I was going to say the pie plate is leaking. Not all pie plates are created equal and some do leak. Id check to make sure it has a good O-ring on it. Pie plates are cheap so replacing it may not be a bad idea. Be sure to bed the plate and screws well with 5200. The next place it could be leaking is thru screw holes in the coffin cover. Those include the screws holding down our console and your seat. I'd go around with a screw driver and look for loose screws. In fact if it was me I'd remove each screw and rebed each one with a healthy amount of 5200. Screws in an older boat tend to loosen up with time. Then they leak allowing water intrusion that can cause core materials to rot etc. This is just normal old boat maintenance that gets overlooked by most owners.
CT,How about a pic of the underside of your tank coffin cover? I'm guessing you have a deck plate access over the sender/fuel fill area correct?Looks like water is standing around the sending unit and is weeping in as you suggested. At this point, depending on the senders age, you can replace with a new one or as suggested, replace the gasket but............If there is an access plate, it is your water intrusion point.Classic deck plate leak.
Bump. I know someone here has got to know the answer here: I am thinking of just filling up gas directly to the tank through the deck hatch, and putting a plug over the tank fill when not in use. Is this hazardous?