Picked up my new tank from Mattson yesterday- got it installed this afternoon. Also received a box of accessories I've been waiting for- new LED anchor light, GPS antenna, and bungee cargo net for a lifejacket storage setup.Bright spot of the day: my new seat cushions for the front seat of the console got dropped off late today. Bad part- boat has been sitting in the driveway since I got home from the Keys August 10. I didn't have any problems with it while down there- flushed it before I left there and also flushed it when I got home. Have not noticed anything weird until today- about half way thru my tank install- I noticed a blue puddle around the skeg- just started today. Pulled the prop- no line or debris around the shaft- clean and grease still from when I checked it mid-July. The blue (guessing/assuming) lower unit fluid is dripping out of what looks like the exhaust ports that are around the hub cavity. Clean fluid- prop is solidl- when I spin it when the controls are in neutral: all is smooth. Any ideas?