquasport a year ago from a guy who had it resting in his backyard for over 15 years. I have been cleaning and fixing things on it ever since. It has the original 115 Hp Evinrude and it runs great. I live in West Palm Beach, FL. Hope to see you on the water sometime.
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Welcome aboard Robert. :salut:
Great looking boat. :thumleft:
I guess its time to inroduce my self too. My name is Brian, I go by capt-seasick, well that was given to me due to chumming the water so many times lol. I am in the process of buying a 87 270 xf with twin 350's. I am 32 years old and I am an RN and spearfisherman. I currently own an 87 Fourwinn 215 sundowner which I am hopfully about to sell (fingers crossed). I live in Orange Park, FL... for thsoe who dont know where that is its beside Jacksonville. I look forward to restoring the 270 and providing pics of my build.
hi guys I just joined the forum. Name is Miguel Hernandez 32yrs old, I live and work in Miami,fl however spend most of my weekends down in the florida Keys, everyone calls me Mike or Blizzymike. I own a 1999 245 Osprey powered by a 2006 250Etec. I like fishing, diving, hunting and sports. I look forward to reading all about everyones adventures on their Aquasports. Mine has always been in my family my uncle bought it with a 1999 evinrude 225 originally and repowered in 2006 with the 250 etec. Best thing he ever did, boat ran great before runs like a dream now. I have since bought it from him roughly about 3 yrs ago due to the fact that he was medically unable to boat any more. Stay tuned for pictures. i have since updated a lot, in the next week i will be adding the underwater LED lights, pictures to come. can someone please show me how to add pictures from a MAC... lol... thanks... ... blizzymike (
Welcome aboard Brian and Mike. :salut: :salut:
Proper intros and excellent craft. Posts some photos :idea:
Good luck to you both. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard everyone :thumright:
Here is a pic of Mike's boat
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Sweet! Love the speakers too...whar are the bikinis? :wink:
hi guys I just joined the forum. Name is Miguel Hernandez 32yrs old, I live and work in Miami,fl however spend most of my weekends down in the florida Keys, everyone calls me Mike or Blizzymike. I own a 1999 245 Osprey powered by a 2006 250Etec. I like fishing, diving, hunting and sports. I look forward to reading all about everyones adventures on their Aquasports. Mine has always been in my family my uncle bought it with a 1999 evinrude 225 originally and repowered in 2006 with the 250 etec. Best thing he ever did, boat ran great before runs like a dream now. I have since bought it from him roughly about 3 yrs ago due to the fact that he was medically unable to boat any more. Stay tuned for pictures. i have since updated a lot, in the next week i will be adding the underwater LED lights, pictures to come. can someone please show me how to add pictures from a MAC... lol... thanks... ... blizzymike (
The hard part is over, you got them to the gallery. Click the image you want to post....scroll over to the right and click the lower URL and copy.
Then paste this to your thread...hit preview, make sure its like you want it...then submit
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Hello folks- found this forum when I was researching a boat I was considering buying; a 17 Aquasport CC. I pulled the trigger on the boat and it is coming home with me next week. It is supposed to be a 1979 model, but its hull identification number has a 74 sequence, so I think it is a 74 model, but I don't care. The hull is in great shape-solid and the transom is rock solid- some soft spots in the floor near the right side of the console and right behind the console. The 70 hp Johnson engine is shot so I am re powering- looking for a good two stroke 90 HP engine. (
I have done this once before some thirty years ago with a Stamas Clearwater that got caught under the edge of the dock on a rising tide and sank. I salvaged that boat and rebuilt everything. Kept it for years- a nasty divorce forced me to sell all my I am coming into this knowing that the boat will need a lot more work than what you think it will take.
I live in Southern Maryland just outside Waldorf, married Father of three grown men and a teenage Daughter and am 67 years old. I love to varmint hunt and fish. I kayak fish out of a Hobie Outback. In fact, I just got in a few minutes ago from a fishing trip at Point Lookout. Been kayak fishing for three years and love it.
Looking forward to put the Aquasport back in fishing shape and getting it out on Chesapeake Bay.
Hi. I'm Stretch (John). I'm located in Central FL (Satellite Beach and Orlando). I have a 1986 Aquasport Osprey 200 with a 1997 Zuk 150 that I just picked up in late July (2013). She needs some TLC, which I am just starting to apply. I'm new to fixing up boats but I am looking forward to learning and I am happy I found this site.....
Thanks for provining this forum! I am looking forward to participating here at and I am just learning my way around. Next step will be trying to figure out how to upload a pic of my boat below my signature (grin).
Welcome aboard to both Ron and FJ. :salut: :salut:
Excellent intros gentlemen. Now post up some pics of your craft and as always,
Good luck. :thumleft:
2006 Aquasport 215 Explorer "Sea Wolfe". Custom T-Top by Quality T-Tops in Tarpon Springs, FL. Take it out most every week and weekend.
Welcome aboard GW. :salut:
As always, we like pics. :idea:
Hello my name is Jason Pepper. I am the proud owner for the past 10 years of a 1974 19.6 Aquasport.
Welcome aboard JP. :salut:
Post up a few pics. :idea:
Hi - My name is Jerry and I recently purchased a 2001 175 Osprey Tournament Master - I'm from the Finger Lakes region of NY. The boat is a one owner, fresh water only and I purchased it from the original Aquasport dealer that was brokering it for the owner. So far I've added a GPS/FF and Stereo and have done some minor gel coat repair. Overall the boat appears to be in fantastic shape and I hope to enjoy her for years to come.
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Welcome aboard Jerry. :salut:
Proper intro and I see you've started your Member Gallery. :thumright:
Hi my name is Mac, I do not currently own a Aquasport but I am considering a 17' for use in Maine on a lake.
I live in MA north of Boston and have had a few boats over the last 30 years. Currently I have a Pacific 1925 which I use in the ocean.
Welcome aboard Mac. :salut:
Huge cult following of the 170 model here (owned one myself). Plenty of info (Photo Gallery documentation is a great place to start) from the early models all the way up to last 175s made. ... hp?cat=549 ( ... -p&cat=573 ( ... 04&cat=631 (
Good luck, because the real fun is in the hunt. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Mac. :salut:
Huge cult following of the 170 model here (owned one myself). Plenty of info (Photo Gallery documentation is a great place to start) from the early models all the way up to last 175s made. ... hp?cat=549 ( ... -p&cat=573 ( ... 04&cat=631 (
Good luck, because the real fun is in the hunt. :thumleft:
Thanks for the welcome and the links, very helpful information.
Hey, I'm Jay. I just bought a 1969 Aquasport Osprey 19.1 and put it in the water this week here in Woods Hole on Cape Cod. It's fun already. I'm interested to learn more about the boat here, and glad this place exists.
Just posted a couple of photos here: ... hp?cat=679 (
Welcome aboard Jay. :salut:
A rather unique looking rub rail for an Aqua. :idea:
Ben Boada here. Been working on a 79 (I think) Aquasport 22-2 FF I/O. Was just looking for some feedback here and there and figured it was time to get involved in the classic Aquasport crew. This is my second boat. First was a nice little 1984 closed bow 4 winns that my wife and I fished all over the fishers and long island sounds. I sold it for what I paid for it and now have the 22-2 which was given to me for free. I bought a used trailer and a 470 Mercruiser with 182 "hours" on it for 1200.00. The motor ran with a little help and is now in the boat. I am so close I can feel the spray on my face. I am looking forward to feedback from what sounds like a very educated and enthusiastic crew of guys passionate about the Aquasport brand.
Welcome aboard Ben. :salut:
Nice intro.
Yes, a lot of Aqua Zealots here. We like our pics too so post up a few of your craft when you get a chance. :idea:
Hello all,
New used Aqasport 245 owner. Boat has been a project thus far. Boat has not run in 4 years and my first project was pumping out 90 gal of fuel. Broke my heart at today's prices. I look forward to gathering as much info as possible. I will need help with the rub rail, already another post. Anyway, hope there are some of you in the Annapolis area to hang with.
Keep the blue side up! (Aviator/Sailor)
Thanks, found all the pumps. Some are in very tough to reach places, looking fwd to that!
Hey everyone, happy to have found this forum as i am a two year owner of a beautiful 2004 275 explorer. Out of all the boats i have yet had the pleasure of owning (this is #5) this is by far the best. Hope to share soome stories and give and get feedback on anyting to do with my hull. I am using twin 200 evinrudes to push her. Have 3 kids that love going on the boat and its pretty enough for my wife to come once in a while :queen: . i have pretty much taken the boat apart and put it back together for the fun of it (and some repairs) so if anyone has any questions i would be more than happy to share my experiences. I also keep a tight log on all engine stats and fuel burn if anyone needs that sort of detail. I have a few surprises i ran into this year I will share on the main board.
Welcome aboard Steve. :salut:
Nice intro. Good to have a 275 owner on the Forum.
Post up some pics when you get a chance. We don't see a lot of this model first hand.
Good luck. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard BD :salut:
See you got a lead on the rub rail :cheers:
Good luck and post some pics. :thumleft:
Hello Everyone
My names is Ron and I am in the process of becoming a Aquasport 165 Striper owner. Boat appears to run strong and has been kept up fairly well. We are about to run it round for a little while, if it holds up it will be done.
I was reading some of the posts on the forums, good stuff to a newbe to Aquasports boats.
Thanks for the info
Welcome Swamp!
Youa re in good company with a great boat. Enjoy!!!!
Welcome aboard Ron. :salut:
Good luck with the sea trial. :thumleft:
Hi everyone, My name is Yamin. I am from NYC. I have a 1981 Aquasport FF 22'. This a my first boat and I am looking to gain insight on rebuilds. All I do fish, work and watch sports.
Hi everyone, My name is Yamin.
All I do fish, work and watch sports.
Welcome aboard Yamin. :salut:
Sounds like a very rewarding lifestyle......
Except for the working part. :mrgreen:
Post a few pics of your FF.
A sports fan...OMG!!! :wink:
Go White Sox, Bucs, Magic, Rays, Gators, UCF, Illinois...nah, I'm not a sports fan... :cheers: :cheers:
Thanks for the welcome guys.
I had the boat for a few years and finally decided to do some TLC and put it in the water this year.
Handles great in the water.
Just bought a 1976 Aquasport 19-6 cuddy cabin and thought I would join the group. She's got a 140hp Evanrude and a Mariner 8hp trolling motor. I live north of Detroit and will be turning 62 in Feb next year. Looking forward to spending many wonderful hours fishing the many lakes we have in this wonderful state of Michigan. One thing I need help on is where do the battery/s go??? The previous owner had them in a wood box by the transom and I know this can not be right.
Best Regards, Dave
Welcome aboard Dave. :salut:
Nice intro.
Post up a pic or two of your craft and lets see if we can get you some help with the battery locates. :thumleft:
Hello all
Been a LONG time lurker as you can see by my sign up date. From Lakeland FL been in the marine industry for over 27 yrs as a mechanic. I'm getting ready to start my 2cd rebuild, this one is a 1981 Proline 24 Flatback. Hopefully you don'tmind me posing questions and posting pics as it progresses. First rebuild was just a 14' Stumpnocker but it came out well and the kids and I got a lot of use out of it. It's just too small now. This is a ink to photobucket for the build on it ... umpknocker (
Initial photos of the Proline are in the gallery, but here are a couple to start.
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Thank you
While you've been on board for a good while you still get a :salut: for a nice intro.
By all means, post your rebuild progress and avail yourself of a wealth of experience and knowledge the Forum has collected over the years and feel free to add to that database.
You'll find (if you have never noticed :roll: ) a sub forum in the rebuild section for any type of rebuild so start a thread and posts up those pics.
Good luck. :thumright:
Thanks Capt. I'll start a thread in the "other boats" section :lol: Will probably start some time next week.
Hello Everyone My name is John I currently own a 1986 Aquasport 290 TM I tried to add a picture but it wont allow me to have a pic larger that 100 pixels high??? any help with this would be appreciated Thanks in advance
Here's a start :mrgreen:
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Welcome aboard Capt. John :salut:
Nice lookin' craft there.
You've got the hard part down in getting your pics in your Gallery. The rest is clear sailing, well sometimes anyway.
What you experienced is a server/modem timeout we have no control over.
The key here is persistence. The error message you received is due to the timeout not allowing all the data to be transmitted. The image is sized correctly (the Gallery does that automatically) so....
Depending on the time you transfer your photo from the Gallery to your post, you may have to try multiple times (keep hitting submit after each error message). I posted the photo in your post from your Gallery. Did it on the first try from my phone. This isn't always the case but the word on the street is their best man is working on it. :|
Here's another.
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Thanks Capt. Bob for helping me out there and for the advice I'll try for more pics at a later date.
Capt. John - big blocks or small blocks in your 290? Or diesels? :scratch:
I'm Matt
Just recently bought my first aquasport (third boat). It is a 1973 170 in good condition. Mid way through the restoration mostly cosmetics and electrical left to do. From Long Island Suffolk county. Will post pictures or restoration and am looking forward to some great information, experience and input.
Welcome aboard Matt. :salut:
By all means, post up a few pics.
Glad to be here. Maybe someone can help me, Im trying to post some pictures in the rebuild discussion forum but all the photos are on my iPhone. It is saying the photos are too big even when i choose the smallest resolution size. Has anyone found a way around this? Should I email them to a desktop than post from there? Thanks!
John, Matt, and all new members:
We're glad you've joined!
Don't let your introduction be the last post. Join the discussion...Post up pictures of your rides and tell us your plans.
Welcome to Classic Aquasport :cheers:
Glad to be here. Maybe someone can help me, Im trying to post some pictures in the rebuild discussion forum but all the photos are on my iPhone. It is saying the photos are too big even when i choose the smallest resolution size. Has anyone found a way around this? Should I email them to a desktop than post from there? Thanks!
You can upload directly from your phone....or you can e-mail to a laptop or PC. Either way, you'll first need to upload to our Photo Gallery here.
Here's a start.....and thanks for joining :salut:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10343 (
Returning member here. Joined when I had a 1988 17' Aqua. Now returning with a 1971 222 Flatty. Tons of work to do.
Here is the boat I am rescuing from mullet service. You're seeing that right, it has no factory cap.
That's the cleanest mullet boat I've ever seen!
Hello fellow boaters im from Long island NY. I am an owner of a 1987 Aquasport 290 Tournament master . had the boat 3 seasons now and i absolutly love it . it has twin 350 gas motors . I dock her on the north shore of long island in Smithtown bay .I use the boat for fishing and boating trips to Montauk and also Conneticuit .This is my 5th boat and i finally got one my wife likes LOL. I am a new york city firefighter and use the boat when eaver im not at work.
Welcome Truckie! :salut: Having a boat that the wife like is a big plus. :wink:
Returning member here. Joined when I had a 1988 17' Aqua. Now returning with a 1971 222 Flatty. Tons of work to do.
Here is the boat I am rescuing from mullet service. You're seeing that right, it has no factory cap.
Sweet! Do we have another flatback rebuild about to happen?
Returning member here. Joined when I had a 1988 17' Aqua. Now returning with a 1971 222 Flatty. Tons of work to do.
Here is the boat I am rescuing from mullet service. You're seeing that right, it has no factory cap.
Sweet! Do we have another flatback rebuild about to happen?
I'm not going full bore. The floor, stringers and transom were already done. I am just adding a center console, new power, some awlgrip, etc. Utilitarian fisher.
What horse is that power ^^? and what ya doing with it?
What horse is that power ^^? and what ya doing with it?
That's a 90hp ETEC he had on there. Its already off and I will be going with a rebuilt 200hp Yamaha Saltwater Series II (hopefully).
The 90 ETEC is for sale but needs work.
My name is Kevin and I'm in Port Charlotte. I picked up a 1986 200 Osprey and it has a hole in the bottom between a stringer. Doing a complete rebuild :oops: . Found this site and like what I see. I just completed a re-power (rebuilt entire motor) and rewire on a 1989 17' ActionCraft, pulled 4 harnesses out along with mucho faulty wires. (Surprised there was no fire in the past.) My family always had Aquasport's and still do. Just love the boat so I needed my own. I like the fact that a lot of people are close by in the surrounding counties for help should the need arise for anything.
Wife also likes going out on it and fishing so that helps with as she puts it "New Woman" as they (boats) always needs money.....
Kevin, welcome, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, all that good stuff!!! Yes, in your local area (PC, PG, PI, etc.) you have plenty of members, not to mention Sarasota!! :cheers: :cheers:
Hey yall, I'm a new member just wanting to introduce myself. I'm Garrett from Avon Park, FL and a long time lurker about to start a rebuild. I recently acquired a 1980's ccp 18 degree deadrise hull and cant wait to tear into it. Thanks in advance for the help!
Hi Garrett,
welcome aboard, bro....What's wrong with your girl? cant wait to tear into it
...and P.L.E.A.S.E. take the time/effort to learn how to post photos so we can all follow along. We all learn from each other, and photos generate interest as well as clarify conditions, so please oblige us (and yourself)! :thumright:
:salut: Public Relations Announcement :salut:
Your Public Relations Team requests your help in the 2014 Classic Aquasport Membership Drive!
The continuation and success of any entity depends on new blood. Existing members sell their boats, lose interest, etc. So those of you that would like to join....we really encourage you to do just that! And we also encourage you to participate! The old-timers don't have all the answers. Many of you are experienced in businesses, industries, etc. that can offer direct bearing and impact to solutions needed here. We would like and need your input! And please don't be shy....there are no wrong answers, embarrassing answers. You will not find the back-biting, snide remarks, holier-than-thou attitudes here at Classic Aquasport. We are brothers working towards a common goal....the enjoyment of these great boats!
When you see fellow Aquasporters out on the water, at the gas station, car wash, etc....please tell them about our club, and encourage them to join! Many of us have become great friends, and really enjoy our reunions and get-togethers. We will be making a concerted effort to establish new reunions...those of you in the northeast, we ask you especially to plan a reunion this year. We feel you will find this to be a great time, enjoyable and rewarding. Plus, you'll eat great too! :lol:
Thanks everyone for your help! We look forward to your participation!! :cheers:
To add to what Scott has said, we also need to re-invigorate our current but inactive members - they have "been there, done that" and unfortunately don't contribute much anymore. If you know one of these members kick 'em in the pants and ask them to come back.
A guest appearance from Ms Aquasport would help re-invigorate :thumleft:
A guest appearance from Ms Aquasport would help re-invigorate :thumleft:
Whatever it takes for our membership drive :wink:
Searched long and hard for a wholesome pic of Miss Aquasport 2011, Kate Upton. You guys may remember....we discover talent first.
This is as wholesome as it gets. "Special K".
Newbies...please join our team. Oldsters...your presence is requested....welcome back!
Nice fuselage. 8)
A guest appearance from Ms Aquasport would help re-invigorate :thumleft:
Whatever it takes for our membership drive :wink:
Searched long and hard for a wholesome pic of Miss Aquasport 2011, Kate Upton. You guys may remember....we discover talent first.
This is as wholesome as it gets. "Special K".
Newbies...please join our team. Oldsters...your presence is requested....welcome back!
Watch this video for your education (
Watch this video for your education (
I feel smarter already :D
She did well in zero-G! :salut: Many folks have stomach problems/reactions in zero-G. In fact the old NASA zero-G plane had the nickname of the "Vomit Comet" :colors: But Miss Aquasport can handle it! :cheers:
She did well in zero-G! :salut: Many folks have stomach problems/reactions in zero-G. In fact the old NASA zero-G plane had the nickname of the "Vomit Comet" :colors: But Miss Aquasport can handle it! :cheers:
Amen to that!! That's why we call her "Special K" :salut:
New member here.
Getting a 25 CCP. Let me see if I can post some pictures.
Well, more pictures later. Look like that you need a Master Degree to post pictures here.
More like a Doctorate. :shock:
Welcome aboard Mach, :salut:
Been a member for a while, but just got around to taking a picture of my boat... Been too busy fishing! Anyway, last year I came across this 200 XF. Not positive of the year, but it is in decent shape. A few gelcoat issues around the helm and some fiberglass work needs to be done to fix some of the screw holes, other than that I'm very happy with her. Has a 1990 Johnson 200 that I'm currently fighting due to what I figured out yesterday is a broken max timing advance assembly, and apparently the parts are not available :-( Anyway, here she is in all her glory, freshly cleaned after a fishing trip Saturday!
Welcome aboard!
Check out and see if they might have that assembly.
Welcome aboard!
Check out and see if they might have that assembly.
Tried there. No dice. Got several feelers out there. Also trying to figure out if a part from another engine might be compatible.
Welcome aboard mj.. :salut:
That's a early to mid eighties Aqua decal. Can you see the HIN # on the transom?
This is a 91 :scratch: so you can't really be sure without the HIN.
viewtopic.php?p=59240#p59240 (
Notice the forward vents in the windshield and the forward windows in the cabin.
The decals on your cabin look later than early 80's also but...
This is an 84 catalog page. ... -p&cat=573 (
The 200ex has (I believe) the windshield vents but not the forward cabin windows. Same Aqua font.
Good info, Capt. Bob! Thanks for the links. The hull ID on mine is ASPV1062M84F-OB.
January 1984 commissioned hull. (my guess, see link below) (
You can now complete your sig.
Also, post a pic or two and a little description of the hull (and the HIN#) and your use over here.
viewtopic.php?p=54893#p54893 (
Don't let the mug on the first guy's face scare you off. :mrgreen:
Good luck :thumleft:
Hello all. Short time lurker and new member dropping in to say hey. I don't own an AS, But don't lynch me yet, I'm working on it. Current boat is a '91 starcraft superfisherman 19' that should be sold by saturday if all goes well with the deal. I am spending more time fishing alone or just out with my wife cruising, so I have my sights set on a 170/175. Looking forward to learning from the community here as well as the hunt for a new boat.
Welcome aboard Chad. :salut:
Good luck with the hunt. That's the best part. :thumleft:
Hi Everyone. My family boat was sold earlier this year and I just couldn't stand the thought of not having a boat, so I fell in loave with an Aquasport 1982 29EX. I am conducting my pre-purchase due diligence now and hope to own her soon. Any hints, tips, etc., are greatly appreciated. I've been on boats for the last 20 years, but mainly outboards. I helped run a few inboards many years ago but most of my time was spent in open water. I know I need to become a mechanic as well. Thanks!
Welcome aboard Vinndy :salut:
You may want to start here for a little background on your model.
viewforum.php?f=16 (
Good luck. :thumleft:
New to this site and new to Auasports.
I own a 1984 CCP 200 Hin #ASPP1090E484 with a 2004 Johnson 4 stroke 140 HP EFI outboard engine. I bought at the end of last
October 2013 and have not had it in the water yet.
BTW I live in Galloway, NJ close to Atlantic City.
Welcome aboard Captain!! :salut:
Welcome aboard CR :salut:
hello everyone, great site.. a little over a year ago I had a deal on an 78or79 aquasport fall through, so now I am officially introducing myself as a FIRST TIME BOAT OWNER, and owner of a 1988 22' aquasport 222 osprey
all in all its in pretty darn good shape ,, a little touch up here and there and its water ready.
as stated im new to this so will be using this site ALOT. theres got to be others on here with this year/make
Welcome aboard truckie :cheers:
I moved your post here with all other intro posts.
There are plenty of 222 Osprey owners here. Start a new topic for any questions you have. :salut:
Welcome aboard truckie :salut:
Thanks :D
Hi guys,just joined site.Im 36 and been in boating my whole life.I own for the past 6 years a 1982, 286 Aquasport. I run this thing from canyon to canyon all over the South Jersey Coast.I burn a ton of fuel but do not care.I have Twin 330 HP PCMS from 2002 and replacing starboard engine this year.Going to drop a brand new Garmin 1040 with chirp and was hoping someone would know the deadrise. You have to be precise with these new Aromar B75m chirp transducers as they don't take a fairing block. Any help would be appreciated.
ADMIN: Topic was merged with the intro topic.
Diamond, welcome!! PCMs (Pleasure Craft Marine, Ski Nautiques supplier for like forever!!). Yeah, I bet you suck down some fuel!! Excellent motors, so who cares, like you said... :salut:
What are your degrees of availability in the ducers? Are they like, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, or are the deadrise requirements a bit "looser", say, like 4* increments, i.e. 16-20? Sounds like a tiltable element ducer...
Diamond, welcome!! PCMs (Pleasure Craft Marine, Ski Nautiques supplier for like forever!!). Yeah, I bet you suck down some fuel!! Excellent motors, so who cares, like you said... :salut:
What are your degrees of availability in the ducers? Are they like, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, or are the deadrise requirements a bit "looser", say, like 4* increments, i.e. 16-20? Sounds like a tiltable element ducer...
16/24 is a choice
According to my '87 documents, she has a 15* deadrise...on the cusp, so to speak...
Diamond, I recant, that deadrise is for the 290...although I would imagine the 286 is the same.
Welcome aboard!
Where were you planning on mounting the transducer?
My name is Brad and a short time lurker. I'm from Mobile, Al and just bought a '76 cuddy 19-6 for a small family fishing boat. I've always loved the classic Aquasports and found one that fit the bill. Summer time's right around the corner and ready to get enjoying! So far I've been pretty impressed with the amount of knowledge here and the welcoming attitude that you often don't see on "specialty" type forums.
Welcome aboard Brad! In reality, we're all just a bunch of morons...
But we act nice!! :thumright: :thumright:
Welcome aboard Brad. :salut:
How about a few pics of your craft. :idea:
I put a couple more in the 19-6 registry (maybe it should go in the family fisherman registry?) and will get some more going in the rebuild section soon, although it won't be going through a major rebuild for a while it is going to get a definite makeover.
Good looking boat!! :thumleft:
Indeed. :thumleft:
Brad, I relocated your pics to the FF Registry.
Hello y'all new here from the Sebastian inlet just got a 1997 245 osprey with a 225 evinrude ocean pro.
Great boat so far any thing special I need to look for on it? Great forum so far!
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Welcome aboard HT. :salut:
Big Osprey. A number of members have both the models (Osprey and Explorer) in this size. Really not much to go wrong from a build standpoint. They seem to suffer as a lot of craft do from limited access for our big gunned captains but pretty bulletproof. There are a number of threads on adding access, bilge and fish box pumps, trim tabs and transducer mounting. Posts a few more pics when you can and......
Good luck. :thumleft:
Pretty boat Trail! I see she has cockpit bolsters and the second set of gunnel rod holders (fwd pair). Does she have tabs?
Hi ! I'm Ray. I picked up my first boat last July. It's a '92 AS 210 Explorer with a '92 Yamaha 250. Nice shape, minimal hours and salt exposure for it's age. Had decent luck with it this past summer other than the usual problems with batteries, corroded cables, water in the fuel, depth finder transponder, various electrical shorts, water in the transom. I love this boat. At least, that's what I need to convince the wife.
So to begin this season, I've got two brand new batteries, new cables, new depth finder that I put in before winterizing.
Before splashing it this year, I'll have a new fuel tank (smaller) and fuel lines, new Alternator, all new through hull fittings, dried out transom, new fuel access panel, new transom hatch doors, relocated batteries (and new cables again)cleaned up wiring, and a decent sound system...with some help from my new friends here of course. :mrgreen:
Welcome aboard Ray. :salut:
First, glad to see you got on and hope to see several photos of your craft. I'm guessing it's like mine so it's always nice to see another.
I'm especially interested, if possible to see your USCG capacity plate. I know they fade with age (as has mine) and I would like to replace it :idea: .
Second, I now have my tank spec sheet loaded and you can find it here.
viewtopic.php?p=118755#p118755 (
Lastly, while I have everyone's attention, please remember that documentation of your craft and things you do to it really is the life blood of this Forum. Please feel free to post (yes it is at times, extremely frustrating :x ) but perseverance is the key :cheers:
Post up some pics Ray and.....
Good luck. :thumleft:
Well done on getting Ray on board, CB... :thumleft:
I'd love to help you with the USCG plate, but that's one thing that my boat doesn't have, and apparently "never did" according to the previous owner.
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She's a beauty Ray!! That second pic is a perfect view to see how, with the addition of the ISP, AKA Integrated Swim Platform, AKA Euro Transom, the 210 became the 225...
Nice boat but then I'm bias. :mrgreen:
I bet it had a USCG placard at one time. In those days they had switched from the traditional metal plate to a vinyl decal. That decal,while lightly embossed, faded faster than U of M football in the forth quarter but I digress.
Post some more pics in the Explorer Registry when you get some time and start a new thread in the Rebuilds forum when you get ready to begin your tank replacement (or any other work you may want to show/have questions about).
Good luck.
...faded faster than U of M football in the forth quarter but I digress.
Do I detect some frustration with THE U???
Hello all,
My name is Mitch, just sold my fully operational bay boat to purchase a 1976 sea hunter 240 that is torn down to the stringers. I know a couple guides that have them and love them. A friend bought one last year and is having it professionally done, I got inspired and here we are. Cutting and grinding now will post when I really start getting into the build. Thanks in advance for all the help and knowledge.
Welcome aboard Mitch. :salut:
240s are gettin' kinda popular around here. :idea:
An excellent choice for a rebuild. Be sure to start a new thread in the Rebuilds forum. A number of members love this hull.
Good luck. :thumleft:
...faded faster than U of M football in the forth quarter but I digress.
Do I detect some frustration with THE U???
Please not tonight Bob.
I have a headache. :oops:
I'm sure we'll come back strong this season. :roll:
I'd have to guess not everyone in South Fla. can play at FSU(or Louisville).
SeaBob4 yes she has tabs. Here's some more pics of her. Plans are to put a t top on her and a leaning post. Really would like to go with a second station on top! Also looking at putting bolsters up on the bow. Thanks for all the help, Tommy Bedford
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Nice boat but then I'm bias. :mrgreen:
I bet it had a USCG placard at one time. In those days they had switched from the traditional metal plate to a vinyl decal. That decal,while lightly embossed, faded faster than U of M football in the forth quarter but I digress.
...Good luck.
I'm sure it was vinyl then. The story that I got from the PO, was that this boat was "willed" upon death to original owners son after sitting on a boat lift over the water for 5-10 years, unused, in the Tampa area sun.
The son, living in Kentucky, had no use for a boat this big, and no interest in one in it's then current condition, so it went to Craigslist for a song. The guy that I got it from restored it and ran it in a NC lake and dry stored for the 5 years or so before I got it. So it saw minimal salt water use in the last 15 years and was never kept in the water. All upholstery was redone, gelcoat was buffed and polished, restriped, new trailer purchased, motor went through a minor rebuild (top end, rings, carbs, etc), all new fuel lines (but I've noticed that not all are the newer alcohol resistant ones), new tinted windshield (original shattered during transport from Kentucky) and repainted. Bait and Fish wells were all disconnected and converted for storage (Easily returnable to original intended purpose).
So the original UCCG placard was probably toast if it was still existant after 10 years of being baked.
Although the boat was rough around the edges, The PO was pretty proud of it. I paid a much higher price than I probably should have, but I'm banking on the "limited salt use" and "minimal hours" on a 20 year old motor to make it worth my investment. For all the time I've spent on it, working on it, and getting into the "nuts and bolts" of it, it's looking to me like the PO was giving me a pretty straight story on it.
Even now that I'm getting into the fuel tank replacement (still not out yet), what I can see around the tank, is remarkably clean. Nice bright orange color all the way to the bottom, so if this tank is leaking, it's minimal, and there isn't any saturation that I can see as of yet.
I had a local Yamaha Mech go through the motor for me, and he was pleasantly surprised with the condition of the motor.
Tommy, she is in EXCELLENT condition! If you do an upper station, is it going to be fold down? We only did 8 dual-station 245s, fold down, using Morse single lever controls. Rigged in series, they were basically useless up top because of all the bends...
Its gonna be a fold down but I think I'm gonna wait till I re power and go with a fly by wire system. I'm really impressed with how good of shape its in. There only a few minor things to make it more fish-able then it will be set. I'm also looking for ideas on mounting dive tanks in the boat thinking bout using a couple roll control.
Its gonna be a fold down but I think I'm gonna wait till I re power and go with a fly by wire system. I'm really impressed with how good of shape its in. There only a few minor things to make it more fish-able then it will be set. I'm also looking for ideas on mounting dive tanks in the boat thinking bout using a couple roll control.
We used Roll Controls (factory option), 1 rack per side with the rack screwed into the top rod rack..holder, for lack of a better term, and into the inwale just forward of where the rod pockets end. Held 4 tanks per side. We didn't do many, probably a dozen over the few years we made them an option, see if I can find a pic...
Here ya go Tommy, how we did them at the factory...
Thank you seabob4 that's exactly where I'm waning to put them.
Always a fan of the early Aquasports and Mako's and may now be starting to live the dream. Found a 1981 23ft CC, not sure if it is a CCP as I haven't seen the boat in person yet. Owned by original owner and am still gathering data.
Just wanted to say hi and from what I've seen and read here, the knowledge base is incredible.
A big shout out to all of you classic Aquasportees! I'm a West Coast lifer who's addicted to the timeless lines of older vessels. Who I am: husband, father, son, brother, steward of this amazing land. Things I dig: family, friends, fly fishing, steelhead, bourbon, exploring and enjoying the outdoors with my boys.
Alright, boat content. I currently have a want to replace our hardtop Glasply with a larger center console. I've always enjoyed the culture surrounding cars (VW's) and boats (Glasply and Mako) that seem to share a strong brand following. By chance, last year, I struck up a conversation with a gentleman at a marina whose boat seemed perfect for my needs. He explained it was an older Aquasport center console and had a deep v to smooth the ride in our NW waters. Spacious, with good freeboard, a wide beam and plenty of storage. So, my search has lead me to this site. Ideally, I think a 222 CCP would be the best fit for my needs. A boat that's a straight up fisher and can be used right away as needed, but could provide a bit of restoration wrenching on the weekends as well.
Unfortunately, not too many of these boats come up for sale around these parts. I am open to the idea of transporting the right boat in from out of state, but admittedly this makes me a bit uneasy. Recently, an ad popped up on CL for what looks to be a 1986 200 Osprey? ( Anyone with insights on this boat? No price listed and the guy listing it seems to have no real knowledge of or interest in selling this. He did tell me the boat was recently brought over from Florida and that he has an offer on the table of 5K. Of course he does. I would need to commit an entire day to go view this, not really feeling it, but thought I'd run it by the experts here.
Looks like a 200 Osprey - it's had a little "history" judging by the damage on the port stern area, but that's probably not structural. The hull is probably fine - check for soft spots in the deck and cracks or flex in the transom.
The "190" outboard is where you may want to spend some time and investigation as it looks like a Johnson/Evinrude and the 190 model was very rare... :roll: The motor has obviously been painted (looks like a spray bomb job), and I would check the compression, look carefully under the cowl, and do a on-water test before making an offer. Does the motor still have the oil injection or is it running pre-mix? A 9.9 kicker is a nice feature - especially if you troll a lot - check it out as well, but I would guess the kicker is newer than the main.
The trailer looks to be OK - but check things like lights and brakes (if it has brakes), jack it up and spin the wheels to check the bearings.
Any problem you find is something you will have to fix, so consider the cost of fixes in your negotiation.
Let me add this:
The 200 Osprey and a 200/222 CCP are two distinct hulls. I would think you would find the ride somewhat different. On is more of a "Bay" boat and the other a little more inclined for rougher water use.
Just my opinion.
New to the forum . I am located in Freeport, Tx and just started a 1977 170 project . I am a rod builder by trade (Currently with Hookspit) but I also guide inshore light tackle and fly trips here in Texas. Thanks for adding me , I look forward to the info.
Welcome aboard Dave!!!
There are quite a few 170 owners around here. Pics please!!!
Hi everyone my name is Danny. I've visited this sight several times during my 1987 170 striper build. Figured I'd start checking in to share my experience. I love aquasport boats. This is my 2nd one. My first was a 1986 200 osprey. I'm having problems up loading pics
Welcome aboard Danny!
Our Photogallery does not work with the efficiency it once did. It still works however if you upload one pic at the time, and post one pic at a time. Follow this link and apply the above:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10343 (
Thanks for your membership here!
Hi all, I'm Jeff, the new (4th) owner of what I'm calling so far a ~1990 Osprey 175 with "Striper" add-ons, though I am very much looking to (hopefully) 100% accurately determine the year and full designation through the knowledge of those in these forums.
I'll save that mystery and those questions for a proper thread outside of this one :)
Where should I be asking my questions?
And a big thank you in advance to anyone helping me out. Hopefully I'll learn enough to be able to help others out in a year or two.
I'm in the Tampa Bay, FL area.
Welcome aboard Jeff. :salut:
I'm moving this thread to the Intro forum.
Start a new one with your questions in the Discussion forum.
Post some pics too.
First place to look is for the HIN #. Should be located on the starboard side of the transom but might be on the port.
That will give you a good idea of the hull manufacture date.
We don't get many 1990 models due (my guess) to the transition between ownership and change in manufacture sites. Interesting model and anything you can provide is welcome information.
Good luck. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard!
Glad you're here...please post up some pics of your ride <!-- s:thumright: -->:thumright:<!-- s:thumright: -->
Hello everyone! My name is Justin and i am a new member to this site but have been using it for reference as a guest for some time now. Within the next few months i will be the proud owner of a classic 222 with a tower one way or another. I say that because i am torn between the different options i have to chose from.
Let me start by saying i am an avid backwater fisherman and currently running a 18' flats boat, but with a new family (4month old baby girl!) i need something more stable for the rougher days. I live in Punta Gorda, Florida so the boat will mainly be used in Charlotte harbor. My uncle, has a 66 222 with a half tower that he rebuilt himself, his Dad has a 222 (not sure of exact year but its a flatback) that he uses for commercial fishing, and a good family friend with a 67, no tower but t-top.
Now for the questions
A very good friend of mine swears by a modified v whereas obviously everyone in my family swears by the flatback. I was hoping to get some information on the characteristics and differences of the two from unbiased sources (outside my friends and family)
Second i am torn between rebuilding myself or buying one rebuilt. Finding a hull in my area should not be a challenge. If i go with the self rebuild i will be paying a local fiberglass shop to do all the glass work because i have 0 experience with that. Ive gotten a rough estimate from them, i bring in a gutted hull and they do everything from building the live wells and hatches to the outside paint for 11k. Does that sound reasonable? I am more than capable of doing everything other than the glass work. Oddly enough i have added everything up and a rebuild looks to cost quite a bit more than buying one already rebuilt.
I appreciate all input and look foreword to hearing from yall.
Welcome aboard Justin. :salut:
IMHO rebuilding, either yourself or parting it out is more expensive. You do get a little more input (DIY, anything goes; rebuilder, not quite as much) going the costlier route and certainly greater satisfaction (mentally anyway).
Still there's nothing wrong with buying a completed boat. The cost savings (if any) can go toward additional touches to make it your own.
Good luck. :thumleft:
Gonna KISS this one! My name is SR from Atlanta. My brother and I grew up boating in Tavernier Fl on my Grandfathers Aquasport 170. What a great boat and a great time. The reason I joined this site is to locate and purchase this boat if possible. I will have pictures and many questions for members to help me find this boat. Thanks
Admin Edit: Merged into this thread Welcome aboard :salut:
Welcome aboard, SR! :salut:
Where in Tavernier? I've done a ton of fishing out of MM90 ocean side over the last 10 years. We'll find you a boat for sure! Are you looking for a project, turnkey, or something in the middle that might save money but have a problem or two to resolve?
Also, how far are you willing to drive for your boat? (i.e. what search radius?)
We spent most time fishing close to Tavernier creek, both bay and Atlantic. We fished Alligator reef all the North to Harry Harris park. We were young and limited to a small area.
Hello all
I'm Wayne from Long Island. Recently bought a 1981 200 xf with 1990 200.
She's a nice solid boat, only had her out once due to crappy weather but she rides nice.
Welcome aboard Wayne :salut:
hey guys my name is eric, and im from delray beach. just picked up a classic 24' side console aquasport and in the process of doing a rebuild now. check out my progress in my thread, as i plan to take as many pics and keep it as updated as i can. thanks!
Welcome aboard to CSR, Wayne and Eric. :salut: :salut: :salut:
Hello Everyone! I just purchased my first Aquasport, a 1987 170 with a 2001 Johnson 90. I recently discovered you guys before I bought the boat. It's in good shape, floors are solid. This is my first boat purchase as an adult (out of college, not really an adult :pirat: ). I'd like use this boat as-is for a couple summers while learning to glass on some small gel coat cracks here-and-there. Trailer needs some work this weekend. Overall I'm a novice when it comes to boat repairs and maintenance - and of course a beginner with Aquasports! I'm here and eager to learn. I took tons of pictures and successfully uploaded them to my gallery but it seems that it's never "possible to determine the dimensions of the image".
Thanks Fellas!
Straight outta Charleston, SC
Attempt #5…
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Welcome aboard LC. :salut:
That's a very familiar hull model to me. Had a lot of good times with it. The 90 is a nice fit and skinny water is easily done.
Thanks for the pics, oh and....
Persistence pays. :wink:
Hi guys,
Since 99.9% of you don't know me, I"ll do a quick intro. I'm Avish and I'm the CEO of Evolucix ( ( I'm the one who did the entire migration of the forum and gallery, etc. from the old server to the new servers that we at Evolucix host. So if you have any problems, just shoot me a PM! Also, if you're in need of anything hosting related or website design/development related, please let me know! I'd be happy to help.
More personally, I'm actually only 20 years old - most of you guys are much older than me I'm guessing! I'm currently in college, studying at Ohio State, pursuing a major in Biology/Pre-Med and minor in Computer Science.
On the topic of more this forum, I don't own a boat or anything. I live out in north-east Ohio, so can't use a boat that many months out of the year out here.
Anyways, let me know if I can do anything for you guys.
Welcome aboard Avish. Man oh man, to be 20 years old again :wink:
Welcome aboard (again) Avish. :salut:
My youngest son is older than you. :mrgreen:
Welcome aboard Avish!
You have done a terrific, expedient job, and we are very appreciative. It is wonderful to have an IT specialist as member...and don't worry, if there are any questions or concerns you'll be the first to know :lol:
Congrats on your studies at OSU. Great school, great academics, great sports...a real-deal college experience.
Yes, you are one of our younger members. Some us are sorta old, not elderly or geriatric yet, maybe a little chubby though. Guess your dad may be around some of our ages.
Don't worry about a boat. We have plenty of boats, come to any of our towns, we'll take you for a spin :thumright:
Thanks again for a great job, and your membership and participation here :salut:
Hi All
My name is Steve J. I am from the south jersey area. I am new to boating and the owner of a 2004 215 explorer that i bought about a month ago. If i did this right there should be 2 Photos of my new hobby. I have found some good Content in this site already and i look forward to finding more tricks and tips within the site.
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Welcome aboard Steve. :salut:
Great lookin' model. :thumright:
im soo happy to finally be a member of this site , soo from reading countless threads im not as bad off as i originally thought ,seems i am somewhat normal .i caught aquasport flatback fever a year ago . my wife and i purchased what we want to call a investment for our young growing family , we have decided to be a boating family. fishing ,scalloping, snorkeling ,and nice evening boat rides have always been things that we enjoied doing together. we purchased a 1970 222 flatback aquasport a year ago.we bought the boat knowing it had issues like a soft floor and a cracked right stringer .long story short i have been reading up on repairing our investment into a our dream family boat. i have no fiberglass experience myself but have several aquaintances whom work in the field and who are going to walk me through the process thankfully . i have learned there are a few ways to go about rebuilding the boat and lots of different opinions as well. since our plans are for having the boat forever we are going the composite route. currently we are saving cash to buy the materials out of pocket then one day put it all together
Hello Everyone,
My name is Carson, I live in St. Petersburg, Florida. I have been checking out the forums for a few months now and am happy to now be a member. I have a 1986 250 CCP that I plan to rebuild this winter and will need help and advice from you all. I will be posting pictures of my boat and the process in a few months. Hope to talk soon!!
Welcome aboard to both Luke and Carson. :salut: :salut:
Luke, you can place photos(rather than attachments for downloading) in your posts via a third party (like Photo Bucket) or our Photo Gallery. With the latest update, the graphics/fonts/colors have changed slightly but the method is the same.
viewtopic.php?p=503#p503 (
Carson, you picked a great time to start a rebuild of a 250. If per chance you haven't seen this, there is a highly detailed one underway in the Rebuild forum as we type.
viewtopic.php?p=58118#p58118 (
Good luck to you both.
Hi all,
I just joined the Classic site. I have an 87 Osprey 200. and the following is the basic story.
I splashed my boat 1987 20 ft. Osprey the 20th of last month. for the first time since I bought her.
I ran her the 6 miles from the ramp by my house through Biloxi Bay to the city small craft harbor, where I had secured a slip with a parking space in front. That was good luck for me as that slip was just vacated the day before and they're all usually full there. Prime spot.
I took the boat out by myself a few times checking her out over the next week. Since I have only returned to Biloxi since this last January, I am not familiar with the waters post-Katrina. I did live here prior to Katrina, but she changed everything.
I did not go out into the Ms. sound more than a few miles because I was not familiar with the boat and didn't trust her yet. I mostly stayed fairly close to shore and in the channels. Checking the motor,the Garmin-- which I was unfamiliar with and don't particularly like- and everything else.
One day I went about 4 miles out in a short, nasty chop. Very windy here at present. Gulf here is very shallow too. Got a little wet from wind spray only. The boat didn't seem to notice the chop.
Last Thursday a new friend and I went fishing. He was supposed to know the area very well. We headed out to Ship Island, which is about 12 miles offshore. The boat handled beautifully. The 150 Yama purred on .... Mostly clouds and no real hot sun.
We left the Marina at 5:15 AM. We got to the island around 6:15 because we stopped at channel markers and buoys to check for Triple Tails. No luck. We went to a spot my friend said he had fished many times in the past and swore by. After about 30 minutes a pod of Dolphin showed up, so there went any fish. We waited a while and the Dolphin moved on so we fished some more but did not have much luck because the water here is only about 7 salinity due to so much rain last week. Very few shrimp close in . No shrimp, no bait, no fish. Small shrimp in the bait shop $3.50 a dozen. I just won't pay that for shrimp the size of a 3 year old kid's little finger. We fished with frozen Mullet. Caught a couple of lady fish which we used for fresh cut bait. The only hookups were with Sharks. My friend hooked up with a 60-80 pound one, brought it to the boat but it cut loose at the boat we did not have any shark leaders as we weren't fishing for them. All the Sharks we hooked cut the line and so no fish boated. The Solunar calender said poor fishing that day so it was very right.
Around noon we gave up.
We headed back to the Marina and about 4 miles from shore here come all the tournament boats.
This was a million dollar plus Billfish Tournament so all the boats were pretty large. The smallest about 36 ft the largest over 60.
There were 64 boats headed our way making huge wakes and all traveling fast. The channel is only 70-80 ft wide at +/-15 ft depth. and only about 3-4 ft depth outside the channel. The areas outside the channel have a helluva wake wave with just one large, fast boat plowing water ---much less 64 of them!
So the Osprey handled the waves like a champ. Only one barely broke over the bow, it didn't even get the windshield wet.
My friend ran the boat and I tried to take some photos but too much bouncing, so I got blurry ones only. I forgot to switch the camera to sports mode. Actually I was trying not to drop it or get it wet. I couldn't even hold it still long enough to switch modes because of the 4 ft waves coming like a machine gun firing.
So, my opinion of Aquasport has really improved. I always liked the hull configuration and thought they were a lot like Mako. I now think they're a bit better and dryer than Mako. I will beheading back out tomorrow if the salinity improves a bit. Wish me luck.
Welcome aboard Uglystick. :salut:
Hi Guys,
Just recently joined the Aquasport forum. I recently purchased a 1994 Explorer 225. I spent a good deal of time reading up on the Aquasport boats on this site before making the purchase. I have only had it a couple weeks now, but so far love the boat. This is my first boat over 17' so a lot of the features and functions are a bit foreign to me and I will likely have a handful of questions. Looking forward to a summer of good fishing with the family.
Welcome aboard Brian. :salut:
Look something like this?
viewtopic.php?p=37022#p37022 (
This is in my opinion, my 210 with the euro transom (introduced by Aqua in 94).
A very good hull for the size and a dance floor for a cockpit. Move up to the 245/250EX (based on the original 230)and you have more.
Hell the old 230s needed a guide back there.
Post up some picks! :thumright:
Hi all -
I am new to this forum and I am excited to learn from you. I have a 1985 Osprey 170 with an old 1985 Mercury 90 that I am ready to re-power. I am installing a 1998 Johnson 115hp. I am wondering what the prop should be? Any thoughts?
Hey there Forum members!
I just joined classic A/S a few days ago and have been surfing through the forum adjusting to its use and postings. I've owned a '87 22.2 Osprey for ten years now & use the boat in Stuart, Fl offshore and in the ICW to fish and of course take the dogs and girlfriend to the local sand bar to party and people watch. the boat was pretty much a basket case when I picked it up. I rebuilt the transom and pulled the console and replaced the fuel tank, re wired and plumbed and gave it a couple coats of 545 and then topcoats of Flag Blue AwlGrip and new T top and leaning post etc. this boat gets more thumbs up out on the water than any other boat that I've owned and people who know these boats seem to appreciate seeing them restored. I look fwd to posting photos and being an active member and can only hope to contribute and or learn from the rest of y'all. Now all I have to do is figure out how to resize my pictures to fit the pixel requirements here!!
