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General Aquasport Forums > Rendezvous/Gatherings

Houston area Rendezvous?


Not sure if it's ever happened, but I'm ready to get the ball rolling? unlike Florida, not sure if we have a high enough concentration in the area (or on this site). I'm thinking Baycliff, Tiki area, Bolivar, or Galveston? I know of two in the area that'd probably go, and I can bring another two. Where's TikiDoc? Most likely too late in the year for this season, but never too early to start planning.

I'm in Anahuac here, I have a 1975 19-6, I'd be interested in meeting some other folks.

That's how it gets started - we didn't have many when we first started our get togethers.

13 months later, I think that may be representative of the interest. :acclaim01:

I know I run the Trinity and Bay, I've never seen another Aquasport.  Damn shame too, they are great for Texas.


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