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General Aquasport Forums > Rendezvous/Gatherings

Central FL Gathering Spring 2014

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It's time to get together again and plan the semi annual Gathering again. This time it will be in Buncee pass which has very clean water and strong current.  The ramps are plentiful at Ft Desoto and plenty of secure parking.  Cost to launch/ stay last time I was there was $5 a day.
The date will be May 3rd and will start when you show up and will end when you leave  <!-- s8) -->8)<!-- s8) -->  (Based on history the first weekend in May seems to be the best for kids and sports, etc)
A few of us will be there the day before if you want to boat camp with us or tent camp in Ft Desoto.  It's always a hoot if you camp with us.  Ft Desoto is about 1/2 mile from where the gathering can be held and has bathroom facilities (maybe showers too). We can shuttle members that don't have their boat completed yet from the ramps to the gathering - no reason to not attend. Let us know.  If you want to camp with us and don't have a boat you can sleep on our boats which are Explorers (we have air mattress's just bring a blanket) - we all have full biminis and even side curtains to keep everything dry.
Lunch is BYOF and BYOB.  We'll have plenty of grills to cook on and have had some really kick butt meals at previous gatherings.

We can shift the gathering to Egmont key, which is a mile south from Buncee, but by noon it will be packed and depending on the weather/wind could be a challenge to get there (past gatherings have proven this) - we can play it by ear.
Google Desoto Park to find directions.

Desoto ramp has like 10 ramps

Here is a pic from the 4th gathering we had and it was in Buncee (my 170 in the foreground) (I think we did the first 4 or 5 at Buncee before we started moving to different locations).

The largest gathering we've had in FL is 9 boats.  It is a target to beat  :cheering2: :dancing:
EDIT:  I somehow lost the first paragraphs.

Are we picking a date?

Somehow I lost the first part of the post - see above.

Capt. Bob:
Where do you camp? Inside the lee of shell island?

The channel runs E-W and we can hide anywhere.  You want a little breeze when you're camping anyway.
Especially in this year's boat that I'm bringing


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