Welcome aboard to Osprey17 and Captholli. :salut: :salut:
Capt. please see the Posting Photos topic pinned in many of the forums. By using the Photo Gallery, sizing is handled automatically.
Using a third party host (Photo Bucket is very popular) you should size your pics on that site to 640 x 480. Pretty standard accross the internet but the Photo Gallery will size larger on its own.
Osprey, I started a new thread on your prop question in the ......Prop forum.
Good luck to you both. :thumleft:
Hello everyone!
Just joined the site and have been looking mostly at the great rebuild projects y'all have undertaken. I don't have a boat right now, but plan to have one by next spring. I am debating between buying a turn key boat and rebuilding an older classic. I really like the looks of the older boats and like the idea of building it exactly how you want it. Plus I like doing stuff myself. On the other hand between career, family, and hunting season don't have a lot of free time. I am inspired and intimidated at the same time looking at the projects here!
Welcome aboard Willie. :salut:
You shoot pool too?
Don't shoot pool as much as I used to. Not as skinny as I used to be either! :lol:
Hello a new member here .I am picking up a 1979 aquasport 222XF this weekend having a hard time finding this model . the boat has been in dry storage for 20 years at a marina here in the chesapeake bay .
i have my work cut out for me but it looks like a great boat to go out in the bay and rivers and fish once i give it the once over . Most models i see have outboards this one has a mercruiser stern drive with a 260 horse 350 chevy . getting a great deal {i hope lol } picking up everything boat and trailer for under 2 grand . the thing i really like about it is the bottom has never been painted .
i am going to spend the next couple weeks buffing ,cleaning,repairing and making sure engine and out drive are good and servicing all systems and bringing boat back to life after a 20 yr rest i have worked at a marina on and off for 20 yrs on top of my regular job
doesnt look beat up. should clean up pretty good.
Welcome aboard chandler - nice looking boat - we don't see too many I/Os.
As Jason said, it looks like it'll be a pretty easy cleanup.
We'll merge this post into the "Introduction" thread soon, so if it disappears, that's where it'll be.
Welcome aboard Chandler. :salut:
It a 1980 model but very similar. ... 80&cat=572 (
thanks guys i really like outboards though but 350 chevys are easy to work on and parts are plentiful my last boat was a 19 ft checkmate with a 200 Yamaha man was that boat fun . going tomorrow to pick this boat up cant wait to get started on it should be a great boat in the Chesapeake
Hello all, lfj344 here to introduce myself. I just picked up a '92 230 explorer and found this site while surfing for info on it. I think its going to be a great boat for me and the family to enjoy. I am really looking forward to getting it in the water this weekend considering its been at the mechanics house for a month now getting the motor up to par but thats all part of owning a boat. It's an all original '92 with the original motor being a 225 Johnson with only about 50 hours and the mechanic verified that the P/O wasn't just saying that to get rid of the boat. Hopefully after he is done I will have a solid strong running boat with the most labor intensive part being a good scrubbing and waxing after sitting since '06. I already have a trip planned to go down the ICW for an overnight trip from Chesapeake Bay to NC and back to break it in.
Cool, another 230 to talk about :D
So it's all original too - check out my refurb of mine here
I already have a trip planned to go down the ICW for an overnight trip from Chesapeake Bay to NC and back to break it in.
You going to run the ditch through the Great Dismal Swamp? That's a pretty cool trip! :thumleft:
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Here is my boat that I just bought for 2K in Sarasota, fl. I got it from the original owners from 1997. They were an older couple who's trees I've trimmed for 10 years. The husband started to lose his sight, so they decided to sell and I happened to be at the right place at the right time. It was kept at a dry slip in a marina for most of it's life. I had to go buy a trailer for it which ran me 750. After replacing bunk brackets, registering trailer and boat, and buying some tires, I am 3200 into the boat all together and I couldn't be happier.
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Welcome aboard! Nice ride for a good price :thumright:
Welcome aboard racin. :salut:
Hello, my name is Austin I recently picked up a soggy 19-1 for FREE!!! Plan on total rebuild from stringers out this fall
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Welcome aboard!! Looks like you and 86 aqua are working on twins! Keep us updated please!
That 191 sure has some nice lines and the way you have her blocked up shows how she'll be sitting in the water when you're done. Welcome aboard Austin.
Hello, my name is Austin I recently picked up a soggy 19-1 for FREE!!! Plan on total rebuild from stringers out this fall
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I know that boat :thumleft: , I need to get with you and take a bunch of measurements. :wink: There is not a lot of info on that hull. I think we need to document it really good before destruction if you don't mind.
Check your PM's
And Lewis, he is in North Port just up the road, but hey you know where that is from me :wink: :alien:
Welcome aboard!
Kevin and I were talking about the 19-1, and seeing this looks like the same prow lines as a flatback :thumright:
Good-looking ride! :cheers:
Welcome aboard Aus. :salut:
Foolin' around in the photo gallery I see. :mrgreen:
Hello all, lfj344 here to introduce myself. I just picked up a '92 230 explorer
Welcome aboard lfj. :salut:
Let's see some pics of that 230. :idea:
Hi I just bought a 94 200 osprey it's a great boat but as they all do, it needs some work. thanks peteL Largo fl.
Welcome aboard peteL. :salut:
Post up a pic or two.
Hi guys and girls, my wife Erin and I sure are not new to boating though we sure are to Aquasport, a center console and outboard motors.. We live in Windham NH and just picked up a very clean 1998 Aquasport 205 CC and then a brand new dual axle trailer. Going to need advise on various i ssues for su re.
Hey how do I know how much oil is left??
Chris G
wow every forum is different with posting pics, struggle. I will figure out.
wow every forum is different with posting pics, struggle. I will figure out.
I'm not sure what you uploaded to your gallery. You can upload 3000+Wide (in other words full size pix) pix to you gallery and it will autosize them to 640x480. You have to copy the right code and then paste it into you post though. Follow the instructions here, mostly pics
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Hey thanks much Rick..
TraderJohn here from Seattle (actually just north in Bellingham, Washington). When I purchased my FF 22-2 (1977) w/175 OMC (Ford), I was told by the seller about this site. He told me, "you can find all kinds of parts, pics, ideas, and resources - those Aquasport guys are d.e.v.o.t.e.d!" I had no idea at the time, but 9 years later, I signed up.
Long and short - I picked up the boat for $5K and a few thousand dollars later in manifolds, and other normal "other deferred maintenance" repairs, ended up with a boat that starts immediately, and cruises the San Juan Islands in the Puget Sound at a smooth 25Kts. I've had it as far north as Esperanza inlet on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and caught hundreds of pounds of Salmon, Halibut, and Dungeness Crab.
I'm going to post some pics if I can figure out how to do it. Sadly, after 9 years, I'm also probably going to sell it (sad but true) because it's time to upgrade to something more than a basic cuddy. If there were a 30' pilot house version of this hull - dual diesel powered, I'd be all over it!
If there are any Aquasport Classic owners in the Seattle/Bellingham vicinity, give me a shout. Strength in numbers!
Welcome aboard to both Chris and Trader John. :salut: :salut:
Hello Aquasport Lovers,
I presently do not own an Aquasport. I am looking to buy a 161 Tournament Cat. If anyone knows about one of these for sale please let me know.
Ed Lucas
Hello everyone, I'm a new guy to your site. I own a 75 19'6 and I love it. I'm also very interested in a helm pad with logo, I just coated my floor with Kiwi-grip but I think it should stick ok. I'm in north fort Myers and keep my boat on pine island. I'll try to add some pics of my boat any feedback would my appreciated!
Welcome aboard fstford302. :salut:
By all means, please post up a few pics. :idea:
Good luck.
Welcome aboard Ed and 302.
Ed the 161 is definitely a limited edition model - they can be found but you have to hunt. You might also keep an eye open for it's big sister, the 230 Cat, another elusive model.
Hello. a couple months ago I acquired a 1995 Osprey 175 with an Evinrude 88spl. it was my dads boat that he gave to me. ive been fixing it up. I had to get a new floor in the bottom section where it was separating and soft around the console and cooler as well as had all the holes and nicks/dings repaired around the hull. ive also added a livewell areator pump, Bennett trim tabs, GARMIN 541s chartplotter with BlueChart g2 Vision, Standard Horizom VHF with Shakespeare 4ft antenna, dual batteries, and fixed a few other small things. right now im trying to get my new leaning post (S&E Customs) installed and get my GFS 10 fuel flow meter installed and wired to the chartplotter. saving up for a DOLPHIN foldable t-top and going to be removing the stickers and painting the top part of the hull black.
will try and get some pics posted up, tho im sure everyone already knows what they look like. lol
got some pics off my phone of when im working on it.
this is right before I tool it to have the new floor put in it. took out the center console, bimini top, cooler seat, and battery.
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the center console with the new trim tab switch installed
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heres with the console reinstalled and the new floor
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dual battery setup and you can see the aerator pump installed on the livewell
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this is my new leaning post. really nice post witht he rod holders and came with a backrest that goes into the holders, also has underseat storage bin. its a little tall and im going to cut it down 2" to make it a little more comfortable to sit on and drive with these relatively low consoles.
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Welcome aboard BMAC. :salut:
Looks like she turned out real nice. :thumleft:
I'm new to the site, I have a 75 19'6 that I purchased in November of 2013. It came a long way in a short time and my family and I love it. I live in North Fort Myers and spend a lot of time in the waters off of Pine Island. I'll do my best to upload photos. My HIN is ASPE1261M75D. Any feedback on the pics is appreciated!
New to the site and so far ive been able to find everything i wanted to know about Aquasport Osprey 200 i plan on purchasing (first boat).
Looking forward to tomorrow when i get to see and test the boat.
If i buy i will post pictures.
My introduction to this great site.
I live in Brooklyn New York and have a summer house in Eastern Suffolk County Long Island and am 65 years old. My parents owned the house since 1948 and I purchased it in 1985 from my Mom before she went into a senior home. I have fished in Long Island my whole life. First with my Dad and brother in a skiff tiller row boat with a 7 1/2 Mercury that we had in the trunk and would go to East Moriches and fish the bays. In 1984 I purchased an 18’ center console StarCraft and fished it until I purchased my 2004 Aquasport Osprey 200 with a 115 Yamaha as a left over new in 2005.
I looked at new boats for a year and decided to purchase the 200 Osprey at the NY boat show in January of 05. To me it seemed like the perfect boat to trailer. Not to big and not to small and could handle most of the water I fish. I was very disappointed since Aquasport decided to stop making that model. Hampton Marine had one that I purchased in 2005. Probably one of the last 200 Osprey’s made. I trailer it and fish all of Suffolk County from the Fire Island inlet to Orient Point all the bays and the Long Island Sound. I love this boat although at times I which I had a little more protection from the elements in spring and fall seasons.
Looking forward to be part of this site along with all of the other Aquasport owners.
Welcome aboard. We would love to see some pics of your Osprey. I'd suggest a spray dodger to help with protection from the elements. You can see a pic of one on a 19-6 in the middle of this old sales catalog: ... c1&cat=554 (
Here is one on 222:
Welcome aboard sir! :salut:
Welcome aboard RnR86. :salut:
Yes, a pic or two is highly recommended.
Hi, I'm Lars Lindqvist. I just bought an Aquasport 170 or 175. I have to admit I'm not sure yet. I live in Sweden.
I used to live in Raleigh North Carolina, and go back to the States once a year.
If anyone can give me some advice I would be very happy. I'm thinking of re-powering the boat. The Evinrude from 1991 runs great, but is a bit
troublesome when idling...
With gas prices at 8 bucks a gallon, fuel economy is more important over here...
Thanks in advance for any advice you guys can give me.
Hi all new member who doesn't even have a aqua boat yet but looking. I live in Charlevoix Mi. And have a friend with an aquasport cuddy. Excellent fishing boat!!! I'm looking for a 20 foot aquasport for fishing Atlantic salmon on Beautiful Torch lake. I need something I can deal with myself or with a friend. I'm not opposed to some work but probably not a total rebuild. Any model or things to beware of would be appreciated. Pretend I know Nothing. Thank you Brian
Brian, welcome aboard! Don't forget...we were all newbies all good, and glad you've joined :thumright:
If your interest is downrigger/side-planer salmon fishing from a nice Aquasport.... the pics are here.
Try the search'll find several examples.
Welcome! :thumright:
Welcome aboard to both Brian and Lars. :salut: :salut:
Hi, I'm Lars Lindqvist. I just bought an Aquasport 170 or 175. I have to admit I'm not sure yet. I live in Sweden. I used to live in Raleigh North Carolina, and go back to the States once a year.
If anyone can give me some advice I would be very happy. I'm thinking of re-powering the boat. The Evinrude from 1991 runs great, but is a bit troublesome when idling...
With gas prices at 8 bucks a gallon, fuel economy is more important over here...
Thanks in advance for any advice you guys can give me.
Lars - welcome to the site and put a post over in the Engines section and describe your motor and what type of idle problem you are having - when cold, warm, all the time, etc. You will find lots of help and advice there! :thumleft:
Hey all,
New member here.... just wanted to say thank you for the invite, and I hope I can become a contributing member of the community.
Been lurking on the site for a few years, and decided to try to get in.
Anyway, I have a rare 1978 190 Xscape DC bowrider. (seems of the xscapes there were not too many made of this particular version, most had the closed bow, and if so, even fewer are still surviving). It has all the typical old AS problems (fuel tank was shot, sole material under the deck is completely gone, etc.) but for 800 bucks, I know I can rebuild it and still come out way ahead of the cost of a new boat. I like the lines, and it rides pretty well... with the 175hp Evinrude its also pretty fast (just drinks gas like no tomorrow).
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Anyway, good to be here, and hope to get some good and helpful info during the rebuild. I may start it this winter, or next. Not sure yet.
Welcome Numlaar! Xscapes came as v-hull and tri-hull - yours should be a v-hull. Does the 190 in the pic below look like your boat? ... 78&cat=513 (
Post some pics!
Welcome aboard Num. :salut:
Yes sir, you're walking in the thin air with your model. Only seen a couple come and go.
If you would be so kind as to post some more photos of her from different spots (for the Forum's reference), it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and....
Good luck. :thumright:
Welcome Numlaar! Xscapes came as v-hull and tri-hull - yours should be a v-hull. Does the 190 in the pic below look like your boat? ... 78&cat=513 (
Post some pics!
Yes its the one in the bottom, but with an Open bow.
Welcome aboard Num. :salut:
Yes sir, you're walking in the thin air with your model. Only seen a couple come and go.
If you would be so kind as to post some more photos of her from different spots (for the Forum's reference), it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and....
Good luck. :thumright:
I added a couple photos to my original post.
Appreciate the warm welcome.
Hi, I'm Lars Lindqvist. I just bought an Aquasport 170 or 175. I have to admit I'm not sure yet. I live in Sweden. I used to live in Raleigh North Carolina, and go back to the States once a year.
If anyone can give me some advice I would be very happy. I'm thinking of re-powering the boat. The Evinrude from 1991 runs great, but is a bit troublesome when idling...
With gas prices at 8 bucks a gallon, fuel economy is more important over here...
Thanks in advance for any advice you guys can give me.
Lars - welcome to the site and put a post over in the Engines section and describe your motor and what type of idle problem you are having - when cold, warm, all the time, etc. You will find lots of help and advice there! :thumleft:
Thanks! I'm very excited over my "new" boat. I'm currently building a winter tent for the boat next to my shed in our backyard. The winters here in Sweden is just a tad bit colder than Florida...
The engine might get sold and replaced by a 115hp Mercury Optimax from 2014 that I have gotten a great fall price on. I will know by Wednesday.
The boat will be rebuilt and my goal is 2015 season. It all depends on what kind of winter we will get... The tent will be finished tomorrow, but if the temps cool off to bad, I will have to wait until the spring for fiber glass and gel coat repairs. This is my second boat restore, and I look forward to having you guys as a support for this one. I love the boat. My brother has a Boston Whaler Montauk from 1984, and that was what I was looking for. When I found this boat, it was like love at first sight. The racing stripes will be removed, starting tomorrow, but first the tent needs to be finished.
Excellent Lars.
When you begin work on her, start a new thread in the forum you feel bests describes your hull model. If you decide to keep your current outboard then follow GF's lead. Either way, keep us up to date.
Try posting a larger pic if you can. You'll find directions for using the Forum's Photo Gallery (as opposed to attaching a file) "pinned" close to or at the top of most forum pages. :idea:
Good luck. :thumleft:
Hello all. After hunting for quite a while I finally pulled the trigger on a 1971 22.2. A real flatback! I'm in Yankeetown Florida, the right area to run this boat. It appears that at one point in the past the deck and stringers have been redone and and on first inspection the transom looks solid. It has the original console mounted fuel tank and in general is rough but solid. I've restored a lot of boats, but never have been as excited as I am about this one. I'm sure I'll have a lot of Aquasport related questions and I'm hoping this is the place to find good answers.
Jack that is a fine looking ride! Welcome aboard!! :salut: :cheers:
Hello all. I'm sure I'll have a lot of Aquasport related questions and I'm hoping this is the place to find good answers.
Welcome aboard JH :salut:
Indeed, this is Flatback Heaven.
Ask away and start a new thread in the "FlatBack forum" when you begin your rebuild.
Pics are required! :mrgreen:
Good luck. :salut:
Hi Jack - welcome aboard :cheers:
As Dave said, she's a looker already - must be those nav lights.
There is at least one knowledgeable member in your town - Capt. Rick - he's a guide that did a bang up job on rebuilding his Aquasport. You might know him. Do a search and find his rebuild.
We have a bunch of FB rebuilds going on right now here - some active, some apparently on hold as life takes over their time. You've done rebuilds, as you said, so you understand.
Welcome, JH! That is a nice looking boat! I'm rebuilding a '67 FB just down the road from you if you have any questions :salut:
Hi all.
Another newbee here.
I found this forum while researching info on my newly aquired Aquasport 176 Family Fisherman.
I just picked up a 79 FF 176 boat and trailer for free. :D No motor.
It needed some TLC but it cleaned up real nice.
Previous owner had started the transom replacement but never finished it.
Other than that it seems like an awesome boat.
I have a Johnson 88SPL that I plan to put in it for now.
I will be back here looking for advice on fiberglassing the transom in.
Very happy with it for free.
Welcome aboard KM - post some pics of her all cleaned up.
Welcome aboard KM. :salut:
By all means, post a few pics.
Good luck. :thumleft:
Thank you for the welcome aboard.
I posted a few pics in the gallery. ... 76&cat=560 (
I discovered this site several days ago while seeking a supplier for new "canvas" for my 1971 Aquasport 19 1, which I acquired in 1974 or 1975 while living in New Orleans.
I used it to run offshore to the rigs for Red fish, kingfish and snapper. In 1979 I brought it to CT and moored it in Long Island Sound and used it for Bluefishing, stripers and flounder. I ran it to Block Island several times as well. The original power, a 120 Chrysler froze in 1982 when I loaned it out to a neophyte who didn't know the hot temp alarm was an alarm. So I bought a 90 HP Merc which is on it still today. In 1997 I moved to Bowling Green, KY where I am today, and use the boat in local lakes for bass and crappy fishing.
My first Aquasport experience was in the early 60's where I worked as a sport fishing guide as a teenager at Rybovich Boatworks and had an early 19 1 powered by 2 Johnson 3 cylinder 35HP engines each with a separate fuel and battery system to "safely" cross the Gulf Stream for snapper fishing, crawfish catching and bonefish poling. It was a preferred boat for bonefish with the casting platform we used for poling clients on the flats.
My recollection was the boats were hot sellers but the business partnership broke up when one factor wanted to expand the product line and the other side didn't. As a result the competitor Mako was born as a clone and a cuddy cabin was introduced in that industry segment. I eventually had to decide to keep being a fish guide/boat captain like my father (Capt. Sammy Collins) or go to college and become a desk jockey. Instead I went to the Merchant Marine Academy and around the age of 26 became a USCG Unlimited (Tonnage, HP, and Ocean) Master. But I never forgot my great experiences with the Aquasport. When I gave up the merchant Ships and came ashore for a job in Nedw Orleans, I ran into a classmate who had this Aquasport he bought new but seldom used it. It had just the pedestal helm stair and a 60 gallon Monel tank under the console and a trailer.
Other than some current instruments (VHF, Fishfinder, compass, portable GPS nav system, etc.) the boat remains basically stock. The railings have been replaced with stainless and the canvas needs to be replaced but it ran last week at 34 MPH at 5000RPM on the Mercury OB at a lake here near Bowling Green, KY where I am mostly retired. Few folks around here know what it is except to describe it as an ocean going boat among the low freeboard bassboatsI keep it on the trailer at my home in the garage.
I will attempt to attach a recent picture.
Richard Collins
Bowling Green, KY
aka amazongreenie
Welcome aboard Richard - interesting story. :salut: We've sure been getting a lot of 191 lately.
Hi Richard from one 19-1 owner to another :cheers:
Welcome aboard Rich. :salut:
Nice intro and as such, I've moved it to the "Intro" topic in the Discussion forum.
By all means, please post up a few pics of your craft.
Introducing myself, been meaning to for a few months but was really busy. I'm brandon I'm in NJ by the "shore". Im 26. Finally got my first boat at the end of the season in August. Been fishing in kayaks for years, sold my hobie and took some money out from my savings and bought an 84 osprey 22-2. didn't use it a TON but I've had some great days on it i can't wait ti get in in the spring again. have to get a few pics for you guys. Its pretty clean. has a bunch of drill holes in the console and generally all over the place for whatever reason. I will be patching it all up in the spring with some help from a friend. It had a fairly new T-top on chair on it that i Love. looks good.. engine wise its powered by a 96 suzuki 140, two stroke. Not a speed demon. does about 25mph @ 4200 rpm. I think i need to change the prop size. but will see. did some work and put two batteries in it and installed a fish finder. Pics to follow shortly.
Hi Brandon, welcome aboard. Tons of members here with the same model.
One question - It had a fairly new T-top on chair on it that i Love.
typo lol. it has a fishmaster t-top and chair
Welcome aboard Brandon. :salut:
Yep, post up a few pics. :idea:
Hello I just recently purchase d a 2003 27.5 explorer. Looking to making minor restorations/repairs. Have a few issues w pumps both raw and freshwater. Still learning the water systems on this boat. Just became aware of this site.
Welcome aboard Rob! :rendeer:
here she is, a little dirty need to clean it just pulled it out a few weeks ago.
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Nice looking boat - seems the transom was closed in a bit.
Welcome aboard :salut:
really? had no idea. transom seems pretty solid on it. overall I'm happy its my first boat. a little wet in the North east, but I'm out so I'm happy
Hello everyone my name is Tony Westfall
I have followed the CA site for several years since purchasing my 281 Osprey CC from Keith Knecht. I have enjoyed the forums....especially the builds you guys post.
I live in the Wilmington, North Carolina area and work in Houston, Texas at the current time. My 281 is powered with 225 Yamaha's on a Stainless Marine 24" bracket with platform. I also own a 153 Scout CC with a Honda BF40 four stroke that due to the cost of fuel gets more use now days than the Osprey.
thanks Rick for the welcome, I look forward to conversing with you guys in the future.
Hi everyone!
I ran across this site a few days ago when my father and I were researching about AS boats. We just bought a 1974 170 powered with a 90 Mariner and trailer for probably just the price of the trailer :D We fell in love with the deck layout and with some elbow grease we will have a pretty nice fishing machine. The trailer is sweet and motor runs great. So far we are looking to replace some of the original hardware that is missing off the boat such as the bow rail and upgrade to a cooler seat. Only downfall we have found so far is we have a water leak somewhere. We have started to recaulk some of the fixtures and will take a closer look at the hull to see if we missed something. We love to fish Ponce inlet in New Smyrna Beach Fl and also like to shrimp in Edgewater FL.
Hi Christy,
Welcome, I grew up in Ormond, fishing out of Ponce but now fish out of Matanzas further north. So you guys nose up on Disappearing island I'm sure from time time. I love fishing Eldora and into the lagoon, just don't get down there like I used to. We're here to help with whatever you need.
Hmmmm...shrimping...Oak Hill?
Welcome aboard Christy. :salut:
Happy New Year :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Hi all, just joined the site to start to learn about the AS 170's. I have been looking at these boats for some time as I really like the layout, size and the ability to do numerous things from them, fishing, crabbing, tubing and hopefully some skiing with my young son. I recently purchased a 1976 170 as a "project". It seems to have the "typical" systems described in many threads, crack on the transom, old fuel tank and some oxidized gel coat. I paid $1500 for it, maybe that's good, maybe bad. Time will tell.....
In any case I hope to get into it in the next couple of weeks with ripping out console and fuel tank. Then the transom which scares me as I have never worked with glass before. I'm handy and own a larger boat that I do all my own maintenance on so I am sure I can figure it out.
I'm sure I will have lots of questions.
Baltimore, MD - Chesapeake Bay
Welcome aboard Mike - the 170 seems to have been the largest selling model based on how many 170 members we have here. It is a great model.
We're here to help with whatever questions you have.
Welcome aboard Mike.(
When you get started, be sure to document your rebuild in the 170/175 forum and include lots of pics. ;D
Good luck.
Hmmmm...shrimping...Oak Hill?
Have you been? Once they start running its pretty fun to catch them. Edgewater near lopez is usually where we go. Havent been out yet this season. Over the weekend we had a few gents reporting 3 gallon pulls in 2hrs. Mostly 3-5inches in size.
Hello all,
I'm Aaron from Edgewater Florida. Today, I purchased a 1986 22 ft Aquasport dual console with a T-Top added and a 200hp Johnson. Boat seems solid except for the fuel tank hatch/cover and the port stringer seems to have separated a bit from the hull....Dropping it of tomorrow for an estimate to repair it, clean it, sand and paint....I stopped by here yesterday to see if i could find any info about Aquasports and this boat in particular.....ended up buying the boat on the advice of my fiberglass guy and the cheap price, lol...he seemed to like it but not sure if liked the guaranteed work better :smiley_confused1:.... Ill post some pics asap and see if u guys can tell me anything about the model I bought....Im not even sure what model it is....The HIN reads ASPNXXXXX86.
Any recommendation on what color, besides white, you guys think would look good?
Welcome aboard Aaron :welcome:
You have a Sandpiper.
It's a 22-2 CCP hull with the dual console/bow rider/walk-thru cap. You'll enjoy the ride of the hull. While we don't see a lot of Sandpipers here, we do have a gaggle of CCPs so there's plenty of information available.
Here's a start.
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Thx Bob, that is it....sure as heck doesn't look that good anymore but hopefully soon it will look better....
Hi everybody my name is Mason, I currently live in Mooresville NC aka race city(lake Norman area). Last summer I picked up my 1965 aquasport 222! Love this boat! And I am in the process of bringing it back to its former glory! Im looking to learn the history and possible rarity of this boat before I go any further into restoring. ( (
Welcome and great looking boat!
Welcome aboard and ditto what Aaron said.
We have lots to look through in the Gallery - here is an article from 1966
I just joined and I guess this is where to start. I have a 1978 222 I/O w/cuddy cabin.I want to do a complete do over from the stringers up into a fishin' boat of sorts.Really like to see what is under everything before I fire up the sawzall.If someone has done this I sure would appreciate it.Lot's of 222 flatbacks...but can't find a 222 I/O w/cuddy that has been converted to an open fisherman? Thanx! CW
Welocme aboard CW..
Try looking in the Family fisherman rebuild sections. The I/O stringer system was the same as the normal stringer system best I can recall.
Thanx for that..I will check it out
Thanks for allowing me to join this site! I have an extremely modified 1977 222FB. I'm almost embarrassed to post pics because I wish it hadn't been modified like it has but I'm considering redoing it. I just recently put a bit of money and time just making it safe to use. I fished mullet season this year with it which is what it was modified for and am currently fishing commercially part time for ladyfish with it.
Welcome aboard Jeremy :salut:
By all means post a few pics and don't sweat to mods. You won't be the first to use an Aqua to make a living.
(scroll to top of page)
Not a FB but still.....
One thing, I don't believe your FB is a 1977. 1971 maybe :017:
Thanks Capt. Bob! I need to take some pics of it now that it's been shored up and painted so I will post as soon as I get them, probably this weekend. Where would be the best place to start a thread. I can post the before's and afters but it wasn't really a rebuild. As far as the year goes, 1977 is what is on the registration so I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't correct. It has the windows on the bottom if that helps determine the year.
Capt. Bob is good but he's slow :aom:
If you're going to show before and afters I would go ahead and start a thread in the rebuilds forum. We like to keep them together for the data anyway. BTW, FBs were made until '71 so maybe they had a problem with the title?
Looking forward to seeing the pix.
Hello all. Just picked up a 1970 22-2 flatback. Floor and transom are solid still so I think for the time being, I'm thinking im just gonna to topside cosmetics. Grind out gel coat cracks, fill the 1000's of holes that have been drilled over the years, redesign the console, and paint of some sort. Ill start a post in the 22-2 flatback section once I start tearing into her, which will probably be tomorrow. lol
From the research I've done, this site is by far the best. I'm glad to know if I have any questions along the way, there is plenty of knowledge here to guide me along in the right direction!
Welcome aboard!!
You have the first Aquasport....and one of the best.
Any questions, problems, dilemmas...they have all been addressed before. All good, ask away....and post up some pics.
Thanks for joining!
Welcome aboard WP. :salut:
As always, pic are welcomed. :victory01:
Hello to all,
My name is Nick Winger. I'm located in the Tampa area and am in the process of a total restore on a 68 222 flatback. I stumbled upon this awesome site while looking for fairing/painting info. I started the project back in my guiding days and never had time to finish. I love the classic hulls around the Tampa and Boca Grande area and can't wait to finally finish and be stalking tarpon, permit, and cobia out of my customized ride that I've built with my own hands!
Rather than stringers I went with a grid to fit and support my tower. I'm almost finished back to the transom and 100% appreciate and look forward to everyone's knowledge, experience, and opinions on my future questions.
Thank you all in advance for this awesome site!!
Welcome aboard CW. :salut:
You join a long list of FB owners here. I would suggest you begin a new thread in the Flatback
rebuild section and update your progress.
Good luck.
:welcome01: Nick,
Take a few minutes to read the short instructions in this link
You don't want attach pics, much easier for everyone to see if you follow these easy instructions.
Hello, I am Warren Tamargo and I have been trying to get back on this site for some time now. Forgot all my original info and was just lucky enough to get in with the new format. I am the original owner of a 1987-6 I/O (175 Marina) which I have kept in a garage all these years as I used it. She looks as new as the day I bought Her. Engine runs great. Evan the original I axel trailer with all rollers is pristine. I use it up here in Tn. in freshwater lakes. Locals get a kick out of my "Big Ocean Boat" but it sure tames the rough waters when it's windy. Any way just wanted to come aboard.
Welcome back Warren :great02:
Spend a couple minutes looking at this thread and post up some pix of the boat
Hello all! I am new here. My name is Adam , I live in Morehead city ,NC. I have a 1990 Aquasport. I think it is a 222CCP but not certain could be a 22-2 CCP ?? I bought this boat about 6 months ago, love the ride ,preparing for a repower. Hoping to be done by spring.
:welcome01: aboard Adam. :salut2:
Welcome aboard Adam. :salut:
1990 was a transition year. Aquasport had gone into bankruptcy, was purchased by an individual and then sold to Genmar. Your hull was most likely the last of the Hialeah produced hulls but may have had final completion elsewhere. It makes an interesting talking point at the very least. Pics would be greatly appreciated.
It would be a 222 CCP.
The 22-2 designation hadn't been used for some time.
Good luck.
Thanks for the info! I don't really know anything about these boats besides that I like the hull design and I was really surprised at how well it handled in the water. A friend of mine has a Seaswirl and that thing is like a barge compared to my Aquasport lol. I did post som pics in the gallery. Have not figured out how to add them to my posts yet.
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Nice lookin' CCP
Try this. You have the hard part done. It's easy once you get it in the Gallery.
Good luck.
I did post som pics in the gallery. Have not figured out how to add them to my posts yet.
If you are using a laptop of PC the instructions in the link I posted should walk you through.
If you're using a tablet or phone it is a little tougher but the gallery is the same on all devices. It's how you copy and paste on the mobile that is different. We can help you either way.
Also, post in this thread with all the CCP owners
Good afternoon everyone, my name is Stephen. Recently I have purchased an '87 mid V 222. Just starting the restoration process. I'm glad I found this site and have not yet to begin to research all the info I need. Mainly, I want to redo my deck and stringers. I have had a hard time finding specs on any older aqua models and I'm sure all the information is on this site. To begin my project, I have replaced the original gas tank, new lines, enclosed the transom and re powered. Of anyone has the information or who to contact about pre-fab stringers for this model, it would be much appreciated. There is a company out there that I have been informed about that prefabricates stringers for this model, I'm just not sure who it is. Below is a pic of my beloved triple deuce. She has a few soft spots in the deck, but she's pretty sound overall. Went with raymarine electronics and have been thrilled. A78 with cp100 and cp200 transducers work wonderfully !
:welcome01: Stephen, you'll find everything you're looking for here. Start in the Gallery for specs.
Found this site when looking for aquasport diagrams.
Welcome aboard Aaron :a0003:
We've held a couple gatherings in your backyard at Pine Island/beer can island right outside the power plant. :tu4:
Welcome aboard Aaron. :salut:
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Hello all new to the site my name is Ian. I have been looking around the site and it is a great place. I have found a lot of good post on here. Thanks for letting be come aboard. Pics of my boat will come as soon as I get back from work.
Welcome aboard Ian. :a0003:
We have a ton of info from 10 years of being here. If you have any questions we're here to help.
Welcome aboard CI :salut:
Interesting story for sure (next to last post everyone).;topicseen#new
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I am the new owner of an 01 Osprey 250 Tournament Edition with twin Evinrude 150s. Needs a couple of minor things fixed, a little rebedding to slow some moisture, but the surveyor says she's in above average condition. Can't wait to wet a line off her on the Chesapeake!
Welcome aboard TY. :salut:
Look similar to this?
:welcome01: aboard TY :13:
The 250 Osprey is a nice big boat and around that year model Genmar combined some of the features like the higher freeboard that the older models had (the freeboard is below knee high on my 170 anywhere on the boat) but you still have the casting deck. A good offshore boat. I think you'll enjoy her. Post up some pix when you get a chance.
Welcome aboard TY. :salut:
Look similar to this?
Almost Cap, but that one is awful clean
:welcome01: aboard TY :13:
The 250 Osprey is a nice big boat and around that year model Genmar combined some of the features like the higher freeboard that the older models had (the freeboard is below knee high on my 170 anywhere on the boat) but you still have the casting deck. A good offshore boat. I think you'll enjoy her. Post up some pix when you get a chance.
I will Rick. I'm planning on taking her out of Oregon Inlet offshore once I get everything buttoned up. I'll post up how it goes. My SIL was head of Dealer Finance for Wellcraft/Genmar around the time this boat was built and I've liked this style when I saw it then.
Good afternoon AS'ers :)
I love in Tampa Florida and am looking to upgrade our family 14' John Boat with a 9.9 Mariner to a more suitable boat for us to cruise and fish! Family of four, 1 boy at 15 and 1 girl at 12. :)
I ran across this forum from The Hull Truth page and I joined to do my due diligence in research before purchasing a boat. I am sold on the Aquasport and am looking now to purchase.
As of now, I want to look at the 196, 200 or 222 boat.
So thank you and I look forward to posting pictures of a newly acquired AS if I get one!
Welcome aboard, Christopher! I had a 200, now have a 205, and am rebuilding a 22-2. Obviously I'm a little biased, but I don't think can go wrong with an AS. Plenty of knowledgeable folks on this site to help answer any questions you may have. Good luck with your search!
:welcome01: aboard Christopher.
Here is boat I found on eBay, worth looking at right across the bridge (no affiliation)
Welcome aboard Christopher :salut:
The best part is the hunt.
Good luck.
Thank you Rick, Bob, and Craig! I appreciate the welcome. :) I actually have the boat on Ebay on my list from Craigslist.
There are a few on Craigslist I saw that I am interested. I do like the 222's no matter the year from what I have seen on the forum and online. I ran across a 1994 200 in Tampa that seems like a great deal with a Yamaha. I have talked with the wife and we think the 175 is good, but would rather have a 196, 200 or 222 for family fishing inshore and offshore (only with another boat for safety). We would regularly have 3-5 people fishing when we go out. Sticking with the center console due to flats fishing and bringing in big black drum for our local tournament. One question I think I might have answers on this forum already is this: Did all year AS have fiberglass stringers or is that a new thing since a certain year? Also what are of forum would I post my final 3-5 boats I am looking at to get others opinions on best value?
Thanks a ton and LOVING all the information here!
If I attached the picture correctly, this is what I am trying to upgrade from :)
Did all year AS have fiberglass stringers or is that a new thing since a certain year?
Started and ended with fiberglass stringers filled with foam although a couple of rebuilds of very early models have found some wood present on the insides of the stringer. Rare.
Also what are of forum would I post my final 3-5 boats I am looking at to get others opinions on best value?
Aquasport Discussions would be fine.
Picked up a 1972 19.6, last year and love it but there are things about it that I just don't know. Looking forward to finding some answers on this site.
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Start here for some light reading.
Good luck. :thumright:
:welcome01: aboard TY :13:
The 250 Osprey is a nice big boat and around that year model Genmar combined some of the features like the higher freeboard that the older models had (the freeboard is below knee high on my 170 anywhere on the boat) but you still have the casting deck. A good offshore boat. I think you'll enjoy her. Post up some pix when you get a chance.
I will Rick. I'm planning on taking her out of Oregon Inlet offshore once I get everything buttoned up. I'll post up how it goes. My SIL was head of Dealer Finance for Wellcraft/Genmar around the time this boat was built and I've liked this style when I saw it then.
I don't know where you live, but make sure Oregon Inlet is open before you come. I would hate for you to travel, and find her closed.
My name is Chuck, I was given an 1987 Aquasport 170 by a friend. The boat has been sitting up for the last 6 years. It looks like there is a lot of life left in it so I am going to attempt to bring it back to life. I am in search of a lower unit for a 90 Yamaha for starters. A wealth of knowledge on this site to help me along..... Thanks for all of the great info found here. Please let me know if you guys know of any areas to warn me about on this model boat... Thanks again!
Welcome aboard Chuck. :salut:
Be especially careful of the bow, the stern and that part (I can never remember what it's called) in the middle. :mrgreen:
Post some pics when you get a chance. :idea:
Good luck. :thumright:
EDIT: I started a new thread for your lower unit search here:;topicseen#new
more of re-introduction, I have not posted in a while. About 7 years ago I rebuilt a flatback, it was a lot of fun. My business is composites, and I know a thing or two about boat building and design - so I hope to be a help to members here.
Well well,
So rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated. :mrgreen:
Welcome back Joel. :salut:
Here's the old thread and I added the video at the end.
My name is Will, and I have been lurking here since Christmas.
A friend, or maybe enemy, not sure yet, offered me what appears to be a great deal on a '99 215 Explorer with a 200 hp Johnson, and dual axle trailer.
I need to clean it up, and do some basic maintenance before I put her overboard. I have just been waiting for the weather to warm up.
This is a great resource for these boats, and I am glad to have stumbled onto it.
Welcome aboard Will. :welcome01:
Welcome aboard Will :salut:
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You'll enjoy the 215. Post up a few pics in a "restore thread"
Good luck. :thumright:
more of re-introduction, I have not posted in a while. About 7 years ago I rebuilt a flatback, it was a lot of fun. My business is composites, and I know a thing or two about boat building and design - so I hope to be a help to members here.
Welcome back Joel :93:
We can always use a guy with your expertise around here, so please don't be shy. I just sent you an email.
Well well,
So rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated. :mrgreen:
Welcome back Joel. :salut:
Here's the old thread and I added the video at the end.
Haha! Thanks for the link to the old thread, brings back some memories
My name is Andy I live in Northern Ct I have just purchased a 2004 Osprey 19 Center Console and am trying to find a floor plan or the layout I found this forum on the web and I will post pictures as soon as I bring it home....Thank you....
:welcome01: Andy. Here is a link to a '04 catalog
Welcome aboard Andy. :salut:
I believe catalog pages 28 and 29 are your model.
Good luck.
New to the site..Live on the Treasure Coast of Florida (Stuart/Palm City), Owned small Bass Boats, Kayaks and Dingy but now after 20 years of waiting just bought a 95 Osprey Center Console 23ft. Love, and will always be backwater fishing... but finally get to fish the ocean one MY OWN boat! It still at the sellers dock, have her towed to the ramp this week and going to prep her for a brand New Honda or Suzuki. My first "big boat".lol My wife and I are very excited to share this with family and friends! I hope I made a good choice-I got a great deal on the boat. Here are some pics I took yesterday when I bought it..Need some tLc, but has lots of perks to it, outriggers, fresh water wash down, stereo, live well built in, T-Top, T-Top spray windshield, brand new custom storage cover, new bow cushions and a box of electronics that go on the dash. Can't wait to get her home this week. :cheering2:
Welcome aboard DC. :salut:
Spec sheet from the 95 catalog:
Good luck. :thumright:
Tyler from West TN here. Got a 1972 Aquasport and I dont know what model it is. Will post pictures and serial plate
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Got some color matching motor paint coming on the way. Got a little tipsy the first day I had it and allowed my cousin to talk me into painting it volunteer orange lmao
I got it with a 1990 140hp johnson and a trailor with new rims and tires from a family friend in IRS trouble for $700. Got it out this weekend. Fired right up and ran amazing for a motor that had been sitting for three years. I cant get the lights to come on or the horn to work. First time boat owner.
:welcome01: Tyler.
What you have purchased is an Osprey. On the outside of the transom there could be a Hull ID stamped into the gelcoat. That's the first year they required HIN, so that is why I said "could".
I edited the links you posted - you were real close. Anyway, when using photobucket when you click on a pic and it appears, to the right you'll see a area that says "Share Links" and right below that you see IMG and a box to the right of it. Click in that box and it copies the correct code to your device memory so all you need to do is paste it into your post.
Came up with C54100ASP72
Which must be a manufacturer serial number because its not any HIN format
Do you know the official name of the green color on these boats. Looking to paint it properly and have my father in law working on some Decals for the sides
Welcome aboard Tyler. :salut:
I'd say that's a 170.
Great site! I am a charter captain looking to rebuild a 1982-222 into a tower boat. So looking for knowledge and ideas from fellow enthusiast. Thanks.
Hello everyone! I'm Logan, I'm from south central Florida. I've been lurking as a guest for a few months now and decided to take the leap into membership. Last year I purchased a 1970 24' proline that was redone in 2003 with hopes of one day soon having it redone again to my specifications. I Love the idea of restoring classic boats and I love this site so far. I am excited to be a part of what appears to be a great community.
:welcome01: Randy and Logan. We certainly have plenty of rebuilds here to satisfy your rebuild appetite (Logan I see it didn't take you long to find the "Other Classic Rebuilds" forum for some Proline rebuilds) and lots of helpful members hanging around to answer your questions.
Haha yea didn't take me long to dive in head first! I'm infatuated with these old boats and their rebuilds. Thanks for the welcoming Rick!
Welcome aboard to you both. :salut:
Just Purchased my first boat. Shes a 1986 222 osprey. Found in not too far from here in MD. Very excited for this upcoming Striper season. Glad I found this forum. Shes a solid hull with a few soft spots in the floor which I hope to limp by for a while with some epoxy injection.
:welcome01: NF :salut2:
I see you found the recent topic about the injection. :coolth:
Congrats on the purchase - she looks to be in good shape. 8)
Thank you for having me everyone. I'm just starting a 222 flat back rebuild now and wanted to see the projects you've done in the past.
Welcome Joshua :salut:
We have plenty of info for you to delve into.
Hello all, new here.
I recently got this hull, but no documents or identifying features. I am hoping to overhaul it into something nice, but probably wont start that project until the fall.
I am not sure if this is a 22.2 flat back, or proline 24, or something totally different. Any guesses?
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Welcome aboard :salut2:
I guess the fastest way to rule out one of the models is with a tape measure. AS didn't make a 24 footer.
Just uploaded a couple pics taken after unwrapping this past weekend.
Admin Assist: You did the hard part - getting them up into the gallery.
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Welcome Scott :salut2:
Do you have more pics of the inside and especially the bottom of the hull at the transom so we can see the special hull design of the 191?
Welcome aboard :salut2:
I guess the fastest way to rule out one of the models is with a tape measure. AS didn't make a 24 footer.
So I actually got over to the boat today, and did just that. She measures 24'. One of the things that was throwing me off was that I thought the Pro-Line's had running strakes or chines, which this does not.
Spend some time browsing through the rebuilds in this forum
See if you see the same lines on the 24 Proline.
Hello my Name is David and I own Vantage Point Graphics.
We are a custom graphics shop specializing in boat decals.
I found this forum while looking for a logo for a customer. Always good to see good forums where people share information. I have found many solutions to challenges by people willing to share how they resolved something, so Thank You.
For what its worth a good friend of mine used to have an Aquasport Osprey and we had some fun fishing trips in the Tampa Bay.
:s_hi: , I'm from Italy Otello . I recently bought a 222 cc with a new suzuky 175 4t
:welcome01: David and Otello. :salut2:
Hope you enjoy the site and if you have any questions we're here to help you.
the name's Tyson.
I had 2 gheenoes (classic & 13 nmz) But I just sold them because a family friend is going through a divorce and offered me his aquasport 170 With a 4stroke 115 Yamaha on it.
going to check it out this weekend down in west palm beach. More than likely I'll be picking it up and brining it up to land o lakes with me.
I'm always down to meet people from the area to fish as I'm still trying to land my first redfish since moving up here last year from west Palm beach.
Welcome aboard to Dave, Otello and Tyson :salut: :salut: :salut:
Well hello everybody!! :s_hi:
Just picked up my new sled - 2003 Explorer 225 - Tournament Edition and I'm now ready to dive into all the "little" projects that come with buying a "new" used boat. You know what I'm talking about - depth sounder working intermittently, live well and fish well pump not working, compounding and waxing the beast, replacing the courtesy lights with LEDs, installing a drain plug LED etc, etc, etc.
Just wanted to give you all fair warning – I ask a lot of questions and some of them are stupid!
Welcome aboard Richard. :salut:
Feel free to ask away. What you may feel is a stupid question is really more information for me and the Forum. Your hull is mine, 12 years later.
Here's a little reading to get you started.
And some specs of your hull.
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Good luck on your new craft. :thumright:
Welcome Tyson and Richard.
Richard - nice looking rig. I really like my 230 Explorer.
Tyson, check out how low she sits in the water with that 4S on her. Go to the back of the boat like you're fighting a fish and see if it starts letting water in the scuppers. A 4S is usually 100+ more pounds than a 2S equivalent.
What year is the 175?
Welcome Tyson and Richard.
Richard - nice looking rig. I really like my 230 Explorer.
Tyson, check out how low she sits in the water with that 4S on her. Go to the back of the boat like you're fighting a fish and see if it starts letting water in the scuppers. A 4S is usually 100+ more pounds than a 2S equivalent.
What year is the 175?
It's a 170 but not sure on the year yet. It doesome not have the recessed parts for the aft cleats. And it does have the 3 hatch casting deck.
more information and photos will come this weekend.
I guess I did see that it was a 170 - sorry. The 170 was made up to about '90 and then it became the 175 and didn't grow an inch :roll:
All of them had 3 hatches up front except the very early ones like my '71 and '72, which had one hatch. I think some of the newer models went back to one big hatch up front.
In '72 they started notching the rear cleat into the liner at the transom. My '71 is not notched. Seems like the 70/71/72 were the first years and the transition years for the 170 liner.
Check the outside of the transom, port or starboard side for a HIN stamped into the gelcoat. The last two digits are the year.
Welcome aboard.
OK, signing up and waiting for all the bs to load here...
Here I am!
I'm Sudsy and I own a 1997 Aquasport 225 Explorer that I bought new. I am retired now and the boat is 17 years old. So don't talk to me about Estate Planning! Just kidding, but really don't.
This year I am replacing the autopilot and depth finder (with complications).
I have always used Lowrance electronics even before this boat. My sportfisher had a Lowrance sounder and even a LORAN plotter (my spellchecker didn't like that one) by Lowrance. Global Map 2000 maybe?
Anyhoo I just installed a Lowrance HDS7 touch and a Lowrance Hydraulic Pack Autopilot. The boat has had an Autopilot since new when I installed a now non supported Navico (same Co as Lowrance) PH 500 Power Pilot. It worked well for 17 years. The new equipment that I just installed will not work together because the software has not been released! Yep.
E Nuff for now. I will try to find some pics of the "Overnite Sensation".
Well I guess I need to figure out how to resize pictures.
Welcome Sudsy :s_hi:
Each member automatically gets their own photo gallery here and if you follow the instructions in this thread you will have no problems posting pics in your topics.
If you're just attaching them then there is a size limit - use the gallery, it auto sizes the pics for you.
Welcome aboard Sudsy. :salut:
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Welcome aboard Sudsy. :salut:
Yep, That's my boat. I just posted some recent pictures to the gallery. I think?
I don't see them. Try again when you get a chance.
Hey Guys,
Thanks for adding me into the group. I have used this forum for information in the past and decided its time for me to join in. I own a 1977 Aquasport 246 FF and taking out down here on the gulf off the Alabama cost. This hull is like a knife through butter. Couldn't ask for a smoother boat! but it's old and there are virtually no guides on it so repairs can be a nightmare. Right now I am wrestling with getting it started after it sat for 3 months...
