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Center console


I have a 1975 assuming it's a 19.6. My console is cut into the forward deck. This boat is new to me and my question here is
Is this a custom or did aquasport do this.

Welcome aboard Scott.
Posting some pics of what you're talking about would help us help you - use the personal gallery provided to you to upload the pics to - follow the instructions here  - don't attach them - you are limited by file size when attaching. Uploading them into your "member gallery" is better for viewing.
Spend a few minutes to absorb the instructions. It's really easy. Remember if using a phone to take pics, to hold the phone horizontal with the lens to the left.

Take a pic of the console and how it is cut into the casting deck and also take a pic of the aft of the boat so we can see the bottom of the transom. Reason I want to see those pics is because Aquasport made a model where the console was like that - it was a 191 Gull. The last year it was made was '71.


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