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Aquasport Model Rebuilds, Mods, Updates and Refreshes > Fiberglass and Materials Corner



1999 205 osprey.  Mounting a t-top.Drilling foot plate. Drilled through fiberglass and wood corethen I hit alum. Is this bracing???
It's at side of consol just back from front.any info on stringers would help.

not familiar with that year but I've never seen aluminum bracing used. could be the fuel tank or a tab to mount the tank???
Did you drill all the way through? Smell like gas? Can you push a long stick into the hole and see if it comes out wet?

Definitely not gas tank , tank is poly and between the seats and goes toward back. I did drill it today. Scoped the area as best I could, saw nothing. Think it's a quarter inch alum that joins stringers to a structure that would run side to side. What I drilled was fiberglass  core material (wood), fiberglass  then aluminum. Tapped alum so I will run a bolt in to hold t-top down. Location is to left and right of consol and to front.

Steve, Do the 205 members a favor and document what you're doing with some pics and measurements please.


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