Welcome aboard JB. :salut:
Something like this?
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Post up a few pics.
Hey Capt. Bob. very similar but has the I/O so sealed back and a custom made fiberglass hard top... I bought it from the original owner and he loved this boat more than anything else haha.. I have some pics up in my classified add, unfortunately life gets in the way of passion
I've been lurking, now I'm working. Finally got an old '73 19-6 to work on!! There is so much good information here I could read for months. Im happy to be a part of group. Thanks.
:welcome01: aboard Mac.
Welcome aboard Mc. :salut:
Post up some pics as you go along.
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My 170 originally had the flip backrest on the helm seat but the backrest was missing when I got her. It did have the guides for the backrest on the sides of seat though - can't begin to remember how many times I banged my shins on them as I tried to squeeze by the seat. The seat was too wide for a 170 IMO. I removed them and made my shins much happier.
I have the seat bottom, top and the metal guides still. I don't think I will be re-using them on the rebuild unless a sudden drying of the money supply happens.
Hello Everyone! I am the original owner of a 20 foot osprey with a 150 HP. The first few years I used the boat frequently but for many years it was sitting on the trailer on the side of my house, started only once every month or so. I recently preformed some routine maintenance on it (water pump, fuel lines, etc) whether they were needed or not as I thought if I don't use it, I might consider selling it. Of course once you do the work and start thinking about it, your mind starts to change. I have caught everything from Sailfish, Tuna and Dolphin offshore and Tarpon and Snook in the bays. My friends have some serious fishing vessels, (SEEVEE's etc) and it seems I'm fishing with them more and more. I'm a former divemaster (in my youth) and was hoping to start diving again in the keys as my health is much better, so I'm here now and hoping to get new ideas for my boat in hopes of using it more...I live in the North Miami Florida area.
:welcome01: Ocean :salut2:
Welcome aboard OH1. :salut:
What year is your Osprey and a pic?
well I am stoked to be here. have been looking for a cobia killer that will work in the shallows in the obx. followed a few builds on the hull truth and figured time to get to the source.
now I need to find some kind of break down to the specs year to year, which one will work best for me and my plans.
I am looking for space for the kids on the bow, cobia or half tower and some type of jack plate or porta bracket. pretty savy with glass so let the good times roll.
:welcome01: Obx :a0003:
Start in the Gallery for catalogs on all the models from the beginning to the end of production.
hi guys.... about a year ago i inherited a 2000 17.5 osprey with a 2008 90 vtec on the back from my father in law who passed away. its getting time to start doing some mods to it like adding a trolling motor and possibly a power pole. I'm in south louisiana and fish mostly marsh and small bays for trout and reds..... looking forward to grabbing some info of the site to help with the projects. sorry i just realized i didn't have any pics in my phone and the boat is at the duck camp right now....
:welcome01: aboard CT :a0003:
A '00 model should still be pretty fresh and not need much in the way of rebuilding (as long as it was taken care of). A trolling motor should be an easy install, the biggest thing will be finding room for 2 more batteries (you'll need a 24v TM) and how to route the battery cables.
Post up some pics when you get them (hold your phone like a camera (horizontal) or the pics will all be rotated).
Here is another new member seeking the same info - maybe you guys can compare notes on what you find?;topicseen#new
My name is Edward and I am the proud owner of a 1970 Aquasport 222 FB. I know I have a lot of hard work and creativity ahead but I am so freakin excited about what this boat is going to become. I have never rebuilt a boat nor do I claim to know exactly what I need to do, but I am an aircraft mechanic and I'm ready for the challenge. I primarily fish Apalachicola, Steinhatchee/Keaton but have recently ventured down to the Sarasota area where I caught the Aquasport bug. I currently operate a 2007 Carolina Skiff 198 DLV with a 115 Etec. It's a great boat but I've outgrown it. Not enough useful load and difficult to operate in the bays I have to navigate. Quite frankly, I'm sick of getting wet lol. Now I have the boat I've needed for so long. I am going to be reaching out A LOT for wisdom and guidance in building the perfect boat. I know there's a lot of wisdom to be had on the forum and I'm a good student. Will post pics of my project hull shortly in the FB section. Let's do this!!
:welcome01: aboard Edward :salut2:
We're ready to help you through whatever and wherever it takes you.
Hey everyone,
I'm new to the site and I'm going to pick up my new to me ride tomorrow. A 1996 aquasport 215 explorer.
:welcome01: fnf :a0003:
Hi Everyone,
I just joined this site and excited to be part of this community. Here's my story: I was recently at an estate auction in SC looking to bid on an old car. Didn't come home with the car, but with a boat instead. Nobody was bidding on it, so I jumped in at $500 (thinking the trailer alone is worth more than that) and won it. Once I got the boat home and cleaned it up, I realized it is a really nice boat and worth doing a full restoration on. So over the next year or so, I plan on gutting this thing and bringing her back to life. I tracked down the HIN (SCZF3301C368) from the SC Dept. of Natural Resources since the transom plate was missing. Based on that, I'm assuming it is a 1968 flat back. I knew nothing about this boat when I purchased it, so I was very surprised to see there is such a following for these boats. I may be leaning on a lot of you guys for advice on stringer design, materials, etc, So thank you in advance!
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Welcome to the site! You got a GREAT deal there! We'll be happy to help you spend your money on the restore!
Well, I go away for a few days and everyone decides to join. :13:
So.... a big "Welcome Aboard" :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut:
Good luck to everyone. :thumright:
Greetings! It's great to be associated with the resources offered by all here. I am relatively new to boating. Though, I've done a lot of sailing during the last quarter of last century (that sounds old!), I purchased my first power boat only last year. My boat is a 1998 Osprey 205 as shown below with the factory OMC 150 hp. So far, I've had to do little to her other than clean her, tend to some electrical issues, replace some relatively minor engine components. I live in Maine, so the boating season is really short! I've been trying to get out a little more often this year with the family and I hope to keep that going. So far, I've used the boat primarily for cruising this portion of the Atlantic coast and also taking the kids skiing, tubing, & wake boarding in freshwater lakes. I plan on fishing with my father in law tomorrow. Probably just mackerel, but maybe some stripers as well...we'll see. Anyway, with a boat and motor of this age (to some it's probably 'new'), I'm certain I will be plumbing the depths of know how from you veterans.
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As you can see from this photo, the boat was a tender to (i.e., T/T) an 80' Hatteras named 'Perfect Timing'. I've removed those decals (though the adhesive remnants remain - and ideas on how to remove it?)
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Welcome aboard GB :a0003:
Boat seems to be in good shape. :great02:
For the adhesive any good adhesive remover should get it off. You can go to an automotive paint place and buy the smallest container they sell of adhesive remover (I think I bought a qt) and it'll get it right off and the remainder will probably last you the rest of your life.
Thank you, Rick. I will try that.
So far, the most noticeable improvement I made was the installation of a new throttle cam roller. It cost only $7 (which is high given what it really is), but it corrected the timing relative to throttle position and gave me about another 8 mph at the top end. Probably improved fuel usage too. Everything else just fixed completely broken stuff (bilge pump, switches, lights, wires, etc.)
Here are a couple of pics now I have it in the water. I'm very happy with the way this boat rides.
Nice big boat - should ride well and get right along :thumleft:
just purchased a 88 Osprey with an evinrude 225 on it- I'm joining to find out all i can about this classic boat- thanks for the ad!!
Welcome aboard to both GB and 88. :salut: :salut:
My first time on the site since joining yesterday, and the two questions I had have already been answered. Thanks so much for the GREAT site.
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my night lights!!
I should show what the daytime looks like also I guess
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:welcome01: JNS. :a0003:
What year and model is she? Looking at the rub rail I'd say she's an early 702 and I'll guess a 222. What's going on with the front cleat?
Might want to add the year and model (and maybe a small pic) in your Signature. You do that in Profile.
Again Welcome aboard.
How about now?
Here is my daughter and a friend petting our local dolphin friend!!
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The front cleat is a long story of a work in progress HAHA. I don't have a lot of money to put into her so I am quite proud of the way she looks with my meager funds. The cleat is on the to-do list though.
The boat does look good though - just wondered about the cleat. Is it connected to the front eye?
Good job on the Signature Block.
Welcome aboard JNS. :salut:
See you hang your hat in Port St. Joe. :thumright:
Got blown around over there last weekend.
The cleat is connected to the front eye with a big threaded rod that makes a Tee yeah.
Hey guys!
My name is Kurtis and I'm from St. Pete, Florida.
I have a 19' key largo right now but have been looking and researching to do a 222 project.
Love the site and thanks for the add!
:welcome01: aboard Kurtis :s_hi:
We have plenty of material to keep you busy in the research department for quite while.
Enjoy the site.
Hello everyone
I own an aquasport striper 16' 10". Looking to move on up to a larger boat. Possible a 22.2
:welcome01: aboard JMB :a0003:
We have a few members with the skinny water model you have.
Hey everyone, my name is max and I have a 1971 240 Sea Hunter. Currently powered by a 200hp Yamaha salt water series two stroke. Boat is located in western long island sound ny.
New member. My name is Bradley I have a 2003 Aquasport 250 osprey powered with twin 140 Johnson/Suzuki 4 strokes. Looking forward to learning some stuff from y'all.
Howdy All,
My name is Jim & I just recently found this board, which is fortunate for me because I also recently purchased an ’86 Osprey…& it needs a bit of love.
I like these little boats for a number of reasons. A good portion of it is the layout & the modular deck construction. Most small boats are a horror show to snake wires & tubes through when installing new gadgets, like transducers or working on a fuel tank, but this one is fairly friendly in that regard. The foam core stringers are a plus too. Back when my boat was built, I remember that was sort of a new way of doing things.
I kind of cut my eye teeth on Aquasports back in the early to mid 1980’s. At the time, I was a young kid working as a boat rigger in a shop up north that sold them. I hung quite a few motors on them & I installed quite a few compasses, radios, etc. I did quite a bit of deck swabbing too. Back then, all I could afford for myself was a beat up little 35hp Answer center console skiff that had previously been a rental boat. At the time, I could only dream of owning an Aquasport like the ones I was working on. Now that dream has finally come true.
As I recall, back in the mid 1980’s we were selling a 170 Osprey with a 60 hp OMC for just a dollar or two below $10k. It was our entry level boat & the salesman’s loss leader. The 60 was just about enough to get it up on plane in moderate conditions with 2 adults on board. That was right after they started rating the motor’s HP at the prop instead of at the crank shaft. Those 60’s had a little more kick compared to the older ones. I remember that a 90 hp was a nice match on that boat & a 115 could make it fly if you put the right prop on it.
The 19-6 CCP with a 150 was a real crowd pleaser & the 222 was an animal, slicing through the chop with it’s deep V like nobody’s business. Sea Drives turned them into stern heavy pigs. Standard outboards were the way to go. At least that’s how I remember it. That was all quite a bit more than a few days ago.
I’m kind of hoping that I might fit in around here.
Hey Jim,
My Aquasport affair started exactly the way yours did, about 10 years earlier, in the mid 70's. I was also the yard grunt, swabbing, rigging Evinrudes and learning; well as much as a 16 year old could learn! I worked for a dealer down here in Daytona. We sold lots of 19-6's and 22-2's and rigging them was a dream come true with the removable trough cover. I got to run lots of them for water test and wound up fishing with the the guys that we sold them to and like you, always dreamed of owning a 22-2 for myself. I can remember those boats coming straight from Hialeah just 250 miles down on I95 with that brand new fiberglass smell. Good times for sure. I finally got my 22-2 about 10 years ago, an original '73 with transom wells like yours and twin 115 Mercs, a beast with those engines, plenty of cool factor, just not that practical on a boat that did fine with twin 70's. Anyway, welcome to the club, a good bunch of no nonsense guys here, willing to help anyway we can.
Hey everyone, my name is max and I have a 1971 240 Sea Hunter. Currently powered by a 200hp Yamaha salt water series two stroke. Boat is located in western long island sound ny.
The "queen of the fleet" back in the day. Still a much sought after hull today.
Welcome aboard Max.
New member. My name is Bradley I have a 2003 Aquasport 250 osprey powered with twin 140 Johnson/Suzuki 4 strokes. Looking forward to learning some stuff from y'all.
Welcome aboard Bradley, you have quite the fishing platform there and "new" compared to most of the boats on this site,
Welcome aboard Jim. The 170 is a sweet inshore boat big enough for 2 maybe 3 to enjoy the water on. I've owned my 170 for going on 30 years and am in the home stretch on a total rebuild of her.
As Farley said, we're a good bunch of guys with the same passion in common - Aquasports. Feel free to help other here with any knowledge/experience you have.
Still out of town on a slow connection but.......
Welcome aboard to all our new members. :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut:
JimInPB, my 86 170 came with a 60 but I traded up/down to an 85 year 115. It ran very well.
I can remember those boats coming straight from Hialeah just 250 miles down on I95 with that brand new fiberglass smell.
Yea, that brand new fiberglass smell & usually 2 or 3 handfuls of miscellaneous stainless steel hardware scattered around in the bilge...
That factory must have lost a fortune in materials that way.
You say that you had those same bait boxes. I had never seen them before this boat. How did they work out for you? I took this boat out for a little scoot the other day & she seemed to slide a little in high speed turns. I was wondering if that may have had something to do with the boxes making her ride up off the chines a little.
JimInPB, my 86 170 came with a 60 but I traded up/down to an 85 year 115. It ran very well.
Would you possibly have a picture of the coast guard data plate off of that boat? Mine is completely unreadable & I'd like to get a proper replacement made.
Would you possibly have a picture of the coast guard data plate off of that boat? Mine is completely unreadable & I'd like to get a proper replacement made.
This is from a 1988 but it is the same.
When you get your replacement done, please post a pic in the above thread.
Also, the transom bait boxes were very popular with the circa 70s early 80s model Aquas so they had been around for for some time. Browse the Forum and you'll see members with them installed.
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Good luck.
I can remember those boats coming straight from Hialeah just 250 miles down on I95 with that brand new fiberglass smell.
Yea, that brand new fiberglass smell & usually 2 or 3 handfuls of miscellaneous stainless steel hardware scattered around in the bilge...
That factory must have lost a fortune in materials that way.
You say that you had those same bait boxes. I had never seen them before this boat. How did they work out for you? I took this boat out for a little scoot the other day & she seemed to slide a little in high speed turns. I was wondering if that may have had something to do with the boxes making her ride up off the chines a little.
The bait boxes were a popular option in the 70's. Most 19-6's and 22-2's we ordered were equipped with them. Now putting the times in perspective, keeping bait alive was kind of an afterthought with no where near the science and TLC consideration we see today. The transom wells were a tornado of water flow with typically a dozen or so 1/4" holes drilled in the bottom. Hardy baits would survive with lots of bloody noses. Poggies would turn the water into a frothy mess of scales turning them into perfect lively chum! From a performance standpoint they were and asset with downward slope towards the rear, presumably to help with water flow they also had a trim tab effect. They did lower the planing speed and got the bow down sooner as low as 22 mph with twin 70's on a 22-2 so for running the Atlantic you could get the boat on top and ride over a relatively short wave period on plane without having to drive through the wave at higher speed which did well for only a 12 degree dead rise so It didn't beat you that bad. I guess the only drawback was backing down into a sea, the water would ramp over the top of them and over the transom so you learned the technique of circling into a decent fish and bringing him up along side to gaff or net him. I wound up modifying my boxes by glassing all of the bottom holes shut and installing a clam shell pickup and installing a homemade device to regulate the water flow to a reasonable rate to keep the bait in better health. I still use them but I do have a round above deck bait well for convenience.
can you buy those bait wells or do you have to custom make them nowadays?
Try here:
Don't know if it is still a viable option but if so, be sure to tell them CB gave you the link. They'll be happy to tell you what an asshat I really am and how you need to join the "Club".
Oh well, my job is to pass out information, not to be liked.
Good luck. :thumright:
Or I'll call Eugene and find out where the molds went,since he sold Shipoke Boats over a year ago.
those things look great!! I have a home-made live well on the aft-port side of my 222. It takes up a lot of room though, getting rid of that thing would give me loads of fishing and moving room.
would i just replace my trim tabs with the boxes? didn't think about that at first... hmmmm
can you buy those bait wells or do you have to custom make them nowadays?
I'm actually thinking of removing mine & replacing them with a swim platform & a kicker motor, if removing them does not leave me with an unfinished surface on the transom. If that ends up being the case, mine will become available.
Does anyone know how hard it is to remove those things? Does anyone know if the surface behind them is gel coat or just raw glass?
Captain Bob & Fitz, thank you both for the replies.
can you buy those bait wells or do you have to custom make them nowadays?
I'm actually thinking of removing mine & replacing them with a swim platform & a kicker motor, if removing them does not leave me with an unfinished surface on the transom. If that ends up being the case, mine will become available.
Does anyone know how hard it is to remove those things? Does anyone know if the surface behind them is gel coat or just raw glass?
The boxes are simply lag bolted to the finished transom. They were added on at the factory or at the dealer as an option. Now if you remove them, you are going to have to deal with repairing the lag bolt holes since they are screwed into the wood transom core.
:coolth: Hi everyone, newb on this site. Name's Tom, from Somers Point, NJ. Just picked up a '98 215 DC. The whole family loves it. Looks like a lot of really useful information on the site, already picked up some tips.
:welcome01: Tom
Welcome aboard Tom. :salut:
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Hi, New to us 1996 215 Explorer coming home today. Nice to join forum!
Hello Everyone. Bob from Mays Landing, NJ.
I just joined after lurking for a few weeks.
I recently bought a 1984 170 Osprey CC out of Brick, NJ.
Power is also a 1984 Mercury 115 Inline 6 "Tower of Power".
I'm looking forward to interacting with other members and also learning about this boat.
It's a pleasure to be here and thanks for having me !
Welcome aboard gentlemen. :salut: :salut:
Hi Big Bob, just down the street in Somers Point. Welcome to the site. Congrats on your Aquasport.
Hi newone! Just picked up a '98 215DC myself!
I think I finally found the place I belong. My name is Tammy. We have owned our 24 ft. center console for over 20 years. We have rebuilt the motor, with more horses,rebuilt stringers, rebuilt transom, put in larger fuel tank , add a fresh water tank among many other updates. We are in a dilemma. The Tamaratoo is again in need of a motor. We have looked all over the internet trying to find what we need and in the process I have found this site. I am so excited to find a group of people that love the Aquasport as much as we do. I look forward to searching through the forum! Wishing you all smooth waters and tight lines. :1rij:
Well welcome aboard Tamara :salut:
The Sea Hunter is a special Aqua hull. Not too many around so when one passes by, we like to wave. :051bye:
Beautiful craft:
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How about a few more?
Good luck. :thumright:
Welcome Tamara :welcome01:
You have found where the diehard Aquasporter fanatics hangout :thumleft:
Here is a place to start looking to understand your model
Hi, Im new to the site, and to Aquasports.. I recently bought a 2000 Aquasport 275 Explorer with twin Mercury Optimax 200's. Im still trying to get use to her. I have to get use to the deep vee, and the need to adjust the listing on a beam sea with the trim tabs. She runs sweet in most others seas. I am happy to have found this site so I can learn from others, and share my own experiences. :salut:
:welcome01: Awol :a0003:
Unique username - retired military?
The Explorer models are nice boats but they are bow heavy and do catch a lot of air requiring tab use. I have a 230 Explorer and really like the boat.
Welcome aboard AWOL. :salut:
We rarely see 275 EXs so post up a couple of pics.
Here's some light reading.
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Picked up a new to me 2000 Osprey 175 this past spring and have been having a blast cruising in and out of Newburyport Ma all summer long. Looking forward to many more summers of fun on it.
Hello All: I just purchased a 1998 Aquasport 215 DC here in southwest Florida. She's in good shape, but I'm going through and fixing all the little things that need fixing and trying to find some parts. I figured this would be a great place to learn about the boat and share some knowledge with fellow Aquasport owners.
Naples, Florida
Welcome Quad - the DC is a pretty popular crossover model for Aquasport and many members have them here. :great02:
Welcome TK -Sorry I missed your post - the 170/175 is a great and fun little inshore boat - we have a ton of members with them, including me :13:
Look forward to pics from both of you - we all love boat porn :nSalute:
Apologies for taking so long to introduce myself. And thank you RickK for allowing me to join in July. I don't know the actual
year of the AquaSport I grew up on and still use. It's a 17 footer and I think it's a 1971. It was purchased new by my father in Rowayton CT when I was about 8. It has lived it whole life in Nova Scotia where we vacation. It has been refurbished twice and re powered at least that many times. It began its life with a Johnson 60, back when they were 3 cylinder 2 stroke engines. I love the boat and have more than forty years of fun tied up in it. I don't know that I have much to contribute. I do know that I can appreciate classic Aquasports though! Here she is:
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Welcome aboard to TK, Rob and Early. :salut: :salut: :salut:
Welcome Early - I don't "allow" spammers, everyone else is welcome :mrgreen:
The liner in your boat is unique, looks like there is not a rod insert like mine - you have the "pure" liner :thumleft:
What is the rear side of the storage area in the casting deck made from and is it original?
The console is different than mine but I'm not 100% sure my console is factory although I did see another like mine on a '70 or '71 170. Is the seat base original? Mine had a swing seat back on it - metal guides on the sides for swing part.
Otherwise, looks like my boat did/does.
The boat was delivered with the "pure" liner that you reference. It has been awl gripped a few times over the years. The rear side of the storage area in the casting deck is also stock. It is a simple fiberglass panel on the back and the hinged top has the deck texture. It used to have a clear vinyl tab with snaps to hold the hinged top panel down, but that has long since gone. The console was finally replaced about 10 years ago along with the seat. We also put a nice new fuel tank under the forward console seat. She handles quite a bit differently than the old 2 strokers did; the latest 75 is heavy. She has a bilge pump in the deck recess now, which bums me out honestly.
When she was delivered she was that slightly chartreuse white color inside and out. The console had a greenish windshield. She had a bow dodger, a bimini, and low grab rails around the bow. The fellow who refurbished her most recently chose to put "Aquasport" on her aft panels, but interestingly its a modern font and is quite big, I miss the original cast plaques. He was very proud of his work and enjoyed woking on the boat. She is in great shape right now, and we love her as we always have. Many boats have come and gone over my life, but she has been the only keeper.
Here is another pic of the storage panel you referenced RickK. You might also notice that the storage locker sits a little higher than the floor, which is useful for us as we often keep life jackets in it. This was about 9 years ago. You can see the access ports that were put in during the refurb. They were not there previously.
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And here you can see the big modern style name on the side. I forgot about the black rub rail, I would prefer white, the way it was.
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Do you know what the access port was installed for? Maybe to reinforce the railing?
Is your fuel tank inside the console? Mine was (as see in the pic) - 25-27 gal. Now it is under the sole, under the console.
Any pics of the side of the liner by the console? Mine has a rod storage insert (8'xabout 1') on each side.
I like the insert for the storage. I may need to build one for mine out of glass and composite. Here is what mine looked like during a recoat of the deck in 2000. You can see the wood that closes in the storage - I replaced the wood that was there when I bought the boat with Brazilian Mahogany which does seem to warp/bow outward. Can you take pics of the other side of that filler please? Also you can see the rod storage inserts in the pic.
Can we see pics of the helm seat too please?
I believe you are correct, the access ports were installed to install the hardware beneath the deck for the railing. I think they were also helpful for wiring and the new steering gear.
I will hunt around for some more pics. I went deep in my digital files to find the ones that I posted. Unfortunately I am stateside now and will not likely get back to the boat until next summer so will have to rely on what I can find. The panel you reference for the face of the "casting Platform" locker on our boat appears to be molded. I am operating off of my memory when I say this. I think it is a one sided molded panel of mostly, if not all, fiberglass. I don't think the inside was gel coated. I wonder if a starboard panel would work? I might add, that I don't see a lot of value in the fact that it is removable. I think top access alone with two drains would be fine unless you are looking for historical accuracy.
I like the rod storage as well; it would be great for paddles or oars, which we have to carry in Canada. Ever tried to paddle one of these little beasts? Its almost impossible. We have no storage on the gunwales; those "pure" sides are truly pure for the length of the hull. Again I will look for a some pics, but I am not sure I will be successful until I get back to the boat.
The original "steel" tank failed very early in my lifetime; in fact it was PITA because everyone would try to use it and it would never hold pressure and it always had water in it. The older three cylinder engines would serve us quite well with a couple of five gallons auxiliary tanks. We forgot about the console tank for many years. With the new console (~10 Years old) we have a plastic tank which is about fifteen gallons. The new tank is below the seat which is on the forward side of the console. The console has doors on both sides for storage and access to the steering and electrics in the console. I am guessing they are about 8"x16"
You need more pics, but everything I think I will find is about people rather than the boat. I will look, but I am not optimistic until next season. I can't imagine our boat is that unique though....
I am not doing well by your request, however, I am sharing what I can with these people pics. The boy in the red PFD is standing on the seat above the new fuel tank. You can also see the console doors; there is a matching door on the other side. You can also see the "pure" gunwales.
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Never mind the two fellas, you can see the the "pure" gunwales and access ports here.
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You're doing fine. I can see what I needed to.
I agree that the rear panel of the storage up front is kinda useless. I might make a fiberglass one like the one you have, just so i don't have to worry about the bowing of the wood panel.
I haven't seen another 170 with exactly the type of liner I have and yours is the closest - they just didn't cut in the rod storage inserts. They are not that special and wouldn't hold an oar anyway. They had two rod holders in the insert (you can see in the pic above) they were ok but didn't hold the rod very well - first bump and the rods would fall out, at least on one end. During my rebuild I am putting in a different rod holding system in each.
So you guys changed out the console and helm seat over the years - hey, nothing wrong with that, it's called owning and customizing your boat. The hull looks in great shape. Is the transom still original?
The tank you see in the pic above is aluminum and I still have it - not sure if it was original, especially if you say yours was steel.
Thanks for posting the pics and glad you're here.
I have a mold for the 170 "cast" emblems for the sides - if you want to change yours out we can make that happen.
I have a mold for the 170 "cast" emblems for the sides - if you want to change yours out we can make that happen.
Here's another route if you want to go "ready made":
Either way,
Good luck. :thumright:
I definitely recall seeing the rod holders in most all of the Aquasports and Makos of that era. I don't know if there was a option to add or delete them. As you mention the reality of the way they work, I can imagine you would need a better way to secure the rods.
I don't know the details of the work that was done to the boat, my father commissioned it. There were definitely cracks in the transom on the interior face about an inch from the top edge if my memory serves me correctly. The boat never had anything larger than a three cylinder 70 on it until the last repower that went along with the refurb. So yes there definitely was work done on the transom, but I don't know how extensive it was. It could have just been cosmetic.
As you mention the tank being aluminum, that sounds accurate in our case as well. The original console was replaced not out of a desire to customize it so much as because I imagine it was easier than refurbishing it. I recall that the "drivers seat" was a very heavy yet simple fiberglass box with wood skids on it. It would travel around the deck when it got rough out. Once I recall the lid flying off when I was blasting over some big waves; it was also molded fiberglass and heavy. I think it sank? We still have the bottom portion of the box tucked away in the house. Its the original color too. I think most of the time I left the box behind in an effort to keep the boat light. That is another reason why I was happy to get rid of the big tank. The boat was just so much more responsive and fast when kept light. It was great to take everything out of it for a wash down and then take a quick "drain run" with nothing in it but one half full five gallon fuel tank. Taking a trip down memory lane..... Love it!
The hull is in good shape now yes, the bottom needed a little love with the last refurb. We frequent beaches which are a coarse sand with some rocks here and there which dinged her up over the years. We did get a leak that was difficult to sort out a long time ago... but all is good now except that darned pump... I often wondered if the leak was from the deck or below the waterline, it may have been both.
Oh, and by the way. The original center console did not have a molded front passenger seat. The seat was a cushioned board with square aluminum stock at about a forty five degree angle supporting it on the front of the console.
I was just looking at the 1970 documents here:
The information and photos in this document look like what we have. The console was the same. The seating was the same. The only thing that is different about ours is that we did not have the rod holders and storage recess where they are located.
I have a mold for the 170 "cast" emblems for the sides - if you want to change yours out we can make that happen.
Here's another route if you want to go "ready made":
Either way,
Good luck. :thumright:
But doesn't have the Hialeah part of the mold.
So where is the bilge pump, in the trough at the rear or did they cut an access plate and put it below deck?
Its in the trough just so I can see it :a0004:
I have a mold for the 170 "cast" emblems for the sides - if you want to change yours out we can make that happen.
Here's another route if you want to go "ready made":
Either way,
Good luck. :thumright:
Thanks for the idea Captain Bob. I will keep that in mind for the next time she gets awl gripped. All this looking around the web site has me wondering if ours said "...170" on it or "...Custom" ?
They made a 170 Custom but I have never seen a "Custom" emblem.
WOW at the information you have here. I'm a new one to your neighborhood so may take a while to get familiar. I'm new to the Aquasport boat due to I just bought a 1984 CC Osprey and it will be needing a little work but nothing stopping it from being fished from. Glad to be here.
:welcome01: JB.
We have enough info here to keep someone busy for a couple years.
Hello Everyone:
I am the proud owner of a tournament cat 16.1. Granted like all things in life these boats have some quirks but it does exactly what I want, especially easy for 1 guy to launch and retrieve by myself and very stable. I do have a couple questions that I hope I can find similar owners since I'm second owner for several years and its time to show her a little love.
Se ya around,
:s_hi: Everyone..
This seems like a great site... Just stumbled across it today..
I just redid a 1976, 196 Aquasport CC.
I am trying to find some pics, I will post them soon...
:welcome01: Neal and Ant.. :PicsNeeded:
Welcome aboard Ant.. :salut:
Hey all- wanted to quickly introduce myself; have been quietly enjoying the site for some time now.
After this weekend, I'm now a 2 Aquasport owner- added a 1980 22-2 FF to the fleet (attached pic).
Also working on a 1974 170 rebuild this winter- pics to come.
Welcome aboard Kevin. :salut:
Hey I'm Mr. Chesapeake,,
I just started about a week ago. I finally fixed my problem logging on. I would like to start with a question about Aquasport.I know that Ebb-Tide boat bought the name from Genmar and Ebb-Tide boats bought Hydra-sports old models. They already have the 2100 and 2300.
in production. Will they bring back the 175 cc that I'm interested in and other old models ??? Thanks
Welcome aboard Mr. Chesapeake. :salut:
As to Ebb Tide, your guess is as good as mine. While I don't follow them with a passion, I've seen no indication that they will offer a smaller hull. That certainly doesn't mean they won't, whether they use an older mold or built one from scratch. I'd be curious as to sales with the models they have released.
Hey Captain Bob,,
Thanks for your in put. I'm planning on going to Atlantic city boat show to talk to a Aquasport dealer (Shelter Cove marina) to get information on Aquasport future plans and I will inform everyone on the information I get. Thanks...Mr. Chesapeake "Home of the maryland Blue Crabs and rockfish (stripped bass)...........
See if you can get a catalog so we can scan and post it here :idea:
Mr. Chesapeake
Home of the maryland Blue Crabs and rockfish (stripped bass) .....
This would be a good "Signature" for you. Do this in Profile/Forum profile - find Profile on the menu bar.
Hey Rick,,,
First I want to thank you for helping through the logging procedures. Yes I will do that. The show will be in Jan-2016.
Hi All,
I've finally overcome my technology challenges...
Bought a 2004 250 Explorer for the fish and dive versatility. I've had her offshore three times so far, and love the boat. Pics below, I look forward to learning from you all.
:welcome01: John :a0003:
The 250 Explorer model is certainly capable of doing just about anything you want to do. My 230 Explorer has a ton of room for fishing, diving and camping - great boats.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard John. :salut:
New to the board and not an owner yet, but on the hunt for a platform to scratch my major fishing itch.
Located in So Cal, the land of plenty (you fill in the blanks).
Looking forward to my Aquasport education,
:welcome01: Keith. Spend some time in our photo gallery looking at the catalogs and they will answer a lot of questions. :nSalute:
Hello All, Recently purchased a 97 aquasport 225 explorer!! Been working on it and going out fishing whenever I get a chance up here in Branford, CT.
Hope to get some good info and some aquasport knowledge from you. Glad to be aboard!
:welcome01: Wanski
Welcome aboard John. :salut:
The 225 EX is a nice hull (I'm somewhat bias).
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Hello Everyone!
Just purchased a 1973 Aquasport 22-2 !
Really excited to get out on the water.
:welcome01: Jeff - the 222 is a great fishing machine.
Welcome aboard Jeff. :salut:
Hi Folks,
I've been lurking on this site and classic seacraft/mako etc for some time and just wanted to add my XF200 to this group. It's a 1984 XF200 that i bought off of eBay for $700 in August of 2008. It was in really poor shape and I have been slowly restoring it since then. My main purpose was the same as it was built for, fishing and this year i finally got it out in the gulf of Mexico. I'll start posing a blog of the work with pics later this winter. Stone Bear
Hello all, I thought I had finally 'swallowed the anchor' two years ago when I sold my '94 Tiara 3100 Open,but nooooo...must have boat. I have always like the lines of Aquasports and Makos and two days ago was fortunate to locate a 1989 175 with a 1989 Mariner 75. She is now mine but I haven't taken possession of her yet,pix when able.
I have one puzzling question, the MIN is QUAD and not ASP. I read on an older post that QUA is Genmar but did Genmar build Aquasports in 1989? The Coastie list of MINs indicates that QUA is a Canadian canoe company. I think I also read on the site that all Aquasport HINS were embossed in the hull, this boat's in riveted on.
This site has the most useful info I have ever seen on similar boat specific forums. It is spot on.
By the way the boat was listed on the Pensacola Craigslist and is still up so if any of you fellows are located in that area maybe you know the boat. Thanks
First off FBo2..Welcome aboard. :salut:
Second, no one here loves a mystery more than I so...... :det1:
So, when you finally get her home, posts up pics.
Pics of the hull, both inside and out. After all, it may indeed be a canoe powered by an outboard. :great02:
Several things occurred in 1989 so stuff like this really interests me. We'll sort it out or make up a hell of a story to support same. :ScrChin:
Good luck. :thumright:
Welcome aboard Stone Bear and Flyboy :welcome01:
Hello from New Jersey, I do not currently own an Aquasport but have been looking at several. I currently have a 2007 Rinker 246 Captiva Cuddy. This is a great boat for the family however it sucks for fishing. I am looking for an 18' to 20' center console for fishing local lakes and Raritain bay. Thanks in advance for all the help I am sure all of you will give.
Welcome aboard 37 :a0003:
Ok , jumping in . I have had a 1970 222 as a yard ornament for 3+ years time to get started. She needs a floor for sure and I can see under the casting deck the right stringer is cracked , needless to say full rebuild . I have 0 fiberglass experience . I have been creeping on this site for a while and see a few others in my same situation. I am working on my plan . I would like a fishing , scalloping / diving setup. I have been tossing the idea around for a 2 ft hull extension that acts as a dive platform/engine bracket . I plan on using a bobs style jack plate . I am not afraid of the extra work . Are there any examples out there of something similar, or am I just nutz for wanting to do this . I am open minded to all suggestions. pictures to come soon as I learn how thanks.
Welcome aboard Luke. :salut:
We have had at least one hull extension attempted here and I'll search for the thread in the morning. Don't recall that the member ever completed the work but it is doable.
Good luck.
:welcome01: Luke. There is nothing tough about working with fiberglass. If you have basic carpentry skills and a creative mind you can do most anything that you want with the boat.
Here's one to whet your appetite.
For all the new members I appeared to have missed.....
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Love reading on this forum. Good material. I'm very interested in the lines of the 175 as. Very :cool2: looking boat imo. Kinda reminds me of the panga boats. Im looking particularly at a 1991 with a 90 mercury. Can anyone please advise me of what I need to look for (i.e.soft spot s etc) and what should I look to pay for it. Looks clean. Thanks for your experience and advice
Here's a start:
Good luck with the hunt.
:welcome01: alshi - if you like the lines of the 170/175 you should look at a '72/73 222 Osprey, the sheer is more pronounced - a true beauty. Enjoy the site.
Thanks guys. Will definitely remember these recommendations. Happy thanksgiving. We truly have much to be thankful for
Hi Everyone. My name is Vic and I have recently acquired a 1998 model 175 with a 90 hp Evinrude in very nice condition. I'm in process of doing some cosmetic work along with some wiring and resealing where the cc mates with the deck as well as the helmsman's seat. I live in the FL Keys so it's always a battle with the saltwater. I have always liked older boats having owned a 1973 25' ChrisCraft mid cabin express cruiser for 27 years. I currently own a freshwater only 1971 16' Larson runabout with a 55 hp Johnson in incredibly mint original condition and a 1977 14' Bluefin aluminum open fishing boat in equally nice shape. I bought the Aquasport to replace the Larson, which I hope to sell in the near future. I'm glad to be a part of this group and am looking forward to getting to know many of you.
:welcome01: Vic and congrats on the purchase. I've enjoyed my 170 for many years.
Hey guys I'm new here. Yesterday I went and looked at a Coburn and Sargent 222 and I think after reading up on it here I will be trying to work on a deal to get it from the owner.
It's in ROUGH shape and will need a complete restoration but the price is right and at least in my experience these hulls are getting hard to find.
:welcome01: Levi - good luck with the purchase. If you have any question let us know.
Welcome aboard to both Vic and Levi. :salut: :salut:
New member...Hey gang, my name is Jason out of Tampa, FL. Bought my dream boat few weeks ago. 1976 Aquasport 170 with a 1998 Yamaha 115hp. Both boat and motor are tip top condition, maintained immaculately. All she needs is a helm leaning post and for me to install my above deck livewell. Looking forward to learning from y'all and sharing stories.
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:welcome01: aboard Jason :nSalute:
Very nice looking boat - great color. :thumleft:
Hi there... stumbled across this site in spring while researching AquaSport 222's. Happy to report that I purchased shortly thereafter and can now be an official member of the club. 1976 Aquasport 222, fully restored with half tower. Pictures attached (hopefully).
I'm looking forward to sharing ideas, continuing build-out and customization and hopefully getting to know some new friends.
Bradenton, FL
Nice looking Rig :salut2:
How do you like the trolling tabs? Adds some more weight back there huh.
Welcome aboard Tom. :salut:
Very nice looking craft but the motor, well.....
I'd love one of those on my old WAC.
Good luck. :thumright:
I just purchased a 1987 Aquasport 17. It is powered by a 1987 Johnson 115 that was garage kept wrapped in a blanket and forgotten about. Engine has only 30hrs on it. Shes functionally ready for the water but far from where i want her to be. She has a sturdy Ttop and is equipped with lots of offshore fishing modifications including a livewell and outriggers. I'll be stripping most of the fishing accessories and minimalizing the configuration. I'm a 28 yr old competitive sailor living in miami and will be using the boat as a support boat for sailing, spearfishing and weekend fun with my girlfriend. I'll post pictures of my rig and the progress along the way.
Welcome aboard SS. :salut:
I had an 86 170 when I lived down there. It saw a lot of action in the south end of the Bay as well as the offshore reefs, when it wasn't in the Middle Keys. It was the most versatile Aqua I ever owned.
Good luck. :tu4:
:welcome01: Saltedsailor. You'll love the 170 - I have had mine for 28 years.
Hello everyone....I'm Jimmy from Annapolis Maryland. Here is my 1975 170 I bought just after Christmas. It's got a 70hp evinrude on it. I look forward to learning a lot from everyone here.
Welcome aboard Jimmy!! Looks like she still has the green rubrail on her. :cool2:
Hey guys!
Hope your new year is off to a great start! I am Cesar from Beaufort, SC. I recently purchased a 1989 Osprey 175 with a 1993 Yamaha 115. She runs great and looks good. It came with the original gas tank out (with outboard gas tanks hooked up) because the former owner thought it was leaking, but never actually confirmed it. So, that'd be my first project. I'd liked to do some more cosmetic work n the future to include a center console overhaul/rebuilt as my experience increases. I look forward to learn from you guys and hopefully share some experiences with you as well.
Fair winds...
:welcome01: clop!!
We have tons of rebuilds to help you as you build your confidence and plenty of helpful members.
Welcome aboard to both Jimmy and Cesar. :salut: :salut:
The 170-175 cult is rising again.
Must be something in the water. :ScrChin:
Good luck and post up some pics. :thumright:
RickK - the trim and troll is not a good system at all. In fact, I've never gotten the blades to spend. I've replace the remote, the control unit and troubleshot the system multiple times. The remote is recognized by the system, the motors have power, but can't get them to work.
Looking for Auxillary is 2994057 (minn kota AUX TCD ASSEMBLY) for trim tab control up top. The switch is bad. Had to replace the lower switch too, that part is pretty easy to find but the top switch is a different part and they are not interchangeable.
Anyone have experience with this system or have the system and it works? Also, if someone has the auxillary switch laying around, I'l love to make a deal....
Wow, see my reply on your other post.
Thank you for the addition to the Forum and site. I am in the process of finding an older 22.2 Hull to refurbish. I know this is going to be a big undertaking but I can't bring myself to buy just any boat and the new production boats don't stack up. As I have been researching this process most of my searches have brought me to your site so I figured this was the best place to join and learn from.
Welcome aboard Steve. :salut:
The real fun always lies within the hunt.
Besides, it doesn't itch as much.( (
Good luck. :thumright:
Hello Aquasport owners ! I just purchased a 1982 AQUASPORT 200 CCP with a 97 Merc 175 6 cylinder on it.
The motor has low compression on one cylinder due to malfunctioning oil pump but I got the boat at a good price and I'm putting on either an Evinrude 115 cross flow or a Johnson 120 looper that I have for now. I now NOTHING about these models or how they perform and hold up. Years ago I had a 72 19-6 model and this sure seems far heavier built and more roomy. It also seems to have a deeper V.
We have an 85 17 Mako which is a great boat but this seems like it would be far better to handle ocean water or rough days on Barnegat bay. Any info or suggestions on this boat would be greatly appreciated. I'll post pics once I know how and what size I can post and how to resize.
It really is in nice shape besides the missing t-top lid and broken frame to it. That's coming right off.
Welcome aboard SWFL and Ed :salut2:
Good luck on the hunt SW - arm yourself with the info in our Photo Gallery and dive into our rebuild forums.
Ed, the CCP is a totally different hull than the 12 degree models. The CCPs are 18 degree hulls and have full height gunwales for safety.
:13: Hello all - recently purchased a 1988 Aquasport Striper 20', 1994 Evinrude 175 Ocean Pro. Former owner removed the center console to take out the fuel tank due to a leak, but then just left it - never did any work. Hopefully I can get a new fuel tank in and get her fixed up a bit. Looking forward to it - I'll keep you all posted of any progress and will definitely have some questions here and there.
Welcome aboard DD :salut2:
Greetings Aquasportians or Aquasportites or whatever you are called. :-) I just pulled the trigger on a nice little 1997 Aquasport 165 Striper with a 50 Hp Evinrude motor. It's a nice clean boat - I just need to clean it up a bit and it will be good to go. A couple questions... the cooler seat in front of the console was missing. Does anyone know what brand was used (or does it "not" matter...)? There are a couple plastic brackets in the floor in front of the console that look they were purposely located to secure a cooler seat.
Welcome aboard to Ed, Double D and Chuck. :salut: :salut: :salut:
A little hard to see but yes, the plastic mounts hold a cooler (36 qt.)
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Here's the back half.
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Good luck. :thumright:
Hello everyone. My name is John, I live in Wilmington NC, and I am now the proud owner of a 1998 Aquasport 215 Explorer. Pictures coming soon, but just wanted to say hello.
Hi there
Getting very close to purchasing this 1975 22-2 hull. It is all prepped for painting.
I am going for another close look tomorrow.
The floor feels rock solid walking around on the boat (its on stands). Stringers, transom, fuel tank. Any other biggies that I should be looking at?
Still wondering if a 150 four stroke would be a terrible option?
:welcome01: John and Jon :nSalute:
John you have a nice fishing platform and a place to hide if need be.
Good luck on the purchase - use this info when inspecting her:
Hello. New member here. I don't own an Aquasport but maybe I will soon. I love classic boats and have owned a 1970 Whaler, 1995 Wellcraft, and 1978 Tiara (my current boat.) I will have some questions about the 240 that I will post in the discussion section once I do some reading up. Cheers, Mully
:welcome01: Mul. Let us know if you need help finding something.
I'm new here. Just wanted to say hi, and I've been looking around and there's a lot of info in this forum. I just need a little help in to get in the right direction. The aquasport I have is a 1991 21 ft. It looks like the Explorer hull, but is not a walk around. The boat is actually in good shape. A couple soft spots in the floor, but that gives me something to do. I have a few questions, more console oriented. If anyone could point me in the right spot, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance, Bowtie.
Hello all - New member to the site since last night and I think I've burned 4 hours of company time perusing posts. Proud owner of a 2001 175 Osprey CC w/Johnson 115 (bought last summer - pic attached). Don't see too many of these boats out this way so had to jump on it. Currently waiting for my Riptide 55 ST to arrive (along with quick release)... that'll be my first project... second will be to change out the steering w/Baystar hydraulic... might be wishful thinking, but that's the plan anyway. Only real "mod" I've done is add a two bank onboard battery charger. Will try and post some pics as things progress. Okay, back to reading... Thanks! Jason
:welcome01: Bowtie and Jason :a0003:
Bowtie - '91 was a transition year for the Walk around model - there was not a 210 Explorer, there was a 210 Walkaround. But you say it's not a Walk around so I guess we need more info and a pic or two. Is it a center console model?
Here is a list of models in '92 - notice that was the first year of the 210 Explorer
Jason - sharp looking rig :thumleft: Where are you located - you mentioned "out this way" :ScrChin:
First off, welcome aboard to Jon, John, Jason, Mully and BT. :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut:
To BT: Does your hull look like this?
If so, read the thread for just a little background on this model. It shares the same hull as the EX/WAC but with a different cap. This method of hull share was also used in the 80s with the CCP and the XF models.
Excellent hull design (I'm biased) that would be carried (with slight modifications) through the remaining Aqua line till its demise in 2005. Post a photo if you will.
A little more info.
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Good luck. :thumright:
Thanks for the heads up. Look like the 210 Osprey exactly.
Thanks, Rickk - I'm about 30 miles east of Sacramento CA, near Folsom Lake. You don't see a lot of CC's out here, mostly bass, aluminum, wake boarding rigs and toons. Spent most of my earlier years on the Space Coast of FL in and around CC's, Whalers, etc. and prefer the look and utility of a CC. Just good all around rig. This rig originated in southern FL as a tender... bought from a good ol boy who drug it all the way out here a few years back (and he went thru two trailers doing it!). We're finally getting the Lake full out here... ready to get back out on the water. Take it easy! Jason
Hi everyone, new member here. I own a 2000 215 Osprey Sport with a 200 hp Johnson Oceanpro. I've owned it for about 10 years and it has been a great boat. I look forward to reading about all the other Aquasports out there.
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:welcome01: Chris - the Dual Console model was a pretty good seller for Aquasport.
Hey all, I recently purchased a 1971 191 Osprey from the original owner. She is in great shape with only minor TLC needed to bring her to up to snuff. I'm from Bluffton, South Carolina and look forward to learning alot from y'all.
Welcome aboard to both Chris and Yorkazuna. :salut: :salut:
YZ, here's some light reading.
Hey guys!
Hope your new year is off to a great start! I am Cesar from Beaufort, SC. I recently purchased a 1989 Osprey 175 with a 1993 Yamaha 115. She runs great and looks good. It came with the original gas tank out (with outboard gas tanks hooked up) because the former owner thought it was leaking, but never actually confirmed it. So, that'd be my first project. I'd liked to do some more cosmetic work n the future to include a center console overhaul/rebuilt as my experience increases. I look forward to learn from you guys and hopefully share some experiences with you as well.
Fair winds...
Cesar, I have a 1989 175 in CT with a 97 Merc 115. Glad to see another 175 owner in here. Your paint job is a beaut. What are you doing with the center console? Are those wood boards on the side of the console? Mine has those, I'm not sure where they came from.
Hey CT,
Thanks, i can't take all the glory for the paint, the PO did it himself. Well, actually my center console is project is going to have to wait. I am replacing the fuel tank at the moment. I knew it was defective when i bought it and the PO wa using externals (2x 6gl). He never went far, stayed in the river and did some shallow water fishing, so it worked well for him. I need more fuel, so i have been reading a lot of threads about fuel tanks from here and have decided to go with Alloy Metal Works. Hopefully it all turns out as good as the other guys.
In the future, i just want to update the center console. Replace the lights and the acrylic covers (they're worn out) and refresh all the wood. Yes, it has wood trim all around and i thik once i get it all back in shape, it is going to be more of a beaut.
Happy boating!
Whats up everyone. Looking forward to getting some advice as I take an already great boat to another level.
1997 Aquasport 175 Osprey
2000 Johnson V4 90hp 2 banger
Garmin 540 Smap
Welcome aboard triple F. :salut:
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Hello people. I am finally able to post. I am an avid boater with a 19' key west sportsman. The transom is getting soft after hitting a big shark and running up on a flat a while back. My buddy is giving me a 1979 (I think) 19-6. I've known the boat for some time as it was passed from friend to friend over the years. The transom and floor was done and the boat was flipped over for about ten years now. It comes with a new gas tank and all of the original parts. So now that the boat is upside down I plan on painting the bottom before flipping over. Gonna be a slow process as I have many projects going already. Hopefully it will be a brand new boat by next spring.
