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Aquasport Model Rebuilds, Mods, Updates and Refreshes > Express Fisherman/ Walkaround/ Explorer Rebuilds

Adding Rod Holders to my 225 Explorer


So I'm looking to add some additional rod holders to my 225 Explorer and I need some ideas on potential locations that won't get in the way while fishing or moving about.  I have the 4 rod holders on the gunwales cap (2 each side) plus 6 that are molded into the gunwales.  There are also the 4 holders in the cabin area, but those aren't really accessible while fishing.

What I'm looking for is a way to add some easy access holders that puts the rods somewhat out of the way while we are fishing.  I don't have a hardtop or anything similar to mount rocket launchers on.  The 4 holders on the cap are fine if we are trolling or using live/chunk bait but can't be used if we are casting.  I was thinking of adding a couple of vertical holders on the outside of the helm walls, but they seem like they would get in the way of walking to the bow.  The only other thought I had was to buy a radar arch with a bunch of rocket launchers on it.

Just wondering what others may have done.

We usually keep our spare rods down in the V berth when underway. However when actively fishing we would lay down the spares on in the portside walk around as we almost never go up there unless we need to. we walk up front using the starboard side primarily. But using the left walk around as a rod tray works well for us as it is a quick easy to get to yet out of the way storage location where we can quickly hotswap rods whether for line breaks or just swapping to something different.

It’s sometimes possible to add vertical holders to the aft edge of the step up to the walk around.  For hardcore fishing, though, adding a hard top gives you lots of rod storage, moves antennas and outriggers out of the way and offers shade.


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