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General Aquasport Forums > Aquasport and History

Hull Drawings


Hello - I'm hoping someone can help me.  I have a 1988 Aquasport Tournament Master 290 and I'm looking to get a model made of it.  In order to make an accurate model they need Auto CAD or similar design drawings.  They include the hull lines plan drawings, the general arrangement plans drawings and the elevations drawings. Does anyone have them or can suggest where I can find them.  Thanks.  Tom

Capt. Bob:
Sorry, we have nothing like that (CAD drawings) and I have no idea where you would look.

This would be the extent we do have:

Years ago, I tried contacting Genmar in hopes of finding any collateral/brochures or plans they had when they acquired Aqua in the late 80s or anything from the 90-2005 period of ownership. Their response was that everything had been thrown out/destroyed.

Good luck and please let us know if you stumble onto something.


Thanks for your help.  That's kind of what I figured, but I thought it was worth a try!  Thanks again, Tom


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