Thanks for adding me
Welcome aboard H. :welcome01: Let us know if you need any help figuring something out.
Welcome aboard Hump. :salut:
Hi guys, happy to be here finally, Great site. My Aqua baby is a 1973 Osprey 196 powered with an Evinrude E-tec 130. I have owned it a few years now and plan to continue to take on small projects on it. So far I painted the hull, added a lean post baitwell, and currently planning to address some wiring issues. Again, it's great to be here!
:welcome01: Dave
Welcome aboard Dave. :salut:
Hi, here in South Florida.
Can anyone tell me what years the hulls changed on the 222's? I thought they go from 1966-1973, then 1974-1980 and then change again.
Welcome aboard OTH. :salut:
Hi, here in South Florida.
Can anyone tell me what years the hulls changed on the 222's? I thought they go from 1966-1973, then 1974-1980 and then change again.
Welcome aboard Hook. FBs ended in '71 per the catalogs and docs we have in the gallery, with the '12 degree starting in '72. We have some owners that have "'72" FBs - are they really '71s that were sold/titled in '72? We'll never know. After that the "hulls" stayed the same for many years with the caps and liners changing often.
When the buyout happened and the manufacturing moved to Bradenton FL, things that could be merged into the build process alongside the Wellcrafts probably were - that was in the late 80s.
Hello all. Looks like I am the newest member but have had my 170 since 1995. Have loved the boat so much I just picked up a larger version of it. Really like the extra room in the 222. Getting ready for the season on the Chesapeake Bay. Good to be aboard with you all.
Welcome aboard Will :salut2:
Welcome aboard. :salut:
My name is Alan and I live in Tampa, FL
I recently bought a 1999 AS Explorer 245 with a 250 johnson ocean pro.
I found this site while researching boats to buy.
I grew up in Sarasota, Fl.
Looking forward to running my new (to me!) boat!
I have been running a 14ft John boat with a 1966 6 hp Evinrude Fisherman for the last couple years.
Will post some questions in the appropriate area.
Welcome aboard Alan. :salut:
:welcome01: Alan
Hello all!! My name is Chris from Jacksonville, Fl. Recently purchased a 1996 200 Osprey with a 130 Johnson. I'm not new to boating but new to owning a boat so I will be picking your brains lol. Currently still in the U.S. Navy (23 yrs) as a Boatswain's Mate so I'm just use to driving and breaking them and let someone else fix em. Looking forward to chatting with everyone. Thanks
Welcome aboard Chris and thanks for your service to our country and keeping us safe :solSal:
Not sure if you found it already but here is a link to our '96 catalog
Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
Hello all.
Mike from Tampa, been visiting this site on/off for a few years while tossing around the idea of a FB rebuild. I finally pulled the trigger a few months ago and picked up a somewhat gutted 68 with the cap still on and transom cut out. Just about have the grinding finished up and getting ready to start putting it back together. I'll be sure to start a thread in the Rebuild section and document what I can.
Just wanted to check in and say thanks for keeping up a great site with lots of info and resources.
:a0003: Mike,
I'm sure we have a lot of popcorn bowls being filled now that you said that ;-)
Post 'em up.
Hello everyone.
My names Brendan and I live in Middleton, MA. Originally from Marblehead, MA a little north of Boston. I am a new owner of a 1976 Aquasport 170 with a 1990 88hp Evinrude. Boat is water ready but an epoxy floor injection is in order soon. So far the feedback has been awesome and I look forward to sharing my progress.
:welcome01: Brendan.
Welcome aboard Brendan. :salut:
Hi all, my names Evan from Clearwater, Fl. I used to own a 1999 16' Sabalo Flats boat with a 55HP yamaha 2 stroke. That was sold about 8 or 9 years ago when I moved to california. Now I'm back in Satellite Beach Fl launching rockets out of cape canaveral and I've been bit by the fishing bug again. Currently looking to purchase a 19'6' for rebuilding by someone other than myself. I have a wife and two kids with one on the way so I know I would never have time to do the rebuild my self. Anyways, hello everyone, I've been enjoying the rebuild pictures for quite some time.
Hi All new member here didn't want to be accused of lurking. I'm from the Gulf Coast Mississippi and I am considering buying this 2000 Ospray Sport 215. Other than it needing a conditioning it looks to be in good condition. I know these boats are very good boats so the design is not the issue. It has a Johnson 200 with less than 200 hours on it. Other than the typical things to check are there specific problems with this year and model and What should I look for before I put hard cash down. Thanks and glad to be a member
:welcome01: Evan and cape :a0003:
Hello all I became the proud owner of a 1988 222 Osprey last summer overall shes in good shape will be checking as I make a few repairs.
Welcome aboard Phil :PicsNeeded:
Welcome aboard PE. :salut:
Other than the typical things to check are there specific problems with this year and model and What should I look for before I put hard cash down. Thanks and glad to be a member
Well we don't see a lot of this model but it's a Genmar hull so I'm thinking build wise it's fine.
This is what little we have.
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The dual console (DC), "walkthrough", bow rider hull style is popular with families and Aquasport has had a few. The Sandpiper is the old style and the Genmar DC the latter. They have lots of room in the cockpit for fishing and the seating area up front but the open bow lends itself to fishing also. Wide beam for the length. Should ride very well.
Good luck and welcome aboard. :salut:
I'm on my third week of ownership of a 2000 Osprey 215. Took it out for the first time last weekend. My first boat :)
Welcome aboard ply. :salut:
here I just mentioned we don't see a lot of 215 Osprey Sports and bamm......
Where do you hang your hat?
Your last pic is ( ( Island ?????
I'm just up the road in Thomasville. Yep - That was Dog Island. My inlaws just got a small place in Lanark Village.
Just joined site and thinking of buying 86 20ft CC looks real clean. Just can't make up my mind. Sump is not working and he has a pretty good temp tank installed for last 5 years. Any suggestions appreciated
joined the site earlier this year, haven't been on much as I work with computers all day and when I get home would rather be doing something else. own a 95 175 ospray, love the boat. only complaint would be that it's a very wet boat, but who cares as long as gets you to fishing grounds. I have re powered with a yamaha 90 and never looked back. currently working on new instrument panel and locating a gas smell, sending unit or hose i think.
Welcome aboard John and KD :salut2:
Another 215 DC here! Just purchased and just joined the club.
She is in superb condition for a 1999 powered by a Johnson 200. I loaded some pics in the gallery... more to follow.
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Looking forward to all the info on the board. Thanks for the intro email Rick!
Sea ya!
Trey C.
Palm Coast, FL
Hello all. Recently bought a 1978 196 project boat. Nice to find this site. RenegadeBrewHaus. Tony. Also i live in St. Pete
Welcome aboard Tony. :salut:
Hello to everyone, My name is Wayne, Corpus Christi, Texas. My current (just started) re-build is a 1969 22-2 Flatback. Currently have the deck out and transom is 90% out. I am going with the raised transom concept as I like the looks and will do some offshore out of Aransas Pass. Power is a 175 Suzuki 4 stroke already in possession. I will post pictures as soon as I can figure it out.
:welcome01: CDuck.
Follow the instructions in your welcome email to post pics - it's real easy.
Welcome aboard Wayne. :salut:
Hi, My name is Kip Nix. Retired USMC/USCG now an Account Exec for federal customers to Motorola. I as of today purchased a 2000 250 Osprey Tournament Master with Twin Yammy 150's. I am near the coast in Alabama.
We are very active boaters, have a 2014 G3 x324SS tri-toon, but we want to go fishing offshore. Our new boat has been in hi and dri since about new. The boat shows as new and was a lucky find. Looking forward to learning more about it, especially since parts for these are not as easy to get as with others.
Glad to meet you all...
:welcome01: Kip
That's a first class fishing platform. If you haven't already found it, check the photo gallery for our '00 catalog.
Hi All,
My name is Patrick, I am in St. Pete, Florida. I am looking to acquire a 196, and do a bit of refitting.
I have a very small amount of experience in marine rebuilding/boatworks but am eager.
My goal is to get a hull only, as I already have a single axle aluminum trailer and low hours Merc Mariner 90 (both off my fathers Wel Craft 18).
I see rebuilt Aquasports all over Tampa Bay and hope that maybe one of you more experienced and savvy owners will take a young man under your wing.
:s_hi: Patrick.
Once you land your 196 we'll be here to help you.
In the meantime start digging into the rebuilds forums and learn how others have done their's - we have everything from wood to glass to composite going back into the rebuilds - mine has all three.
Welcome aboard Pat. :salut:
Hi All,
I am from Lancaster PA. I have an 1979 Aqua Sport 170 with an 1983 80Hp Mercury that needs work. It is an old boat and motor but I think it is worth it. I am glad I found this site. Right now I am replacing my fuel tank. which is a lot of fun digging out the foam around the fill and vent hoses. I know it was posted to twist the hose to break it loose but that didn't work for me, so I am digging. The more I work on this boat the more I see it needs. I am at the point that I am going to do a complete rebuild. There is water infiltration everywhere. Thanks for all of the contributors. It is nice to have people how have been there done that.
If anyone has good starting advice I would love to hear it
So my adventure begins
Welcome aboard Frank. :salut:
Here's some light reading to help you along the way.
Start a new thread in that forum to showcase your journey.
Good luck. :thumright:
Thanks Cap
my head is already spinning. I see some who cut the inside of the transom out and some who cut the out side out. most just cut the floor out to gain access to the stingers. Is there anyway of removing the whole topsides to get to the area under the decking?
Is there anyway of removing the whole topsides to get to the area under the decking?
Here's what one member did.
That's what I am looking for
Thanks Bob
Just purchased a 1970 22ft Aquasport with 115 Tohatsu 2 stroke outboard from a friend. I've been lurking on this site trying to learn as much as possible, a lot of great resources here! The boat runs well and transom was replaced at some point in her life and still seems very solid, a few soft spots in floor that I will need to address. I love the boat but it has a few of the quirks I'm learning are common including scuppers below water resulting in water coming over deck when 2 people stand in stern, softening floor in spots, and lack of storage space (2- 20gal gas tanks above deck inside center console). I plan on enjoying the boat as much as possible this summer and taking the fall and winter to work on some of the issues I mentioned. I'm fairly handy but this would be my first boat project. My thought is when I dig into the deck for replacement I will possibly find wet stringers too. One thing I'm not clear on after reading through some of these rebuilds is a timeline. As a nights and weekends type project what is a ballpark estimate for how long it would take to install a below deck tank, redo the deck and refoam the stringers?
Happy to be a part of this site, any insight is appreciated .
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:s_hi: Chris - boat looks to be in decent shape - and you're right, they have quirks.
I am doing a rebuild but I'm probably not the right guy to ask about how long it takes to complete it :03: :pale:
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hello and you will be seeing me around here. Think this site is awesome, looking at some of the pics. I'm from Philadelphia but boat out of Cape May NJ. I have a 2003 201 osprey with a Johnson 4stroke 140hp pushing her around. I also had a 1988 222 express fisherman.
Tight lines, Joe
Welcome aboard to both Chris and Joe. :salut: :salut:
Hello All.
I have a 1999 205 Osprey CC with T-Top and 150 Merc EFI.
I have the original owners manual.
Looking forward to sharing ideas/fixes and sources.
Hey :salut2:
...John in Palmetto, FL here (just south of the infamous Skyway Bridge). Owner of a '01 225 Explorer powered by a Merc 225 EFI.
Glad I stumbled onto this site!
:welcome01: aboard PG and John.
Yes, welcome aboard to John and PG. :salut: :salut:
Hello everyone my name is Matt and I am from Michigan, this is a great site and I just acquired a 19'6 1979 Aqua sport Family Fisherman that has twin 1975 85 HP Evinrude motors, I am in the process of going through the boat and motors. Any and all advice and tips with things to check with this model will be appreciated. Thank You in advance.
Welcome aboard Matt. :salut:
Some spec info.
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Here's a shot of the twins.
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New here and I've already found a wealth of knowledge! I just got a new to me '76 22-2 FF. After a few fixes, I'll be hitting the water in my own boat. I'm looking forward to the adventures. Thanks in advance for the tips and advice that I'll find here!
:welcome01: aboard "Y-knot". We have a ton of FF members ( I get a few applicants with FFs a week) who enjoy the great multi-function ability of the model. Congrats on the new family member :nSalute:
Welcome aboard dristau. :salut:
Seems to be a spike in new FF members. :thumright:
Hello all. Great site you have. Lots of info. I do not own a Aquasport but I am looking for one which is what lead me here. Thank you for having me.
:welcome01: RC.
Hi Everyone.
My name is Michael, and I live in South Florida. Last year, I bought an old (1973) Aquasport. It was advertised as a 27 footer on Craigslist, but of course it's really a 24. Based on a little looking around here, I believe it's a 240 Sea Hunter, but I have yet to see any configured exactly like it.
I am assuming the transom bracket was not an option back in 73. The Top and Bow Rail also look like newer additions to me.
Anyway, I was a flats guide for several years and really enjoyed that type of fishing. I bought the Aquasport to do offshore fishing, and it has delivered well. I added a brand new four stroke outboard last November. I love everything about this boat. It's solid for its age, and just a little heavier than anything you can buy new today. I love going thru waves versus bouncing around.
I am looking forward to sharing and learning from all the other Aquasport owners out there.
Is it possible this transom with the livewell was an option in 73?
Welcome aboard Michael. :salut:
Hard for these old eyes to see but it appears to have a port window/hole in the first pic so it may not be a SeaHunter but rather a 246 CCC (Center Console Cuddy). :ScrChin:
I'd say you're right about the bracket/livewell. Not really something seen back then.
Might you post a pic of the deck?
It's definitely not a cuddy. I added a couple more photos and included a slightly larger version of the whole boat. Hope that helps.
One other anomaly is the GIANT center console.
Maybe this?
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Thanks for the suggestions. Absolutely could be a basic 240.
And to be clear, the model is not all that important to me - fishing ability is #1, and this boat has been wonderful.
The reason I thought maybe a sea hunter is the ventilation plates. I saw them on both the inboard and outboard Sea Hunter pictures. I didn't see those ventilation plates on any other model.
There's a very similar inboard in my area, but I haven't had a chance to speak with that owner.
It's also quite possible that mine was an inboard at one time.
Finally, the basic 240 appears to have a different front deck (one-level w/o the fish box cut out) and deeper transom. I can see where the transom may have been replaced, but it would be odd for the front deck to get reconfigured, right?
It looks like this boat has been rebuilt and customized. The front casting area is custom with newer type hatches and the fuel fill and vent channel on the starboard inboard side is not stock. Nice looking rig though. Is it 24 or 22, just the hull not including platform and anchor pulpit?
It's been at least 25 years but.....
Is that last pic coming out of Black Point? :ScrChin:
It's registered as a 24. I believe the engine bracket and anchor pulpit made the previous owner advertise it as a 27.
Yes, that is Blackpoint. I live real close to there.
BTW it's has two fuel tanks. A 74 and 35. Bimini this year I hope.
I just want to add a couple of more thoughts to my introduction, then I'll start reviewing other threads to see if any info is available for my needs.
I've given some thought to adding a second helm to the top, where I can stand on the console. The boat has some blind spots for me while operating it, and I could use the height for fishing activities.
The port side gunnel has some deterioration, and will be in need of some repair soon. I'll also be looking at new interior paint, and maybe exterior (though, I am weighing this against the added weight, because it's already a pretty heavy boat.).
The new four-stroke added some weight to the back, and during fishing the aft section always seems to have some water in it. I didn't have that problem with the original (when I bought it) two stroke, and I ended up having to install a better bilge system. The boat has no leaks, but the drains end up beneath water line when there's more than one one person at the stern. Any ideas on balancing the weight issue?
Just bought an Aquasport 19-1 Osprey and the wife and I are loving it. Not too sure on all the specifics yet but I am sure this is the place to be for any info I may need. We live in midcoast Maine and got it for island hopping and lazing around on the mooring. So far great success...She needs some cosmetic work, some engine tune up and a name but all in good time. Below is the only pic of it I have at the moment but I am on the left and my buddy on the right with the boat he built a few years ago anchored off Bar island in the muscle ridge.
Welcome Eric :s_hi: - she seems to be in good shape.
Welcome aboard Eric. :salut:
New Guy here
2005 Explorer 275 with twin F200
Welcome Jd - nice fishing machine you have.
New member here but been around Aquasports. Had a 87 200 center console and currently own a 98 Explorer 215 Just good quality boats for the money.
Welcome aboard to both Jd and Aqua. :salut: :salut:
I am so glad this forum is here. I am a new member and I am the new owner of an Aquasport 176 Family Fisherman! I picked it up for $1,000 with a 90hp Johnson that needs a rebuild. I have a fresh 1974 70hp Evenrude to put on it. I hop that is enough power to get her on plane.
It is a beautiful boat that needs some love. This boat shows a history of fishing. There have been rod holder mounts, cleats and electronics mounted and removed over the years. There are dings and holes to patch. The transom cap is cracked but I have not removed the motor and cap to inspect the transom. If there is a problem, I will likely use Seacast. Shout out to Bondobill (Transom rebuild 222 FF). I spoke to the people at Seacast about the project and it was clear that they want to coach customers through the process. They are very helpful and immediately looked up my model of boat to talk about what I can expect in this project. They also certify the transom after the rebuild if it is done with documentation and their coaching. That is great if I were to sell in the future. That will never happen. This boat is too perfect for my needs. I have to get off to work. There will be more to come and pictures. Again thanks to Bondobill and thanks to all who participate here at Classic Aquasport. I am proud to be a new member and very proud to own one of the best boats ever made.
Hey everyone. I am new to the boating scene with my recent purchase of a 1997 - 225 Explorer. Never owned any other boat prior and have no boating experience. I love the overall layout of the boat and have no regrets after two months of owning it. I have been learning a lot from the forum here and glad to be member. I already have taken on some minor projects on it and I am sure it will be an ongoing process.
Hello , what a neat and great website with great info. I do not currently own a aqua sport but am in the process of looking for a 175osprey . does any one know the last year the 175 were built with wood transoms or when did they start using composite transoms? also were there any years that they may have used a composite deck? any information is greatly appreciated
She seems to be in great shape! The 225 Explorer is a pretty popular model, for good reason.
Welcome aboard CJ!! Figure the mid 90s is when the transoms went the composite way, stringers were always glass with foam inside and I am not sure the soles ever went the composite way - end-grain Balsa is what was used.
Welcome aboard to both emptypckts and CJ. :salut: :salut:
Thanks Rickk and Capt. Bob!! Great source of information here and I am learning quite
a bit from the forum. It's nice to be able to learn from others experiences and the plus side it saves me a lot time as a beginner :cheering2:
Hello everyone,
I am a new member. Thank you. I live in Nova Scotia and have seen an Aguasport ccp 222 84 for sale and thought this may be the place to get some info before I make a decision.
:welcome01: Philip.
If you haven't found the gallery yet here are a couple links to the CCPs - they are great offshore fishing platforms.
New here. Owner of a 2004 Osprey with a 90hp Johnson 2 stroke. Looking forward to the community!
Welcome aboard DG :s_hi:
Nice site , just joined . Looked at a 222 cp today and was hoping I could get some help from the knowledgeable members here.
Welcome aboard Dock :s_hi:
Start a new topic in the Aquasport Discussions forum and start asking your questions.
Welcome aboard to both DJ and Dock. :salut: :salut:
Hello all, Joe the new guy. I have a '98 Osprey205 with a 150 Johnson. I was looking for information and came across your site.
You helped me get the info I needed before I even consider joining, Thank You. Hope I can Help others in the future.
:welcome01: aboard Joe. Our site is loaded with great info and as of late, a steady stream of new members with the 205 model. A pretty popular model for sure.
Welcome aboard Joe. :salut:
Hey Guys,
I've been a member and lurker for a while. I live just outside of Beaumont Texas. A few weeks ago I saw a post for a 1978 aquasport on a local FB group. Turns out the boat was less than a mile from my house and I ended up with it for $100. I think I'll call it the C-Note, or Sea Note. Anyway, I plan to take this hull down to the stringers and go back with a center console setup. I'm not sure what to do with the transom. I do alot of wade fishing and would like the ease of entry with an open transom but have a feeling that a full transom is the way to go.
All the glass is good and will be for sale along with the associated hardware and hatches. If you need any parts let me know.
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Welcome aboard again then, ftac. :salut:
Welcome FT - I'll be learning from your rebuild for sure. :popcorn:
good morning to all, I am writing from italy Aas avid American boats, I'm buying a aquasport 222 cc of 87 stops for 3 years, I'll have to do some work to put it back in the water, I will certainly post some pictures before and after the work, a greetings to full throttle
Welcome aboard Val. :salut:
Another member from Italy - :welcome01:
I am a new member and second owner of a well-loved 1969 flat back in Narragansett, RI. I am trying to make an honest assessment of what this boat needs, what kinds of modifications would make her more suitable for the waters in this area (Narragansett and Point Judith), versus trying to sell her so I can get something else for my son and me before another fishing season goes by. This forum has been a treasure trove thus far!
So, here is the story and description of the quandary about this boat, for those with interest:
I got this boat from the original owner, who used her primarily in the calm waters of the Point Judith salt pond and kept meticulous records of maintenance, including some work under the sole by a well-reputed shop in Narragansett. I've had her for about five years, keeping her on a trailer between outings around Point Judith and the lower bay. Seems to be a very solid boat, including the unmodified transom.
She's got a center console, foredeck with fish well, batteries forward, nav lights, two twelve gallon tanks and oil tank in the console (for the VRO), teak trim, rod holders, pillows and deck pads, and dodger with good frame but worn out canvas. She's got a smooth-running 90 HP OMC V4 (same block as the 115) that has been fine in the salt pond, up in the bay, and in light seas. However, it's a lot of boat for regular trailering with the kind of truck I am willing to own. Whether by modifying this one or swapping her out, I need to end up with a boat that can handle the chop around Point Judith and the lower bay but can also be easily trailered.
I have boat building experience and do a fair amount of fiberglass work, so I am not afraid of small to medium projects. Bigger projects scare me only because of the time involved.
Feel free to offer opinions or point me to other threads. For example, I can't find clear info on whether a transom mod is necessary if I want to keep green water out and/or if I want to go with a 4-stroke in the 115-150 hp range.
I promise not to be so long-winded in future posts.
Oops, jumped too quick on a couple details. From the original purchase paperwork, I am now unsure whether this is a 1969 or 1970 boat (not sure it matters a lot). Also, I found the original invoice for the 1998 deck rebuild, which appears to include a new transom with added height.
Welcome JG. Start a new thread and show us some pics.
Thanks for letting me join your forum and learn from all the members knowledge. We have a home in Port Charlotte FL that we vacation to as often as we can without being fired from my job. We currently still live in Austin TX can't wait to hang up the tools and pickup some fishing poles.
Welcome aboard Patrick.
Welcome aboard PC. :salut:
Hey everyone,
New owner of a 1972 170. First boat and first rebuild. This site looks very helpful for my winter project.
Welcome aboard KZ. :salut:
Be sure to start your own thread in the rebuild forum (170s) and don't forget the pics!
Good luck. :thumright:
My name is Anthony and I recently purchased a 1976 170
Very happy with the hull and suits most of my fishing very well - excited to find this resource and many knowledgable 170 owners on this site! First project is going to be removing the console and replacing the original gas tank - currently running on 2 5gal tanks. Any and all information would be apprecaited!
Welcome to the site Anthony - check out the fuel tank forum for many examples to help you. Also check out the Osprey rebuild forum to include the 170 rebuild forum for more info.
Hi everyone! This is all very new to me! I have a 87' AquaRay Sport Sea&Ski. I have recently acquired... while doing some research I have found a few things very odd. I can't seem to find another like mine! I look forward to any help or insight you may have! Thanks, for the join!!
Welcome aboard to both Tony and BC. :salut: :salut:
both you guys should post a couple of pics of your craft. :great02:
BC, I'm thinkin' :ScrChin: that you're not finding a whole on your model due to the chance it's not a model that Aquasport made.
Pics will tell.
New here and happy to be accepted. I have a 1975 Cruise Craft 17 which is the same hull/mold as an Aquasport. Looking to gain some great ideas on rebuilding this one, have had a lot of fun with it so far with some paint and fiberglass work.
Welcome aboard T - let's see some up close pics
Welcome aboard T. :salut:
Interesting. :ScrChin:
Pics please.
Hello everyone. Name is Oscar. user name says it, I'm a fireman.
bought a 1997 175 osprey about 4 months ago. LOVE it !!!
Have since had a 2016 etec 90 installed
Putting T top on it as I type..
Will put up some pics as soon as I can.
Looking forward to sharing some info..
Welcome aboard Oscar. :welcome01:
Welcome aboard Oscar. :salut:
Here is the 170 1976 I have - anyone run T-Tops on these?
New member here from Gloucester, Va. I picked up a 1988 Aquasport 170 a couple of weeks ago. She needs some TLC but i have the next 4 months off of work to get some of it done before the spring rolls around and i launch her!!!
She has a soft spot on the sole behind the seat, needs another binnacle (already have on hand), going to pull the tank out and inspect it and replace if needed. Even thought no fuel smell in bilge at all. She just needs TLC overall and well as trailer needs attention. She came with a 1989 Johnson 70hp that starts right up and purrs like a kitten. I have already winterized it for the year. Going to put it in my garage and start getting to work on it. My 4 months off will be over before I know it!!!
Welcome aboard CD! We have plenty of example of how to fix stuff in the rebuilds forums.
Recently acquired a 1972 22-2. Thought I would be doing a quick sand/fair/paint on the hull and be done. But, started repairing some damage on the transom cap and found some rot in the transom. So, look for a rebuild thread from me!!
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Welcome aboard Jerry! Here is a starting point on your rebuild
Welcome aboard Jerry. :salut:
Hello all. I have a 2000 Aquasport Osprey 17.5 that I've owned since 2001. What a great boat! I just finished updating her with new cushions, a new windshield and a new swim platform. People can't believ that it's 17 years old, all 17 in saltwater.
Thanks for the great forum!
Welcome aboard kaner !! Still running the original power? I still have the original power on my '92 230 Explorer - running strong. My 170 is on it's ??? motor.
Welcome aboard Kaner. :salut:
This is my first post even though I joined almost a year ago. Just wanted to say hello to everyone, and to say how much I enjoy reading the forum. Also to say how much I like my 1999 225 Explorer. The more I use it and work on it, the luckier I feel having stumbled onto this great boat. I boat and fish primarily in northern Michigan now (Torch Lake and the northern half of Lake Michigan) and am very impressed with how my boat handles big water. I hope that as I become more familiar with operating and maintaining my Aquasport that I will be able to contribute to the group.
Welcome aboard Bob!! Enjoy the site - there is a few years worth of reading here.
Welcome aboard Bob. :salut:
Hello !!
My name is Gary and I recently purchased a 1988 22.2 ccp .
I am french, based on the department of Guadeloupe, in the French West Indies.
It`s my first boat .
I start in the nautical environment, following a few outings at sea on a friend's boat ... but especially the fault with the tax, imposed on the scooters of the seas :?
Having purchased the hull alone, but modified ... I will post pictures of the refreshment in progress, as well as its rearmament.
Sorry for my english, I use sometimes a translator
Welcome Gary. :welcome01: Check out the CCP rebuild section for some ideas.
Thank you very much :D
Welcome aboard Gary. :salut:
Hello everyone. My name is Kevin Little. I bought a 1974 170 for $200 a few years ago and finally getting around to digging into it which i am very excited about. I think i am even more excited to have found this site. By the looks of it a lot of great people are on here and a lot of awesome projects. I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of new people and all the great advice and tips.
Welcome aboard Kevin :s_hi: There's a couple years worth of reading in the rebuilds forums for you to learn from - have fun.
Welcome aboard Kevin. :thumright:
Hello everyone. I've been posting about my rebuild for a few months, but I never formally introduced myself. My name is John, I'm in Longwood, FL and I am rebuilding my '83 Osprey 200. It was going to just be a new deck, but after reading the other rebuild posts on here I decided to have some fun too. We'll see how that goes...
I travel quite a bit for work so I might be slow to post, but I'm trying to spend most of my free time fixing her up. Thanks for all of the information and insight.
Welcome aboard John. I too spent a lot of time away from my rebuild on business, about a year total. Stretched my rebuild out for sure and then only working weekends and vacations on it also helps to stretch it out. Perseverance is the trick.
Welcome aboard John. :salut:
Continued good luck with the rebuild. :thumright:
Hello I am new on here. Name is John. I am in the middle of working on a 88 290xf. So far what I have seen Aquasport built a solid hull and heavy. The previous owner put poly tanks at 100gal each. The ss was leaking and put 5.7 crusaders 300hp that are 07's. And ZF transmission cruises at 22 knots wot 30knots. I had taken the hot water heater out I don't think I need that. Installed teak and holly deck in the cabin area. I will be posting pictures of before and after
Welcome aboard John. Make sure you check out the rebuild forums on the big boy models for some ideas.
Where do I find forum for rebuild on 290s
Click Menu at the top and then Forum. Scroll down the page into the Rebuild group of forums and you'll find the 290 forum.
Where do I find forum for rebuild on 290s
Welcome aboard Jt. :thumright:
Please note that the second link I provided when responding to your earlier post, carried you to that same forum.
Good luck.
Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum! I'm Joe and am the new owner of a 1996 Osprey 175. Has a 96 Yamaha 4-stroke on her!! Love her. Had a 1976 170 before I went into the Coast Guard quite awhile back. So glad to have one again! I'm sure I'll be asking for some opinions. She needs nothing. I wanna put a power pole on her and a t-top. Anyone who has done either feel free to give me some feedback. Thanks in advance.
Welcome aboard Joe. :salut:
Post up a few pics of your craft when you get a chance.
Hello my name is Josh from the Tampa Bay area. I love fishing and classic boats. I have a late 80s Aquasport 222 osprey that I am restoring. Throughout the build I am trying to keep it mostly original, with some added features for fishing. Some of the original teak will even be going back in the boat. I am in the process of installing a new fuel tank and putting everything back together. I work on the boat when I have extra time away from school and work but enjoy every minute of it. I have found a ton of great ideas on this site already, thanks!
Welcome aboard Joe and Josh - post up some pics!! :a0003:
Hello all,
I'm new to the site. Just recently purchased a 1996 225 Explorer.
Welcome Gdub!! The Explorer is a great fishing platform and can also be converted to other types of platforms, like for camping.
Hey everyone, I just purchased an 82 246 CCP and wrote a little post with some pictures on the CCP owners thread but also wanted to introduce myself to those who may not visit that thread. Looking forward to meeting and learning from you all as well as sharing my experience with my first boat!
Welcome aboard to all our new members. Josh, Gdub, db, and Rob. :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut:
Hey Guys Im the Flybouy from TN,
Im a 20 plus year owner of a 1983 196 Ospray
My boats seen better days Ive had some hull damage from another boat hitting the back corner of the transom and overall,
the boat is just tired..
It has a great running one owner low time 150 Johnson on it so I don't have a motor problem.
I need inspiration and some guidance to help save her.
Welcome aboard Steve. We have tons of rebuild examples in the Osprey Rebuild forums - check them out and by all means, if you have questions let us know.
Thanks Rick
I can use the help!
Welcome aboard Steve. :salut:
Hey everyone! I've been lurking for about 3 months now but this is my first post. I recently fell into a '91 175 Osprey with a '96 90hp Yamaha. When I got the boat it was in desperate need of some serious TLC. I'm a noob to working on boats so I've already spent countless hours on the site researching my various projects. So far, thanks to the information here from all of you I have accomplished the following:
- Replaced steering cable
- Replaced non functional bow and stern and courtesty lights,
- Rewired trailer
- Added a cooler seat (PO had removed it and not replaced it with anything)
- Added a bimini top
- Filled a number of holes in the deck, transom
- Replaced console cushions
- Removed chipped and faded 90's decals
- Rewiring all electronics (still in the process)
It already looks like a different boat but so far it has definitely lived up to the "break off another thousand" mantra! Still on the agenda is replacing the fuel tank, throttle, rub rails, gauge panels and much more I'm sure. I seem to discover something new that needs to be done every week. Thanks for all of the information so far. I'm hoping to upload some before and after photos soon.
- Austin
Welcome aboard Austin. :welcome01:
Sounds like you've done quite a bit. Start a topic in the Osprey rebuilds and show us what you've done to her.
Welcome aboard Austin. :salut:
By all means, post some pics. 1991, IMHO was the first full year for Genmar style hulls with 1990 being a transition between the defunct Hialeah operation and the Wellcraft plant operation. I believe some hulls were assembled on the west coast at another spot. We don't see much from 1990 and not a lot from 91 so again, post those pics.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hi I'm Mike from the North East (Beverly Massachusetts) I recently bought a 1986 17' Aquasport Center Console with no motor and that hasn't seen water in 12 years...
I currently have a 1975 208 Grady White with a 2001 Johnson 175.
Plans for the Aquasport are
repower with 2001 Johnson 70 (2 stroke)
Rewire Whole ( about 6 circuits) Boat
Add fish/depth finder (GPS if I find there right one for the right money)
Use a carry aboard gas tank for now,
maybe replace in hull fuel tank later
Locate or cobble together a new cooler/helm seat boat came with stainless bracket, no cooler and the back pad is rotted.
Wish me luck!
Hi Mike :s_hi: Welcome aboard. What king of bracket? The 170 is very sensitive to weigh in the aft and the further back the motor sits, the deeper the transom sits and will take the scuppers under water. I added a jackplate to mine and another 2" of spacer and it changed how my boat sits now.
RickK, I wasn't planning on using a bracket just bolt the motor to the transom, that is the reason to keep the hp lower.
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Oh, you mentioned a stainless bracket. Looks like a pressure washer with a bleach pre-spray will clean the boat right up.
Welcome aboard Mike. :salut:
I owned one of those too. The only brand new boat I ever bought.
Greeting all. I'm new here. I have a 1996 165 Striper with a 1977 Evinrude 70hp. So far I have sanded and coated the deck. New bimini top. Pulled out excess wiring (think it previously had a different motor). Added a jack-plate, Saltwqater trolling motor, GPS, and VHF radio, plus some general maintanance. Love the boat. Does pretty good on the flats down here in Rockport Texas. Looking for an owners manual. I know there's not much information, just want to complete the package.
Welcome aboard Velosity. :salut:
Hello everybody! I'd like to introduce myself to the Classic Aquasport community. My name is Dan and I'm from Bellmore, NY. I've been going back and forth with a gentleman selling his 1977 19-6 Family Fisherman and will be going back hopefully this weekend to take a second look and snoop around some more (and maybe put a deposit down!).
I wanted to get some of your thoughts on what I'm looking at here, I've already talked him down a good chunk from his asking price...
Upon first visit, motor sounded real strong and the floors felt like a rock, first peek in the bilge looked good, tank will probably need to be yanked in the near future. Overall a good looking clean boat for her age. So what do you think? Does low $3k's sound like a solid deal here providing the transom checks out and a general sounding around?
Welcome aboard Dan. :salut:
Here's a spec sheet from 1975. Not much changed between then and 77.
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Here's the Buyers Bible to help out.
Tired cliche: She's only worth what someone will pay. The bible will address what we see in these older hulls so give it a good read.
Good luck. :thumright:
Ah yes, the old adage :salut: tis the truth though, I was just looking for some "feel" if you will. I have reviewed that guide previously it's excellent, I previously owned an 85 GW a number of years ago so I'm not terribly unfamiliar with older boats, but I want to be well educated going in.
Thank you for posting that spec sheet, that's some great stuff! I love me some old documents and brochures, there's plenty around here from what I've noticed.
Hey guys, my name is Tyler Gulau. I'm a fishing guide in Punta Gorda, FL. I am running a 22' Pathfinder TE which is a great boat but I need a little more. I need a boat to do it all! Something that floats shallow and can fish rough water for Tarpon. I love the idea of customizing a boat to exactly what I want and have heard nothing but good things about the 222. But I'm torn on wheather to get a flat back or semi-v.
Hoping to learn a lot here and one day join the club! Looking forward to the journey. Thanks in advance!
Welcome aboard! I lived in Punta Gorda for 6 and a half years, great place to fish. Both the flatback and the 12 degree hulls have their followers. For me the 12 degree boat is better. Although the 12 degree hull does not float as shallow the difference is minimal. The advantages are; no bow steer, better ride, particularly crossing Charlotte Harbor, nicer lines. Good luck with your decision.
Welcome aboard CT. :salut:
Welcome aboard! I lived in Punta Gorda for 6 and a half years, great place to fish. Both the flatback and the 12 degree hulls have their followers. For me the 12 degree boat is better. Although the 12 degree hull does not float as shallow the difference is minimal. The advantages are; no bow steer, better ride, particularly crossing Charlotte Harbor, nicer lines. Good luck with your decision.
Agreed on everything except nicer lines :mrgreen:
Just wanted to say thanks for allowing me to be a part of this form . I am new to the aquasport family just got a 1988 200 osprey and plan on getting her back in shape with all yalls help :woohoo:
Thanks again for the add
Boomer (phiasdad)
Welcome to the group. Nice looking ride you have there!
Just wanted to say hello. Proud owner of a 2005 Aquasport 185. 2006 115 hp Mercury Optimax. Glad I found this site.
Hello all, I just bought a 87 290 Tournament Master w/ 350 cid's and I am going to have a lot of questions.
Welcome aboard to Boomer, Duke and Danny. :salut: :salut: :salut:
Hey Guys,
I'm Kaleb from Savannah, GA. Just bought this 1997 Osprey 175 about a month ago. Definitely have some things to fix and hoping to learn some things from y'all.
:s_hi: Kaleb. Welcome aboard. You'll find plenty of examples of people fixing their boats here.
Just wanted to say hello and ask for help. I have just purchased a 1977 Aquasport 246 Family Fisherman with a 1999 Mercury 250 EFI. I am the 3rd owner. The boat itself is in very good condition with the exception of the teak. I am now starting the work to restore boat to factory condition. The first owner removed the louvered doors to the port and starboard storage compartments and cabin. Which topic should I post under requesting photos and dimensions to rebuild these doors to factory specs. Or is their any body that has some for sale no matter the condition.
Welcome aboard OBA. :salut:
Start here.
If this is what you're looking for, start a thread showing your boat and it's refurbish in this forum.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hey Guys,
I'm Kaleb from Savannah, GA.
Welcome aboard Kaleb. :salut:
Post up a few pics of your craft.
That is exactly what I was looking for. I will contact them tomorrow to see if he has dimensions of doors on file. Will post pics soon. Thanks for your help.
That is exactly what I was looking for. I will contact them tomorrow to see if he has dimensions of doors on file. Will post pics soon. Thanks for your help.
I could not recommend this company highly enough. Jim is a top bloke, professional & highly skilled.
My name is Jeff and I have been boating all my life. I started in Ohio with a 17' Bass Tracker I saved up for all of High School. I loved that boat and did some damage to the Largemouth Bass population in the Mid West.
After college and 4 years of boating in fresh water, I started my career in sunny southern california (Newport Beach/Irvine).
I met an Ex-Navy guy off craigslist in San Diego who was doing informal fishing trips out of Chula Vista. I boarded his (now mine) 17' 1975 Aquasport 170 Custom and immediately knew it was the boat for me. After 10 trips out with him and a good rapport, he let me know he was interested in selling it to upgrade to a 22' boat.
Luckily I had sold the Bass Tracker and saved enough to buy my first Saltwater fishing vessel.
I have owned this boat for about a year now. I installed a live bait take myself and have been working on the wiring and lighting. Here are a few projects I have completed to date:
- Installed new starter
- Installed new battery and switch (2 batteries)
- Wired new switch panel
- Installed new bilge pump
- Installed new nav lights
- Wired up the bilge, nav and bait tank to the new switch panel
She is operational and very sea worthy. Aesthetically, she need needs some work. Here are some of the projects I have yet to complete and I will be reaching out to the forum members for advice on how to do these projects or what the best strategy would be.
- Replace front bench seat of Center Console (currently wrapped in canvas cover). I would like to re upholster that myself, but not really sure where to look for the materials. I was also thinking about taking the plywood seat itself and disassembling it to then apply gel coat (after epoxy resin) to make a sort of "cap" to the center console instead of a seat
- Rewire the Anchor Light and wire to switch panel (this I can do, but the old socket for the Anchor light has stripped screws and the just turn in the bold)
- I may install a bow mounted trolling motor to be able to fish the California Kelp a little more effectively (any suggestions of what models, install, wiring would be appreciated)
- Some of the areas of the boat are just really old and need to be re-gelcoated or painted. Not sure if anyone has an easy way of refurbishing old fiberglass, but I would be all eyes for that post.
- Lastly, I need to replace the cooler seat back as it has come unscrewed and will eventually fail
I'm excited to be a member and have already got a lot of ideas off previous threads and pics of rebuilds. Thanks!
Welcome aboard Jeff - she looks to be in pretty good shape.
To upload bigger pics use your gallery here and the instructions I emailed you - it's simple and then we get to see big pics. The gallery will size them automatically for you.
Welcome aboard Jeff. :salut:
Here's a link to a post in a recent thread on gel coat resurrection.
Welcome aboard DD - a little beach and a P-washer will make huge changes to her.
Morning member from Nags Head, NC. The new arrival is a 1976 240 side console (?) with a Honda bf150 with 72.6 hours. She still needs some cleaning before hitting the water, transom has been rebuilt but the trailer has a few issues I'll need to address in the next few weeks before she's put at the dock out back.
Thank you for the membership, from what I see, this site is full of priceless information and respectful members, kudos to y'all!
Morning member from Nags Head, NC. The new arrival is a 1976 240 side console (?) with a Honda bf150 with 72.6 hours. She still needs some cleaning before hitting the water, transom has been rebuilt but the trailer has a few issues I'll need to address in the next few weeks before she's put at the dock out back.
Welcome aboard from another NC member! :welcome01:
Welcome aboard to DD and Michael. :salut: :salut:
Hello all,
I have to say great site, we are looking at a 87 222 XF this weekend ...
Looking forward to exploring all the resources here...
Welcome aboard Osh - you have a few days of exploring to see everywhere on the site and then a couple years of reading to see it all.
We've been working for a long time at providing the best of info for the Aquasport owner, no matter where they live.
Greetings all
I have a 1988 Aquasport with a Yamaha 130. have had the boat a couple years now. I am in the process of bringing her back to her former glory. I had stumbled upon this site and found it very interesting.
So im looking forward to getting to know yall and more about my great boat.
Welcome aboard Capt.
Hello there,
I signed up to the forum many months ago, but I am now making myself active because in a few weeks I will have leave time in order to restore my 1999 Aquasport 215DC. I have had her since~2003. She is in the need of (probably) a new motor, and goodness knows what else.
I just want to get her back to some kind of running order. She doesnt have to be perfect.
Looking forward to getting back on the H2O. Photos and more soonish.
Welcome aboard PJ.
Welcome aboard PJ. :salut:
Hello all,
This is my first post, so I thought I would introduce my self and my boat. My name is Todd, I am from Salem, Oregon. I am a gunsmith by trade, but the water is where I belong. Yesterday I brought home my first 22-2. She is a 1976, and one of very few I have seen over here on the west coast. I started poking around here and on a couple of other forums looking for info, but the welcome I received from Rick made me feel like I belonged here already. In the last week or so read hundreds of posts, drooled over hundreds of photos, and tried to soak up as much as possible from other members' builds. I hope one day my build thread will do the same for somebody else.
I am working on typing my first real boat post as we speak, should be up in a moment.
Welcome aboard Todd. :salut:
Welcome Todd. We'll be around if you need anything.
I just purchased a 1999 215DC. I already have a few questions. Not sure where to post the specific questions. Tom from NJ
Welcome aboard Tom. :salut:
Post in the forum most related to your concerns, like the engine, electrical, electronics, plumbing etc.
Still unsure, post to the discussion forum and we'll move the thread if needed.
Post away and good luck. :thumright:
:welcome01: Tom. Enjoy the site.
New here from West Palm Beach, FL
1993 Osprey 230 re-powered with a 2003 Yamaha F225
Welcome aboard Mac - great looking boat.
That is a pretty rare boat - only made for a couple years and is much different than the 225s that came after it.
As you see by my signature, I have her sister in the Explorer liner.
Welcome aboard Mac. :salut:
She is indeed a rather rare breed in that the hull would be stretched to the 245/250 model in 94 with the addition of the Euro transom. IMHO those early 90s hulls produced at the Wellcraft plant by Genmar rode a little better than their predecessors from Hialeah. They had a slightly different entry and were heavier (by sight and catalog data) so maybe that's why I feel that way.
Good luck. :thumright:
Thanks all, I had no idea of the rarity of it. I love the open transom design, couples with the armstrong platforms, it feels closer to a 26-27ft boat. Much more useable deck space.
The only flaw I see init is that it is an extremely wet boat. I am looking into some splash rails at the moment to try and cut that down
Yup, my Explorer is pretty wet too.
Hello all. My name is Joe, and I am a recent recipient of a new-to-me Aquasport. It is a 1989 Striper 175, and it is powered by a 2003 Mercury 75hp 2-stroke. I keep my boat in a slip about a quarter of a mile from my house, which is in southern NJ.
I have had the boat about two weeks, and other than adding a can of Seafom to the gas tank, I have not made ny changes yet. I see a rewiring in my future, but I did that on my last boat, so I am not too worried. Adding a GPS/FF soon will be about it for projects this summer.
I look forward to participating on the forum.
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:8): Looks a lot like my boat.
Enjoy it"
Welcome aboard Joe. :salut:
Start a new thread when you begin your restore and post up pics.
Good luck. :thumright:
Welcome Joe!
Maybe it's the bottom paint but she sure looks to be sitting kind of low in the water.
Welcome Joe!
Maybe it's the bottom paint but she sure looks to be sitting kind of low in the water.
Thanks guys for the welcome.
RickK,I just went to the boat, and checked the water line. It is about an inch or so below the bottom of the scupper fittings. The tank is 3/4 full, no one on board, and with a single battery in the console. There is a bit of water in the bilge, but it is not enough for the bilge pump to remove. Should I be worried?
With just a 75 on her I would say that you have waterlogged foam and in the near future a rebuild is going to be due. It's normal for these boats, if they sit in the water to bloat up some. :62:
If you're leaving it in the water, keep an eye on her.
With just a 75 on her I would say that you have waterlogged foam and in the near future a rebuild is going to be due.
Yuck, this is not what I wanted to hear, but if that is the case, then I will start planning a project for the fall.
I have been reading some of the 170/175 rebuild threads, and trying to get a sense of what might be needed. If I surmise correctly, then I will need to remove all rigging, wiring, and console, then cut out the floor, remove the waterlogged foam in the stringers, replace that with new pour-in foam, add a new floor using marine ply that is sealed in epoxy and covered with glass, paint, and then reinstall rigging, wiring, and console. Is that a good snapshot of what I am looking at?
By the way, is there anybody in the Atlantic City area that has done this before?
Another new guy here, just got logged in.
I bought a 1997 Aquasport 175 with a 90hp Johnson (2004), first boat I have ever owned of any kind, so I have a lot learning to do.
This place definitely looks like the best resource on the web for these boats, I look forward to the adventure.
Barracuda383s (my other toy, 1968 Plymouth Barracuda, 383 with 4sp)
Brooksville FL
Welcome Scott - the 175 is a great boat to cut your teeth on. It's a near shore boat, not a deep sea boat - remember that and you should be fine.
She looks to be in good shape too.
Hello to all!
i purchased my 2000 Aquasport 250 osprey 10 months ago
in the past 10 months i've been bringing her back to life after she sat for 3 years
i'll start another post to show some pics of ALL the work i've put into her and how far she's come along
Panama City Florida
Welcome aboard Jarren! The 250 is a great fishing machine.
Greetings from a newbie to this site, great site!
I am now for about 2.5 months a proud owner of an 2005 Explorer 275, had it out 10 times so far, and am loving it! Took major weather with no problem!
Have had to do some minor repair, replace hatch latches (from Norway?) and other repairs, but boat was done up nice! Has full Eisenglass, ice-maker, air conditioning, hot water heater, shower in head and transom, Scotty mounts and on-board generator. An awful lot packed into this boat. (Don't know how to post photo?)
This boat was relocated from east coast to west coast about 2 years ago, and is well at home here!
Thanks to Rick for some great advice before I purchased!
Best regards,
Welcome aboard to Scott, Jarren and MV2 :salut: :salut: :salut:
Posting pics is all in the wrist. Try this.
Good luck. :thumright:
I guess I'm the new guy (struggling to figure out this forum posting)...
Just bought a 1987 20' Aquasport with 225HP Johnson on the transom. She seems to be sound and runs well, but has a lot of projects of various possibly the perfect boat :-)
One question - is this the Osprey 200? I've heard conflicting things and want to make sure I get the model right, both because it's way easier now than finding out 10 years later that I was wrong all along, and also for searching for repair info and parts.
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Welcome aboard yhz!! Check the stamp on the outside of the transom - the last 2 digits are the year. It was about that time when the 196 "magically" became the 200
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New guy here! Just purchased my first 1977 19-6 Aquasport! Here she is!
