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Aquasport Model Rebuilds, Mods, Updates and Refreshes > Generic Aquasport Rebuilding Topics

Rigging Tube Question


In this picture of Frank's boat shows the two tubes in the foreground that are duct taped off and start at the forward corners of the fuel tank.  Then the tubes run aft and are taped off by the transom.

Is it common practice to drill holes in the bottom of those tubes, along it's run aft, to let water drain out?

Seems like those tubes without any holes drilled in the bottom would form a water trap.

I didn't, but I ran them through my new stringers and there is foam around them.  If you suspend them off the floor, it may not be a bad idea.  As for common practice, I doubt it.

Seems like if those tubes start up under the console, there going to get some water runnin' down the tube, over time -  sprayin the boat down, rain. dew, you name it.  Maybe in the Florida heat it will evaporate.

Very true.  The way I am leaving mine, it should drain out OK


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