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Aquasport Mechanicals - things that need a wrench, screwdriver or multimeter > Engines & engine woes

2001 Johnson 200 Ocean Pro Fogging/Maintenance Port


On my 2001 Johnson 200 Ocean Pro there is a fogging/maintenance port on the electric primer.  I can't find any information on how to utilize it for fogging the engine or what to use that will hook up to the schrader valve.  the Seloc book and the Johnson owners manual dont say much at all.

Not a lot of threads but they might help - here is a search of the site  :det1:

Yeah, its kind of crazy that there is not much mentioned anywhere about using this port and how its used.

I did find part number 763644 which is the OEM hose and fittings, but I cant figure if it can attach to any can of fogging oil.  Still havnt found a procedure either.

Can't help you there, my brain is too foggy ;-)


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