Congrats on the purchase and welcome aboard!!
Found this forum and it looks great so decided to join.
I have a 2000 205 Osprey and have some questions regarding the fuel sender.
What Forum should I ask on?
I included a Pic of by Osprey.
I keep it in Rockport, TX
Another Pic !
Welcome aboard JCW. :salut:
Try leafing through this forum.
You may find the answer you seek or just post your question in that forum.
Good luck. :thumright:
hello, i just acquired a new to me 88 170 osprey that was garage kept and was repowered in 09 with one of the last yamaha 90 2-strokes. got a little bit of good info off here before i committed to buy, and I am very happy with the little boat so far. looking for advice on where to place a 24v battery bank for a 82# bow mount TM in the near future, but otherwise looking forward to general trouble shooting.
Welcome aboard SW - the 170 is a great inshore boat. I would start a new thread in Aquasport Discussion forum.
Hello to everyone. My name is Doug and I live in Pensacola, Florida. I’m a retired Army guy and a retired professor (75 years young). Just bought my second ever Aquasport. It’s 2001 model year 230 Tournament Cat with twin Honda 135s (2007). I’ve been on this site as a guest and saw that some members actually built Aquasport boats. I’m sure I’ll be asking a lot of questions as I perform some TLC to my boat. Hoping to hear from any or all of you and happy to be aboard.
Welcome aboard Doug!! The 230 Cat is a superb fishing machine and a rare model. Won't do real well in 4 footers but anything less should be fine for it.
Welcome aboard SW and Doug. :salut: :salut:
:salut2: Just picked up a 1973 170, see forum link in signature!
Well then, welcome aboard. :salut:
Hi all! New to the forum as of today. I have a 2002 Osprey 225 with a Yamaha OX66 250. I live in Texas and the boat is based in Port O'Connor. Longest trip offshore is 20 miles at this point. Still working on the boat doing repairs, updates, and upgrades. Happy to be here and looking forward to learning.
Welcome aboard Lorax.
Just picked up my second Aqua Sport for my 18 year old son - in Virginia. A 19.0 foot Osprey CC (2001) with a 115 Yamaha. Looking forward to catching some Rockfish this fall.
:a0003: Hi, everyone. Newbie here. I am looking at a 2000 Osprey 165 with a 2015 75 etec motor. I am having a hard time finding any info on this model and year. I have never had an AS before or even been in one, so I wanted to find out any info I could before I made an offer. Any help would be appreciated.
Does anyone know if there is wood in the 2000 models, and if so, is that a problem? And what would be a decent price to offer for this boat? It has been garage kept and has a 2017 aluminum trailer.
Thanks in advance!
Welcome aboard Vad and Kat
Welcome aboard Lorax, Vad and TK. :salut: :salut: :salut:
For TK
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Lastly, take a little time to read through the 2000 year catalog.
Thanks! I put an offer on this boat and wondered if anyone could tell me if it is too much. I haven't taken it out yet, but the deal is contingent on everything being in the shape he says it is. I live 3 hours from him so we could only work out getting together on the weekend. He accepted my offer of $8000, so as long as all is well, I bought myself a boat. Unless.......someone here tells me I am paying too much. The 2015 Evinrude Etec 75 is still under full warranty, and like I said, the trailer is a 2017. The only thing wrong with the boat, he says, is he took the antifouling paint off and repainted with marine paint which is now flaking off.
Here are a couple pics of it. Oh, and is the etec motor a good motor in your opinion?
Hey everyone, I'm Joe and I'm an Aquaholic... I've been dreaming about an older AS that I could restore in my own way for years, and last week I was able to find a good enough deal to where I could pull the trigger. I purchased a 1987 Osprey 200 hull and trailer and I have a 1985 Suzuki dt 115 that will go on the back (I'm a sucker for old, smoky, noisy engines). The boat came with a console but no rear seat and the person who had the boat before the guy I bought it from cut most of the flooring up. I will start tonight and tomorrow ripping everything that I can out to see the extent of the damage of the subfloor. I'll hit you guys up often and I'll take plenty of pictures and post often along the way.
Thanks for having me aboard!
Welcome aboard Kat and Joe.
Welcome aboard Joe. :salut:
I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Rob and I'm looking to buy a 22-24' boat and would love it to be and aquasport Dual Console. (a seaworthy boat to be used for picnicking and fishing on the coast of Maine.) I came to this sight to get as much information as possible. Any and all advice is welcome!
Welcome aboard Rob!!
I've owned my 1974 170 for 25 years and just wanted to say hello. I live in Maryland but my boat has been at my parents beach house the entire time, in Virginia, on the lower Potomac. Just got her running again after 10 years of neglect and still need to do some tinkering before dropping her back into the water. This has been a great boat, very simple, motor, lights, steering wheel, not much to go wrong. Only thing I'm looking for is backrest for cooler seat behind center console........Kevin
Welcome aboard to Rob and Kevin. :salut: :salut:
Welcome aboard Kevin, we have a ton of members with the 170/175.
Hello everyone. New member here. My name is Justin and I'm from the Boston area. I'm the proud owner of a 1982 286 Express. Repowered in 2007 with twin Crusader Captain's Choice 5.7 MPI. They are approaching 500 hours. Boat is in excellent condition. The previous owner bought the boat brand new before and did a little customizing over the years with Tommy Bahama upholstery in the cabin and nice little TV. Last season I installed new SIMRAD electronics with radar and new radios hooked up to the GPS system with boat identification. Look forward to helping you guys out any way I can and talking about these awesome classics.
Welcome aboard Justin! :welcome01:
She looks to be in great shape - nice fish too. Here is a link to a catalog on the 286
Welcome aboard Justin. :salut:
Hello everyone
I've owned a '74 19-6 for a few years and have recently began the rebuild. Love the hull and look forward to learning from everyone on here.
St Pete, Fl and Destin, Fl
Welcome aboard Tyler :s_hi: We have a ton of great reading in our rebuild forums that will help you out and we're here if you need us.
Hello All,
My name is Stephen here in Montgomery AL.
I Just bought a 1997 245 Osprey that came out of the Orange Beach AL. area. The boat is cosmetically in pretty good shape and everything works (Except the engine, I bought the boat with no engine). I am coming over from the Shamrock Forum where I just finished an old 20' Inboard boat. Now I'm ready to tackle the AS world. These forums are invaluable and the people are always salt of the earth good guys. Excited about lurking and posting a little. Below is a list of the things I need/want to do to my 245:
-Since I bought the boat with no Engine, that is the first order of business. It is set up for Single but I have twin 150 Honda's that I plan on fitting to the boat. So I have some transom build up to do.
-The Floor is soft from the console back to the fish box so I am trying to decide whether to try one of the injection methods or go ahead and pull up the floor and do it right.
-I will be most likely be buying a new trailer since the current Galvanized trailer is pretty tired and in my opinion too small for the boat.
-Really want custom Seadeck but that is at the bottom of the list for sure.
Any of you guys that have done the transom build up or the floor replacement on this boat let me know, I would love to pick your brain. I have read most of the posts on both subjects and just need to decide exactly what track I will take on these repairs. I wish Photobucket wasn't so stingy.....I feel like I have missed a lot of information on these older posts with Photo Bucket Pictures.
Again I'm looking forward to learning from all you guys. Thanks. SS
:welcome01: aboard SS !! Photobucket did us a disservice for sure and a whole lot of other sites.
You have a free gallery here that you can use to post your pix. I included links on how to use it in your welcome email. It's easy and better than attaching pics, attachments are limited by size, uploading to your gallery is not.
Welcome aboard Tyler and Stephen. :salut: :salut:
good afternoon everyone. yankeehusker here - born in nebraska and living on the east coast. i have a 97 osprey 200 with a 2015 135 HO Etec. You could say i am a longtime listener, first time caller!
Welcome aboard YH :salut2: You could spend a few years here reading and still not read it all. Only a few of us has read all the threads so we could clean up the site. My eyes are still hurting, and that was a couple years ago ;-)
just got a 1974 196. I bought it from a friend. I was looking for a cc that was easy to trailer and hand no idea what i was buying. He spoke highly of the boat and i figured a boat that runs for 2000 dollars was cheap. I have fixed a few boats and this one looks like it is going to be fun. It needs a floor and a few odds and ends. I am also going to close in the transom and add a jackplate.
Welcome HH2!!
Welcome aboard YH and HH2 :salut: :salut:
Good Morning Everyone,
I'm looking at a 1990 17' center console with a 1988 Evinrude 140. Besides checking the transom, floor, compression, lower unit etc., do you guys have any advice? I will be checking it out in a day or two. It's been used in saltwater. Thanks and have a great day! :tu:
Hey ya'll, new here on the site. Just inherited a 86 aquasport 222 XF from my father in law. Never owned an aquasport before, but super excited to start learning.
She's been sitting for a few years in Texas and I need to go pick her up. Really looking forward to the advice and assistance.
Welcome aboard KB and Snipe :s_hi:
Welcome aboard KB and FS. :salut: :salut:
KB, here's some light reading to help in your search.
Good luck. :thumright:
Thanks for the info. I have to drive to Texas to pick her up to bring back to VA and knowing what to look for is money well saved!
Hello All from Jersey,
Picked up a 1975 17' CC to see all the posts and pictures. Looks like a great site....I have lots of ideas for the the boat so i look forward to everyone's help...
Thanks for having me.
Welcome aboard FP!! We have a ton of owners with the 170/175 models. Looks like someone put some serious thought into modifying that console.
Thanks Rick....and im gonna re-work it myself..Not in love with the console...I'll be on the look out for some ideas.
Greetings from Boynton Beach Fl.
New to the site and this is my first aquasport as well.
Boat is a 99 Osprey 200 with a 2000 Johnson Ocean Runner 150 both painted by previous owner. hull is in excellent shape no soft spots or cracks. only thing im not a fan of is the t top off a different boat.. our plans eventually are to leave the legs attached to the console and weld gussets and 4 additional legs with plates down to the deck and add a cross bar in the front then repaint.obviously we'd like to get some use out of the boat before tackling that as its been under the knife since we bought it.
We have already gutted all the old wiring and should have the boat done by the middle of next week.
Current work includes -
New bilge pump
Glassing in the entire console and making a new door - then face mounting - simrad go7 xse also face mounting sony Bluetooth radio and gx1600 vhf radio.
new switch panel all new wiring for entire boat and new Suzuki gauges.
New led running light - Led anchor light mounted to top of the t top along with fold able antenna.
Front and rear flood lights on top of the t top and blue led courtesy lights on the base of the console and strips front and rear.
gone is the cable steering - Installing new sea star hydraulic steering .
finally a 2017 Suzuki DF 150 in white with new controls + Nema 2000 run the the simrad for gauge displays.
i will have more pics when she's done - Randy
Welcome Ham :s_hi:
She looks good - enjoy her.
Looks great! The Starboard door rocks!
This site impresses me; there is much great information, and members share it gladly, I think. I recently got a 1988 Osprey 200, w/ Mariner 150. The test ride down a river by Penobscot Bay was exhilarating. The boat is now in the barn, getting some rehab for next summer.
The posts I have read so far about fuel sending units, and rewiring and rehabbing the console are of great help. I expect to put some questions out soon.
Maybe I will figure out how to post photos. Doug in Northport, Me.
:welcome01: Doug.
Follow the instructions found here to post pics.
Looks Great Ham. Im stealing that
Hello all!! I'm new to the site and also new to salt water fishing/boating and let me tell you it has been quite the journey thus far lol...about 6 months ago I went out and spent about $4,000 on a 1982 Aquasport I assume 250??? Boat runs and I haven't had any problems with it mechanically. Rewiring, Transom, Lights and Paint are the first things on my to-do list and I'm glad to be on board here so I can absorb all the information I can and hopefully shed light to others as well.
Here's a picture:
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Welcome aboard!! Boat looks to be in decent shape. There should be a "stamp" in the outside of the transom that is the Hull iD - the last 2 digits is the year. It might have the model as part of the stamp, my 230 does.
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Something along these lines.
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The 80s models (XF) were the CCP hull with a cuddy cap. Little changes structural wise, mostly cosmetic.
Good luck. :thumright:
Dear Classic Aquasport community members,
I'm very happy to have the chance of being part of this great community of Aquasport enthusiasts.
My Name is Federico (calling Fede or Fred, will make me turn around as well) and I am an Italian and a lover of the sea.
I recently bought a fantastic Aquasport 170 form 1974, still with all original parts, and I'm in the planning process for it's rebuilt.
Here a few pics that show the state of the boat when bought:
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I will be happy to keep the community posted on the different phases of the rebuild, and will be more than happy to get insights and ideas/feedback form the community members.
Soon I will share my plans hoping to open constructive and interesting discussions on topics such as:
-rebuilt design plans
-engines, (power and brands options)
-livewells, (design and setup)
-original parts
-t-top and other accessories
For now, thanks once more time for having me as a member of the community!
Ciao to all,
Welcome aboard Fede - looks to be in pretty good shape.
Welcome aboard Fede, :salut:
We just got an Aquasport 250 CCP, vintage 1985. It has been stored outside for a couple of years, but over all still in fair condition. There are some cracks in the fiberglass, and there is quite a lot of corrosion. The seat is rotten and needs to be replaced. The batteries are probably not good any more, so probably need to be replaced as well. We will need to rewire the boat and trailer. I found some general schematics on this forum, but if anyone has a pdf file of the manual or schematic particular to our model, and good materials resources, that would be greatly appreciated! The boat came with the trailer and an Evinrude 250 HP, but there are cracks in the housing of the motor. It will take a lot of work to get the Aquasport on the water by this summer, as we hope to use it for our Canoe journey safety boat! We are located near the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean here on the West coast of the US, close to the border of Washington and Oregon, on the Washington side. Happy to have found this forum!
Welcome Tilly :welcome01:
Follow the instructions here on how to post pics so we can see your new family member.
Thanks for the welcome Rick...but not sure what the pic posting instructions were for. Can you not see the photos and avatar? They are visible on my end...
Yup I can see it - when you attach a photo versus uploading it, the image is treated differently. Attaching the pic and it is "size" limited, when you upload, no matter what size, the photo gallery accepts the pic and when you post it, the image size is much, much larger. The image you attached is only 267x200 and when we click on it we really can't see much of your boat. Try uploading it to your free gallery here on CAS.
Welcome aboard Tilly. :salut:
:salut: Thanks Capt. Bob! Also, I did wonder why I had to keep reducing the size of photos of our boat. I will get back to that and try again! Thanks Rick!
You were close. If you look down the right side of the page your pic is, in the gallery, you'll see a "Linked Image" field and some code - copy the code and paste into your topic and the pic appears
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Oh thank you! :c017:
Got my first Aquasport just after THanksgiving 17. 2001 161 tournycat. Drove one in Destin in 02 and wanted one ever since. Is in good shape but I plan several upgrades. Will need help and advice. :s_hi: Not able to post photo from my gallery.
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Welcome aboard Frank :13:
Indeed, welcome aboard Frank. :salut:
My names Jake Im from Campbell River, BC. Just purchased a 245 Explorer.
Thanks for having me :D
My name is obviously Ben and am from Bradenton Florida. Picked up a 88 Osprey 200 and restored everything topside (no stringer or floor work) Just got it on the water yesterday and love everything about it.
Welcome aboard Jake and Ben :welcome01:
Indeed, welcome aboard to both Jake and Ben. :salut: :salut:
Hello all, I am the new owner of a 1984 200 CCP. My old boat met with an untimely demise and left us in a hole so I had to find something we could afford that would be a solid boat. I found this site and began researching these boats and found the many things that can be done with them. This boat was living in Florida, near Jacksonville and was just being used as a beach and sandbar, weekend cruiser. I knew it would need work but the owner had replaced the floor, gas tank and rebuilt the transom. Hopefully, I'm starting off okay here. I have stripped the console out as it had holes everywhere and the wood in it was shot. I pulled up the pedestal seats and sanded the pads the previous owner put under them flush with the floor. I pulled all the wiring out and will put in a new electrical system with the batteries under the console. I bought a new console and leaning post. I am going to sand the floor back down as they used what they called "Awlgrip Non-skid" on it but I can't even imagine how it feels with bare feet. Working on your knees on it is painful. I'll have to figure out what to put back down. I love the ideas I've seen here and I would love to be able to "flat-back" this thing but I know my fiberglass skills are not quite ready for that. I'll continue to get ideas here and learn. Thanks for the great info and ideas. I put the photos of where I am right now with the boat in my gallery as I couldn't quite yet figure out how to reduce them to put them here. Any ideas or suggestions are more than welcome.
Welcome aboard GACT :a0003:
You have some grand ideas if you want to convert the boat to a FB :c029:
I guess all of us need some goals in life :93:
Nice intro GAC, welcome aboard. :thumright:
1995 225 explorer trying to post pictures but all my attachments are to big loveing the sited
Welcome aboard Joe!!
Don't "attach" your photos - read the welcome email and it has a link that explains (in pictures) how to upload them into your gallery and post in your topic.
Attachments are limited by size, uploading into your gallery is not.
Welcome aboard Joe. :salut:
hello, tommy here, 1977- 200 Aquasport CCP w/150 Yamaha- "SUPER-PEANUT"... named after my 1st Grandson, Christian... love this boat...
Welcome aboard Tommy. The 200 (196) is a great "middle" model - you have what the 170 owners want (2 more feet) and you have a boat that can haul a few people without everyone getting in each others way, so there is no need to go to a 222 (initially ;-) ).
Welcome aboard Tommy. :salut:
Hi! My name is Gerald. I have a 1987 AquaSport Striper 200. 110 HP Johnson T-Top
Welcome aboard Gerald - the Striper is a great fishing platform. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Gerald. :salut:
My name is Ty. I have been looking at buying a boat since my wife and moved to Punta Gorda, about six months. Ive read a lot about different manufacturers and their model boats. The entire search kept me circling back around to Aquasport models. Im picking up my '93 215 Explorer WA tomorrow (if we can make some critical trailer adjustments). I look forward to experiencing this boat and this forum with yall.
Welcome aboard Red - the Explorer model is a pretty flexible model - you can fish hard on her in all depths yet duck into the cabin if the weather gets snotty. Try that on an old center console.
Do the decals say "Walkaround" on the side of the helm? Hard to see in the pic you attached. You can "upload" a much bigger pic that you can "attach" - follow the instructions I sent in the welcome email.
Thank for the warm reception Rick. My journey to get to the point where I am buying this gem was filled with cc's, hybrid bay boats, and a few sprinkles of walk arounds. But when I saw this one advertised buy a guy that kept it on his lift and under cover I had to check it out. My wife and had both been on the hunt together checking out boats together. She likes to fish, so that is covered. But if she wants a break and if shes comfy... I am still fishing. She will certainly be out there pulling some drag on her reel, but if she needs a break, I'd rather she did it on the boat;) So this 215 Explorer popped up, we checked it out, and made an offer before we left.
The decals say Explorer. I uploaded some more pics into my gallery but realzied that it was useless because the uploads came from the same file as the attached pics that were originally from the ad that I first saw the boat from. And they were originally tiny files. So I will get some better ones once the Guppy is mine.
Cross your fingers for me that the trailer mods work out tomorrow!
Welcome aboard Ty. :salut:
Nice boat but then I'm biased.
Decals are not factory. You have a 210 model but by 93 they were calling them Explorers. The 210 and the 230 share the same dimensions from the helm forward just 2' less in the cockpit.
Good luck. :thumright:
Thanks for the welcome capt. bob :D
Is there a forum or thread that you can think of, in which, I can learn more about these model years and history?
Here is a link to the rebuild section for the type of boat you have. At the top is the 3 different models
Thank you Rick:)
Just some brief background on your model.
First, take a quick read on the only catalog year (92) that we have.
The 91-93 Walkaround/Explorer models were built at the Wellcraft plant in Bradenton/Sarasota. These are Genmar hulls as opposed to the earlier Aqua hulls built in Hialeah.
The 210 and its big sister the 230 are predecessors to the more common 225 and 245/250 EXs. The 210 became the 225 in 94 when the euro transom was added and the 230 became the 245 with the euro transom.
Don't confuse the Aqua 215 EX with your hull. The 215, while a good (and quite fast) hull, it is a rebadged Wellcraft hull and filled the slot for a smaller Ex in front of the euro-transom 225 and 245/250.
This is my 91. Your 93 should be very similar in layout and identical in construction.
Good luck. :thumright:
Capt. Bob wow, that is the only explanation I've seen after hours and hours of surfing info in various places that is specific to why I've been confused about being told that is a 215 EX. Thank you so very much.
I sea trialled this 210 and was very pleased with its ride in 15 mph wind on a very busy Caloosahatchee River. I was impressed.
Now I can be confident about how to address issues with this little gem in the future.
I looked at your pics and it seems that we have identical boats. I will update my gallery once I get it home. We are still dealing with trailer fitment issues but, hopefully, that will be solved tomorrow.
Thanks again!
my 225 explorer ( (
Welcome aboard Joe! If you are trying to post a pic - use the instructions here - it's very easy
Welcome aboard Joe. :salut:
Hi you all My name is Andy just wanted to introduce myself! new to this web site, I just bought a 1980 246ccc and know I will need a lot of help on the restore!! I also have a 1972 19-6 was my grand moms boat original owner.
Hi Andy, welcome aboard. That's a pretty rare model. Looks to be in decent shape. What are you seeing closer up?
Mostly cosmetics haven’t had a chance to get into her yet!
I gotta figure out if I am going to have feul tank cleaned out or replaced? I going to do the minimum right now to get her on the water cause fishing is good then come fall start a full restore! I got too figure out how to get rid of my old hull so I can get this one under house to work on her! Me and My family are total boat hoarders!!
Any ideas on the feul tank would be appreciated!!
Cool boat! I love those cuddy/center console models. A half tower would be awsome on that boat.
Hi. My name is jp. I recently acquired an aqua sport, which I believed to be a 19-6, but come to find out it's not. It's a 191.
Thanks for the add and thanks to Rickk for getting me in the right direction. Big dreams, small wallet. Great ful for the experience. Thanks
Proud new owners of a 1978 170. My wife and I found what we think is a great deal from Craigslist in Norfolk, Va. I grew up on a 13' foot Whaler, and have done a fair amount of sailing. My dream growing up was always to have something in the 17' foot range to tool around Hampton Roads. Driving it out for a test before we bought was thrilling and a dream come true. What I didn't know when we got it was the rave reviews of these boats. And it's amazing to find a thriving community dedicated to them. Am happy to join up and be part.
Will Cline
Welcome aboard JP and Will :welcome01:
JP, look at the bottom of your transom and you will see what makes your boat unique - you'll see the strakes that extend all the way back and the rounded bottom.
Will, you're in good company here among all the 170/175 owners. Plenty of help when you need it.
I saw this introduction forum. My name is Tom. I have a 1980 196 Family Fisherman. My father bought is new and I have been the caretaker since new. It is now mine, but has been out of service for the past 10ish years. About 8 years ago I bought a used 186 Sea Hunt Triton cc with a 115 yamaha instead of repowering the 196 FF. Now I am interested in refinishing the 196. I needs at least some transom work before the repower. Big question is what to repower it with. As many others have stated on the site, there is a concern with the weight on the rear end. Currently have an Evinrude 150 and stepping towards the rear brings in water to the deck. Thinking of repowering with either a new evinrude 115HO or a suzuki 140.
Those are some of the issues I bring to the site along with my love of the Aquasport. I can't find another boat that I like with the fishability, room, and storage of my 196FF!!!
Thanks to all that have gone before and shared the acquired expertise. I hope to get this project going in the next year or two. (retirement project!)
Welcome aboard to new members Andy, JP, Will and Tom. :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut:
Welcome Tom!!
I don't think you'd be happy with the performance of a 196 with anything less than a 150hp. The new Etecs are light and powerful. The Merc Optis are similar.
Hi all! Michelle here, Will's wife and mechanic with the '78 170. I'm sure I'll be asking plenty of questions!
Welcome aboard Michelle!! So you're the mechanic in the team? We can always use another motorhead around here to help everyone.
Well, the mechanically inclined, not a true motorhead per say. Just lots of tools and basic understanding of how most things work!
Welcome aboard Michelle. :salut:
My name is Chris, Im from south Florida. Found this site looking for ideas during my transom rebuilding process ...93 210 osprey center console 94 evinrude ocean pro. currently closing in the transom and mounting a bracket
:welcome01: Chris. You can find plenty of examples of that kind of rebuild.
Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
Thanks guys :salut2:
New member with many questions.
I have a deal pending on. A 2004 osprey 215 with a matching 225 Yamaha 4 stroke.
The boat is in mint shape but I do have a question about a water stain 3/4 the way up the bilge pump. The PO states it was there when he bought the boat 2 summers ago and that he kept it on a trailer other than a week or two during vacation.
Do these boats trap water between the stringers or up at the bow until they are on a trailer?
I also became very concerned after I made the deal when I googled that motor. Seems like every page that came up dealt with corrosion in the exchaust on this motor during that time period. We only use our boats half the year up here so it only has 250 hours and looks very clean. Anybody run into this problem with theirs?
Looking forward to reading through the post to find tips on how to maintain and improve our new love.
Hopefully this goes to my own introduction and not a response to the guys I clicked on? I could not find a post new topic button?
Welcome Icy!! :welcome01:
If you click on "Forum" on the main menu bar above, then click on a forum, at the top of each forum is a "new topic" button.
I have a deal pending on. A 2004 osprey 215 with a matching 225 Yamaha 4 stroke.
The boat is in mint shape but I do have a question about a water stain 3/4 the way up the bilge pump. The PO states it was there when he bought the boat 2 summers ago and that he kept it on a trailer other than a week or two during vacation.
Do these boats trap water between the stringers or up at the bow until they are on a trailer?
I also became very concerned after I made the deal when I googled that motor. Seems like every page that came up dealt with corrosion in the exchaust
Hopefully this goes to my own introduction and not a response to the guys I clicked on? I could not find a post new topic button?
I am not sure about the new hulls but my Explorer keeps some water up in the cabin area, even when on a trailer. It is because the hull is not all on the same plane, the keel is actually deeper right below the cabin than in the back of the boat. When you look at your hull see if the hull hangs lower in the front portion.
Here is an example using the CCP hull, you can see the hull is deeper up front.
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My Explorer has a bilge pump up front and one in the back. Do you have multiple pumps or are you referring to the aft one?
Welcome aboard Ice. :salut:
Is this the model you have?
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Hello. Newbie to the forum and to Aquasport boats. Last week we got a '82 246 walkaround with a '98 mercury 225. No floor soft spots and the transom is rock solid, I suspect they were both redone by a previous owner. About 10 hours on the motor rebuild. New steering, gauges, and raymarine chartplotter/fish finder by the owner that sold to us. Couldn't pass it up for $2500
:welcome01: 82Aqua24 That Express Fisherman looks to be in great shape. :thumleft:
I just bought my first Aquasport an hour ago, a 71 CCC with a aluminim trailer for $600 Its a complete POS and I LOVE it. I have been dreaming of doing a restoration on one of these for years. It will probably take me years to complete. But I have always loved restoring things, from cars to houses, and I I restored a boat once. It even came with a few wasp nests to keep things exciting. I am going to have to try and tow her home tomorrow after work, which Im scared to do as its been sitting for 10 years.
Also, how do I get the pics to not be sideways??
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Welcome aboard! Yup, looks pretty rough. A gallon of bleach and a pressure washer will give you a better idea of what she looks like.
As for the pictures - they are sideways because you took them with your phone in the vertical position instead of horizontal - you took the first one holding the phone horizontally. To fix them, after you upload them to your gallery, click on the pic in your gallery and to the right you'll see "Edit photo". Click that and one option is "Rotate CW" - click that and then at the bottom of the page you'll see "Submit changes". If you do this before you add them to your post, they'll appear correctly. If after, then you refresh your browser page and it'll show the changes. (This is what I did)
Welcome aboard :salut:
Welcome aboard! Yup, looks pretty rough. A gallon of bleach and a pressure washer will give you a better idea of what she looks like.
As for the pictures - they are sideways because you took them with your phone in the vertical position instead of horizontal - you took the first one holding the phone horizontally. To fix them, after you upload them to your gallery, click on the pic in your gallery and to the right you'll see "Edit photo". Click that and one option is "Rotate CW" - click that and then at the bottom of the page you'll see "Submit changes". If you do this before you add them to your post, they'll appear correctly. If after, then you refresh your browser page and it'll show the changes. (This is what I did)
Thank you! Seems like they either corrected themselves or you helped. Anyways, I'll be starting a build thread soon. I plan on doing a Vlog on YouTube of my build, as I couldnt find anyone else that did any, Im sure they are on there, just couldnt find one.
Welcome aboard! Yup, looks pretty rough. A gallon of bleach and a pressure washer will give you a better idea of what she looks like.
As for the pictures - they are sideways because you took them with your phone in the vertical position instead of horizontal - you took the first one holding the phone horizontally. To fix them, after you upload them to your gallery, click on the pic in your gallery and to the right you'll see "Edit photo". Click that and one option is "Rotate CW" - click that and then at the bottom of the page you'll see "Submit changes". If you do this before you add them to your post, they'll appear correctly. If after, then you refresh your browser page and it'll show the changes. (This is what I did)
Thank you! Seems like they either corrected themselves or you helped. Anyways, I'll be starting a build thread soon. I plan on doing a Vlog on YouTube of my build, as I couldnt find anyone else that did any, Im sure they are on there, just couldnt find one.
I fixed them using the procedure I described.
Hi All,
New to the community and already getting lots of great tips from looking through the many threads.
I have a 1987 Aquasport 200 Osprey with a 2005 Yamaha F115 on the back. My dad bought it new when I was 2 and has kept immaculate care of it ever since, so it's in pretty great shape for its age. My wife and I now "share" the boat (though we own it) with three other couples to defray the annual operating costs and ensure it gets plenty of use during the relatively short boating season up here in Portland, Maine.
Just got 'er unwrapped and put a coat of bottom paint on the other day. Can't wait for launch day.
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Welcome aboard Jeff!!
Hello, 1997 Osprey inheritor. Sat for 2 years, and needs a few things fixed. The main issue is it need gel coating work on the water line of the boat. Will be asking questions so be patient. This is meant to sell, not keep.
175 with optional value package, minn kota auto pilot troller and some more.
Welcome aboard!
just picked up a 1994 20ft osprey 150 Yamaha.
looking forward to taking my young daughter fishing.
was bought from original owner and in really good shape.
Cool! Show some pics - Welcome Aboard!
saying my file is too big over 2000?
not sure, same files i always post for forums from my desk top.
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Upload from device/desktop to your Gallery on this Forum first then post.
Read carefully:
Hi Folks, Just joined so I can look at all the cool pics and rebuilds of the Aquasports. I own 2- 2003 215 Explores and a 1983 175 Osprey. Both great boats.
Welcome aboard. :salut:
Welcome eel :welcome01:
Hey everyone! Bought my first aquasport back in August, just getting around to fixing it up and playing with it. It’s an ‘01 250 osprey. Love the boat so far!!
Congrats DZ and Welcome Aboard!!
3 generations of Bailey's here. My dad Jim Bailey inherited his 19' Aquasport from his dad. It is a 1968 center console with a step up fore deck. My name is Matt Bailey and my son is Nick.
We have decided to get the 'ol "Placebo" back on the water. She needs a new engine and that is where we are starting. Have a friend who offered their 150 Yamaha 4 stroke, but am concerned it is too much... Where should I post about this or search about this?
Start a thread in the Aqua Discussion forum for opinions on repower size.
And of course, welcome aboard. :salut:
Welcome aboard Bailey clan :welcome01: and of course, when you start your thread to ask questions :PicsNeeded:
Sounds like you have a 191 model and it came in 2 models - Gull (Console up against the casting deck) and Osprey (a gap between casting deck and console). Here is a link to our catalog that contains info on your boat
Here is a link that will show HP limits
Hello everyone! I am a newbie to boating and have an Explorer 275. I'm excited to be a new member here and I have a LOT to learn. I did successfully diagnose and replace two dead batteries yesterday, probably the extent of my mechanical abilities.
Welcome aboard BN. :salut:
The 275 EX is a rather large "starter" craft but good luck with her. Is she Fighting Lady Yellow?
Welcome aboard BoatNewbie !! The 275 is the model that changed the focus to family and it has a cabin that our older Explorers didn't have - we had the big aft area and the small cabin, you have the opposite, workable aft and big cabin. I just couldn't figure out why they made the head the way they did - like you have to figure out what to do with your legs when on the can.
Thanks for the warm welcome and the 275 background Captain Bob and Rickk. My boat doesn't have the yellow, but that is a nice looking combination. I will transfer some photos of the Fonsea to my computer and post soon. I agree the head does have interesting dimensions -- which I would imagine get even more interesting the taller you are. I'm only 5'5" and find it rather cozy. I have a ton of really embarrassing newbie questions, so I hope I don't horrify the forums with my ignorance! :sign0104:
Hello all, I’m Omar, I just picked up my forst aquaspot yesterday, it’s an 86 222 osprey
It’s gonna be a lot of work, my goal is to have it on the water by Spring next year!
Looking forward to it, I’ll post pics when I start tearing into it
Welcome aboard Omar. :salut:
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Welcome aboard Omar!
Hi all, long time lurker here. After years of watching all the rebuilds here I am finally getting the chance to take one on myself. If everything goes as planned there will be a 222 in my yard in about a week. I will make sure to get a rebuild thread going and will surely be hitting you all up for advice as I go.
Welcome Mike - good luck on the purchase!
I figured I better introduce myself before I start with the flood of questions. Friends call me Fish. A moniker my mother gave me since I can remember. When I was younger just out of the USMC I went straight into the fishing industry. I worked my way from headboats to offshore charters then commercial fishing. Then I got married...luckily I saved and went to school for commercial diving and underwater welding. Worked oil fields for 8 years and inland for 5. 2 years Diving US Navy vessels. I have owned a few boats years ago but whe. You work around them you know better than to own one. Fast forward 15 years I work as an inspector, inspecting Naval ship modifications. Wife and I split. She got the house. And I bought an 1986 Aquasport 290 tournament master. (Truth be known I have been dreaming of another boat for a few years.)
I’m going to need a ton of advice from you experts. Please forgive if I break protocol of posting etc. this is the first site I joined. Second was the HullTruth. Those guys seem a bit brand orientated. Ford/Chevy kinda thing
Welcome aboard Fish. :salut:
This is your Hialeah hull model.
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This is the 89 model by Genmar. You may find both different and similar/same specs.
Good luck. :thumright:
YES SIR!!!! That is great! I haven’t been able to find that info anywhere. Mine needs some love. I made it my new hobby. I also figured by living aboard I can stay focused and see her thru.
I was starting to get cold feet thinking I bit off more than I could chew. But after reading treads on here. There isn’t to many totally unanswered questions!
Welcome aboard Fish. I hope you found the big boy forum.
I'm John, though everyone calls me "Franchise". Long story short is that it's a play on my last name and it stuck and won't go away so now here we are :13: Actually not the worst moniker because people seem to never forget my name.
I'm a military guy; got stationed here in Los Angeles back in 2002 and never left. Did my active duty time and then switched to the Air Force Reserves so I can continue to serve and get that pension, all while staying put here =)
I got into spearfishing about 5 years ago and I've finally gotten to the point where I'm tired of bumming rides on boats. My dive buddy and I decided to be boat partners and we happened upon a fellow diver ready to move up in size...
So, first time boat owner - and pretty stoked on it. She's a 1992 Aquasport 210 Walkaround. Everything is clean on the boat, but our first task is a repower. Going to need to do a lot of research because I'm sure there are some idiot mistakes I need to keep clear of.
Anyhow - looking forward to keeping everyone up to date on the repower and any other things we do to her as time goes on. But, as a first time boat owner, I'm mostly in "receive mode".
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Welcome aboard Franchise!
Welcome aboard Franchise. :salut:
That's a nice looking hull my friend but then I'm bias.
I just re-powered with an F150 four stroke Yamaha. It's original motor was a 91 200hp two stroke Yamaha and it performed well. Just getting use to the heavier and reduced power level but performance is very similar. Fuel burn is improved, top end is reduced a couple of mph but the mid range cruise is better on both so...
Start a re-power thread once you get going and keep us up to date. Love the enclosure.
Thanks for the welcome, all. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on the repower.
Hell0. I hope I'm doing this right - I'm Kevin from Michigan and I am glad I found this site. I'm looking at an '86 222 Osprey that is local to me and without power. It seems the original owner repowered it recently and the second owner bought it to pull the 200 outboard for his Mako. The boat is pretty solid overall with a little softness in the cockpit sole. The transom looks to be crack free and I need to go back to it and look it over more carefully. I love the lines of the hull and I'd like to repower it so I would have a reliable (second) boat to run around Lake St. Clair. I've already learned a lot here and I'm sure with some careful searching I will have most of my questions answered. If it checks out and I can secure the deal, I'd like to awlgrip the hull, leave the bottom painted and just clean it up overall along with the repower. Now, back to researching...
Hello all. My name is Eddie and I live in South Florida. My previous boat was a 225 Osprey. I just became the owner of a 1982 222 CCP. I wasn't looking for a project but it was too good of a deal to pass up. The engine is not worth fixing, the transom is solid, but the floor has some soft spots. I am going to try injecting the floor first to see if that will buy me some time, if not then you will see me starting a build thread. I will have to rewire the whole boat and repair the console and coffin box, so I went ahead and tore everything out. I am sure I will be asking for advice soon, so please bear with me. If the floor injecting is successful, then I will have to rewire and re-power the boat as well as re-paint/gelcoat the floor of the boat. Also, the teak in the boat is completely shot. What can I use to replace the teak? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Welcome aboard Eddie!
Welcome aboard to both Kevin and Eddie. :salut: :salut:
Eddie, nothing wrong with that teak that a good cleaner/brightener won't fix. It appears one piece may be broken/missing port side, forward pocket and the anchor locker hatch but all will clean easily even with just a brush and soap. Still the cleaner/brightener (with a brush) will make it look new. Then just treat it with the finish of your choice. If that's not your thing, don't junk it. There are members here that are always searching for different pieces of teak for their CCPs. It's what gives the model its classic look IMHO.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hello all from Texas,
George from Texas here and the proud owner of a one owner 1995 175 Osprey with a Johnson 88 SPL as the pusher. Hope to absorb
as much info from here as possible. No restoration needed just a lil TLC on my part. Should be dropping it in the water in the next two weeks or so.
Welcome aboard George - you're going to like the 175.
Hello, all. Tom Griggs here. Live in Tampa. I'm a partner in a 1969 191 . . . they call it The Remnant for reasons unknown to me. My boat partner's dad bought it new in 1970. The boat's been in their family ever since. I'm relatively new to boating and having a blast. The Remnant's in good condition other than a few whiskey dents and some ware-and-tear, to be expected. Always in need of TLC and I'm hoping to learn and acquire resources from the group from time to time.
I've got a couple of questions right off the bat. First is whether anyone in Tampa has a recommendation for tower welding repairs. I'm just looking for a short-lived patch (if possible). I hope to replace the tower all together in a couple years. All the recommended local tower/marine specialists are always backed up and want it dropped off for about a month. Not sure I can handle that much down time. I gotta believe that, in a port town, there's someone who can provide quick or mobile welding for something like this. I couldn't attach the photo properly so here's a link to my photo album. Admin help
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Second request is a for some advice on learning how to make fiberglass and gel-coat repairs. General advice, books, websites, or YouTube channels are all great. Just looking for a trusted source.
Welcome aboard Tom! You did the hard work of getting the pic to your gallery - to add the pic to your topic you click and copy the "Linked Image" code on the right of the pic and then paste that into your topic.
I can't help you with welders since I'm not from that area.
As for learning fiberglass work - spend some time in our rebuild forums and you'll learn a lot.
New member here from Ohio, just picked up a new to me 161 Tournament Cat, Im about 90% ready for the maiden voyage, a few more things to button up on her. Ill try and post a pic. I have plenty of questions now and Im sure more as i get some time on the water, primarily will be on lake erie and the ohio River, with the occasional trip to the chesepeake when time allows.
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Welcome aboard Tom and BW. :salut: :salut:
Name is Ben and from CT. After two years of pleading with the boss lady and a super strict boat budget (in which I went over and then got grounded for) I now own a 1974 Aquasport 196. Totally worth getting grounded over.
Welcome Ben and Barbwire!
Welcome aboard Ben. :salut:
Hello Classic aqua sport, I'm happy to join your forum. I have owned may boats over they years. I currently have two power boats and a 4 sailboats. I appreciate boats that have had a long production run. My Aquasport is a 2001 200 Osprey Tournament Master, my other boat is a 31 Jupiter.
Does anyone know how many 200 Ospreys were built? Did the hull come from the 19-6?
I live and fish in South Jersey and fish the FL Keys in the winter.
I have aways been a fan of the Aquasport boats, especially CCPs. This Aquasport 200 is simple, easy and a fun little boat.
The only project on my todo list is to re-bed the console to the deck. I would imagine to do it right. I would drill out the screw holes and over bore them, fill them with epoxy, redrill to the correct size, bevel the top of the hole set with 3M 4200 in the holes and around the base of the console.
Maybe a quick fix, just fill the holes with epoxy and redrill and set with 4200.
Anyone do this before? I'm happy for your expertise and advice.
Hi all, would like to introduce myself from Carroll County MD. We are going to look at a 1998 osprey 200 center console tomorrow. We are considering buying it for the use of fishing and crabbing in the Chesapeake Bay. It is powered by a 1998 evinrude 115 spl. Looking forward to getting to know more about the brand and those that love them. Thanks
Welcome aboard to both Sailfish and bcrawf2095. :salut: :salut:
Welcome Sail and BC :welcome01:
BC - a 115 is on that boat is under powered, unless you always have just 1 person onboard. You might consider selling that motor and buying a 150. Look at the link to the catalog I sent you to see what it is rated at.
Sail - no records were available after they closed the plant in 2006. I bought my 230 in 2006 and immediately called Aquasport TS and was able to get build numbers for my model - didn't think about getting build numbers for any other models at the time (dang it). Shortly after my call they turned off the phones and dumpstered all records. :03:
Hi All,
I just purchased a used boat and it's not a Aquasport but I hear its a rebadged Aquasport Striper 165. It's a 1998 Wellcraft 160 ccf with a 2001 Johnson 70 with tilt and trim. Looking forward to learning a few things about it. I've been driving the boat a few evenings. The boat runs perfect and it's perfect for what I want to do with it which is fishing above Shenandoah River freshwater dams in my home of Page County, VA and fishing tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay.
Welcome aboard Kirk - the boat seems to be in good shape. Back in those years the Wellcraft and Aquasports were made/built on parallel lines, so sometimes they rebadged and created a new model by doing so.
Hi everyone,
New to this site, I'm from Northeast Connecticut and have been a long time boater and fisherman. Just purchased my second Aquasport which is a 1970 19-1 that I am planning on restoring and am sure I will be seeking help from all of you. I'm posting a few pictures of me first getting It home before I do anything to it. And I know it needs a good cleaning desperately.
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I'm looking forward to working on this over the next few years
Glad to see you made it on here! That looks like a great starting point!
Thanks, started a new thread in 191 rebuilds with pics of where I'm at so far
Welcome aboard Kirk and KJ. :salut: :salut:
Hi all. My name's Mike and I'm from northern Michigan. Not many Aquasports up this way. I'm thinking on buying an 1988 17' cc about 6 hours from here and needed to know what to look for when I see it. I read the "buyers bible" and there was some good information in that. I've owned boats for over 50 years but the only glass one was a whaler so glass boats are sort of new for me. Trailers and engines I'm familiar with. This one comes with a 90 which I hope is big enough to get the boat up and moving. Any information you might have is much needed and appreciated!
The 90 will push that boat near 40mph - plenty for most people.
Hello there!
I'm new to the forum, just picked up a '73 222 semi V, she's water worthy but needs a few things to make her shine. She's in Pine Island Florida, so will be fishing the skinny waters and the near shore Gulf of Mexico.
Hoping you guys can give me some hint's tips and direction. She's my first boat, took me a few years to find, I'm in no rush going to try to do some of the work myself.
Welcome aboard PI. :salut:
Welcome aboard Kj, Max and PI :welcome01:
Hello everyone!
I'm Brian and I'm new to this site and a new boat owner. I live on Whidbey Island just outside Oak Harbor, WA.
One week ago I purchased a 1978 Xscape 190 bowrider for $150, no motor or controls, but the steering is there. The steering rod is slightly bent a little. After pressure washing it and cleaning it up, it looks a lot better. I will be restoring it as best I can and I can't wait to start learning from you all on this site along with studying at YouTube university, Lol.
Welcome Brian, I have in-laws in Port Townsed, I plan on doing quite a bit of goofing around up there when my restoration is complete. It is a beautiful bunch of water in those parts.
Welcome Brian - we'll help you as much as we can, but the Xscape model is not real well known here. When it comes to fiberglass, that is well known here.
Have been a member of the site for a few months, but am just now getting around to introducing myself!
I'm Blake and from just South of Raleigh, NC.
Recently bought a 1987 170 Osprey with a 2005 Johnson 90 2-stroke. This is my first boat and I am loving it! Here are a few pics:
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Welcome aboard Brian and Blake. :salut: :salut:
Brian, exactly which is your model?
:welcome01: Blake
Has the boat been painted?
Hello everyone. Ed here from the Jersey shore and this is my second Aquasport. Had a 72 19-6 years ago but recently picked up a 1982 200 CCP with a 97-175 Merc.
The hull looks good but the motor needs some work. Was thinking of putting on an 88 120 Johnson looper for now since I have one. Or a 96 115 Evinrude crossflow.
Depending which needs less work. I'm sure the looper would be much better. I'm hoping it would do at least 40 mph.
Don't know much about these 200 CCPs but it sure looks built well and a pretty deep V hull. I really like the way it's layed out. And help or suggestions greatly appreciated !!!
Rick- Yes! The previous owner had the boat painted in early 2017. The color is a very light grey..looks white in most pictures. Definitely different
Welcome aboard Ed!! - I think you'll find the boat is way under powered with anything less than a 150.
Welcome aboard Ed!! - I think you'll find the boat is way under powered with anything less than a 150.
I have to agree with Rick on this. You certainly won’t hit your goal of 40 MPH with either the 115 or the 120. Your WOT is likely to be 25-30 MPH.
If I may ask, why are you scrapping the 175? It should hit low 40s and cruise at 25-30 useing less fuel.
Thanks guys. Not scrapping the 97 Merc 175 just yet.
It's got a bad cylinder and lots of corrosion.
Just figured until I get the right outboard for it I'd just throw something on it. The 200 CCP weighs about the same as a open bow 19 ft Chaparral I had that 115 on and it did 45 with that. So I just figured 40 with more of a deep V would be about right. Especially with the 120 looper since they are torque monsters.
I do have an 88 Johnson 225 looper but I figured that would be too much and heavy at 450 lbs. Just gotta check it out first to see if it's good..
Welcome aboard Ed. :salut:
Welcome aboard Ed.
I can attest that the 115 or 120 will not push that 200 CCP. Those hulls are heavier than you think. Also the deep bow entry takes lots of power to get going. I had a 200 XF (same hull as the CCP) and I put a 125 on it. I pretty much had to run it wide open to go maybe 28 mph. It also struggled to get up on a plane. I replaced it with a 200 2.5L Merc. Was a good match. I agree 150 is minimum hp.
Just got a 1980 Aquasport Family Fisherman. First boat needs to be re wired front to back, some patches all around, a re build on the carb, and new fuel pump put on the 1979 evinrude 100 2 stroke but I think I can get those downriggers wet before the season ends. Oh and going to build a new bench seat that's about 6ft on the port side storage and room for the littles to sit securely. More to come I suppose thanks for all the helpful info this page has been amazing for the most info on "my boat" boy is that nice to type out.
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Welcome aboard 3lysium87 !!
Welcome aboard 3l. :salut:
Hello! I am excited to have been able to join the forum! Yesterday I just purchased a 1981 Aquasport 246 FX. She is a beauty that needs some work.
I bought it from a guy who had planned to fix her up but due to health issues was forced to sell before he could make repairs.
She is going to need a new engine and a new transom. But the rest of the boat is rock solid and just needs some buffing / basic TLC.
Looking forward to talking with you all!
Welcome aboard CaptC. :welcome01: The Express fisherman (XF) is a great fishing machine and I bet that 246 has a huge dance floor in the aft.
Oh Yes! Sorry about the Fat Fingers. It is the XF haha!
But here is a picture of her. I will start a thread once things really start kicking off.
Hello all. This past weekend I have picked up a 1976 AquaSport 19-6. On Saturday I put around 32 miles on the boat and the old mercury ran flawlessly. The boat could use a polish and some wood refinishing but overall is in nice shape. I’m located in New Jersey and will use the boat mostly for fishing and exploring the bay with an occasional trip out of the inlet.
Welcome aboard Capt C and Tyler :salut: :salut:
Got to love that Tahitian Tan on the XF
Hello everyone. Al from Gulf Breeze, Florida. New to forum but long time Aquasport owner. I have a 1996 245 Explorer and just bought my wife a 1991 175 Osprey for her birthday. I told her it was for her and that's my story and I'm sticking to it. The 175 in pretty good shape but needs a little TLC. I'm looking forward to working on her this winter and this forum looks like an excellent resource for information.
:welcome01: Tyler and Pescador.
Hey everyone, I'm new to the Aquasport family, I just recently purchased a 1988 Aquasport 22-2 Express Fisherman. Doing some upgrades to the trailer as I speak and will do some maintenance to the engine and probably will have my maiden voyage this week or next week. Looking forward to doing some custom work to em and will take any advice or suggestions about this model from fellow members/owners. Thanks for having me.
Welcome aboard RT! :s_hi:
welcome aboard RT. :salut:
Ahoy all! Owned my 215 Explorer since 2004. Re-powered the with a Honda BF150 in 07 recently upgraded electronics and added a 30 gallon live well. Looks like some good resources here.
Welcome aboard SC!
Hi Everyone, working on my dream boat started with a clean and solid 1990 174 CC , had a running 88SPL everything else original. Now, added a 2013 90 HP ETEC (149 hours) , 4" atlas hyd jackplate, leaning post seat and just installed baystar hyd steering. Im still prop tuning so far everything ive wanted here is a picture on trailer still a work in progress.
Welcome aboard HUD!! What does the HIN "stamp" in the aft side of the transom show. My '92 Explorer shows the model (230A) under the Hull ID (HIN).
stamped on the transom in that location is OUABO133K1990 , well best i can tell there is still some sticker residue from these reflectors it had on there.
Here is the "Stamp" on mine ('92 Explorer) - Starboard side just below the rubrail. Yours should start with AQA - the lower numbers are the model - mine is a 230 Explorer. See if you can find something like that on your boat.
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no sir, thats all mine has stamped in that location, it sure doesn't start with AQA.
OUA was one of several manufacturer's codes used by Aquasport prior to the Genmar era. 1990 was the transition year. It might be a carryover Hialeah hull assembled on the west coast or already built at the old plant and stamped the following year.
thanks for the info Capt thats interesting.
OUA Aquasport Marine Industries (I believe that's correct) was the name Aqua took after (I'm thinking)
they restructured in Miami prior to becoming Genmar. Data on this is sketchy but it directionally correct.
1990 is the year we have the least connecting data between the last days in Hialeah and the final move to Sarasota.
How do I create a new post or discussion? Haha brand new to this forum but loving it so far.
Nevermind figured it out lol
Go to the Forum page and browse the different sub forum and click on the one that best describes the topic you wish to post in. Once thete, look at the upper right area and you will see another bix for creating a new topic in that forum.
Click on that and you're on your way. You can (required) create ths thread title and post what you like.
Hello All, I'm very happy to be added to this forum. I have already been browsing and reading a lot about my boat. I sold my 1974 Proline 24' Flatback about 3 years ago and have been missing that style of boat badly. After scouting around for a few years, I found a decent 1973 Aquasport 22-2 Osprey. It's been redone (was told by the Young Brothers in Crystal River) several years back, but appears to still have the original configuration and center console. The previous owner added a very smooth running Honda 135 sitting on a Bob's Jackplate. I think my boat may be a tad under-powered as the data plate calls for a max hp of 230.
I actually like the ride quite a bit better than my 24' Proline Flatback, but realize I sacrifice a few inches in draft with the modified V-Hull. I have to watch the tides close anyways since I stay way back in the creeks at Suwannee area quite a bit.
Anyways, I really like my 22-2 and will give it some TLC as I continue to learn from the guys on here.
:welcome01: Suwanneedude. Post up some pics of your new boat :PicsNeeded:
Welcome aboard SD. :salut:
Man, am I glad I found you folks. Being a 77 yo lifetime Florida boater and previous Aquasport owner (3), I recently purchased a 1977 Aquasport 22-2 Osprey INBOARD ... always wanted one. It's in terrific shape, most likely refurbished a couple of years ago.
:welcome01: Larry. :PicsNeeded:
Welcome aboard Larry. :salut:
Enjoying my rebuilt '70 flatback. I learned quiet a bit watching the rebuilds on this site. So far couldn't be happier with the outcome.
Hey I'm Dusty. Just bought 1971 170. Planning on using my current 85 johnson to power it. Just redoing all woodwork on the deck. Have to apply some non skid. The factory stuff is slick now. Plus a fresh coat of season green with a black or maybe white bottom.
Welcome aboard Dusty. I see you started a thread in the 170/175 rebuild forum. Post some pix of your boat. I'd like to compare our two boats.
Thanks for the welcome email... appreciate you allowing me to join. Just bought a 1970 170 that's in pretty bad shape, but I'm aiming to bring her back to life. Used to ride around on one ages ago... was pretty much the first boat I had free reigns to... good times.
Can't wait to check out some of the work others have done on their 17s and so on... very much appreciate the expertise being shared.
Getting old. :aom:
Hard to keep up with the new members.
Welcome aboard to FL FB, Dusky and Deacon. :salut: :salut: :salut:
Welcome Deacon :s_hi:
We have a bunch of rebuilds going on right now - we're here to help you spend your money :85:
:salut2: :salut2: :salut2: Hi,
New to the forum and have been browsing a bit. Looks like a friendly place and helpful too.
I have a 1985 170 Ospry with a 1997 Evinrude 90. Now for my first question, the capacity plate is totaly worn and cannot see any detail. Does anyone know the specs, number of passengers and weight, total with gear etc and maximum horsepower so i can get a new plate?
Welcome Pete. :s_hi:
Look here
Been lurking for about a month and can’t figure out how to make my own post.. but my names josh I’m in ft Myers and just got a free 222 flatback with the transom already gutted and am trying to figure out how to rebuild it myself!
Thanks Rick. :13: Capacity plate ordered.
Welcome aboard Petey and Josh. :salut: :salut:
Thanks Rick. :13: Capacity plate ordered.
Is this what you ordered?
Yes. And thanks for the welcome Capt Bob
Been lurking for about a month and can’t figure out how to make my own post.. but my names josh I’m in ft Myers and just got a free 222 flatback with the transom already gutted and am trying to figure out how to rebuild it myself!
Hi Josh, congrats on the hull.
In the upper part of the site you'll see a row of links, one saying Forum. Click that link and all the forums appear. Scroll down to the 2nd Category, the Rebuilds Forums. Look for the Osprey Style Hull Rebuilds forum and in that forum you'll find the Flatbacks 22-2 Rebuilds - click on that. This is the forum to spend some time in, to learn how to rebuild your FB.
Near the top you see a Blue bar and to the right you'll see a button "+ New Topic", click that.
Starting at the top, enter a Subject (like Josh's 22-2 rebuild). Under all the emoticons you'll see a white box. This is where you start documenting the rebuild.
To insert pics into the post follow the instructions here - - don't attach them, this is better for viewing.
:salut2: to Garzon, the capacity plate came yesterday.
Thanks again for the contact info.
Howdy I’m Mike. Been clicking on this website for years so I decided to become a member. I have a 20 ft 1978 Pro Line. Soon to be rebuilt, the floor and transom are softer than baby poo. But I just can’t stop fishing and lobstering lol.
Welcome aboard Mike :welcome01:
Hi guys,
Just bought a well-used '83 Osprey and starting to grasp what I've let myself in for. She'll fish as is, but needs some surgery if she's to last. I'll do some searching on the site before asking questions that may already have been answered a 1000 times ... and what a site! The sheer volume of openly shared knowledge is mind boggling on so many levels. Thanks to all the contributors that are going to make my choices a whole lot more informed ... and hopefully I can reciprocate occasionally, even if it's how not to do things.
Welcome aboard Mike and Brad. :salut: :salut:
Hello Folks!
I am new to the Forum!
Recently picked up a 2000 Osprey 205.
Not new to Aquasport or Boating !
Glad to meet everyone and hope I can learn and contribute.
Welcome aboard Doug. :salut:
Welcome aboard Brad and Doug :welcome01:
Well I've been lurking for quite awhile. All my searches ultimately came to this site , so I figured it was best to join.
I started with the idea of reviving a 191 osprey that is currently buried in a snow bank, until yesterday when I happened upon a 1978 170. So I picked the 170 up today and already started the cleaning and planning process. But there's also a 222 down the road that might also find its way towards my shop. I can see this is going to become a real problem.
Welcome aboard Mike :welcome01:
There are a lot of us that have more than one Aquasport, so I have the bug too.
Hi, My name is Kraig from Long Island. I'm thinking about purchasing this 246 ccc (I think?) . The seller did not include year in description. Im trying to get a hold of him. I was hoping you guys could help me out. It has a 200 hp Black Max Merc. Is that under powered?? How much does boat weigh? what year were they made? What to check for when I go look?? Thanks! The seller is asking 5k
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Good Luck. She appears to be in good shape. :thumright:
Thanks Capt Bob. Im going to look at it tomorrow. Its a 1979 hull, and a 1980 black max 200 hp. Ill do a compression test. Thanks for your help
Wow a CCC! (Center Console Cuddy). Nit a very common model. Aquasport was ahead of its time with this one... Center console for the guys... cuddy for the wife and kids. It's basically a CCP (center console professional) with a cuddy added up front. A 200 hp Merc. should push it pretty good.
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Another couple of links to our Gallery.
Joining the site to glean the info! Looking at a 95 200 Osprey.
I've only ever owned a small skiff in my teens. But I've worked on trawl boats, fishing boats, tugs, etc. Rode plenty of launch boats...
:salut2: hello all I'm new here been wanting to rebuild a 222 flatback for a long time i found one currently trying to figure out what to offer at the moment hopefully be in the drive way soon just wanted to introduce myself
Welcome aboard Panamax and Jhegedus92 :welcome01:
Welcome aboard Panamax and Jhegedus92 :salut: :salut:
Hello! FNG (friendly new guy) here. I recently purchased an 86' 170 Osprey and she is in fairly good shape but she needs a few upgrades. I will likely solicit advice as I go along. Glad to be here. Thanks
Welcome aboard DB :welcome01:
Welcome aboard DB. :salut:
Hey guys, picked up a new to me 1974 170 with a 90 two stroke yamaha a few months ago. This is the first boat I've personally owned, but have been around and on boats for most of my life. The previous owner restored much of the boat and its in great shape for a 40+ year old boat. I'm currently rewiring the boat after being a bit shocked how rag tag the wiring was previously. Boat spends most of its life in the skinny water around Wilmington NC and short nearshore trips.
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Welcome aboard 610. :salut:
:welcome01: 610Ved - she's looks to be in great shape.
Good morning. I don't have an Aquasport, I have a 1970's Slickcraft SS-235. I am in the process of working on a spongy floor, and noticed a wealth of information on this site. Thus the reason to join. Thanks.
Welcome Hoff. :salut2:
Just joined site, am in Ga, purchased a 2002 Osprey 215, Sport, looking forward to great times and good info, 66 years old, this will be named, MT Pockets $, say it fast, LOL
:welcome01: Mike
Welcome aboard Mike. :salut:
Hi Folks...John here...have a 99 205 osprey with a 200 OMC purchased in Ormond Beach. Boat has been through several hurricanes and currently needs some tlc. Specifically looking for a new console windscreen that was damaged in the last one. Any help would be appreciated. Glad to have found this site...great info.
:welcome01: John. The 205 is a popular model around here :thumleft:
Hello, After a long search and many craigslist disappointments, I'm the proud owner of a 1971, 19-1. Not quite sure how much of a rebuild I'm in for, but im sure this is the site for the information. Looking forward to posting progress reports.
Thanks in advance,
Welcome aboard Mike :nSalute: The 191 is a unique hull that was never used again in the line up.
Seems that I have stumbled onto a great site. I have a 200 Osprey that I just love (2000 yr model) seeems that the powers that be have dropped it from the line. Big mistake if you ask me. I looked for a year brfore I found what I thought was the perfect fishing boat. Thanks for starting this site.
picked up aqua sport osprey last year like the boat great fishing platform love to repower would like help putting the right exec on the back
Welcome aboard Nick :welcome01:
Good evening everyone. I've been nosing around everyone's posts looking for info on the best ways to rebuild a boat. I've got a '74 Proline 24 flatback. Look forward to sharing the build with you all and getting input on the best ways to build a solid boat.
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That console setup looks cool - welcome aboard
Hello Everybody!
I recently purchased a 2001 175 Osprey With a 90 hp 2 stroke Mercury. I love the boat and got a great deal on it. Only downside besides little cosmetic work is the previous owner had issues with the fuel tank and instead of replacing it just ran a 13 gallon tank on top of the deck. My plan is to use the boat this summer and tackle the fuel tank in a few months. Any advise would be appreciated like where to get a tank, what kind of tank and how to do this. I know I am going to have to cut some of the deck out to do this. I plan on having it pressure tested and see if its just a fitting or the whole tank. The boat runs great and I am really impressed with it so far. Everything else works, all the pumps, lights and all. I was thinking of doing the replacement myself and having a shop do the fiberglass work because I don't have much experience with fiberglass nor do I have the time or place to do it. The boat fit nice and snug in my garage which is a huge plus. Im very excited to be a part of this page and look forward to any advise.
Welcome aboard Cory :nSalute:
Welcome aboard JTB and Cory. :salut: :salut:
Cory, when you decide to replace your tank, start a thread in the Forum listed below for all your questions and your project. Pics welcomed. Read a thread or three there for some good ideas on the install procedures. Light reading to start the process.
Greetings-just restored a 1983 22.2. New gas tank, T-top, leaning post/seat and Evinrude eTec 150. Love this boat!
Nice CCP - welcome aboard DK!!
Welcome aboard DK. :salut:
Hello everyone I’m in Heathsville,VA on the wonderful Great Wicomico River. This is my first boat and it’s been very kind to me! 1993 19’6 and HIN AQAN0779G293. 130h
I’ve just gotten it back from having some work down to the side rails and I had covers made for center console and seat. Have so much to learn and so happy I found this site
:welcome01: Comer
Hello All,
My name is Ed and I got hold of a 1984 Osprey 196 that was used as a clamming boat and had seen better days.
The hull sounds very good and it just needs some TLC. My plan is to fix the dings and scrapes, build a custom center console and use it to support my fishing habit.
This is the first boat I have ever owned so the project is a but ambitious but I think I can handle it with a little help from this group.
So far, I have got it stripped down to just the hull and now the rebuild begins. I'll be posting pictures from time to time in the appropriate thread and I'm sure I'll be asking lots of questions.
Thanks for the add and I'll be talking to you all soon.
Welcome aboard to Comer and HA. :salut: :salut:
Welcome Ed!!
Hi fellow forumites! I just purchased a 1985 200 CCP with a 2006 Honda 130 4 stroke. I have a registration question. The title says that the ID# is 20539 BT24E 585 but the hull plate is #ASPP1224E585. I'm a bit concerned. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!
hullo? anyone there? Need some insight on my question please? :sign0085:
The format looks right for the ID number on the boat. As for the title, that number isn't right. As you know, the title and boat should match as far as the ID number goes.
When and where was it registered last? I would start there.
I agree with JD,
First, where do you hang your hat? State hull is titled in.
Plate HIN matches those we have seen for an 1985 Hialeah built hull.
Title work isn't this Forum's specialty but we do know how to decode the plate.
ASP is manufacturer aka Aquasport.
P (IMHO) is the model 200 CCP (A was a 222).
1224 is the hull serial #.
E should be May and the 5 is the last digit of the year (1985).
85 is again the model year.
The tile may be a "replacement" for a lost title. The State may have some admin type/style dealing with lost titles and that's why the numbers are somewhat different. I would call the State of issue Department of Transportation with your concerns.
Good luck. :thumright:
Thx Guys! I'm in New Jersey. The boat was registered this year by the PO. I'll see if he'll respond as to whether this is a replacement for a lost title. The boats in decent shape. I'll tow it down to Nokomis this winter. My cousin lives there. In the 80's, he built boats up here called Bullet boats. He's got the equipment and know how to help me rehab the boat.
I looked at the # and it looked more like an engine # than the AS #, which is the wrong format (as stated before).
Wow, Something must be wrong here. I know that the boat spent most of it's life in maine, freshwater. It came down 2 yrs ago and was registered in NJ. Perhaps it's Maines format that NJ DMV copied. Have to dig in to this.
Hi all,
New to the forum, thought I'd say hello. I just picked up an '86 Osprey 170 that needs some work, but it's the exact boat I wanted for coastal Maine fishing and island hopping. Nabbed it for $1000 with '86 Yamaha 115 and awesome aluminum I-beam trailer... Motor was having electrical issues and was really heavier than I wanted, so I sold motor and controls for $1050 - free hull and trailer! Repower is going to be a 1998 Suzuki DT85, 90 pounds lighter than the Yamaha (coming off of our current aluminum bowrider).
At any rate, started tearout on deck and it was coming out in handfuls, no great surprise. Transom is soft too, also no great surprise. Aluminum fuel tank looked like it had been peppered with buckshot, foam was soggy, etc... What was surprising was finding a 10+ year old drill in the bilge!
Found a new 35 gallon poly tank that fits, and will hopefully get some weight forward a bit. With a lighter motor and batteries in console, I'm hoping it will sit ok, and maybe be self bailing, depending what I do with the scuppers.
More to follow. Thanks again for having such a great resource!
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Welcome aboard WN. :salut:
I owned one of those for 16 years.
Start ya a rebuild thread here.
Good luck. :thumright:
:welcome01: wingnut :s_hi:
We're here for you if you need us in your rebuild.
Wanted to introduce myself, I am from Alabama and fish out of Orange Beach but live in Montgomery. Planning on retiring this year and currently are building a home in Lillian Al across the street from Perdido Bay. I just purchased a 2000 explorer 225 with a 2015 Yamaha 250 with 200 hours on it. The boat runs great and of course has a lot of the original equipment on it which I plan on upgrading and hopefully do it myself since I am retiring. I have worked for our Governemnt for 3
Hi JD and Welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard JDM. :salut:
New guy here in Virginia, keep the boat at Gwynn's Island on the Chesapeake Bay. 1995 Aquasport 245 Exporer with a '95 225 Evinrude. Just picked it up and I am trying to get here ready for a maiden journey.
Great site!!
Welcome aboard Jason. :salut:
:welcome01: Jason :s_hi:
Hello all,
First time owning an Aquasport but long time boat owner. I just purchased a 1970 222 Flatback from a local guy in eastern Connecticut. I'm currently trailering the boat and have put about 25hrs on it in the 3 weeks I have owned it. Very happy with the boat so far. It has a 1995 Tohatsu 115hp 2 stroke on the back and appears to be in relatively original condition. I have no history on the boat or motor as the previous owner purchased it only 3 years ago in Old Saybrook CT and didn't get a back story on it.
I purchased this boat after downsizing from a 26' Silverton with an inboard because we weren't getting much use out of that boat other than short day trips. We have a 2 year old and weren't spending weekends away on the boat like we thought we would. This boat, however, we had been using a lot and are enjoying every minute of it.
Looking forward to learning lots on this forum.
Tried to insert a picture, but file size is too large for even 1 picture. Links below for a few pics on dropbox
Welcome aboard RLC.
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them, this is better for viewing. When you follow this method there is no picture size limits like when you attach pics.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy.
Welcome aboard RLC. :salut:
Love the bow light/cleat. :thumright:
FM :mrgreen:
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Thank you for the tip, will do from now on. I was told the bow light was original, but not sure on that. Thanks for the warm welcome. I will be updating this boat over the next year or so. I will make a thread with any major work I do on here.
Thanks again
I was told the bow light was original, but not sure on that.
It is indeed.
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Good Evening,
I have been lurking around here for a few years and finally found a position in life with a wife (approving of boat...this is HUGE) and 8 month old to "settle down and purchase a boat". People say its a bad time with a baby and i feel its the perfect time to get him started early! I have to say this forum has been a HUGE help in all of my research and help in what the Aquasport has to offer so THANK YOU!!!
Background about myself:
Went to University of Florida Studying Construction Management, born and raised in Miami Fl. Lived on a 23ft seacraft and 17 Montauk Boston Whaler with the family as a kid.
The New Aquasport:
She is about all original aside from a re-power in 1989 when 2nd owner purchased boat, new Gelcoat in 2006 on sides ONLY (original bottom paint). I am still finding out about the specifics. I picked her up 400 miles away in Alabama and i l look forward to owning it and growing it into the dream i have in my mind. The sort of interesting part is that is sat for about 10-12 years from 2007 because of health issues through the family in storage and has been basically kept up since. Due to age, elderly parents, and no use, he decided to part with it and i am glad he did. We still keep in touch and he is a wonderful Gentleman who knows the lord.
A Little more about the boat,
- 1981 Aquasport Osprey
- 1987 225 HP 2 Stroke Evinrude with 525hrs per the previous owner (gauge has 416 hrs)
- Seemingly Original Trailer
1. Needs bottom paint
2. Lines in the motor looks good but ties and lines could fail at any moment.
3. Trailer needs some TLC with rollers shot.
4. Wood underneath the cap attaching the accessories (cleats, railing etc, ) seems to be rotted.
5. Wiring is a mess under the console but all accessories actually function as intended other than i think the RPM gauge.
6. Bilge pump doesn't seem to run and he mentioned it was functional but ran all the time when wiried up.
Looking forward to enjoying her, spending time learning more about the classic old 2 stroke motor and getting everyhing in working order.
Input on what things to look for would be greatly appreciated.
Looking forward to being a part.
Take Care & God Bless
Welcome aboard U485. :salut:
I too started in Miami. Moved south to Perrine early on. I didn't live on a boat but as much time as I spent on one, you might have thought so. Loved South Biscayne Bay and the Upper keys. Studied CM at FIU but became a Land Surveyor. Lived in Tallahassee for the last 20 years but the Gulf isn't the same (for me anyways).
Good luck and post up a few pics of your girl.
Capt. Bob, you sure do live on here though. hehe. What i meant was that i was always on a boat. A lot of photos from us as kids were on a boat or doing some sort of water activity in the keys. You have been a great asset to this community and i thank You BTW!!
Here are a few photos before the trip from Alabama.
:welcome01: Ulysses485 :s_hi:
That boat looks like a "time capsule" - in like new shape. A 222, correct?
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Rickk its incredible how well kept the boat is for sure. When i received some high def pictures from a follow up through text i was pretty sure the dust needed to be blown off a classic that was just "coming out of the barn". I will start a post soon where i will have a loooongg build of it to make it how i want with T-Top etc. For the next few years i plan to get accustomed to it and get everything maintained and rebuilt before i make the decision to do a full overhaul.
:39: hi all.
hesh here. i just picked up a 1997 aquasport 175 osprey. new to me. I'm new to it but not really new to boating - my wife and I liveaboard (most of the year) on a 1977 CHB Tri-Cabin Trawler out in the port of LA. Lot's of fun with that beast :040: but that's for another forum... anyway... in the late summer through late fall, we have a place up on Lake George NY and we got this Aquasport for here on the lake. We definitely wanted something small but sturdy, a deep v center console design made sense and we both had admired the old '70s aquasports from afar so when this one popped up on craigslist close by and in our (admittedly lower) price range, we jumped at it and jumped fast. Only being at the lake for a few months (and having the weather change at some point) we wanted to be sure we got something early on or not at all. So, may have been a bit impulsive... but so far so good. I'll start a new post for the trials and tribulations (and I've got some questions) but for now I'll just tease ya'll: It's got some soft spots on the floor, a rebuilt all metal transom, and... a 140hp :coolth: yeah, it's heavy in the stern to say the least but she screams and is, so far, fun fun fun.
hope to know ya'll soon.
all the best,
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Welcome aboard Hesh. :salut:
Hi All, thanks for the add to your group!! I picked up an 86 22 EF about 3 months ago. Boat sat in a neighbors yard for 4 years after he had a stroke in 2015. I ended up picking it up from him to clean up and restore. Its got a 225 Merc EFI from 1999! Under 400hrs of use on the engine. Hull and everything is sound. Dash is removed to be templated and i plan on cutting an Acrylic Dash for it this week! Paid $2000 Boat motor and Dual axle trailer. i think i did okay.
Boat will be sprayed Gelcoat white on interior, and Hullsides will be Blue off White.
If anyone has one and wants to share pictures or tips or ideas on what else i can integrate into the boat to make it more modern, please share.
What kind of speeds would you predict with the 225EFI? Was thinking 40ish?
Thanks all, look forward to talking with you guys. Im 19 and this is my first personal boat. Working hard detailing boats and hopefully selling them here soon. Any tips would be apprecated!!!
Welcome aboard Nick :051bye: The XF is a great model, was the start of the true cabin boat for Aquasport and usually has a ton of room in the aft too.
Hello from Southern Maine!
Today I am going to look at a 1999 Aquasport 175, which I have been watching on CL for about a month now. From the photos, the boat looks very well taken care of. From researching this forum, I believe I have the knowledge to ask the right questions and items to inspect. My concern is the price at $6.5k, which compared to similar size/age boats seems high.
Will report back after looking at the boat.
Welcome aboard Chris. The boat looks to be in great shape. Any knowledge on the motor? Maybe the package is worth the price.
Original Johnson 90 motor and started right up. Measured the compression and the top left measured 80psi and the 3 other cylinders measured 89psi. The original owner used it for lobstering (hobby) and you can tell from the knicks/scratches. From what I understand the 2nd and current owner used the boat at a local lake. Going to start a thread for the purchase. Current owner upgraded the trailer to a 2005 Venture Trailer that could accommodate a 23' boat with hydraulics breaks activated by the tongue.
Hey all,
New user checking in from Sarasota, FL not too far from the Aquasport factory. Recently purchased a 99 215 Explorer. Lots of plans for her, but currently stripping to prep for paint. Trying to modernize a bit. I'll probably start a thread eventually when I've made some progress.
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Welcome aboard Chris and SW. :salut: :salut:
Hello everyone. My name is John, and I live in Southern New Jersey. I bought a 1974 Aquasport 19-6 with a Johnson GT150 about 12 year ago, and never did anything with it. Than, last week I went out on a friends boat and realized what I've been missing. Now, I want to rehab/restore it so its sea worthy. The floor has soft spots, and the transom has large cracks in it. Ill be asking a lot of questions in the weeks and months ahead. I've posted some current pictures of the boat. Thank you. John.
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Welcome aboard John. :salut:
A good power wash will make her look like a whole new gal.
Good luck and start a thread of your progress in the 19-6 rebuild forum. :thumright:
:welcome01: John. X2 on the pressure washer. The cracking on the top of the transom is from how they attached the "liner" that covers the inside of the transom. Un fortunately I'm thinking it allowed water to get into the transom core and it's probably toast.
When you're ready, we'll be here to help.
Some amazing rehabs I have seen posted here... best of luck.
Hey new here to the site. Ive purchased a 1987 200 and im really going to need some advice on how to go about replacing my transome. Im thinking about going from the outside.... Any suggestions?
Welcome aboard Chris! Start a new thread in the Osprey rebuild forum and we'll help you through it.
Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
Hey everyone I recently purchased a 1987 Aquasport Osprey 170 and I am planning to do some restoration to it and have it back on the water . Hopefully with you guys help. If anyone has any diagrams , where to buy parts any tips on what to do and not to do on this boat I would much appreciate it . I think the boat is a great looking boat as it sits but it can be better . I plan on new paint job , rewiring and replace anything that is needed on it . Here is a picture for ur enjoyment. Thanks in advance .
Welcome aboard Nismo! If you plan on doing a lot of work to her, start a new thread in the 170 rebuilds forum and post up some pics so we can check out what you're wanting to do to her.
What power does it have on her now? The above pics kinda shows something back there...
Also, if the tower was not installed properly, with proper backing and poor sealant at attachment points, that will be a failure which could be catastrophic. We see rotten floors under them a lot because the screws were not sealed well..
Welcome aboard Nismo. :salut:
I owned that model about 30 years ago. Like Rick stated, begin a new thread here with pics.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hi Guys and Gals, My name is Bill and I stumbled across this site because I have been an Aquasport Nut since I was about 10 and saw my first 22-2. That was 1971. I have owned 17 Aquasports and currently have a 1975 17.0 with a 1975 Evinrude 140, A 1974 19-6 with a 1984 235 Johnson on it and a 1972 240 Seahunter with a 250 Yamaha on it. I have had the 19-6 for 24 years now. What a great site and I am glad that Rick let me join. I will post pics soon and would love to pick some of your brains!
Hello folks, I'm new to the site since I recently a aquired a 225 Osprey that has been stored and wrapped for the last two years. I took a calculated risk and bought it as is without even being able to get inside, could only check the outside. My last boat 20+ years ago was a 23' Dusky CC with a cuddly up front, bought that boat after a sinking and totally rebuilt from hull up, so have some experience.
I've since had it brought home for the winter and have added a pass through door in the shrink wrap to get inside. Very pleased once I got in, very solid floors all around. Got the fish box cover to fix but no big deal.
Want to get going but have to be patient until spring comes around. Current task is to get the fuel drained, took it out of water/filter separator and no water in sight. Now going to pull sending unit on poly tank, of course it's totally rotted but the info on this site will help. Hope to contribute as I get more into the task at hand. Thanks for the future help.
Welcome aboard to both Bill and Scooter. :salut: :salut:
Hi I am also new to the site. I got my first Aquasport last year. It was a 170. Sold that because it was to small for the family. Just acquired a 1970 19-1 with twin Johnson 50’s. Soft floor so the rebuild begins. I’m learning a lot from the site and soon. Will be asking questions. Thanks
New boat
:welcome01: VV, Scooter and Bill. Bill that's a lot of Aquasports. It's in your blood :thumleft:
VV, when you post pics it's better to use the approach here - don't attach them, this is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy, there is no size limit and you store them in your free gallery on this site.
I'll make my splash in the Aquasport community with a new to me boat.
For years we used a friend's 70s vintage Aquasport 19-6 on a lake and it was the odd duck on the lake. Everyone else had the typical lake boat with the foo-foo interior and I/O power and here we were with a center console with a 150 outboard that would pull skiers better and we had plenty of room for all the gear in the bow area. I thought it was more functional and better purposed.
Fast forward 30 years.... I've thought of that boat many times and always wanted one in my fleet, but could never justify the expense of buying one for that (maybe) 1 or 2 weekends of use. Well, this summer I was on FaceBook Classifieds and saw a 1970 Aquasport for FREE with a trailer in decent condition. Knowing the seller would have lots of people looking to take it off his hands, I reached out to him and said I could come right away and I'd even give him $50....
So now the boat is at another property waiting to be restored. I'm not new to the restoration rodeo and have restored numerous Whalers and Makos over the years and know exactly what I want this Aquasport to be and will draw on the woodwork of my most recent project.
So, here are pics of the Aquasport and thank you to the Admins when I joined the sight that said I may have a 19-1, not a 19-6.
The previous owner removed the transom skin, so the core is now able to be removed. The floor is soft, so that must be replaced and then glass work, awlgrip, and all the other things with a rebuild. I've already located and purchased a Yamaha 150VMax since it was the only 20" motor I could find for sale over the summer and that need a little love as well since the top 2 cylinders leaned out and are no good.
So, my plan of attack is to pull everything out of the boat that I can (console, hatches, etc) and work on those over the winter along with rebuilding the Yami outboard. In the spring, I'll recore the transom and then cut the deck out and replace that. So far that the plan.
This boat will be a fun project and fight for my time along with the other boats I own:
32 Nordic Tug w/ 210 Cummins
21 Mako w/ 250 Etec
15 Whaler w/ 70 Yami
10 AB RIB w/ 15 Yami
Welcome aboard dtmackey. The 191 is a unique hull and that hull appears to be in decent shape.
Good morning - new member - first post here.
We bought a 1997 215 DC the other week. Question about the throttle control (concealed box) which is for the Original 150 Johnson Oceanrunner: there appears to be a throttle only pull out knob or push in button but it doesn't budge in either direction if I wanted to give it some gas in neutral like all other boats I've been on. Is this normal and part of the Quick Start feature I'm learning about or is it seized or otherwise broken? She starts up well without manually advancing the throttle, so far... I have some other small problems that I am starting to work out and hope to have her up and running in the salt water again soon.
Welcome aboard to our new members VV, DT,and Gb. :salut: :salut: :salut:
Gb, post a pic of the control box so we get a better idea of what you have and don't forget the boat also. :great02:
EZ way to post pics:
Welcome gbski!!
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The Control box
Hello all,
I just purchased a 1997 Aquasport Explorer 215 powered by a 1999 Johnson 200 Ocean Pro (not thrilled about motor but it was a good deal). This is my second boat coming from a 2000 Wellcraft Fisherman 210, a great boat powered by a Mercury 150 EFI. Wanted something a little bigger with a cuddy, and this boat fits my needs perfectly. I was surprised at the size of the cabin, it's not huge but it will do just fine for me. After going through the boat, I need to address the following:
1. Damage to a chine on the hull from a log hit. The damage isn't horrible but this will be my first fiberglass repair. I try to do all repairs myself and am fairly handy, but this is scary because it is below the waterline. I will be consulting with the glass section of this forum for help.
2. While scoping out wiring behind the dash for previous stereo wiring, I found all of my switches on the control panel to be severely corroded. I touched one, which caused the spade portion of the connector to fall right off. I ordered a set of toggles and will be replacing all of them and sealing it up properly.
3. As mentioned, the boat has no stereo anymore. There are four speakers, two in the cabin and two near the rear storage bins. The one in the deck area are totally rotted out including the screws, and therefore will likely need to be drilled out. Not a big deal, this is the easy part of my project.
4. Several small places where the gelcoat is chipped off exposing the glass. I had a similar issue on my Wellcraft and did a pretty good job doing a gelcoat patch and wet sanding it, so this is shouldn't be too bad.
I am looking forward to the wealth of knowledge available here, as I will certainly run into more issues and have many questions.
Welcome aboard Chris!
Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
You'll be somewhat familiar with the 215 EX as it is a Wellcraft 210 Coastal model just rebadged with Aqua decals.
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While one doesn't normally equate a WAC with performance, this model hull is damn quick with a 200HP+ motor.
Good luck. :thumright:
Thans Capt. Bob, I could not find that spec sheet anywhere!
Here's the other half.
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What I wouldn’t give to be able to snag some parts off that brand new explorer in the photo... fish box lids, cup holder inserts, so on...
hello all my name is jeff and i live in connecticut and fish long island sound. i sold my steigercraft with all intentions of buying a larger boat that i can spend weekends on and then i saw this gem for sale, its a 1981 170 that was pretty inexpensive but was advertised not running, well i took a chance and purchased it and brought it home, well i had to stop and have tires replaced on trailer then brought it home, so first thing was the motor. compression was good and it had spark but it was not getting any fuel, kept pumping primer bulb and nothing. there was a fuel filter on the transom but i herd a pumping sound under the center console and then i discovered there was another fuel filter mounted there with no filter screwed on it. i installed a filter, pumped the primer and she purred like a kitten, me and my son used the boat for 2 months and i love this little boat!!! its home now for the winter and i decided to install new fuel tank, paint the inside and have the seats recovered and a few other things, will send pics when i learn how to get them off my phone, oh the guys i bought the boat from also just purchased it a month prior to me and gave up on the motor, its a 90hp yamaha, i figured it needed a tank and thats why it had 2 fuel filters on it, i bought the new tank from phil at Alloy metal works whos name i got from this site, just want to say this is an excellent site and i have been lurking here since i bought the boat
Welcome aboard Jeff :39:
Welcome aboard Jeff. :salut:
Well here I am. From Rabalo to Mako’s to pursuits and wellcrafts. Finally got my first classic aqua sport.
I am the proud winner of a 1972 196 center consul. The transom has been fully boxed and bracketed with jackplate. Floor and fuel tank replaced. So most of the hard work has already been done for me ;-)
She still needs a fair bit of rewiring. And a good re-paint on the deck. But with a 135 OptiMaxx turn in a 19 pitch prop. Thank God there are trim tabs. Because this boat wants to fly.
I’ll get some before and after pictures on here as I go along. And in the meantime any advice on the specific model would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Welcome aboard EZ. :salut:
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Down in Freeport TX. Should be getting my boat on in a few day. Traded my HD vrod for it. I will be on the water a bit more. But I can't figure out how to post a pic so I guess I'm on my own
Welcome aboard 79er. :salut:
So we can surmise its a model year 79 but what model?
Also, here's a link on pic posting. Read through it and you'll find that it is fairly easy.
Good luck. :thumright:
Finally got my "new-to-me" 1997 245 Explorer cleaned up and on the water (Gwynn's Island, VA). LONG process but after blown tires getting it home, engine woes, engine replacements, crazy wiring, and other surprise gotcha's it is working. Damn boats are crazy annoying, incredibly expensive for all the "little stuff", but damn fun to work on. it is now fishable and you can find me out in the Lower Chesapeake most weekends. Thank you to all of the folks that post the great information on this site!
:welcome01: 79er and VA. 79er post up a pic so we can help you ID your boat. VA - those big Explorers are heavy - I think my 230 Explorer with full 140gal fuel and 40 gal fresh water probably approaches my Tundra's 6900lb capacity :shock:
Welcome aboard VA. :salut:
Hello guys, i've been working for my father since he opened up his own fiberglass shop down in Homestead, FL for almost a year now and thought I was ready to pick up my own project and fix her up little by little. So I bought a 1971 19-1 Aquasport off a comercial guy on offer up and plan to restore her to her former glory. I'll keep everyone posted as soon as I figure out my way across this site via my iPhone
:welcome01: Vida :s_hi: We look forward to watching you bring her back.
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them, this is better for viewing. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy.
Hey everyone i picked up an 84 200 xf a few months ago. Ok so boat is a bit rough around the edges. The outboard runs good compression is ok 95 Johnson 200. Transom seems strong no flex good sound when hit with hammer also the guy i bought it off stood on cavitation plate and jumped up and down no movement and he was on the large side . Now the bad Wood under the gunnel and the fuel tank cover is dry rotted. Gelcoat is dryed out overall tho i think its a solid boat that needs some love. I also need to pull the tank out there are a few pinholes in the top 1/4 of it . Well its my first power boat i grew up racing small sailboats in nj and worked as an auto tec for a few years so i dont mind getting dirty and working stuff. Cheers. Kam
Welcome aboard Kam. :salut:
Where do you hang your hat in So. Fla.?
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Dania just south of ft Lauderdale i run out of port Everglades however i work on the water so iv been all over the icw and the keys on work boats and barges
I moved to broward from north Jersey in 07 my first job was walking distance from where these boats were built . Thanx for the welcome capt. Bob
I'm from Perrine, now (21 years) in Tallahassee.
Dania. Jai Alai and Pirates World.
Looking for a retirement project that was a smokin good price and not a total rebuild I found a 2002 AS 165 Osprey slowly dying from chronic tropical salt/sun neglect down in Naples and drug it back to my feral boat/tractor/motorcycle/furniture rescue shop.
Decks felt firm, transom felt sound, the fuel tank wasn't obviously leaking and the motor had good compression so I brought it home and spent a month rewiring, cleaning, re-rigging, cleaning, re-building the trailer, cleaning, etc, etc. I'm about to re-maiden this feral sea sled and then I found this site but very little on the 165.
It has a poly fuel tank that I completely drained and refueled with exactly 11gal but the gauge is showing 1/4 full. Pretty sure the sender and gauge will need to go with that wild reading but until I feel confident enough to top it off what size should I assume it is? Decal under the deck plate is missing. 20gal?
I'm starting to wonder what I have...... Any specs would be helpful. Especially fuel tank capacity.
I found plenty on the 170 but is there a thread on the 165? Any history of issues on this version?
Sarasota, Fl
Welcome aboard. :salut:
We very rarely see them so you have a somewhat unique/limited production model. Don't think they made them (or not listed in the catalog) after 2003. Both 2002 and 2003 use the same ad material. This is what we have though.
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Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the quick response. 20gal it is. Looks like the sender and fuel gauge are toast too.
I understand it was one of the last AquaSport models built before AS production was halted. It's low freeboard lends itself to being more practical as a flats boat which is fine with me. My main concern with the low freeboard and max sized 90hp OB is that it's not a self bailing hull and isn't rigged with a secondary bilge pump. I'll just have to mind the weather reports and stay on my toes.
I'll post up my experience with the 165 in the most appropriate spot if it'd help anybody else who comes across one somewhere. Any guidance on a preferred spot to add feedback or updates on my "unique" AS 165?
Thanks again, Mike
Welcome aboard BD!! I was with a couple of members camping in our boats in Tarpon Springs and here comes a 165 idling by with 4 big bubbas in it. It was sitting like 6" to the top of the gunwales.
I'll post up my experience with the 165 in the most appropriate spot if it'd help anybody else who comes across one somewhere. Any guidance on a preferred spot to add feedback or updates on my "unique" AS 165?
If you are just posting generic topics, you can place your thread here.
If you are performing repairs or looking for assistance on the hull, post here. I know it's the 170/175 board but we can add the 165 to it with no problem.
Any other happenings have dedicated forums like engines/electrical/trailers etc. Just browse the "Forum" page in the navigation bar (located in the header on the home page) for the appropriate sub forum.
Good luck. :thumright:
Rick, LOL. Yeah it seems like 4 bubbas would make a 165 into a submarine with little effort. Must've been quite a sight. After tearing all the way through this one I'm pretty sure it's been under, if only from rainwater and a bad bilge pump.
Capt Bob, Thanks for the clarity. Just trying to help keep site maintenance to a minimum and add any posts on this unique little 165 where they best fit. I'll wait to see if you choose to expand the 170 thread adding the 165 info there too. We'll see what comes up as I get it out on the water.
Hello! I picked up a 1975 Aquasport 222 a couple of months ago. The boat was in rough shape and hasn't had any work done since it's original purchase. Luckily the boat was mostly gutted which will make the remaining odds and ends pretty easy. There is one decently large crack in one of the stringers near the bow, the foam is wet, and I don't like the transom height.
I am an art teacher in Michigan. This is my third boat project but the biggest before this was some extensive repair work done on my Hyde Drift Boat. I love fishing but fly fishing is my main love. The plan is to make it into a fishing machine that can still take the kids out for swimming, snorkeling, and maybe some tubing. If I can figure out how to rig up a tubing setup.
We travel a lot to the FL Keys but in reality the majority of our boating will be done in Michigan. Currently we don't have a boat that can take the entire family out comfortably. Being that we practically live on the water in the summer I thought this was a good investment.
Welcome aboard Flyguy. :salut:
Be sure to start a thread in the 222 rebuild forum and share your adventure. Don't forget the pics.
Good luck. :thumright:
Welcome to the site Flyguy :welcome01:
Hello everyone,
About a month ago, I purchased a super clean 2000 165 Osprey with a fully serviced four stroke Yamaha F50 with 250 hours on it. The dealer was even going to paint the bottom and deliver it to my home. the 50 may be slightly underpowered for it, but it will be used to explore the back bays behind Ocean City and I don't need it for speed.
Unfortunately the trailer was not in good shape and while being delivered to my home the trailer axle snapped and the wheel gouged the gelcoat. The dealer has stepped up and is repairing it at his expense along with repairing the trailer. so I still don't have my hands on it, but am assured it will be done soon.
I do have a question for any 165 owners..
I need to replace the cooler forward of the Console, but since the boat is 90 miles away, I can't take measurement myself.
I also cannot find any details on the dimensions of that cooler.
Can anyone provide the cooler dimensions, or even the width of the center console, so I can find a cooler that fits that space.
Welcome aboard Ray :welcome01:
Add some pics to the thread you started :PicsNeeded:
Welcome aboard Ray. :salut:
I believe the forward cooler is 32 qt. The 2000 catalog only lists the forward cooler seat option (not size) but the 2001 thru 2003 (last year the 165 was listed) catalogs show the option as a 32 qt. cooler seat so.....
Good luck. :thumright:
Hello everyone,
A month ago I took purchase of a 87’ Aquasport 22-2 CCP. I purchased it from a colleague, who had already redone the majority of the boat. He bubble leveled the boat, redid the stringers, new 80 gallon fuel tank, rigging tube, rigging wires, few foam, enclosed the transom, and a few more things. So far I have put in the deck ( 2 layers of glass), console done, transom faired out and painted, and livewell built. I have a 2007 225 Yamaha 4 stroke with a Atlas bracket with a 14” setback. Should be mounting it mid next week. Have a lot more work to go, but hopefully will be done around late April so I can add her to the charter fleet and get after it. Look forward to sharing the pics along the way. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
Welcome aboard CS. :salut:
Welcome aboard CS :welcome01:
Sounds like most of the work is already done :thumleft:
Yes, most of the technical work was done ahead of time, thank the lord.
HI Guys- Three years ago I bought a place on a small island here (Cape Cod, MAss) The island has no bridge and no roads, no motor vehicles ashore. To commute from nearby land I used to row over, about a ten minute row but very healthy, of course. I used to do that all year round, ice and all, when I lived there for 10 years back in the 1970-80's. Now however with family and need for shuffling tools and materials I found a pretty nice old AquaSport 22. Has been really good and takes Buzzards Bay chop much better than any old Whaler. Now however I am thinking a little bigger and have found a SeaHunter 240. Also found a new(almost new) Mercruiser 140 with everything. Any thoughts? I see from early brochures on the 240 that the 140HP Mercruiser was the lowest power option. Note that I do not intend to chase tuna at the continental shelf. 25 kts is fine for me. Great boats. Any thoughts? Cheers/ Bob
:welcome01: Bob. I don't have any experience with I/Os but someone that does will be around soon.
Hi guys, new member here just thought I'd introduce myself, I'm Chris and I live in Darwin Australia. I am rebuilding/converting an old Seafarer half cabin (16 1/2 ft) and came across the site looking for rebuilding experiences and tips. I'm converting to a centre console and will be replacing the stringers, floor, building a console and adding an outboard pod. Anyway, thanks for having me and I will start a rebuild thread once I get more materials stockpiled and some time to get stuck in
Thanks, Chris
:welcome01: Chris :s_hi:
When you have everything together and are ready to start a thread, start it here
Welcome aboard Chris and Bob. :salut: :salut:
Hello to everybody,
My name is Tomas from Rome (Italy) .
I bought few months ago a aqua sport 250ccp with rear bracket and two Johnson 150hp and a Yamaha 10hp for fishing.
I’m restoring it all by new with they finish early .
I’m searching in the group some ideas for a cool T-top..
Thanks guys
:welcome01: aboard Tomas. We've had a lot of members here over the years from Italy. Sorry to see that your country is getting hammered by this virus so bad. I think we'll be getting hit pretty hard too.
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your personal gallery is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
Hello Aquasport lovers, I'm Dennis
In the process of buying a 2005 175 Osprey with a 90 Johnson.
This boat is in San Pedro Town on Ambergris Caye in Belize. It's been sitting out of
the water for the better part of 6 years. Obviously the entire fuel system required
cleaning and other related problems. But true to form, a 2 stroke is hard to kill. I've
been trying to run down the HIN from whatever source I can find. Have already
contacted Boca Bay Boats, Ebbtide. But they don't have any data prior to acquisition.
If anyone knows where files for boats manufactured in 2004 might be, I would appreciate
an email. Thanks
Welcome aboard Dennis. :nSalute: Good luck on the purchase.
Welcome aboard Tomas and Dennis. :salut: :salut:
Dennis, what exactly are you looking for?
2004 is a Genmar hull built in Bradenton/Sarasota FL. I would venture to guess (based on our past experiences) there are no records to be had.
Hi All,
New member here and I decided to pass by and introduce myself. The name is Yendo from Curacao (small island near the coast of Venezuela). Owner of a 1983 Aquasport CCP 200, powered by a 1998 Johnson Oceanrunner 250HP. I bought my boat nearly one year ago, and is in good condition. I did not do much to it expect from drive it every other weekend since. I'll post some pictures for you guys later on and I'm glad that I found this site. Awesomeee!
Welcome aboard Yendo :welcome01:
Hello All:
New member here. Name is Justin (Fort Myers) and I recently acquired my first aquasport, a 1976 222 Osprey that I am lucky enough to know the entire detailed history. I am the 3rd owner. First owner bought new in 1976 from San Carlos Marine. 2nd owner who I also know bought a few years ago. Love the non-standard side console. Looking to add a livewell in the back. Looking forward to the exchange of information I have seen on this site.
Welcome aboard Justin. :salut:
Hi Everyone,
We are glad to be aboard this phenomenal forum.
We fortunately wound up with a 22-2 CC that we are going to completely rebuild.
The profile picture is what we have done so far.
We are looking for a new center console and a hard top T-top.
Any direction or advice on what to do about replacing the center console and purchasing a hard top T-top will be greatly appreciated.
:welcome01: justin and aquaman :nSalute:
:06: Hi Everybody, After Owning My 1972 12degree 222 for a long time I Finally joined the site! looking forward to lots of great info as I game plan for my rebuild, a little info on me and my boat, Im nick, tarpon springs Florida. the boat seems to be almost all original, its has a few...couple...ok it has soft spots throughout the floor and on the front portion of the casting deck, transom seems alright but its getting raised for sure. Glad to be a part of the site, cant believe I didnt join sooner
:welcome01: Nick
A few of us Members have camped in your neck of the woods - we have some questions about the waste islands SW of the gulf entrance - was on our chart plotters and yet our chart plotters had them in a different place that we could idle right through - it was weird and gave us something to talk about. Welcome aboard. :salut2:
Welcome aboard Nick. :salut:
Post up a few pics of your hull.
Fearless Leader is correct on the GPS mystery. Very strange indeed. :ScrChin:
Hey yall just picked up a 222 xf with a 200 horse mercury 2.5 offshore engine ! Thanks for having me
:s_hi: Mike, welcome aboard.
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your personal gallery is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
We are David & Charlotte. We just bought a 1971 240 side console that we will pick up first part of next week. The body is in pretty good shape and seems to be solid. It is powered by a 2003 Yamaha 250 OXX I believe. We are looking forward to some updating and making it one of a kind!
Thanks for having us!
:welcome01: Welcome Aboard David and Charlotte.
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your personal gallery is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
Hi folks!
Last fall, my wife and I bought a 2004 Osprey 215 DC, powered by a 200hp Yamaha OX66 (I'll post pictures someday). Boat and motor are generally in great shape but we've already got a few questions as we get ready to put it on the water for the season. I'm really glad to have found this site and look forward to learning from this experienced Aquasport crowd!
See you in the forums,
:s_hi: Dave - welcome aboard!
Hey all! I’m a guy from MA who has a 1968-69 222 flatback. A buddy of mine turned me on to this site as a resource after rehabbing a 175. The boat has no deck and is going to get a complete rebuild (yikes!) I’m going to make it a real work horse, very excited to get going. Thanks in advance folks!
Welcome aboard BH :nSalute:
Welcome aboard Dave and BH. :salut: :salut:
Hey all. I bought my 2001 Osprey 215 Sport last August. I have finally started to tinker around and found this group which I am sure will be a great help. Looking forward to talking with everyone.
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You'll find a lot of DC owners here. Welcome aboard :welcome01:
Welcome aboard As215. :salut:
I recall when the "dual console", "walkthrough", "bowrider" was known as the Sandpiper. A beautiful split console walkthrough sitting atop a 222-CCP hull but I digress.
Post up a few more pics.
Hello y’all just picked up a 78’ 222 shell w/hollow stringers and no transom. I’m green at this but have done enough research to get started!
:welcome01: Caldozx6rr
As we were talking I am not sure where to direct you to start a rebuild thread. The boat came with no cap so that doesn't help with the model but looking at your pics I think it might be on the Family Fisherman hull. Does it have any badging on the outside rear of the hull side?
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your personal gallery is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
I think I would post the same pic up here, using the link above for how to, and let the group give you opinions on what hull it is. The FF hull was used on a few of different models.
Hey guys. New member. 89 osprey 175. My first boat. Love it so far. Thanks for the join. Hoping to gain some knowledge from the seasoned vets.
Welcome aboard Sean. :salut:
Just bought a 2003 aquasport with Johnson 175 hp 2002 I noticed the water pump gauge on the console was reading 4 psi now it reads 2 psi I see good pressure from the telltale ,should I be concerned ,I don’t know what psi is normal. Happy hanks Kevin
Welcome aboard Kevin. :salut:
Welcome aboard Sean and Kevin :s_hi:
:a0003: hello all,
My name is Paul located in Biloxi, MS just purchased my first boat so I can quit borrowing my father's. It's a 1972 22-2 with a 97 Merc V-175 efi. Hope to learn all I can from from those before me. It has a few minor soft spots in the casting deck but overall very pleased. After this summer I'll be starting to strip it down. I will be spending the summer months enjoying it all I can (while learning all I can) and then start ripping it apart to make it new again. Thank you all for having me aboard and for allowing me to be blessed with the knowledge on here.
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Welcome aboard Paul. :salut:
Greetings from the Old Dominion.
After a long hunt, I picked up a 161 Tournament Cat. She is in great shape for a 20 year old boat and just needs some freshening. I already traced down a seemingly major issue of no oil alarm to chafed wires in the harness. Had her out for a break in run and I'm in love with this thing.
I've read about rerigging the scuppers so I'll need the forums guidance on that. The electrical leaves a little to be desired. The proximity of the circuit panel to the fuel tank (literally sitting on it) without a firewall makes me a little nervous but I'll get over it.
Well here she is. See you on the water gang!
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Welcome Tangotoo welcome aboard. It sure is a beauty.
Welcome aboard TT. :salut:
Hello all!
Newbie here. I have some experience with boats but zero about restoring. I have a friend that owns a fiberglass & marine supply company in Mass and he has turned me on to a 1973 Aquasport 19-6. He's already looked at it and I'm taking a look with him on Saturday. I'm sure it's going to need quite a bit of work ad I'm not opposed to learning, so the idea is to hopefully run it for a month or so in Maine and then start tearing it down in the fall. I'm not looking to restore it to original, as I have seen quite a few mods that I'm interested in such as closing in transom and mounting the motor on a transom plate. The amount of information on this site is amazing! Any pointers you can throw my way is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
:welcome01: aboard John and TT :s_hi:
Hi everyone, I just picked up a 1999 Striper 165 with a Johnson 50hp. Its a very sturdy boat, but it just needs a little work. Hoping I can find everything I need for it!
Welcome aboard Nick :s_hi:
We watched a 165 idle by us when we were in Tarpon Springs and the gunnels were about 3 " above water. She had 4 big bubbas on it.
Welcome aboard John and Nick. :salut: :salut:
Hey Gang,
Just purchased an 84 250 XF I/O. Haven't been able to find much info on the boat but I am sure there is a ton of knowledge here.
Here is the work that was done -
1984 Aquasport 250FX. upgrades include New propeller, lower unit, upper unit, transom with trim actuators and gimbal bearing, New trim tabs, steering actuator and trim and tilt motor, new exhaust manifolds and risers. New Bimini top, blower motor, batteries and power distribution switch. New VHF radio, Garmin GPS/Fish finder. New aluminum fuel tank with 93 gallon capacity. New upholstery, battery charger/maintainer and updated wiring. Comes with Eazy Loader trailer, on-trailer jacking system, Navicco winter storage tarp system.
Seams like a very solid boat. Anyone have any insights?
Thanks gang,.
:welcome01: aboard Rick
Welcome aboard Rick. :salut:
Here's a pic of your hull with specs. They're from an 85 but they are the same.
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Terrific, thank you!
Hello everyone
Former Florida boy living in Ringgold Ga.
don’t know how I got this far away from salt water.
I’ve owned 5 Aquasport’s in my life, just sold an 87 222
I am desperate for a 73-76 19-6 osprey, hopefully one in good condition.
Please let me know what’s available.
Hi Everyone,
I just purchased a 1982 286XF that was repowered in 2007 with twin 350 HP Captains Choice Crusaders. I will be running her on Naragansett Bay, RI for the most part and occasional trips to Block Island and the Vineyard.
I've had some difficulty finding any information on this particular model and was wondering if anyone here has had any lengthy experience with this model (i believe the 286 XF are heavier with a deeper V than the mid 80's 290XF?). I've been out on this boat a couple times (bought it from a good friend) but haven't spent a ton of hours on her. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
:welcome01: aboard FNF and AJ. This site is a great place to spend a few months/years looking through all the rebuilds to give you ideas and inspirations. Plus we have a great bunch of helpful members when you need them.
Welcome aboard FNF and AM88. :salut: :salut:
Here's some hull specs on the 286.
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290 specs to compare.
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Hi I'm Mark Kostur and I'm a new member. I purchased a 2003 Aquasport 215 Osprey Sport Dual Console.
I have had it for a year. I live in Ohio and use it mostly on Lake Erie.
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:welcome01: aboard Mark. The DC models were very popular for Aquasport.
Welcome aboard Mark. :thumright:
Good looking hull. :thumright:
Hi everyone I just bought a 96 215 Explorer from the original owner in Cape Coral Fl. It has a custom Hardtop and a 17 Suzuki 250 4 stroke. I’m in Deerfield Beach and storing the 215 in a dry rack storage. Today removed all cushions in cabin and started cleaning Moved the porta potti forward and noticed there was a rubber plug in a drain pipe. Took the plug out and there was sitting water by the drain and it didn’t go down when I removed the plug? I thought it would. So shop vac’d the pipe and got 4-5 gallons of water out. Is this Opening a drain area to the bilge and if so I guess it’s plugged? All ideas appreciated!
Welcome aboard Dad. :salut:
As to the plug, the 215 did not (IIRC) come with a forward bilge pump. No other Aqua model shared the 215 hull design because it's a Welcraft Coastal re-badged as an EX. This isn't a bad thing. It was built right along with the other Aquas as were all Welcraft hulls. If we assume the drainage is similar then yes, water would traverse from the front to back.
Was it on a trailer while you were working on it? Water pools in the bow and requires a fair amount of tilt to get it back to the stern. This is common on Aquas, especially EXs. We see it a lot on hulls kept outside when it rains. Look at your hull and you'll see that the bow (when level) will hold water. I don't think you have any worries but since you keep it on a rack, you may wish to suck out the excess from time to time that finds its way forward.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hi everyone, my name is Mike. I bought this 1979 Aquasport 222 over a year ago from a friend of mine, but have yet to get it out on the water. Initially, it wouldn't start and leaked fuel at both the tank and the engine. So I replaced all the fuel line and fittings between the tank and the engine. The trim/tilt motor also didn't work, but that was only a blown fuse. Then I changed the lower unit gear oil and got it running. It has a Johnson 235, but it runs great for a 40 year old motor and has only 270 hours on it. I thought I was all set until I looked under the dash and discovered all the wiring was corroded and look like it had been chewed up by rats.
That's when the project snowballed for me, as I decided to rewire the boat. So far, I've replaced all the wiring except for the main and trim harnesses, replaced all the lighting and even added some additional ones, replaced all the gauges, and added a fish finder (it still had an old school flasher). The bilge pump wasn't even connected, so working on that. Also, just got in 4 new seats and pedestals to install.
Overall, the hull is in good shape, so no major worries there. I'll post some before and after photos in the next week or so.
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Also, looking forward to what I can learn from the rest of the group.
:s_hi: Mike and Dad - welcome aboard.
Hello All!
I just picked up my 1999 Aquasport 225 Explorer with a 2005 Mercury Optimax 225 on the back of it at the beginning of May this year. The times I've had the boat out and running she has been great! I'm currently working on fixing the compressor on the motor (known Mercury Optimax issue) and hopefully that will be it for major issues this season! I know, famous last words.
Looking forward to learning as much as I can about these boats while I have it and maybe even getting into a little bit of restorative work. The boat seems pretty solid, but there are some minor things that I want to keep and eye on and maybe improve or take care of in the offseason. I'm up in Great Bay, NH and if anybody else is around in the area I would love to talk fishing spots and general boating advice.
:welcome01: aboard J
Welcome aboard Mike and j.white. :salut: :salut:
Hi everyone! I'm Jamie Redington a college student at Virginia Tech, living in NJ. I recently purchased a 1976 Aquasport 170 for a great deal but of course it needs some TLC and so I've been gearing up to take on this project. I've taken the fuel tank out and in the process of trying to find a new one made. I read on here that people were ballparking the price of a new aluminum tank to be around $10 per gal but so far I've only been getting quotes for around $550 for a 29 gallon tank. Does this sound about right or am I just looking in the wrong places? The transom needs to be redone and I plan on doing this myself and looking to raise it to a 25" transom rather than the standard 20" because having done a significant amount of research on the specific model the low transom was the only single complaint I could find. And if I'm going to redo the transom anyway, I might as well make it a few inches higher right? Besides all that I'm going to redo the wiring and have to find an outboard as the boat came with a trailer (and spare console) but no motor. I was thinking about pairing it with a Yamaha 90hp two stroke as it seems to be enough power without the excess weight and price of a 4 stroke. Does anyone have this on their 170?
Thanks for the add and I look forward to sharing more about my project in the coming weeks.
:welcome01: aboard Jamie. The 170 is pretty weight sensitive and also Center of Gravity changes. The 170 I have I can steer it without touching the steering wheel just by stepping left or right of the console.
Start a new thread in the 170 rebuild forum and post your questions, we have more 170 owners than any other model.
Welcome aboard Jamie. :salut:
Yes, start a new thread in the 170 rebuild forum. We'll help you spend your money. :ScrChin:
Jaime, I've been in the same ballpark for a 29 gallon tank. Lowest I got was $550 plus shipping, highest was $750 plus shipping, and I did a fair amount of shopping. I'll regret it, but I decided to leave my 26 gallon tank under the console. $250 brand new... Look forward to watching your build.
1993 Aquasport 170 new owner just had repowered dealer put fuel in and I topped off tank. Does anyone have info on size of fuel tank for the 1993 170 boat ? Thanks Robert
Welcome aboard Robert ;-)
Look in our Resource Forum for that info.
Welcome aboard Robert. :salut:
Your fuel tank capacity is 35 gal. from the factory.
Proud owner of a 1989 222ccp. Always looking for good advise on how to keep her in top shape . Thanks for bringing me into the fold.
:welcome01: aboard Flats :s_hi:
Hey, Fellow Aquasport Friends!
My name is Marty, and I have a 25' Tournament Edition with the original 225 Mercury Outboard with 660 hours. I bought the boat at the beginning of the season last year. I was downsizing from a 31' Chaparral cruiser, which my family enjoyed. Now, the kids are grown, and I always wanted something I can fish with.
I keep my boat moored in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, which is an absolutely lovely harbor with quick access to the Long Island Sound, and all the waters of Connecticut and more. Have a great Covid-free season!
Welcome aboard Marty. What model boat do you have? Tournament master is a trim package, not a model.
Welcome aboard Flats and Marty. :salut: :salut:
Hello people I hope you all are doing well. My name is Scott and the wife and I recently purchased a 1987 Osprey 200. The original plan was to slap a 115 Johnson on her and start enjoying her but upon bringing her home we've now decided to make her pretty again. All in all things look and feel pretty solid with mainly cosmetics such as spider cracks, chips in the gel coat, seat coverings, and stickers from the fish camp that we got her from. I'm going to need top mount controls as well because the donor boat has side mount....I did mention she was a project didn't I? LOL. I'm going to be putting her under a shelter today so I can start working on things in my downtime. Once I start I will try to get some pics posted and I'm sure I will have plenty of questions.
Welcome aboard copacetic !! Congrats on the new family member.
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your "member gallery" is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
Welcome aboard Scott. :salut:
Thanks guys! I appreciate the welcome. Ran out of light yesterday getting her off the trailer and been working in the garden this morning but hopefully will get her set up today and I'll snap a few pics and try to post them to my gallery.
Good morning everyone My name is Billy I live in eastern N.C. just purchased a 1976 22-2 inboard with the 5.7 Merc about 2 months ago just having fun with it this summer on the river but want to start cleaning her up this winter is it typical for this boat to burn almost a gallon per mile at 3500rpms doing 21mph
:welcome01: Billy :s_hi: I don't have any experience with an inboard - I'm sure someone will be by soon with an answer for you.
Welcome aboard Billy. :salut:
I picked up my first aquasport!its a 77 196 with a newer floor,transom and tank.i had to clean the carbs and got the motor running.i need to do some glass work on the bottom of located near Baton Rouge and was looking for recommendations
Welcome aboard Trey!
Welcome aboard Trey. :salut:
Hello Captains,
Never thought id be the Captain of a beautiful 1987 Aquasport Osprey 200. Im glad i found this site.
Welcome aboard MM!!
Welcome aboard MM. :salut:
I'm about to the owner of a 1998 or 1999 Aquasport 165 Striper. My father-in-law bought it a couple years ago, took it out a couple times, and it has sat since. It now needs some work, and since he didn't really use it he decided to gift it to me instead of keeping it. He lives a few states away, and the last time we visited he didn't show it to us, so I'll see it in a couple weeks when I bring it home.
I know it is a small boat at only 16'. I tried to look up how much weight you can have on it, but couldn't find that information. Will it be safe to take my wife and our 2 kids out on it?
You have to look at the Coast Guard capacity sticker. Spend a little time looking through this thread and see if you can find the one for a 165
We saw a 165 in Tarpon Spring Fl once that had 4 big guys in it, the top of the gunnels was about 6" above the water ::o:
Thanks for that! I found one that is a 1997 Aquasport 165 Striper so most likely will be the same. 4 persons or 600 lbs so it sound like we'll be good for a little while yet. My dad keeps a boat on Lake Erie and every time I go out with him I am surprised by a boat that is too small, too loaded down, or both out there on that lake.
New here, love my 1985 Aquasport 225ccp
1999 merc 250 efi, 17 pitch prop.
:welcome01: aboard Rich. The CCP is a great fishing platform. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard to both PB and Rich. :salut: :salut:
Rich, did you mean 250CCP? :ScrChin:
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Just bought a 1974 222 restoration project that will need everything from the stringers up. I have posted photos of the "before" and hope to post the after pictures soon. Wish me luck.
Thank you.
Hello Everyone,
After searching the web and looking at various CC's, I fell in love with the way classic AquaSports look. I picked up this 89' 196 yesterday. She's going to be one hell of a project, but she seems solid. Part of me feels like I'm in over my head with this boat but I am prepared to learn. So great to have this forum and its wealth of knowledge. I will be taking care of smaller things before I start tearing into larger projects.
I'd like to find a new trailer. I just don't want to put money into the one its on. What size do y'all recommend for this boat? Should I go ahead and find a double axle, or will a single axle with stout tires and springs be enough? I've found decent 22' trailers, but they seem short for the boat. I want to put the boat a few inches/foot back to minimize tongue weight while still being safe.
Also, me being new to this and naive; although the HID from the hull matches the title, the number has nothing to do with AquaSport. I should have been smarter sooner and I hope I'm not screwed by this... HID starts with 'QUA'. Should have been a red flag, but hindsight is 20-20.
Any input on any of this would be appreciated!
Pictures taken at PO's house
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Be careful. You don’t really want to minimize tongue weight. Your tongue weight should be 5-10% of your fully loaded trailer weight. If you go too light, you can introduce sway and a bunch of other handling problems that can lead to a wreck. It’s better to plan your rig so the boat is well supported, trailer has a bit of surplus capacity and your rig is balanced.
Welcome aboard Skunka - X2 on what mshugg said about keeping some weight on the tongue. I don't think that the HIN is a problem. '88 was around the time that Genmar bought Aquasport and maybe the manuf ID changed - my '92 starts with AQA.
Also, me being new to this and naive; although the HID from the hull matches the title, the number has nothing to do with AquaSport. I should have been smarter sooner and I hope I'm not screwed by this... HID starts with 'QUA'. Should have been a red flag, but hindsight is 20-20.
Any input on any of this would be appreciated!
First, welcome aboard. :salut:
Second, the "Q" is probably an "O".
OUA was the listing for Aquasport Marine Industries. I believe but it's just a guess, that when they first came out of bankruptcy in 89, this was the manufacturer code they were given. Again not sure but OUA is a correct code for Aquasport of which there were several over the lifetime of the Marque.
I inherited a 2000 Osprey 175 with a Johnson 115. The boat has been sitting for 2 years out of the shop, we had a lower end put in and we are not sure how long it was sitting at my in-laws before 2 years ago. I know it was garage kept, the boat is in great shape. Now I need to get 2 new batteries and drain the gas and ensure I take the right steps and procedures on starting up the boat. This is my first boat and ideally keep it on the water as long as possible. Need to learn on maintaining, upkeep and do's and don'ts. I have a lot to learn.
Welcome aboard Nic - you'll enjoy the 175.
Welcome aboard Nic. :salut:
She'll run real well with the 115. A good place to start on the motor is replacing the impeller on the water pump. You stated that you replaced the lower unit so this may have already been completed. You can also replace the spark plugs and the thermostats. This will then give you a good baseline for future maintenance.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hello, recently purchased a 2002 Explorer 250. Still trying to figure a few things out. I have a fresh water tank that I can’t figure out where you actually access the water in that tank. I seen a raw water switch on the console and a valve on the stern that you can hook a water hose to in order to wash down the deck while at sea. In addition to this I can’t find the switch to turn on the spreader lights. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :s_hi:
Hey Everyone! Got lucky and purchased a nice boat someone had already re-done....just a little cosmetic work and she'll be as good as new! Thanks for the add.
:welcome01: aboard pevy and ron
Welcome aboard Pevy and Ron :salut: :salut:
Hello to alllllll,
New and want to say hello and ask a question of course lol.
First off I tried posting pictures but I guess cell makes pictures too big.
I recently purchased a 1980, 23' family fisherman cuddy cabin.
Pleased to say hello to all
Welcome aboard Russell. :a0003:
The best way to get pictures into your posts is to upload them to your free member gallery here. The gallery resizes anything you upload to 800x600 so you don't have to resize them. Follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your "member gallery" is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
Look forward to seeing your rig.
Welcome aboard Russell. :salut:
When you solve the photo mystery, be sure to post up your pics in the thread I started for you in the "Engine" forum.;topicseen#new
Good luck. :thumright:
Hi, I just aquired a 1979 Aquasport 170 and would appreciate information on how to start a rebuild thread where I can post information and pictures. Also ask for a lot of help. Any help would be appreciated Thanks, Wayne
Welcome aboard Wayne. :salut:
Start your rebuild thread here.
Learn how to post pics to your thread here.
Good luck. :thumright:
Welcome aboard Wayne :welcome01:
Once you get to the forum Capt Bob linked to, above the Blue bar you'll see a "New Topic" button - click there and work top to bottom on the form that appears. to post pics I sent you a link in the welcome letter that I will repeat here: - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your "member gallery" is better for viewing.
Howdy folks! I just purchased a 2002 225 Explorer with newly repowered 250 main and 9.9 kicker. This is a rare boat in the PNW but she is perfect for our uses.
I'm installing the downriggers this week and will be adding the TR1 (or the new version) soon. Then its onto figuring how to secure scuba tanks...
Hopefully I'll get a good lead on a source for a cover from this site until the new boat shed is built.
Hello all. I am a new member and recently purchased my first Aquasport. She is a 1996 225 Explorer with factory hardtop. She needs a little love but I am excited to restore her to her former glory. Anyone in here from Long Island, NY?
Howdy folks! I just purchased a 2002 225 Explorer with newly repowered 250 main and 9.9 kicker. This is a rare boat in the PNW but she is perfect for our uses.
I'm installing the downriggers this week and will be adding the TR1 (or the new version) soon. Then its onto figuring how to secure scuba tanks...
Hopefully I'll get a good lead on a source for a cover from this site until the new boat shed is built.
Welcome from west coast, do some research on the new tr1 . The old one was great but new one seams to have some issues going on. Sounds like they released it before enough testing went on.
:welcome01: aboard Rich and LI. I've been approving a lot members with Explorers lately :thumleft:
Welcome aboard LI and Rich. :salut: :salut:
Hello all, happy to be involved - happy to stumble upon a community for my newly acquired 1968 22-2 Flatback. I have some TLC to put into her - mostly cosmetic and electrical but plenty to keep me busy while we have a winter here in the Northeast. The forums have already been amazingly helpful! Cheers.
Hoping this link to the gallery is working !
Admin: First one's free - :welcome01:
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Welcome aboard Jake. :salut:
Hi All,
Name is Kevin and recently came across this site after purchasing a 2001 Tournament CAT 161 here in Australia. I hear it’s a bit of a rarity these days so looking forward to finding out as much as I can about it. Love it so far but have a few issues with engine setup that I discuss another time.
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Welcome aboard Kev
Welcome aboard Kev. :salut:
Hello All, Nice to finally post and be here. I bought a 1992 Aquasport Explorer 210 about 2 years ago and have checked out the site a couple times to find answers to random things on google searches. For some reason, I never posted. I figured it was finally time. I definitely will be hitting up some of the threads over the next few as I am trying to get some parts, pieces fixed or replaced that seem to be evading me but wanted to share the progress thus far. When I bought it, it had a 1997 Evinrude 225 Ocean pro 2 stroke that was finicky and some past owner had done bad things to. I replaced it with a 2006 Yamaha 250. I recently upgraded the steering from teleflex cable to hydraulic. I also changed out a lot of little things like the stern ladder, GPS/chart/ depth finder, and a lot of wiring that was terrible, as well as installing a marine radio. This is her for now. I plan on replacing cushions for the captains chars, replacing the broken cuddy cabin hatch, and repainting the bottom. Then I think I might be happy for a month or 2 before wanting to do something else.
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:welcome01: aboard Amandley :39:
Welcome aboard Amandley. :salut:
Nice lookin' hull.
Where do you hang your hat?
Welcome aboard Amandley. :salut:
Nice lookin' hull.
Where do you hang your hat?
Godd eveninig Capt Bob! Currently living the dream in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Although I believe the boat is originally a FL boat (I can see old FL registration numbers under a coat of paint). :ScrChin:
Hi! My name's Nestor and I lived in Melbourne, FL. I just bought a 2001 Explorer 215 with a 200 Mercury 2 stroke in great shape and am slowly getting it ready to splash, installing new electronics and replacing some worn out components to ensure she's shipshape. Hope to learn a lot from y'all about this boat and thanks for welcoming me!
:welcome01: aboard Nestor :s_hi:
Hey Guys!
Great to be added to this forum. I'm new.
We have a 20' Aquasport in beautiful Trinidad. but i cant seem to figure out the model or year...
Welcome aboard Altaf!! It appears to be an Explorer model, which started in 90/91. What size is it?
The HIN (Hull ID Number) is usually stamped on the starboard outside of the transom. There are reports that there was also a HIN stamped under the rub rail in rear qtr on the port side.
Hi Rick.
The length is 20 feet. But we got it with an '87 Johnson 150 V6 so i guess the boat is a lot older that you thought. We recently upgraded to Two F100 Yamaha (Used) - Still waiting to test run.
There was a tag on the starboard side but the only thing recognizable is the max HP = 200
Its a walkaround with a small cabin. I've uploaded some photos in album.
Love the Aquasport!
Is that a big window in the cabin on the starboard side? Do you have any other pictures that show the cockpit, the cabin?
Both Port and Starboard side have the same small sliding window.
ill have to get more pics for you.
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From what I am seeing is that it "could" be a Family Fisherman with the forward cap of the "Walkaround".
If you look at this catalog, you will see the sliding hatch into the cabin.
That would put it around the late '70s - maybe a one off?
Thanks Rick
I think it’s a custom ‘78 family fisherman.
A lot older than I thought but still in great shape.
We redone the floor and repaired the gas tank... changed engine, redone wiring.
Ready for fish!
Thanks again!
Welcome aboard Nestor and Altaf. :salut: :salut:
Thank you :nSalute:
Hello all, just joined the aquasport club. I received a ‘87 (sorry Rick I told you ‘85) aquasport 200 osprey. It has a few flaws I hope to fix up, and start catching some fish.
Welcome aboard Travis - there is a '86/87 catalog in the gallery also.
Hi, My name is Bruce and I an in Nashville,Tn Just got a 1986 285 Have it on Old Hickory Lake, Love the Info here Thanks to all
Welcome aboard Bruce! Post up a pic or two.
Welcome aboard to both Travis and Bruce. :salut: :salut:
My name is Tom Bloomer. I live in Port Charlotte, FL. Joined this forum to do research on Aquasport hulls with the idea of finding one to rebuild and put to use. My current interest is the 250 CCP from the mid 1980s. Looking for actual specifications on the hull like deadrise angle at the transom and original displacement specs.
I have decades of experience working with composites. Attached is an image are from one of my recent projects in carbon fiber with high temperature epoxy. In the early '90s I worked in the tooling department at Luhrs. In the Mid '80s I worked at Blackfin. In between I've built, repaired, or fabricated with just about every kind of composite material you can shake a stick at. Feel free to pick my brain on this stuff, especially the chemistry of what adheres to what under what conditions, i.e. epoxy vs polyester vs vinylester - fiberglass vs kevlar/aramid vs carbon fiber.
Welcome aboard Tom. Here is a link to a page from our '86/87 catalog
Somewhere it is written 20 degree deadrise - I'll see if I can find it.
Here it is:
Welcome aboard Tom. :salut:
Thanks guys!
Looks like the 25 CCP is 19deg. Probably a bit of a roller when drifting in a chop, no?
I think my '92 230 Explorer has the same hull under her and it does roll a bit.
I think my '92 230 Explorer has the same hull under her and it does roll a bit.
Your 92 (Genmar hull) has a deeper entry and is 6" wider in the beam. It's also about 1000lbs heavier and thus has a deeper draft. All of this IMHO, lends itself to a somewhat smoother ride. As for roll, I don't know if it makes any difference. They all roll to me unless the sea is flat. :pale:
Hi my name is Lucien from Tampa, FL.
Have a 1984 22-2 CCP with a 2016 Suzuki 300 (yes it is a 300 and I know it is overpowered but she is fast). Bought her in September, primarily as a dive boat.
Work I have done since I got her:
New Bottom Paint
Mostly rewired
Removed Live well
Cleaned out and repainted Bilge Added Second Bilge pump and replaced floats
New (to me) Lowrance Chartplotter and skimmer transducer
New Seastar Hydraulic steering pivot cylinder (old one was too scratched to reseal)
Roll Control Scuba Tank Holders
all new springs and hangers
rewired and new lights
new winch mount
the todo list is much longer.... Gonna repaint in January
Welcome aboard Lucien - nice looking rig. She doesn't seem to be sitting heavy in the aft much, from the motor.
Welcome aboard Lucien - nice looking rig. She doesn't seem to be sitting heavy in the aft much, from the motor.
Thank you! That's why I took the live well out. Wanted to get some of the weight off the stern. Once I put dive gear forward she rides great.
Want to introduce myself my name is Sean and i live in Delaware and presently own a 246 Shamrock for 11 years and a 22 Starcraft with a 140 Evinrude before that. I might be doing some boat shuffling in the spring and summer to go to a larger larger boat in the near future. All i would be looking for is a day boat to tie up with friends with maybe one other adult on board and the 170 came to mind. I'll start another thread with my questions.
:welcome01: aboard Sean. For just a few people, the 170 is a perfect boat.
Welcome aboard Sean. :salut:
Hello everyone, I’m George from NYC. New to the boating world. Owner of a 96 Aquasport 215 explorer.
Welcome aboard George. :salut:
I suspect she's rather quick. :ScrChin:
Hey everyone my name is jake morris from cape cod mass I bought and have been rebuilding a 1972 196 aquasport and I am loving the boat so far have not gotten it in the water yet but just loving the look and style of this boat...the previous owner build a crap pilot house for it so I rebuilt a new one doing the glass now
Hello All,
I am very encouraged by the amount of loyal AquaSport owners here. I am going to look at a 1985 AquaSport 170 with a 2002 Johnson 90 tomorrow. I have been around and on boats my whole life, and I feel the most at home on the water with a rod in my hand or a surfboard under my feet. I have a 16' Lowe with a 2018 Yamaha 25 currently that I use for fishing tributaries and the shallows of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. I also use it for duck hunting, which puts me in many sticky situations when the wind picks up pushing swells of 2-3' that make my ride home very uneasy.
As of this past year, I got engaged and we are looking for a boat that is more comfortable and safer in rough conditions so we can fish those days when its huffin! We originally were interested in a 17-20' G3 CC, or a Carolina skiff 17-19' JLS CC, but we decided that taking on a payment for a new boat is not something we were willing to do at the moment when we have a wedding around the corner to pay for.
So I began the daily grind of scouring Craigslist and Facebook for a decent used boat. I stumbled upon the 1985 Aquasport 170 Osprey online and dove into the literature. Its comforting knowing there is a great community online that shares all their experiences with the craft. Hopefully tomorrow I will be trailering this baby to its new home!
A little info on the boat I have received from its current owner:
Good things:
Refinished last year.
New fuel tank, fuel lines, and filter installed.
New leaf springs and lights on trailer.
Title for boat, bill of sale for trailer.
Fishy things:
Engine was bought rebuilt by a certified engine mechanic.
According to owner, all the parts were gone over and replaced "from bottom to top end"
He sent a video of the engine running, and I will be testing it out on the water before we settle up.
I checked out the mechanic and he is indeed a certified master mechanic, so I'm comfortable with that but I will definitely need to know more about what was done and hopefully that will help me figure out WHY it was done.
I had an 1979 (if my memory serves correctly) evinrude 25 hp that was absolutely bullet proof until I whacked it on a metal submerged flood gate that was partially removed. That of course totaled the motor for me, but to someone with mechanical knowledge it would've been repairable with time and parts. Point being, I'm not too worried about a certified mechanic rebuilding a motor if it runs as it should and has been maintained properly. The current owner took great care of the boat from the images I have seen.
Other than that, the hull looks good and I will know more tomorrow. Thanks for allowing me to join up, and hope to be among the many happy AquaSport owners soon!
Welcome aboard to both Jake and Brad. :salut: :salut:
:welcome01: aboard Jake and Brad. Jake we look forward to seeing some pics of your work. Brad good luck on the purchase. Make sure you look at the link on buying a used Aquasport that I sent you.
Hello all, I. Glad to be with so many people who love their aquasport boat as much as I do. Here is a pic of my boat. I am in the process of giving her a makeover before the season.. more progress pics to come
Welcome aboard Posej :salut2:
Just picked this '96 Striper 165 up. needs a little TLC. been sitting outside since '05. got er pressure washed. trailer bunks need serious attention. Previous owner is still looking for key. I suspect the engine has newer foot and maybe powerhead, looks awfully good for an older motor. Going to bypass fuel tank, drain carbs, fog cylinders, and ? Where is the tank, under CC or seat? Glad this site is here, going to need some info as I am ok whit a wrench but know little about this boat and engine. I'm in Panama city , FL and will get to the profile.
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Hi everyone! I have had my 1981 200ccp for about a year now and was a great first boat for me. I've been able to fish offshore in south florida on most days and have had some great days on the water. I love the boat and have been making improvements over the year to suit my needs live bait fishing in south florida. I have added a 165 yeti as a coffin box, a leaning post i got from a friend and a few flush mount rod holders. I am currently replacing the 29 gallon fuel tank and may repower the boat soon.
Thanks for the add!
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:welcome01: aboard Andy and Bill :thumright:
Andy, let me know if you ever find something to remove the mold from the seats.
Thanks RickK. The seat has been recovered and is toast after sitting outside since 05. For now, going to get some new material to recover it.Getting the engine going is the first priority. Ordered a shop manual off ebay. The carbs are going to need a little attention , I tried to drain one and a bit of honey colored goo oozed out.
Welcome aboard to Posej, Andy and Bill. :salut: :salut: :salut:
Where is the tank, under CC or seat?
Well it came with a 20 gal. tank from the Factory. I can't see a deck cover so I'll guess it's either in or accessed from under the center console.
Thanks Captain Bob. Yes, the tanks is under the CC.I took out the seat so I could more comfortably get under the CC and there was the access port; How do the mud wasps even get in there? I'm going to hook up a aug. tank when I'm ready to fire it up until I figure out how to clean the tank .
Well, hello everyone. I’ve been lurking a bit and have found this site loaded with excellent Aquasport information. I got what I believe, and what a few well informed Aquasport people believe is an early Gull 19 (flatback). But please chime in if you know anything more. It measures 20’ loa with a beam of 7’6”. I’ll be picking peoples brains quite a bit while I fix her up so thank you all in advance.
A bit about me - I’m a semi-retired ship captain and have spent a lifetime on the water. I live in Maplewood NJ with my family who also love the water as I do. So hello, pleased to meet you, and I hope to have plenty of conversations with members.
Here is a pic. I’ll be sure to get some more up
Welcome aboard Eastender. :salut:
How about a couple of pics of the deck?
:welcome01: aboard Eastender
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your "member gallery" is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
Post a pic of the back of the boat - should be able to see the strakes that exit the aft about a foot on each side of the drain hole. That will tell us if it is a 191.
Hi there. 2004 Osprey 215 Sport here. Had it for just over a month. Been on the water my whole life. Always been a CC guy but the DC just drew me in with it's versatility. The 200hp 2 stroke Yamaha really moves this boat. Look forward to sharing experiences and learning from the board :great02:
:welcome01: Knot_bad :salut: The DC model is very popular.
Welcome aboard K_b. :great02:
Just joined March 17. In the process of purchasing a 2004 Aquasport 215 Osprey Tournament Master.
Low hours on the boat and motor. I'm a newbie and looking forward for any info from the group.
Will send pictures once I take possession.
Welcome aboard Wayne. Good luck on the purchase - you'll love the boat. :coolth:
Welcome aboard Wayne. :salut:
Just joined today. Picked up an '87 170 yesterday and Im looking to restore her over the course of the next year. I plan on documenting the rebuild here, Im sure Ill have a ton of questions. She'll likely go under the saw in the next month or two.
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Welcome aboard Ed!!
As you start to plan, understand that the 170 is very sensitive to weight shift or addition of weight like a heavy engine, live wells in the aft, etc. The goal should be to keep it self bailing.
Here is some light reading to help you think through what you may want to do
Welcome aboard Ed. :salut:
Does anybody no what size fuel sender length you need for replacement for 170 1986 aquasport
Welcome aboard J :nSalute:
Spend a little time in the fuel tank forum
Hi Everyone! Picked up a 1972 19-6 back in November and getting to work on the hull. I think I'm in for a bit more than I expected but I think that I am in the right place! Trying to get my post going for the project.
Welcome aboard Ayc388. :salut:
:welcome01: aboard Alex :s_hi:
Been a long time since I've been around. I used to own 1971 Aquasport 222. Unfortunately the girl was ready for a rebuild. After doing a majority of the tear down I found a builder. Unfortunately, his company lacked the skills. After getting the run around for over a year I cut my loses and purchased a 1972 Proline that was farther along in a rebuild. Luckily the Aquasport went to a new home, and I found great new builders for the new boat. This is the new 1972 Proline with metal work by Travis and Kevin at Quality t-tops and everything else was customized by Spencer Oconnell in Palm Harbor. I can not say enough about these two businesses. They are fantastic, and I highly recommend them to everyone.
Oconnell Marine
Address: 3713 US-19 ALT, Palm Harbor, FL 34683
Phone: (727) 631-1439
Quality T-tops
Address: 1071 Island Ave, Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
Phone: (727) 942-4397
Looks sweet!! :c029: Need more pics :coolth:
Not sure if you noticed but we have Classic Proliners here - they seemed to like our mellow, information forward, membership and have stayed. I get a new Proliner member about every month - need to spread the word.
More pics as requested.
Sorry could not how to add more that 4 at a time.
I have the opportunity to buy this same year 84' 250 XF 5.7ltr I/O model for $1200. Maybe less if I wait and risk losing it to another buyer.
The exhaust manifolds are off (pristine inside), the valve covers are loose (they where newly painted)."It cranks over but no start. When pouring gas in carb" is what the receiving auto mechanic(not marine) commented about it. Thats all the info that is available. Its like an auction house.
It needs some dindgs patched up along the rub rail as well. With the exception of the gas tank access panel being soft. The hull is rock solid everywhere (well built)! Then theirs a few gel coat spider cracks in a few spots. Nothing serious looking. Is that normal for any boat of this vintage?
I,m not worried that I cant fix it. I have some boat repair experience including replacing a deck and hull and the glass work that goes with it. I have engine rebuilds of two strokes and all sorts of diagnostic "fun" with two strokes I have rebuilt many auto engines and other small engine experience. However... This may be too much boat for me! Is it realistic to trailer this boat? The trailer its on has no brakes! Does that mean that that's the wrong trailer for this boat? The transom hangs about 2ft past the last roller.
I would be pulling it with an o1' Chevy Silverado 2500HD 6.6 liter diesel. But if I have to tow it a hours drive to go fishing. Am I going to be deterred from going fishing because I have to "tow the beast" an hours haul to the water and launch solo? What kind of fuel consumption would this boat have? Long island sound black fish, sea bass, strippers. Mid long Island sound launch and head out to the race would be typical use. Maybe a few times a year to an ocean wreck of Road Island or Montauk?
Is the GM 5.7 with the OMC outdrive a reliable set up? What about parts availability? I realy like the quality build of the boat and the lines. But Im worried it wont be convenient to trailer it an hour and 15 min. What would this boat be worth? In running condition and all the major cosmetics taken care of. Should I buy this boat?
I know that's a lot of info and many questions. But if it can be answered. It would be best answered by someone who knows this boat or some of its closest relatives.
Thank you,
Hey Gang,
Just purchased an 84 250 XF I/O. Haven't been able to find much info on the boat but I am sure there is a ton of knowledge here.
Here is the work that was done -
1984 Aquasport 250FX. upgrades include New propeller, lower unit, upper unit, transom with trim actuators and gimbal bearing, New trim tabs, steering actuator and trim and tilt motor, new exhaust manifolds and risers. New Bimini top, blower motor, batteries and power distribution switch. New VHF radio, Garmin GPS/Fish finder. New aluminum fuel tank with 93 gallon capacity. New upholstery, battery charger/maintainer and updated wiring. Comes with Eazy Loader trailer, on-trailer jacking system, Navicco winter storage tarp system.
Seams like a very solid boat. Anyone have any insights?
Thanks gang,.
James, trucks got enough power to pull it but needs brakes on trailer. About the boat, I would walk away from a old omc stringer drive which that probably has from 84. If it had the later cobra drive I think was started around 86 that would be better. If it has that big rubber boot around the transom shield it’s a stringer. Not sure if it’s worth closing in the transom and bracket. $$ Fuel burn around 12-14 gph sterndrive. Do some research on the drive
Thank you. It is a Stringer. Can it be replaced with a Cobra drop in?
What would be the bear minimum horse power for this? With a bracket added on?
I’m pretty sure the hole is bigger than cobra transom shield. Have to double check that. The cobra is same size also as Volvo penta sx which would be better with cone clutch shifting smoother and a crankshaft driven pump vs one in lower unit. You mean the hp to push that with outboard on bracket? I’m sure min 250 hp.
New member here. Picked up a 1986 222 CCP, that was reworked in 2006 with the transom closed in and bracketed with a 2004 Yamaha 200hpdi. It’s got 475hrs on the power head rebuild, and in our 4 outings has performed flawlessly. Picked it up from the original owner.
It certainly needs some love but she’s solid as a rock. It works fine so I don’t plan on breaking into the electrical rewire or getting deep into painting it until after the summer. There’s nothing pressing that NEEDS done outside of some cosmetics and projects spiral out of control, so I’ll wait for our short offseason here in Tampa, Fl. (Oldsmar area)
This wasn’t my first choice for a boat, by far, but I’m super impressed by this machine. I’ve only previously run a 1990 HydraSports 20’ cc, and this CCP is already head and shoulders more pleasant to operate. All the models I’m in the market for are crazy priced for obvious reasons, given the Rona and all. So, for next to nothing this gets the family on the water, compared to the silly prices boats are pulling at the moment.
The few issues I do plan on working on in the short term, are the fuel sending unit and gauge, since it doesn’t have a console gauge, but there is one on the sender. It also need some wiring repaired, and new switches. A rewire will be I order later when it can be torn apart.
Welcome aboard to fnichols and SeanC. :salut: :salut:
:welcome01: Aboard Sean :s_hi:
Good Afternoon, I am a new member and have just purchased a 1974 Aquasport 196 in reasonably good condition. Aside from minor cosmetic issues the main tank, still original to the boat is leaking. I have a lot to learn about the boat and boating in general, this is my first boat and it needs some work.
The plan at the moment is to accomplish a health check on the 2 stroke Evinrude 115. Should that be acceptable move on to changing out the old tank with a new one. Then repaint and update the helm. I have already rewired most of the "birds nest" - low voltage is well within my skill set. In the end I must have removed 15 feet of unused wire that had been added and then abandoned at some point during the last 40+ years.
Looking forward to posting progress reports, pictures and requesting help.
West Palm Beach
:welcome01: aboard Rich. Take it one day at a time. :salut:
Welcome aboard Rich. :salut:
Hi All- new to the forum so just saying 'hi.'
Picked up a new-to-me '01 205 Osprey and looking forward to getting out on the water after some repairs. Got the electronics installed, cleaned the deck, and waxed the hull last weekend, so getting close!
:welcome01: aboard CD :salut:
Good Afternoon everyone, Thanks for accepting me to your awesome site. Just picked up my first ever boat an 1986 200 osprey. I am excited but also nervous coming in to the boating world. I hope to get some expert advice on fixing it up some. It has had some upgrades already like a closed transom and a small deck bracketing a Johnson 130HP. Here are some pics.
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Welcome aboard Lrolda01 :s_hi:
Welcome aboard Lrolda01. :salut:
I have a 97 215dc and want to replace or rebuild the tach. Any suggestions
:welcome01: aboard Ben
Just bought my first Aquasport 1986 Osprey 200 w/140 Johnson (original) last week. Swapping eng for 2011 90hp etec. Boats in decent shape for being 35
:s_hi: Mike, Welcome Aboard.
Welcome aboard Mike. :salut:
Thanks for adding me. I just purchased a 1979 246 CCP and started my Poor Mans Dream boat project. I'm sure I'll as a few dumb question along the way as well as steal a few ideas. I started a gallery to show the progress.
:welcome01: aboard Jay. Looks like someone moved the console quite a bit forward but I don't see any holes in the floor behind the console :think:
Anyway, nice looking rig.
Dusty here. I've owned what I thought was a 1972 22-2 12 degree for 40 years, title says '72 but yesterday I actually read the number on the stern and it appears I may have a 1974. We're in the process of getting her ready to return to Florida for my Son and Grandsons to love like we have. She needs some work, the hull and transom are in great shape but the floor has developed soft sandwich disease, thanks to the PO not sealing the holes he put in it. Got the 60 gal fuel tank out, cut 3 access holes, cleaned it out, and have now pulled in all new hoses from the gunnel fittings to the engine including a new shut off. It has a fairly low hours 1987 Johnson 200GT that will need some post storage (15 years) going over, the trim and tilt works perfect and the engine still turns over by hand. I was really meticulous with wash down and lube spray so it looks like new under the cowl. I'll post pictures as soon as I figure out how to make them small enough!
Welcome aboard Dusty. :s_hi:
You don't have to resize your pics - If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your "member gallery" is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
If you have questions let me know.
Welcome aboard Dusty. :salut:
Hello! Thanks for the add! I am the proud owner of a 1997 225 Explorer. Had her in the water once so far and it’s perfect! Beautiful looking and a great smooth ride. I would like to find a new cover for the cockpit and also a ladder fit the platform. My raw water wash worked then just stopped. I have no idea where the pump is or where it pulls water in from. Any thoughts? I’m also looking for a owners manual. Are there any online? Thank you! I’ll have this boat for a long long time. She is a keeper!
Welcome DGRS2. :welcome01:
Yeah, when the Euro transom came out they buried everything under it and made it hard to gain access to pumps and sea cocks. You may have to cut access hatches in the face of the transom.
Welcome aboard dgrs2 :salut:
You may wish to read through this thread for some insight.
This "may" also help as it's for a 245 but they are somewhat similar.
"The hose bib in the tackle center is your raw water washdown fitting, it is fed by the pump mounted to the transom wall directly behind that same little door. That pump is fed by the pickup in the hull bottom with the shut-off lever."
Colin in NJ here... In the market for a 290... Looking for a new headache!!
Welcome aboard Colin :nSalute: Good luck on the hunt.
Mike here from JAX, FL. Proud new owner of a 75 22-2. Currently being wired to current standards, deck to be repaired at a later date. Gonna use it this summer!
I grew up commercial fishing the Chesapeake Bay on a 240 inboard bought new by my father in 1976.
:welcome01: aboard Mike. Hard to beat the 222 Osprey for a fishing platform.
Welcome aboard to Colin and Mike. :salut: :salut:
Hey my name is John, and I joined this forum because me and pops bought a 78 222 family fisherman for a thousand bucks. It needed some love, but not as much as you would think. Lots of custom work was done on this boat by the previous owner, and we just put a new suzuki 175 on it. Let me know what you guys think!!
:welcome01: aboard John. Pics would help us see what you bought.
If you want to post a pic when you talk about your boat, which you should, follow the instructions here - don't attach them - you are limited by file size. Uploading them into your "member gallery" is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.
Welcome aboard John. :salut:
Viktor in NH here,
I am new to this site and registered as I am in process of aquiring a 1987 222 CCP. Have set time to go see her in ME next week. "Buying a Used Aquasport-The Bible" post and replies are instrumental.
Hope it will be a good bay fihsing boat for me and my boys. We fish lakes in NH, but also go after mackerels and stripers near the shore of NH and ME.
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:welcome01: Aboard Viktor - nice looking rig :nSalute:
Welcome aboard Viktor. :salut:
The CCP is a good bay boat. Hull draft is surprisingly shallow for her size.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hi All - great forum.
just bought 1977 22FF from a friend.
He did a bunch of upgrades…..
New 50 Gallon Tank
New bilge pump.
Re-Wired all.
Solar panels on the canopy and solar panel for a battery tender.
Cabin LED’s
Stereo and speaker
He threw a bunch of extras….
Solar generator
Big cooler
Electric cooler
I replaced the dash with teak. It was pretty shot.
The engine is a Yamaha 175 - 2 stroke.
I think it’s a 1998.
Rebuilt a few years ago.
Looking forward.
Welcome aboard Lee. :salut:
:welcome01: Lee :salut2:
New to me 1975 Aquasport 19-6 Family Fisherman powered with Twin 1974 50hp Evinrudes.
My father bought a house and this boat and motors were sitting up on blocks in the backyard. The previous owner had passed away and their family offered me the boat for $1. How could I say no? Not sure how many years but long enough for an inch or two of moss to grow on the bow. The last registration sticker was 1990. It was quite the project as I had no experience restoring boats (especially of this age), but I could tell the transom, hull, and motors were worth investing in by visual inspection.
After working on this boat for 6+ months, I finally got it in the water this past weekend. The 74 'Rudes run like the day they came off the production line. Looking forward to posting pics of before and after once I get it into its final state!
Sounds like a nice score for a buck. Welcome aboard timberline.
Long time lurker, first time poster. Looking at buying a 96’ Osprey 200, or a 2004 250 explorer. Not sure what it is, but I’ve looked at dozens of used boats and keep coming back to AS. Great knowledge on this site and I appreciate y’all sharing it.
Hello All,
My first post and first Aquasport.
I recently scored on a 1980 19-6 with a dandy 2005 F115 ( both one owner).
The boat has been neglected the past two years due to the owners passing and the family saw fit to let me take it home for $200.00. :)
I look forward to sharing the before pics with you aka: Operation BUTT UGLY.
I am sure I am going to have a lot of questions and look forward to learning with/from you all.
First q: Does anuone know the bow eye to transom length of th 1980 19-6?
Thank you,
:welcome01: AppOff and Steve. Hope you enjoy the site. If you have any questions feel free to query the membership - lots of knowledge here. :nSalute:
Hello all, I am new to this group.
I have recently purchased a 1995 Aquasport 245 Adventure with a 300 hp 2016 Suzuki, and a 2016 9.9 kicker.
It's still at the dealership getting all the bugs out.
The engine has 430 hours and I plan on using it for off shore fishing, off the Oregon coast.
Fishing for Salmon and Tuna.
Any information about this model boat would be helpful.
Like fuel tank capacity, etc.
Thanks again for allowing me in your forum.
:welcome01: aboard VW - the model you have is an Explorer. Should be good for what you're planning. :13:
I'm a little behind here.
Welcome aboard timberline, AppOff84, Steve and VW. :salut: :salut: :salut: :salut:
First time poster and first time boat owner! I've been into boating since I was a kid, and sold boats in my twenties, but this is the first boat I've ever purchased and I love it!
1967 Aquasport 22-2
Complete hull up resto-mod
All composite materials
Custom built tower
175 Etec G1 w/250 hrs
Hydraulic steering
Power pole
Second station
Fly by wire
Lean-to livewell
SeaDeck throughout
Raw water wash down
JL audio sound system
Simrad evo3s 12"
Fusion radio
2018 continental tandem axle trailer w/ surge brakes
Is this real life?!!
Happy to be here and hope to learn and share a lot with you all!!
Welcome aboard MSMD :salut2: Nice looking rig.
Hello all,
Buying a 99 215 Explorer this week (finger crossed the compression test and lake run show no issues)! Been looking to buy for over a year now and just never found the right walkaround until now. Missed a couple other Aquasports before this one, hoping third time is a charm. I will post pics when I pick it up and get it home but here is the boat trader link for those who are interested.
She needs a whole lotta love and I plan on be that guy.
Thank you to Rick for the warm welcome and I look forward to chatting with all about these great boats....
Welcome aboard Mike and SWK. :salut: :salut:
It is now official. Boat bought and paid for and the TLC and upgrading shall begin. First order of business was a full detail inside and out.
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Hull is eventually going to need a good sanding and a few layers of gel-coat. You can feel the difference in depth of the gel-coat where the decals were compared to not.
Step 2 will be all new cushions in cabin and out. In addition to new volt and rpm gauges. fix GPS fish finder mount (very loose and poor install) and verify bait well wash down pump doesn't need a rebuild.
Step 3 replacing surge brake actuator up front and do general maintenance of the rest of the braking system.
The rest of the boat is super solid and verified the gas tank is plastic(poly??) and in very good condition.
Plan is to do a small run this weekend to just get her in the water but end of Thanksgiving week and weekend she will be fished upon if I have anything to say about it.
Sorry is this is in the wrong place, was not sure and wanted to give all a follow up... The wealth of knowledge here has helped me tremendously and I look forward to picking all of your brains for more information as time goes on.
Hello all,
Buying a 99 215 Explorer this week (finger crossed the compression test and lake run show no issues)! Been looking to buy for over a year now and just never found the right walkaround until now. Missed a couple other Aquasports before this one, hoping third time is a charm. I will post pics when I pick it up and get it home but here is the boat trader link for those who are interested.
She needs a whole lotta love and I plan on be that guy.
Thank you to Rick for the warm welcome and I look forward to chatting with all about these great boats....
Congrats on the new boat. Looks great. You'll enjoy the full length bimini and side curtains when you need them.
Hey y’all
I’m Looking hard at a 2001 175 Osprey with a 2016 Yamaha 70 4 stroke.
Is this too under powered? I love the lines of this hull but I want to make sure she’s got enuff juice. Fishin the shallows of Savannah Ga. she seems like the perfect new rig.
Thanks y’all
Welcome aboard Mlebos!! The 70 will push her along nicely. The avg cruise speed is 25 and the 70 will give you that.
Happy to be a new member. Looking for my next boat restoration project. I think a 22' Aquasport might be perfect for bay and nearshore fishing boat for me here on the west coast of Florida for targeting Reds, Snook, Grouper, Tarpon, and Cobia. Also, looking for a good boat to take family, friends, and grandkids out to the sandbar and Anclote Key state park. I recently restored a Maverick Pathfinder 17T for poling the flats and shallow creeks in this area. I loved the experience and hope a legendary Aquasport restoration will be just as rewarding.
Look forward to sharing and chatting with everyone.
Welcome aboard Frank
Welcome aboard Frank. :salut:
Hi All,
Looks like a great wealth of knowledge here and I appreciate the acceptance. I am a Land Surveyor just north of Durham NC, and have spent quite a bit of time on the water growing up..... I tend to get the itch regularly to get to salt air again.
I currently own a 1900cc MayCraft, which has been great, but am looking to upgrade into something bigger. I want something I can take the kids offshore in and bottom fish, while still being able to camp on the local lakes. Im looking at the 225 and it looks great for fishing and boating needs, but was hoping to get some insight into the Cabin space. I havent made the trip to see the boat yet but plan to in a week. Im 5'7" so I know that will help. Im also considering doing a small 2 person tent, or cot tent on the deck, but wont be able to measure deck length and width until I get up there.
Welcome aboard Canoyar. Here is a pic of the cabin in most of the 90's 225 Explorer - it's a sit down cabin, not a stand up cabin. Someone here can provide the measurements of the cockpit I'm sure.
Welcome aboard Canoyar. :salut:
I'll get you some dimensions from my 91 210. It's the same hull without the Euro transom. I'll start another thread in this Forum.
I'm working today and tomorrow so give me a little time.
Good luck with the hunt.
Well she needs a ton of work but she’s mine. 1970 222 with a solid flat back and viewing windows. Not gonna get a full restoration but it’s gonna be pretty darn close! Hopefully I can figure out out to show my progress thru the builds
Welcome aboard built2spillwth :nSalute:
I left a message on your rebuild topic.
My name is Ryan i own a 1982 170, looking forward to trading tips with you guys and receiving some much needed info on my aquasport rehab. From Wrentham, MA
:welcome01: aboard Ryan :nSalute:
Welcome aboard Built2 and Ryan. :salut: :salut:
Hello all,
Thanks for having me onboard!
I am the proud owner of a 1998 Aquasport osprey 205 with a 150 Johnson ocean runner. I am from Canada and plan on fishing the golf of st-laurent with it (east quebec). I will have a few question soon and I hope you guys can help me find answers.
Cheers and talk soon!
Welcome aboard FrenchFrog. :salut:
Greetings form the land of ice and snow!
Tom here, long-time lurker and recent poster. Hail from Montreal, but do my best to spend as much time as I can in SWFL. Gotta hand it to all of you for the great info on this site and am very pleased to be onboard.
I have a 1973 AS 170/ 65 hp Johnson which was a fresh-water boat and is completely original with the exception of the seat-pads which I rebuilt and had recovered. It is kept in SWFL.
I recently bought a 1973 AS 22-2/ Mercruiser I/0 which is still up north but is destined for SWFL waters. Since it was bought in the winter and is still full of ice and snow, the arrival of milder weather is needed before I can assess what she needs to be returned to a sea-worthy state. Plan is for a conversion to an outboard.
Looking forward to further participation here!
Just need the wind to die down here in SWFL... starting to have withdraw lmao
Hello everyone TK57 here. I am the relatively new owner of a 1998 Aquasport Explorer 225 with a 200 HP Johnson outboard. I'm also a relatively new boater. I'm very gratified to have found this site as I am beginning to tinker with the boat. I'm pretty handy but know my limitations. I plan to expand my boating knowledge with your help. I'll poke around the site to get my feet wet (no pun intended but actually my first questions will be about bilge pump float switches) and then ask for help.
:welcome01: aboard TK
Welcome aboard TK and Cal 222. :salut: :salut:
Hey Everyone, I’m new to the Aquasport world but couldn’t be happier and excited to get out on the water in my 1990 210 Extreme Fisherman. She’s a heavy potential boat, love the aft deck and cabin space. Enclosed transom with self bailing cockpit is nice too. Read that it was made with fiberglass stringers too, nice!!
I’m looking to repower right off the bat (you’ll see why in the pictures) - suggestions on OB 200/225? Go heavier/weight limit?
Any additional information on this model is appreciated!
Welcome aboard Dougie. :salut:
A 1990 model Aqua is a rare hull on this Forum.
Please post photos!
Read carefully.
New to the site my name is Mike and I am stationed aboard Camp Pendleton, Ca. I purchase and 222 Aquasport center console and have been enjoying it all year. I am going to give her some TLC, paint, and rework some old work and wiring.
Good morning everyone and thanks for having me! Just pulled the trigger on a 2002 Aquasport 225 Explorer powered with a 250 Yamaha ox66. Sea trialed her out in Virginia Beach and now anxiously awaiting the transporter to deliver it back to Wisconsin mid-March. Needs a good scrub and to be set up for trolling Superior/Michigan. Couldn’t find a mid-sized walk around that was powered with an outboard in the Midwest for the life of me. Will post pics as things progress. Thanks again and looking forward to the wealth of knowledge and material on this site!!
Al Boy
Welcome aboard to Mike21 and Al Boy. :salut: :salut:
:welcome01: Mike and Al boy :s_hi:
Good afternoon, I own a 1974 22'2" Aquasport that I am planning on restoring once the house projects are complete and my focus can be 100% on the project. Currently I am collecting supplies and information on what is ahead for me. Looking forward to getting started on this project. ff
Welcome aboard Permit53 :salut:
Welcome aboard Permit 53. :salut:
Hey All. Captain Bob, I saw your post and added photos to the 210 folder. Let me know what you think!
Good afternoon everyone thanks for having me I own a 1986 (what it says on title) 170 aquasport with an '89 110 johnson. Previous owner refoamed and fixed some sections of the stringers and replaced the floor. And he closed the transom and added a platform to it. Need to fix some of his mistakes and I'm glad there is a community like this with lots of shared knowledge and appreciation for these aquasports. As soon as we went for a test drive I knew this was a great hull it rode better than any other boat I'd been in.
Welcome aboard Ken1986. :salut:
That model was the first (and only) brand new boat I ever owned. :thumright:
Hey All. Captain Bob, I saw your post and added photos to the 210 folder. Let me know what you think!
Well, I can't recall seeing that model (other than the brochure) in person or all the years I've been on the Forum. :ScrChin:
Like I said, rare.
Start a new thread in the Rebuild Forum for the EXs as you work on your find. Post pics right on that thread.
Good luck. :thumright:
:welcome01: Ken.
d_f as CB said, definitely a rare model - they transitioned from EX to a Walkaround and then to the Explorer line in that time frame.
Usually you add your pics to YOUR gallery so you never have to hunt them down, so I'll move your pics into yours in the near future.
New to the forum. Just purchased a 1996 215 Dual Console with a blown 200 Johnson. Working to get a new trailer under her so I can bring her home to Indiana for restoration. Excited to be part of this forum - I am a lifetime boater, but this is my first Aquasport.
Todd :salut2:
Welcome aboard Todd. :salut:
I have a 1970 19-6 that I purchased 5 years ago. We converted it to a flatback and added a jack plate for a new 115 Yamaha. The exterior and gunnels has been painted with Awlgrip. Pretty much everything has been replaced except the plastic. Over the last 3 years we have put on 350 hours on Florida salt water, river boating in MN and WI and now on the TN river.
The boat is white and look at me yellow with a new black Bimini from a Boston Whaler. I have installed a full electronics package with a network. My Garmin works with my AIS radio and takes data from the engine for display.
The interior paint along with some work on the center console and that should be about it although I thinking of selling it as is because a new restoration is sitting in storage driving my crazy.
Over the last 50 years I have owned about 30 boats from racing sail boats to cruisers to trawlers and a whole pot load of runabouts. Its an addiction.
Welcome aboard Todd and Kerm :nSalute:
Welcome aboard Kerm. :salut:
Hello Fellas,
I just stumbled upon this site while looking into hatch repairs for my boat. I live in Smithtown, NY. This is on Long Island, NY, for you gents that are not from around here.
I own an 1999 245 AquaSport Explorer. I ordered her from the factory back in '99, and have had the best memories of my life on this boat.
My then future wife and I would do overnighters on Block island and Fire island almost every weekend. This 25 foot beauty has brought me out to the tip of the Hudson Canyon (70 Miles Offshore) for days of Tuna fishing, and safely home every time. I caught dozens of sharks, from Blue sharks to the elusive Mako.
Now that I have two children, we mostly inshore fish and day trip to the beach.
Never a dull moment with our Sla'n Abhai'le!
I'm looking very forward to being a member of this site.
Welcome aboard Anthony. :salut:
:welcome01: aboard Anthony - nice looking rig :salut2:
Hi guys, Im taking delivery of a barn find 1970s ish 170 Aqua sport. Im located in Green Lake WI. I am a boat salesman by trade. i grew up around boats my whole life and love to fish as much as possible. This will just be a fun side project for me.
What's up everyone? I'm new to this site and I'm new to boat building. Not new to the water but the whole boat building process I am. I'm located in Port St. Lucie, FL. I'm currently doing a complete restoration on a 1977 222 Aquasport. It's more of a after work and weekend type of thing. But I am motivated to get this thing done and out on the WATER.
:welcome01: aboard Greenlake and Jeted1291 :nSalute:
Welcome aboard to Greenlake and Jeted. :salut: :salut:
Dear Classic Aquasport Community Members,
my name is Fabrizio, i'm Italian.
I'm writing from Roma (i hope you have heard of it, in 21th april 2022 it celebrated the 2775th birthday), Italia, Europa.
I'm a 1980 19.6 Aquasport owner from 1990.
I'm a very proud owner of the boat.
Great boat for fishing and for fun.
Here, in Italy, it is a very rare boat and despite the age it still have very beautiful lines.
Wherevere i went i got a lot of compliments.
I used it at Anzio, near Roma, in the Tirrenian sea, a part of Mediterraneo, for fishing.
During the summer i carry it to Bolsena Lake (100 km from Roma) where i have my family house.
I don't use it from 2013 and the last year i put it again in the wather (lake).
Great fun
Now i want to restore it to give it to my sons and i hope in your community for the right advice and solutions.
For this summer i would like mount an anchor winch (i'm old) with a bowplate (it's a problem, i wish advices)
The next year i would refit the engine and restore all the boat (handrail, stern, deck, tank, painting....)
Tanks for accepting me in your community and please be patient if i make any mistakes but i'm not skilled in english and i never attended an owner community.
For all curiosity (my city, my country, my boat) here i'm.
:welcome01: aboard Fabrizio :s_hi: We have quite a few members from Italy.
We have a ton of rebuilds documented here to help you out.
Welcome aboard Fabrizo :salut:
Hi all, my name is Joe and I am the recent recipient of a 1982 Osprey 196. Long story short a friend said hey I have a boat sitting on my property from the previous owner, it’s dirty as hell, the motor doesn’t look worth fixing, but the trailer is decent and will roll down the road. I said how much, he said free and I now have a boat in my yard. It cleaned up pretty nice and the hull is solid, a little chalky, but solid. I’m not gonna lie for now I’m attempting to get it sea worthy for a couple years for as cheap as possible because we are moving from Connecticut back to Michigan, and I don’t want to pour money into it now and use it in salt water then move it to fresh water. If it serves me well I plan on a full overhaul when I get back to fresh water. Here’s a few questions I have as the only other boats I’ve had were a 1976 Chrysler Tri hull and 2001 SeaRay (lake boat when stationed in NH). This boat will be primarily used to putz around the bay and will spend most of its time anchored while me and my family hangout with friends at our favorite beach hangouts near fishers island. So no long runs or excessive use. Basically I’ll never be more than 1-2 miles from shore.
What is smallest engine you can use and still get in plane. I don’t care about speed.
I need to redo the bottom paint and was planning to paint the hull above waterline also, what paint has everyone had the best luck with. I’m not looking to redo the gel coat.
If the fiberglass on the inside of the boat has some spiderwebbing, should I be concerned? I’ve stood on it while cleaning and it all seems pretty solid. I go about 270 so I figure it’s ok.
Since I don’t plan on doing full rebuild now and am not sure if the status of the under deck gas tank would it be acceptable to just run a motor on an above deck tank till rebuild since I don’t plan on going to far?
Thanks for welcoming me to the group, I greatly appreciate the info and if anyone is in southeast CT and wants to stop by and help, let me know haha.
:welcome01: Aboard Joe. I would think that a 130 or 140hp would be the minimum you would want.
Hello Classic Aquasport Members, my name is Jason from Rhode Island. First time posting but long time creeper on the forum. I have very little fiberglass experience(surfboard repairs) and much better GM of a Ford dealership on Cape Cod. I have access to a heated garage so I can work all winter and have access to a former shipwright who works in my auto body shop. My auto audio vendor who works for Metan Marine is also willing to help me with wiring.
I am the lucky recipient of my fathers 1969 flatback(please look at photos and correct me if wrong). My father upgraded this winter to an Eastern hoping that he can stay dry in his old age, lol. My father was friends with the original owner and has used this boat for the last 35 years commercial fishing in the summers. Overall the boat is in good condition all but except taking in a little water this past summer. He noticed water coming in from a cracked drain(casting deck compartment to starboard side drain). Both me and my father are super excited to hand this boat down to me knowing it will be my bay boat forever.
My plan is to restore this boat to pristine condition and maintain it in a heated garage during the cold winters here in the northeast. I would like to close in the transom knowing its a little soft and probably needs reinforcement before repowering with a merc 175 4stroke 25 inch shaft I just ordered. Good thing is the motor is about a year out, lol. My guess is there is some water under the floor after 50 years of use. I plan to use a porta bracket or armstrong bracket. I am still undecided and hoping for members recommendations on bracket for my implication. I will not be running shallow water and have two young children that will likely enjoy swimming off the boat. I originally figured a porta bracket but pondering on an armstrong bracket for additional rear buoyancy and swimming deck/latter for the girls.
So far I have removed T-top and the leaning post. Currently welding my stands so I can get the boat to the garage on cape. Very excited but nervous to get started on the project.
Welcome aboard Jason. :salut:
That is indeed a Flattie. You should browse the rebuild forum for tips and ideas of what you'll find. We have a number of flatback rebuilds.
Start here
Good luck.
Welcome aboard Joe. :salut:
Check the Paint forum out.
The cracks sound to be stress cracking in the gelcoat. Many hulls develop them over time. Not really a structural problem.
Early Aquas had above deck (under console) tanks. They work fine but sacrifice space.
Hello to all, I'm a new member, my name is Phil, I'm also the new owner of a aquasport 19-6 a 1974 model, it's in fair to good shape but I plan on doing a complete overhaul this coming winter. But for now she's good shape and should serve me well enough this summer and fall fishing season, I will be posting some photos when I take some new ones, I don't have any downloaded on my computer that are formatted correctly. and I am certainly not a computer or smart phone savvy kind, I'm a craftsman, and more a in the shop creature then in front of a computer or TV,LOL, and praise God for spell check.
I'm also a first time boat owner, but I am a US Submarine Service Veteran , LOL, not that it helps me much with being a boat owner, besides that was a long time ago, and seeing how I'm getting ready to pick everyones brains on this boat, feel free to pick my brains on furniture build or Cabinet making.
Thanks for all the info you will share with me in advance. Phil
Welcome aboard Phil. :salut:
A little light reading to get you started.
Hello, I have owned a 1982 Aguasport Osprey 170 for about 2 years and it has been great for many family adventures all around Boston, Cape Cod and the North Shore area, Newburyport, Rockport, Gloucester, etc. It has a Merc 80hp. When I bought the boat they were not using the built in tank. Last weekend I decided to lift the center console and remove the Floor/Tank Cover. The tank did have a hole near the fill neck and other areas that looked very thin. I have a new tank coming in a couple of weeks from Phil and Allot Metals (Thanks forum). I have also just repaired the tank cover with new fiberglass and marine plywood. My remaining issue is that the 1.5" fuel line needs to be replaced and I can't get it out from the passage between the tank well and upper right access panel just below the fill cap. I assume it is incased in foam. Any ideas on how to remove the old hose? I searched many posts but do not see a solution other than removing the entire floor. My floor is solid and I would rather not cut into it. I would also like to post a picture of my boat others related to the tank and floor repair but I can't figure out how to post a picture along with this message. Gary
Welcome aboard Gary. :salut:
First, read carefully.
After you familiarize yourself with this, start a new thread in this forum and place your pic there along with your question.
In the mean time, some light reading if you haven't seen it.
Not your exact model but the hose routing is similar.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hello !
I am happy to find this group. For a few seasons now I have a 1998 26ft 245 explorer with a 225 Johnson ocean runner on it.
Boat is in great shape! Pretty much one owner. But a few weeks ago when I went to put it in the water. Both bilge pumps shot out gasoline. Under investigation I found that the hull was full of fuel. About 141 gallons of gasoline needed to be pumped out. So I’m suspecting the fuel tank is corroded and done. I’m trying to find someone to give me a price in fuel tank replacement in my local area now.
Has anyone had an issue with this before? Amazing to find everyone in one spot. Information on these boats is very hard to find.
Happy to find this group,
Not sure where you live. In the NE you can follow the info here
If you live in FL there is RDS - look through this thread for their contact info.
Welcome aboard Scott. :salut:
We haven't seen many fuel tank replacements on mid 90s and up Genmar hulls but the link below will give you a fair idea of what your up against. This is your hull with a different cap. Tank layout is identical.
If/when you begin, start a new thread in the fuel tank forum and post up your progress with a lot of pics.
Good luck. :thumright:
Hi- new here also. Just purchased for 500$ a 1978 12 degree 22-2 FF OB with a Johnson 235 outboard on it. I had one of these boats and fished with my dad, although we had a 140 mercruiser onboard I think and not too sure about running this out board. Any experiences that anyone wants to share they have with this motor and outBoard power? Seems like way too much motor but I was not able to talk over with the original owner - bought from hi son who had not sold it in six months and had strict orders to get sold and out of the yard asap- kind of lucked out. I watched him drop the price over the last six months but was looking for an aquasport I/o - until he dropped to 500$ and I said let’s have some fun and give it a go.
The trim and tilt seals need to be rebuilt first so I will start there.
Also I think I am going to put a kicker outboard to use on the Great Lakes- probably stay with two cycle used motor for economy and to have a back up to get to shore of the main unit would ever fail.
Any good suggestions for this from good experiences that I can use in my search?
Welcome aboard Jim. We have a ton of members with one (or more) of the FF models.
Welcome aboard Jim. :salut:
Obviously I’m new to the site. Just acquired a 1980 200XF. Looking for some good modification ideas and rebuild assistance. It has a soft hatch and some bad fiberglass repair jobs but will be a classic when finished.
Welcome aboard Wellsrobk :salut:
:welcome01: aboard Robb
Hello everyone, thank you for letting me join the club. I just bought my first Aquasport, a 73 17. I've been doing a lot of research on restoration and plan on it in the future. Going to use it for now because I want to do a lot of fishing in the fall months. If I can find a heated building, Ill tackle the floor this winter.
Welcome aboard Casper311 :tu4:
We have a ton of rebuild topics that will help you.
Welcome aboard casper311 :salut:
Whats up Yall
I got my 1977 Family Fisher 222 last October, came with a 2016 115hp Etec, which is a little under powered, but does push us at 25mph and still had a year of warranty when I got the boat.
Since getting the boat, gave her a good clean up and added some deck lights under the gunnels. Installed the China made fake seadek off Ebay. Ripped out the old carpet interior from the cabin and had the cushions re-upholstered, re-wired and added a new fuse panel and battery kill switch, replaced the transom ladder and added trim tabs and garmin fish finder with transducer. Finally, added a couple windows to the cabin to allow for some additional light and breeze when we get to the sandbar
When I got the boat the steering had seized up from lack of use. Got it working again and have been out at least a dozen times, but most recently while down in the Keys I pretty much lost all steering to the right at slow speeds. Made maneuvering around the marina sketchy and almost expensive so I currently have the steering cable off the boat and am waiting on a replacement to arrive hopefully this week. I also plan to cut a hatch through the cabin wall into the back of the console to make access much easier for future wiring endeavors and replacing the steering box.
Over the winter I want to go park it in my friends barn and get it all sanded down to repaint the exterior, and redo the bottom paint in black... If anyone has insight on doing the bottom paint where it will stay somewhat glossy it would be appreciated. Previous owner applied ablative bottom paint to it and it looks like a major project to get rid of it all to gelcoat. I also want to get the cabin interior finished up which will mean redoing the sliding hatch as it keeps popping out the tracks and hopefully adding some strength to the cabin roof. Its strong enough to stand on, but does flex more than I would like.
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Welcome aboard WakoNako. :salut:
Hello, all!
Excited to be a part of this group.
I just purchased a 1995 Aquasport Explorer 225.
1995 Yamaha 2 stroke
Radar arch (Furuno non functional)
Bimini top
Humminbird Helix 5 DI GPS
Standard Horizon GX1700
A FAR cry from the Bayliner 19' Cuddy I had years ago, I'm certain I'll be leaning on you for help/advice.
Welcome aboard Homee. :salut:
:welcome01: aboard Homee :s_hi:
Hello everyone, my name is Jesseray, I live in the Florida keys and just got myself a osprey 17.5 1995. I was lucky that my friend located one on the bank of the Caloosahatchee river. He was able to contact the owner and get the title from him. So I’m now in the process of getting her cleaned up. Thank everyone for having me a part of a awesome group of helpful fellow owners. 🙂
P.S. I’ve already been snooping around the post and gather all the knowledge I can. I’ll make sure to ask more questions. I appreciate all the information, that I have already found here.
Welcome aboard Jesseray :cheers:
We have a ton of members with the same model - the size of the hull hasn't changed whether it's a 170 or a 175 (marketing math), maybe the liner changed so we can cover your questions on that.
Welcome aboard Jesseray. :salut:
Hello all. Newbie here. I just purchased an '84 Ospry 19 today. It is an ASP serial so at first I thought that it was an Alexandria Seaport production until I learned that it was not. A couple hours of internet searching brought me here and I am glad I was allowed to join the group. I am now learning about AS boats and will be trolling the board for a while searching for information. To be honest, I don't know if it is a 19-1 or a 19-6 yet, but when I saw the boat covered in snow and did a quick measurement, I knew I had to have it and the price was right!
I plan to clean it up, do whatever repairs it needs and get an outboard for it so I can use it for a dive boat this summer. I wanted something smaller than my 24' SeaRay for most of my dive trips and this looks like it will be a great boat for that. I will start a photo log so you can follow the progress and point out all the mistakes I am making as I get it ready for Lake Michigan.
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Welcome aboard Jim :salut: The last year of the 191 was '71. The 196 was released in '72. Both hulls are totally different .
Welcome Aboard Sir!!
Welcome aboard Jim. :salut:
Hello all! My name is Josh and I’m a marine surveyor in Palmetto, FL. I’ve fished around a bunch of classic Aquasports here on my little slice of the Gulf but had never been on one until I surveyed a 1976 222 Osprey the other day. In a search for info I stumbled upon this forum and thought I’d join to learn as much as I can and hopefully I’ll be able to share some knowledge in return.
Welcome aboard Josh :a0003:
The 12 degree 222 is a favorite among members and guides alike.
Welcome aboard Josh. :salut:
Hello! My name is Ethan and I recently acquired a 1995 Aquasport Osprey 175 with a 88 Evinrude. She lived most of her life so far down in Long Island Sound off of my home state of CT- but we will be bringing her up to fresh water paradise (Lake George, NY) for the foreseeable future. Very excited to search this forum and learn more about Aquasport boats. Many questions incoming!
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:welcome01: aboard Ethan :s_hi:
Welcome aboard Ethan. :salut:
Greetings Aquasporters!
Just picked up a 2001 Osprey Sport Tournament Master 215. Got lots to do on it!
Which forum is right for asking questions about redoing the livewell,wahsdown,fishbox pumps? They are all shot.
Also wondering where to ask about how this boat performs with a F225 or F250. It has an 04 300hp HPDI on it. It's runs 50+ but that's not needed and I'd like a more reliable engine.
Welcome aboard Sossy! :welcome01:
We have a rebuild forum for Dual consoles here - you might pick up some info from it -
As for Engines, we have a forum for that too. -
Welcome aboard SS. :salut:
Pumps of various types will be under "Plumbing".
Long time lurker, 1st time posting. Im gearing up to start restoration on a 1972 240 sea hunter. It's the side console model with the i/o. I'm sure i will have many questions once i dig in so i would like to thank everyone in advance for sharing their experience/expertise.( (
Welcome aboard Captnbroady! Definitely worthy hulls and not many of the 240 models on here. I had one that was gutted to rebuild into a CC and then found a CC model to redo instead. Keep us posted and share lots of of photos in your rebuild thread! 😁
Welcome aboard Captnbrody. :salut:
What community in Weston do you reside?
:welcome01: Welcome aboard Brody :vsalute:
Welcome aboard Captnbrody. :salut:
What community in Weston do you reside?
In the Bonaventure area, saddle club rd and golfview dr
Welcome aboard Captnbrody. :salut:
What community in Weston do you reside?
In the Bonaventure area, saddle club rd and golfview dr
I worked for Arvada there from 1985 through 2009 before being transferred to Tallahassee by the company that had bought us, St. Joe Paper. Been here ever since. Grew up in Miami.
Welcome aboard Captnbrody. :salut:
What community in Weston do you reside?
In the Bonaventure area, saddle club rd and golfview dr
I worked for Arvada there from 1985 through 2009 before being transferred to Tallahassee by the company that had bought us, St. Joe Paper. Been here ever since. Grew up in Miami.
My home was definitely built by them in 1980.
Hi! I’m Jayson. Just bought a ‘97 175 w/ the 90hp Johnson. Upon further inspection, I found out there is a ton of water in the hull and all the foam is saturated. Can someone please tell me about how much it will cost if I do it myself? Also, I can’t find where to create a post in here. Using my phone so maybe that’s why. Thank you for any feedback!
:welcome01: aboard Jayson.
Start a topic in the 175 rebuild thread.
Above the blue bar at the top you'll see a button "New Topic" - click that to start your thread.
Hi Everyone,
I am now the proud owner of a 2000 24' Aquasport Osprey TM (250?), just want to send a big thank you to Rickk for all of the information he provided that helped me understand the boats condition, pain points and negotiate accordingly. I think I did ok but at this point I dont care, I love the boat and its now part of my family.
I have been having a lot of fun reading through all of the forums and running outside to see what I can apply to my ever growing task list (especially wiring, thanks SeaBob!). Right now I just want to get it all functioning, the major work can wait till the offseason. My list is starting with getting power to my windlass, radio/VHF and fixing the pump on the bait box and fish box. Right now the fish box fills with water but I cant pump it out. I'm going to start with replacing the pump and running new wiring.
The 2000 Johnson 200 is a little tired but still gats up on plane. I did run a compression test and all cylinders are reading at or over 100psi except for one running at 60. Hopefully I can get one or 2 seasons out of it before I repower with a new 300. I included a few pics but will save the rest for the appropriate topics.
Thank you in advance for all the help,
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Welcome aboard Rickoconn. :salut:
Yes, Seabob was the the "go to" guy on many things Aqua. Sadly he passed away about a year ago.
Greetings all, new owner of a 98 one owner garage kept 175 is Bristol condition. Looking forward to exploring the waters around Panama City Beach in this beautiful little boat!
Cheers, Channing
Welcome aboard MC. :salut:
Welcome aboard Chan :welcome01:
Hey hows it going everyone new memeber to the site . And new owner of an 88 osprey 170 . Lots to learn for me on this style boat as my first was a carolina skiff . Looking forwad to all the help and advise i get here and forgive me if i post in the wrong thread still learning how to use this forum lol
Welcome aboard Sea. :salut:
:welcome01: aboard S-S
Good morning all
Just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks to all who have contributed to this site. I have found it very useful when navigating the purchase process for a AS. I initially was looking at a early 90's explorer and settled on a 98 Osprey 245 about 4 weeks ago. Have taken out a few times and now the challenge is finding time to freshen her up a bit and get back out on the water!
Again - Thank you all for providing the info, specs, brochures. This was very helpful. And RickK- although I did not go with the Explorer , thank you for your detailed emails sharing your experience, very insightful!
Matt C
:welcome01: aboard Matt. You sure have a nice big fishing machine now. :thumleft:
Welcome aboard Matt. :salut:
Hi everyone I’m new to forums, my names is Chris I have 1980 express fisherman with a 04 Jonson 150 2stroke that I am reviving I hope to figure out how to share what I have done so far and look foward to going through all this! Thanks for having me!
:welcome01: aboard Chris :39:
Welcome aboard Chris. :salut:
Good morning,
I have recently purchased a 1979 246 Family’s an I/O (350? Engine). Anyway, the guy I bought it from kept it in terrific condition. I’ve had it out a few times and it runs like a top. I’m planning on using it for fishing and running about with the family (50/50).
If anyone has any advice/experience with this boat they’d like to share I’m all ears!
I attempted to post a pic, but site says file is too large, advice on that would be most welcome.
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Hello, everyone! My name is Chris, and since 2017, I've been the owner of a 1979 (maybe '78) Aquasport 200 CCP powered with a 1993 Evinrude 25" 200hp Ocean Pro. It's the first boat I ever owned myself. I grew up on boats, mainly $100 fixer-uppers, and we would make the best of it. Was a dock hand/launch controller from 9 years old to 17 years old. This Aquasport had some issues in it's advertisement, and I thought I would be able to talk the price down, and get a great boat. I did achieve just that. I've been planning a revamping for some time, and this site is full of great motivation. The boat was only on the water in 2019, just after my brother passed away. After that, I put it up, and haven't touched it, because when I bought the boat, it wasn't for myself, it was for my brother and I. I'll have to fill out my profile with pics. Been professionally lurking on this site for a while now. I can/have done glass, fab, and wrench, but I'm not a professional at any of that. I'm in the Western Basin Lake Erie area.
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:welcome01: aboard jzechiel. That's a great looking FF. Can you give us some info on the boat, like year, length, etc
:welcome01: aboard B Baker (Chris). The CCP line has proven to be great fishing platforms. :thumright:
Hi Rick,
It is a 1979 Family Fisherman 246. I appears to have the original engine, the guy I bought it from said it was a 350. Boat runs great, it has been really well taken care of as far as I can tell, but this is my first boat, so take that with a grain of salt.
It has trim tabs, but other than that it appears to be stock (assuming trim tabs did not come standard?).
It has one small soft spot on the deck, maybe 12”x20” between the side of the boat and where I think the stringer must start…other than that it seems be in really excellent condition. I have had it out maybe 6 or 8 times in the Choptank river, it is in a slip in Cambridge MD. I’m very pleased with how it has handled the river even on days that are a bit rough, it seems to be able to handle the chop nicely.
I don’t have any plans for making and changes to the current set up as it meets my needs quite nicely. I feel really lucky to have come into this boat…everything works as it should and it seems solid as a rock. Super stoked to have an aquasport!
Good morning y’all. My little family and I (Misty) inherited a 1987 aquasport 170 with the original Johnson 90. This boat was my wife’s (yes you heard that right) grandfathers boat that he loved and cherished. He passed about 15 years ago and it was passed down to her father who gave it to one of her brothers. He’s taken it out very little in the last 12 years and it’s sat in his garage. He finally gave us the keys and it’s our first boat! I’ve got a 5 and 10 year old that are both itching to go on the water with it but it’s just now had the water pump changed. I’m mostly a DIY sort of person so almost all of the things needing to be updated have been done by me and my buddy. We put a new depth finder, radio, stereo and speakers and all new safety stuff in it. Now I’m working on sanding and refinishing the teak wood. Still got to add a new Bimini top but honestly other than that, anything else I want to do is just cosmetic. Glad I found the site and hope to learn as much as I can about boating and this boat in particular! I’ll figure out how to add pictures and y’all can tell me what y’all think!
:welcome01: aboard Misty :051bye:
:welcome01: aboard Misty :051bye:
Thank you! Today I worked on sanding and oiling the teakwood then gave her a bath. Ordered the new Bimini top and got measurements for the missing cushions for the front. I didn’t get any pictures but I plan to do a little work tomorrow or the next day and when I do I’ll get pictures.
Welcome aboard Misty. :salut:
Hi all,
I have a 2002 - 215 Osprey Sport. Love the boat and the room that it has!
Current projects: fixing some electrical issues with the sink not working. Switch has power, but the pump doesn’t! Very tough to find any documentation that would help, but we are getting there!
Use: we mostly take it down to the gulf at out Destin, Fl, but it has seen some lake use as well. Im in Greensboro NC, so its a hike! Fishing regardless of where its being loaded into!
Future purchases: Looking to upgrade the outboard. Current has a 130 Honda. And it runs great, but needing a 200 to feel competent!
Would love to be directed to any well known threads that talk about modifications to my specific boat or ones that make sense!
Excited to converse and learn :)
:welcome01: aboard Miticus :051bye: We have a ton of members with the DC models.
Hello everyone, my name is Jackson. I recently picked up my first Aquasport, a 1980 20 foot Express Fisherman with an 06 Evinrude 150 2-stroke. It is definitely not the prettiest looking Aquasport at the moment but I do want to fix it up and upgrade to something a bit bigger after I put some work into this thing. It floats and runs, so that's a huge plus!
I am from Boston but have run my other boats out of Boston harbor, South Shore Mass, Cape Cod Bay, Buzzards Bay to the Vineyard, and other spots around Southeast New England.
By joining this group, I hope to find out a little more about how this boat looked in its prime so that I can make it close to original while adding my own little flare to bring it back to life.
Looking forward to connecting with everyone!
:welcome01: aboard Jackson.
Hi guys,
I am a member of a bunch of boat forums and am impressed with the amount of knowledge and resources here at classic Aquasport
I just picked up a 1977 17 and have started the deck replacement, I have redone a bunch of 13’ and 17’ whalers a 19’ mako and a 1982 23’ sea ox, once I figure out how to post my progress with pics in a rebuild thread, I will put them up.
So far I have pretty much stripped the boat and have removed the deck, the wet nasty foam and getting ready for some grinding and re glassing stringers to hull.
I plan on cutting a 3” strip out of top of stringers cleaning and pouring fresh foam and sealing top with glass.
I am planning on raising the deck about 3”, plugging and glassing old scuppers and re drilling and glassing new ones after the deck goes down.
Transom seems pretty solid so I’m gonna leave that alone (for now).
Question, does anyone have or know where I can get a template of the deck? Or do I need to do it the old fashioned way.
I look forward to utilizing the info and hearing comments from people who have actually done what I am doing.
Thank you all in advance
:welcome01: Barry. You can make a template using cardboard or use the stir stick method making a template.
Thanks Rick
I’ve done card board but not familiar with air stick. Is that with hot glue and stick like you would do a transom?
Yes, that method.
My name is Pedro from Puerto Rico
Thanks for accepting me in your group
My boat is Aquasport 21.5 DC 1999
I came here looking for more information on Aquasport DC 1999 because
there aren't many in Puerto Rico anymore. I've had one for three years
and the floor in the gas tank area feels soft. Whoever sold it to me
also bought it like this. He can arrange if he can cut a hole and put
urethane or epoxy on it or not. I want to know if this is normal, if my boat is
fiberglass, what parts? It's an area about two feet in the middle. I
have a photo that is marked. Who could help me? I don't know how to
post this concern on the forum. Thank you.,
I recently purchased an Aquasport a few months back. I'm having trouble putting all the info together. Something doesn't seem right. It is a 1991 Center Console. 22'2". That's what my Title says. The problem is searching for a CC with that year and length, nothing to be found. It's either a 222CCP or an Osprey. Does anyone have any info that could help me clarify?
:welcome01: aboard Pedro and NScelziSr
Hi, Folks. My name is Marty, and I recently purchase my first Aquasport, a ‘97 225 Explorer. It appears to have been repowered with a Yamaha 250 at some point.
So, I have plenty of questions! I’ve been in touch with Twin Vee, the new corporate owners, but they’re still sorting out and have no info yet.
I guess my first question (as we approach winterizing season) would be…
How big is the fuel tank on this boat? It came topped off, and I don’t yet trust the gas gauge, I don’t know what full capacity might be. This info, of course, will be handy in knowing how much stabilizer to add for winter storage.
I’d also love to get access to an owners manual showing factory fittings.
I plan to do some off season mods, like building new teak framed doors and hatch to the cabin, so I hope to have some pix to post.
Very glad to have found this group! Look forward to your advice and info.
Be well.
The specs were in the link I sent you during welcome email. Here are the specs again
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Here is what we have for owner manuals - they were/are very generic
Thanks so much! I missed it the first time.
Welcome aboard Pedro, NScelziSR and Marty. :salut: :salut: :salut:
Greetings new friends - Erik from Richmond VA with a 2004 Osprey 190. What a nice group of people here. if there's anything i should know about Aquasport, just let me know! Ive had a Carolina Skiff and Key West, this Aquasport seems like a decent boat so far!
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Welcome aboard Erik. :salut:
:welcome01: aboard Erik. :salut2:
I recently purchased a 1998 215 explorer with a Volvo penta Cobra sx 5.0L I/O. I don’t see many I/O Aquasports of any vintage.
It runs and drives ok so far. Not sure about all the + and - ,but maybe you can tell me more about this configuration.
:welcome01: aboard LR. :danceSm:
Welcome aboard LR :salut:
You may already be aware of this but what you have is a Wellcraft 210 Coastal model re-badged as a 215 AS Explorer. You might find some information here on that model with the I/O configuration.
This "may" relate to items similar on your model.
Just a thought.
Good luck.
New owner of a 1995 explorer 225!
Welcome aboard uwlax29. :salut:
:welcome01: aboard uwlax29 :s_hi:
Hi all,
Scored a killer deal on a '72 19-6 cc last May. Right place right time guy needed it gone. Was able to quickly repower the boat with a BF90 Honda and use it up for the short season we have here in MA. This offseason this group gave me the confidence to dig into the ugly areas, total transom rebuild, partial deck rebuild and console reconfiguration. Plan to start a thread to show off the upgrades and give others confidence to tackle the projects that may seem unattainable.
Three Two One
Welcome aboard Dan. Congrats on the score. the 196 is the perfect size boat - not too big and not too small. Looking forward to see what you do with her.
Hi all, I'm a long-time lurker who acquired an 89 Osprey 200 last year from the nephew of the original owner( I have a pile of original paperwork with the boat). I intended to fully restore her and someday will but the sole and transom seem solid along with the fuel tank being replaced so I'm currently rewiring and have to repair the inner side of the port stringer. I was planning on buying a new boat but couldn't pull the trigger and after seeing the incredible work here on this site I know now that this is the direction I'm heading in. Thanks in advance, Larro
:welcome01: Larro.
We have a ton of rebuilds that you can spend a few years reading through to learn :shock: ;-)
Welcome aboard Dan and Larro. :salut: :salut:
I just came on board today. I have a ‘77 Aquasport 170 that is being restored and looking to learn about it. The poor thing needs a lot of work but is floatable. There are some pictures of it in the gallery.
:welcome01: aboard MFolsom :39:
Here is a link to your gallery
:welcome01: aboard MFolsom :39:
Welcome aboard. :salut:
I just added a couple more pics to the gallery. I have a question about the way the motor is mounted. Is the gap a problem and what should I do to correct it? It looks like the mount height is correct at the lower.
I don't see a good pic of the transom and the engine mount.
I advise you to start a new topic on this forum and keep all your questions in that topic/thread.
In the new topic post a pic that shows us what you're asking about. You have already done the hard part of posting pics, by getting the pics to your gallery. Follow the instructions in this thread and start reading at #8.
Looking for information on an aqua sport Troutman cat 23 foot ??
Admin edit: Tournament Master it's a trim package - see it on this page
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recently started a 196 project. This feels like I might have a problem and you are my support group, AAish. I may need AA after I complete this. Still trying to figure out how to post pics, but Rick is helping me so I suspect I will figure it out.
New member looking to seek inspiration on boat builds and knowledge about fiberglass work as I’m interested in possibly doing a restoration on a 222 one day!
New member looking to seek inspiration on boat builds and knowledge about fiberglass work as I’m interested in possibly doing a restoration on a 222 one day!
Welcome aboard!! We have a ton of rebuilds to let you learn and get used to the process and of course, we're here if you have questions.
Welcome aboard Waydeadam :salut:
New to the page and the aquasport family! Wife and myself love a good project and finally found a classic worth the time! Picked up a 73' 19-6 yesterday morning and stripped it down pretty far this evening after work! Console/leaning post livewall laying in the yard and tank pulled. Ttop coming off next and cutting floor out. Will be scouring the site for some tips and tricks as we tackle a full resto and flatback conversion for the boat of our dreams
:welcome01: aboard Mfarmer1020 :a0003:
Welcome aboard Mfarmer1020. :salut:
Hello! I'm new here and own a 2002 165 Osprey. I came across this great site researching how to tighten my loose/wobbly console. This is a great resource and looking forward to the forms and threads. Thanks!
:welcome01: CS - we have a ton of rebuilds that will give you some ideas. Loose consoles are pretty common on a center console since the console is usually the only place to hang on. Had mine ripped out once.
Welcome aboard CS. :salut:
Good morning to all,
here is a "new" happy 1989 Aquasport 250 ccp owner.
I write from Italy, and I will ask you some advice on some customization I have in mind.
:welcome01: AMG81 :salut2:
1974 19-6......Owned it since 1983......on third engine.....and just now replacing the original Al gas tank. Boat has spent its entire life in fresh water.
Nice, you pretty much know it's history. :welcome01: tk :tu4:
yes - and I'm getting the 4th generation of my family indoctrinated on it already! lol
Any help ya can give on my fuel tank coffin hatch cover?
Yup, see your other thread.
Damn my uncle for taking me perch jerking with that cane pole. Now I'm here. He recently passed away and I was able to get his 1983 Aquasport 246 CCP. Its been sitting for about a year and has a few things that maybe need updating or repair. Like possible changing out the center console with a newer one with a few newer features and a T-top. Any sugesstions?
My uncle's Name was Lee King. Would that be a bad name for a boat?
:welcome01: coldbeer :singing:
Sounds like you have some fond memories in that boat. Name = Lee King, ok to honor your uncle, hmmm, unless you run it together "leeking".
Thanks for hosting this forum. I have been lurking for a long time now.
I just finished a Carolina Skiff rebuild and a Palm Beach White Cap 210.
Now I am eager to build my 270XF. I’ll finally be able to go offshore without getting beat up all day 🤣.
Pictures are going in my build thread 1985 270XF
Thanks again for allowing me to join.
Welcome aboard FL :salut2:
Welcome aboard FL. :salut:
Hi all,
I'm currently boatless. I found two boats I'm debating between. A 1998 Aquasport Osprey 175, and a 2003 Osprey 190.
The 175 boat has a 2017 Yamaha engine , the 190 has a 2003 Johnson 115. I'm torn between the bigger boat and the newer engine.
90% of my use would be on Lake Ontario. The rest rivers and Lake Erie.
Any factors to consider in making the choice?
Welcome aboard Jimmy :welcome01:
I think the boats have about the same usable space since the euro transom on the 190 eats up a couple feet. The ride will be a little better on the 190 because it has more deadrise - 17 degrees on the 190 vs 12 degrees on the 175. The draft on the 190 is a little more than the 175 - 12" vs 10" on the 175 (I think it's actually less on the 175 - like 8")
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I noticed there isn't much more room on the 190, but both seem to have adequate deck space. I'm imagining the 190- will handle rough water "better", but don't know how I would check that before buying. Arranging sea trials on both under the same conditions probably isn't feasible.
Lake Ontario is basically a fresh water sea. Average chop is around 2 ft. 3 to 6 feet aren't rare and I know it's hit at least 16 ft, but I had enough sense to be home and dry when that happened.
I think the 190 would be a safer boat for you in the seas you mentioned. My $.02
Hello Classic AQS
just picked up a 1969 222 flatback. It is mostly original and will make a nice beater until I restore her. The floor has some flex and the transom has some cracking around the cap. It did not come with a motor, and I will power her with a 2 stroke in the 115-150 range for the meantime. The fuel tank is a small under the console poly tank. There is no evidence of a under deck tank. She will make a fine boat for the boys to bang around the creek fishing and crabbing. This is my first Aquasport so fire away with tips and advice.
:welcome01: aboard Gordon :salut:
Poke around in this forum for your wish list
I acquired a 2001 215 Osprey sport project boat for free back in September. It sunk at the dock. I’m completely redoing it, all new wiring,pumps,switches,breakers,everything. The engine was junk. I have another engine for it. Going to be a good project. Looking forward to the info that’s available here.
:a0003: 01-Ospreysport215 - :welcome01:
As you ramp up on the rebuild start a thread in this forum and take lots of pics. There are some instructions and links to how to upload the pics to your gallery here and then post them in your rebuild thread.